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TO: Miss Ashley Matilda

This letter is a formal notice to you demanding that you make immediate payment of rent due
under the terms of the rental agreement of the property at Youngstown you currently reside.
Your rent was due on Feb 24th. In addition, you owe late charges as provided by the lease.

The following is the itemization of the total amount due

Unpaid rent: $700
Late charges: $42
Total Due: $742.00

Your immediate attention is required as legal actions to enforce your obligation under the
rental agreement will be taken against you if you refuse to pay up you before 17 th of March.

We understand that occasionally a resident fails to pay because of financial difficulties, please
understand that we cannot furnish a free house without entering into financial difficulties

It is always to the residents benefit to pay before legal action is pursued, such legal actions
could affect your credit rating and be detrimental to you in effort to rent a property elsewhere.

Should you move out of the house without payment is against the law and will make us legal
actions against you that may result to garnishment of income or seizure of your personal

Landlord: John Watt.

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