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Development of efficient bismuth tungstate for photocatalytic

and photoelectrochemical reactions

Chung, Hoi Ying
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Hoi Ying Chung
A thesis submitted to The University of New South
Wales in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the
degree of Doctor of Philosophy

School of Chemical Engineering

Faculty of Engineering
Sydney, Australia

March 2019


Surname or Family name: CHUNG

First name: HOI YING Other name/s:

Abbreviation for degree as given in the University calendar: PhD

School: School of Chemical Engineering Faculty: Engineering

Title: Development of Efficient Bismuth Tungstate for Photocatalytic and Photoelectrochemical



Sunlight-driven water splitting has emerged as a potential method in the production of clean energy carriers. The
bottleneck of water splitting reaction lies on water oxidation because of the involvement of four-electron transfer
mechanism. Bismuth tungstate (Bi2WO6) is a photoactive semiconductor capable of oxidising water into oxygen and with
a band gap of 2.7-2.9 eV (visible-light active). In this thesis, Bi2WO6 was designed to achieve improved photocatalytic and
photoelectrochemical (PEC) efficiency. Important factors and the underlying mechanisms involved were studied

Firstly, the synthesis of hierarchical Bi2WO6 microspheres with controllable crystallinity and surface area was achieved
through a combination of hydrothermal/calcination processes. Though both crystallinity and surface area are affecting the
overall activities, it was found the degree of crystallinity dominates the reaction. As the bond length of tungsten (W) was
shorten accompanying the improved crystallinity, improved charge transportation was observed.

Following the investigation of crystallinity and surface area, by tuning the W precursor concentration in the synthesis,
Bi2WO6 was made into platelike-structure with well-defined crystal facets, in which the role of each crystal facet was
investigated. Bi2WO6 with a higher exposure extent of electron-dominated crystal facet reduces the charge transport
resistance and decreases the charge trapping. Moreover, by introducing more W in the Bi 2WO6, a self-doped phenomenon
that increases the charge carrier concentration and contains more W 5+ species were observed. These factors inhibit the
charge recombination and beneficial to the photo-oxidation process.

The performance of Bi2WO6 was further improved by the creation of heterojunction. Controlled transformation of tungsten
oxide (WO3) to Bi2WO6 via electrodeposition and hydrothermal method successfully introduced heterojunction
Bi2WO6/WO3. A higher interface between the Bi2WO6 and WO3 has lowered the amount of interfacial trapping of
photoelectrons. It directly optimises the PEC water splitting to an ideal situation, facilitated by smaller applied bias. Another
heterojunction was formed with the oxygen-deficient bismuth tungstate (Bi14WO24) and bismuth oxide, in which the
photocorrosion was suppressed owing to the promoted interfacial charge transfer between the two components. The
findings in this thesis could be applicable to other oxide-based photocatalysts.

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Sunlight-driven water splitting has emerged as a potential method in the production of

clean energy carriers. The bottleneck of water splitting reaction lies on water oxidation

because of the involvement of four-electron transfer mechanism. Bismuth tungstate

(Bi2WO6) is a photoactive semiconductor capable of oxidising water into oxygen and

with a band gap of 2.7-2.9 eV (visible-light active). In this thesis, Bi2WO6 was designed

to achieve improved photocatalytic and photoelectrochemical (PEC) efficiency.

Important factors and the underlying mechanisms involved were studied systematically.

Firstly, the synthesis of hierarchical Bi2WO6 microspheres with controllable crystallinity

and surface area was achieved through a combination of hydrothermal/calcination

processes. Though both crystallinity and surface area are affecting the overall activities,

it was found the degree of crystallinity dominates the reaction. As the bond length of

tungsten (W) was shorten accompanying the improved crystallinity, improved charge

transportation was observed.

Following the investigation of crystallinity and surface area, by tuning the W precursor

concentration in the synthesis, Bi2WO6 was made into platelike-structure with well-

defined crystal facets, in which the role of each crystal facet was investigated. Bi2WO6

with a higher exposure extent of electron-dominated crystal facet reduces the charge

transport resistance and decreases the charge trapping. Moreover, by introducing more W

in the Bi2WO6, a self-doped phenomenon that increases the charge carrier concentration


and contains more W5+ species were observed. These factors inhibit the charge

recombination and beneficial to the photo-oxidation process.

The performance of Bi2WO6 was further improved by the creation of heterojunction.

