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● To smile, smiled (at) ● To shout, shouted(at)

● I smile ● I shout
● I smiled ● I shouted
● He smiles ● She shouts
● He smiled ● She shouted

Words - To smile, smiled

1. She smiles at you while you speak
2. I smiled at you at the amusement park last week.
3. He smiles at the baby to amuse him at home everyday.
4. She smiled at me before the plane landed.

Words - To shout, shouted

1. I shout at you when i have premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
2. He shouted to me because it was noisy on the street.
3. He shouts at her when he’s angry cause he’s an asshole.
4. She shouted at me because I told her a lie.

1. You’ll go to the movies, won’t ‘you?
2. He won’t travel alone, will he?
3. He’ll always put up with that, won’t he?
4. She won’t be fed up after that, will she?

Street talk
1. To look sharp a. To take a seat
2. I’ll be right back b. To calm down

1. She looks sharp today!

2. Please take a seat. I wouldn’t want you to stand up all day.
3. I’ll be right back. I’m just going to buy some food to us.
4. Calm down! You don’t need to be so nervous.

1. You don’t want to smile at me, do you?
2. You’ll be at home tonight, won’t you?
3. You won’t come with me tomorrow, will you?
4. You didn’t miss me, did you?
5. You’re going to Cardiff one day, aren’t you?
6. You’ll arrive on time, won’t you?
7. You worked a lot last week, didn’t you?
8. You aren’t going to laugh at me, are you?
9. He’s a good guy, isn’t he?
10. She’s always thinking about him, isn’t she?


● To smile
● Smiled
● To shout
● Shouted
● To look sharp
● I’ll be right back
● To calm down
● To take a seat
● To
● To the
● At




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