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Why is pyometra a secondary infection?

 Pyometra is a secondary infection because it typically occurs because of a pre-existing

condition called cystic endometrial hyperplasia (CEH). CEH causes the lining of the
uterus to become thickened, creating an environment that is favorable for the growth
of bacteria. As the lining thickens, it becomes a suitable place for bacteria to multiply,
leading to an infection. This infection can cause the accumulation of pus within the
uterus, a condition known as pyometra. Therefore, pyometra is considered secondary
because it arises as a complication of another condition, namely the abnormal
thickening of the uterine lining. Regular veterinary check-ups and timely intervention
are important to prevent and manage these conditions in pets.

Why hematometra happens?

 Hematometra occurs when blood accumulates and gets trapped in the uterus. In
simpler terms, it happens when the menstrual blood, which is supposed to flow out of
the uterus during a woman's period, gets blocked or unable to exit the body. This
blockage can result from various reasons, such as a congenital (from birth) blockage,
scarring from surgery, or the narrowing of the cervix. When the blood cannot escape,
it builds up inside the uterus, causing it to expand and leading to pain and discomfort.
Hematometra is essentially a situation where menstrual blood is unable to leave the
uterus as it normally should, and it is crucial for medical professionals to address the
underlying cause and provide appropriate treatment to alleviate symptoms.

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