Controlled transformation of tungsten oxide (WO3) to Bi2WO6 via electrodeposition and

hydrothermal method successfully introduced heterojunction Bi2WO6/WO3. A higher

interface between the Bi2WO6 and WO3 has lowered the amount of interfacial trapping

of photoelectrons. It directly optimises the PEC water splitting to an ideal situation,

facilitated by smaller applied bias. Another heterojunction was formed with the oxygen-

deficient bismuth tungstate (Bi14WO24) and bismuth oxide, in which the photocorrosion

was suppressed owing to the promoted interfacial charge transfer between the two

components. The findings in this thesis could be applicable to other oxide-based



Foremost, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisor and co-

supervisors, Scientia Professor Rose Amal, Associate Professor Yun Hau Ng and

Associate Professor Jason Scott for their continuous support throughout my PhD research

journey. I am thankful for their patience, aspiring guidance, invaluable advice and

encouragement all the time, it would not be possible to conduct this research and

preparing this thesis without their precious guidance.

Besides my supervisors, I am grateful to all of those with whom I have had the pleasure

to work with during the research projects. Thank you for Dr Xiaoming Wen and Dr Judy

Hart collaboration in my research projects and insightful comments that greatly improved

the manuscript. Especially a sincere thanks to Dr Fatwa Firdaus Abdi and Prof Roel van

de Krol for providing an opportunity to join their team in the Institute of Solar Fuel,

Helmholtz (HZB) for a short exchange, which the visit has widened the perspectives of

my research in the solar field.

Next, I wish to thank all the insight and expertise that greatly assisted by Dr Yu Wang for

training me the XRD; Dr Anne Rich for the assistance on Raman spectroscopy; Mr Yin

Yao for the training and assistance in the SEM and cAFM; Ms Katie Levick for training

me in the TEM; Dr Bin Bill Gong for performing the XPS analysis; Ms Rabeya Akter

and Ms Dorothy Yu for conducting the ICP analysis for my samples in each project.


Furthermore, I would also like to acknowledge with much appreciation for the crucial

role of the staff of Dr Mandalena Hermawan and Dr Victor Wong, who organise the lab

safety induction and acquiring all the essential equipment. Their help and support have

offered me the resources in running the experiments smoothly. I would also like to extend

my thanks to Ms Ik Ling Lau, Ms Ee Meen Iliffe, Mr John Starling, Mr Ravi

Shanmugarajah, Mr Phil Thompson and Mr Paul Brockbank for all the administrative and

technicians work in our chemical engineering faculty.

This research study would not be possible without the financial support from the

Australian Research Council under the Laureate Fellowship Scheme. A special thanks go

to my colleagues in Particle and Catalysis Research group, especially Dr Hui Ling Tan,

Dr Cui Ying Toe, Dr Xuelian Wu, Dr Ee Teng Kho, Dr Tze Hao Tan, Dr Roong Jien

Wong and Ms Deng Chen for stimulating discussions, sharing the happiness and for all

the fun we have had in the last four years.

Last but not least, I must express my very profound gratitude to my family, who have

supported me spiritually throughout the PhD, both by keeping me harmonious and

helping me putting pieces together. I will be grateful forever for all the loves given by my

family members.

List of Publication


Journal Publication

1. Chung, H.Y.; Chen, W.; Wen, X.; Hart, J.N.; Wu, H.; Lai, Y.; Amal, R.; Ng, Y.H.,

Oxygen-Deficient Bismuth Tungstate and Bismuth Oxide Composite Photoanode

with Improved Photostability. Science Bulletin, 2018, 63(15), 990-996

2. Chung, H.Y.; Wu, X.; Amal, R.; Ng, Y.H., Balancing the Crystallinity and Specific

Surface Area of Bismuth Tungstate for Photocatalytic Water Oxidation. Molecules


3. Chung, H.Y.; Toe, C.Y.; Abdi, F.F.; Wen, X.; Wong, R.J.; Amal, R.; Ng, Y.H.,

Manipulating the Fate of Charge Carriers with W Concentration: Enhancing PEC

Water Oxidation of Bi2WO6, Advanced Function Materials (in preparation)

4. Chung, H.Y.; Wong, R.J.; Amal, R.; Ng, Y., The Charge Transfer Phenomenon of

Homogeneous and Rigid Heterojunction of Bi2WO6/WO3 Thin Film, Journal of

Physical Chemistry C (in preparation)

List of Publication

Co-author Journal Publications

1. Wu, H.; Li, S.; Lu, X.; Toe, C.Y.; Chung, H.Y.; Tang, Y.; Lu, X.; Amal, R.; Li,

L.; Ng, Y.H., Pulsed Electrodeposition of Co3O4 Nanocrystals on One-

Dimensional ZnO Scaffolds for Enhanced Electrochemical Water Oxidation.

