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Aspect Description

Definition The Design and Analysis of Algorithms is a systematic approach in computer science that
involves the creation and evaluation of algorithms to efficiently solve computational
problems. It encompasses designing algorithms that are correct, efficient, and scalable.

Objectives - Optimization: Develop algorithms with optimal time and space complexity to enhance
computational efficiency.
- Correctness: Ensure algorithms produce the correct output for all possible inputs. -
Robustness: Design algorithms that can handle unexpected inputs or errors gracefully.

Examples - Sorting Algorithms: Quicksort, Merge Sort, Bubble Sort.

- Searching Algorithms: Binary Search, Linear Search.
- Graph Algorithms: Dijkstra's Algorithm, Depth-First Search.
- Dynamic Programming: Fibonacci Sequence, Shortest Path.
Applications Data Processing: Sorting, searching, and analyzing large datasets.
Network Routing: Finding the most efficient path in communication networks.
AI and ML: Optimization in machine learning algorithms.
Cryptography: Designing secure algorithms.

Designing Brute Force: Exhaustive search for a solution without optimization. –

Strategies Divide and Conquer: Break a problem into smaller, more manageable subproblems. -
Dynamic Programming: Store and reuse solutions to overlapping subproblems. –
Greedy Approach: Make locally optimal choices at each stage. –
Randomized Algorithms: Introduce randomness for efficiency and unpredictability.

Analysis - Time Complexity Analysis: Evaluate how the running time grows with input size.
Methods - Space Complexity Analysis: Examine the memory usage of an algorithm.
- Asymptotic Analysis: Focus on the growth rate of resource usage as input approaches
Experimental Analysis: Empirical testing and benchmarking to analyze algorithm

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