ChemPlusChem, 2018, 83(10), 886

2. Wu, X.; Ng, Y.H.; Wen, X.; Chung, H.Y.; Wong, R.J.; Du. Y.; Dou S.X.; Amal,

R.; Scott. J., Construction of a Bi2MoO6: Bi2Mo3O12 Heterojunction for Efficient

Photocatalytic Oxygen Evolution. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2018, 353,


List of Publication

Conference Presentations

1. Energy Future Conference, 4-6 July, 2016, The University of New South Wales,

Sydney Australia (POSTER)

2. Chemeca, 23-26 July, 2017, Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre,

Melbourne, Australia (ORAL)

3. Asian Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering (APCChe), 23-27 August,

2017, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, Wan Chai, Hong Kong

Republic of China (ORAL)

4. International Conference on nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICONN), 29 January-

2 February, 2018, The University of Wollongong, Wollongong, Australia (ORAL

and POSTER) *Won the Best Oral Presentation*

5. International Symposium on advanced materials & sustainable technologies

(AM&ST), 22-25 July, 2018, Royal On The Park Hotel, Brisbane, Australia (Oral)

*Won the ECR Session Chair Award*

6. European Materials Research Society (EMRS), 17 - 20 September, 2018, Warsaw

University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland (POSTER)

Table of Content


THESIS/DISSERTATION SHEET ............................ Error! Bookmark not defined.

ORIGINALITY STATEMENT .................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.


COPYRIGHT STATEMENT ..................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................. vi

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .........................................................................................viii

LIST OF PUBLICATION............................................................................................. x

TABLE OF CONTENT .............................................................................................xiii

LIST OF ABBREVIATION ....................................................................................xviii

Chapter 1 Introduction .............................................................................. 1

1.1 Background ............................................................................................................. 1

1.2 Aim and Objectives ................................................................................................. 5

1.3 Thesis Outline ......................................................................................................... 7

1.4 References ............................................................................................................... 8

Chapter 2 Literature Review................................................................... 11

2.1 Introduction of Water Splitting ............................................................................. 11

2.2 Photocatalysis ........................................................................................................ 13

2.2.1 Photocatalytic Reactions ................................................................................ 14

Table of Content

2.2.2 Photoelectrochemical Reactions .................................................................... 16

2.2.3 Type of Photocatalyst ..................................................................................... 18

2.3 Fundamental Properties of Bi2WO6 ...................................................................... 20

2.3.1 Crystal Structure and Phases .......................................................................... 21

2.3.2 Electronic Band Structure and Optical Properties ......................................... 23

2.4 Synthesis of Bismuth Tungstate ............................................................................ 25

2.4.1 Powders .......................................................................................................... 26

2.4.2 Thin Film........................................................................................................ 30

2.5 Photocatalytic Performances and Limitation of Bi2WO6 ...................................... 34

2.6 Strategies in Improving Bi2WO6 in Photocatalysis Reaction ............................... 36

2.6.1 Increasing Light Absorption .......................................................................... 37

2.6.2 Improvement in Charge Separation ............................................................... 42

2.6.3 Improvement in Charge Transport ................................................................. 63

2.6.4 Improvement in Photocatalyst Stability ......................................................... 71

2.7 Knowledge Gap ..................................................................................................... 72

2.8 Summary ............................................................................................................... 73

2.9 References ............................................................................................................. 74

Chapter 3 Balancing the Crystallinity and Specific Surface Area of

Bi2WO6 for Photocatalytic Water Oxidation ......................................... 97

3.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................... 97

Table of Content

3.2 Experimental Procedures ...................................................................................... 99

3.2.1 Preparation of Hierarchical Bi2WO6 .............................................................. 99

3.2.2 Structure Characterisation .............................................................................. 99

3.2.3 Photocatalytic Oxygen Generation .............................................................. 100

3.2.4 Photoelectrochemical Activities................................................................... 101

3.3 Results and Discussion........................................................................................ 101

3.3.1 Physical Properties of Hierarchical Bi2WO6 microspheres ......................... 101

3.3.2 Morphology Study ....................................................................................... 104

3.3.3 Optical and Electronic Properties ................................................................ 107

3.3.4 Photocatalytic Water Oxidation using Bi2WO6 Microspheres .................... 109

3.4 Summary ............................................................................................................. 115

3.5 References ........................................................................................................... 116

Chapter 4 Manipulating the Fate of Charge Carriers with W

Concentration: Enhancing PEC Water Oxidation of Bi2WO6 ........... 121

4.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................... 121

4.2 Material and Method ........................................................................................... 123

4.2.1 Preparation of Bi2WO6 Film ........................................................................ 123

4.2.2 Photodeposition of Ag and MnOx ................................................................ 124

4.2.3 Characterisation............................................................................................ 124

4.2.4 Photoelectrochemical Measurement ............................................................ 126

Table of Content

4.3 Results and Discussion........................................................................................ 127

4.4 Summary ............................................................................................................. 145

4.5 References ........................................................................................................... 146

Chapter 5 The Charge Transfer Phenomenon of Homogeneous and

Rigid Heterojunction of Bi2WO6/WO3 Thin Film................................ 152

5.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................... 152

5.2 Experimental Method .......................................................................................... 154

5.2.1 Preparation of High and Low Interfacial Contact of Bi2WO6/WO3 film ..... 154

5.2.2 Characterisation............................................................................................ 155

5.2.3 Photoelectrochemical Measurement ............................................................ 156

5.3 Results and Discussion........................................................................................ 157

5.3.1 Material Characterisation ............................................................................. 157

5.3.2 Photoelectrochemical Performance .............................................................. 161

5.3.3 Charge Transport .......................................................................................... 167

5.4 Summary ............................................................................................................. 168

5.5 References ........................................................................................................... 169

Chapter 6 Oxygen-deficient Bismuth Tungstate and Bismuth Oxide

Composite Photoanode with Improved Photostability ........................ 173

6.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................... 173

6.2 Experimental Method .......................................................................................... 175

Table of Content

6.2.1 Preparation of BWO/Bi2O3 Film.................................................................. 175

6.2.2 Characterisation of BWO/ Bi2O3 Film ......................................................... 176

6.2.3 Photoelectrochemical Test ........................................................................... 177

6.3 Results and Discussion........................................................................................ 178

6.3.1 Material Characterisation ............................................................................. 178

6.3.1 Photoelectrochemical Performance .............................................................. 184

6.4 Summary ............................................................................................................. 190

6.5 References ........................................................................................................... 191

Chapter 7 Conclusion and Recommendations .................................... 196

7.1 Conclusion .......................................................................................................... 196

7.2 Recommendation................................................................................................. 199

7.2.1 Self-doping Bi3+: Fabrication, characterisation and optimisation for

photocatalytic water oxidation .............................................................................. 200

7.2.2 Performing Overall PEC water splitting and Engineering the Reactor........ 200

7.3 References ........................................................................................................... 202

List of Abbreviation

AgNO3 Silver Nitrate
B Boron
Bi Bismuth
Bi(NO3)3∙5H2O Bismuth Nitrate Pentahydrate
Bi2O3 Bismuth Oxide
Bi2WO6 Bismuth Tungstate
c-AFM Conducting Atomic Force Microscopy
CB Conduction Band
CO2 Carbon Dioxide
CTAB Cetyltrimethylammonium Bromide
Cu Copper
EDTA Ethylenediaminetetraacetic Acid
EG Ethylene Glycol
F Fluorine
Fe Iron
FTO Fluorine-doped tin oxide
FWHM Full Width Half Maximum
H2 Hydrogen
H2O Water
HER Hydrogen Evolution Reaction
HUMO High Occupied Molecular Orbital
I Current
ICP-MS Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectroscoptry
IFCT Initiate Interfacial Charge Transfer
IPCE Incident Photon Conversion Efficiency
ITO Iodine-doped tin oxide
LUMO Low Occupied Molecular Orbital
Mo Molybdenum

List of Abbreviation

N Nitrogen
Nb Niobium
Na2SO4 Sodium Sulphate
Na2WO4∙2H2O Sodium Tungstate Dihydrate
NHE Normal Hydrogen Electrode
O2 Oxygen
OER Oxygen Evolution Reaction
PEC Photoelectrochemical
PL Photoluminescence
PVP Poly(vinyl pyrrolidone)
RHE Reversible Hydrogen Electrode
RhB Rhodamine B
SEM Scanning Electron Microscopy
T Temperature
Ta Tantalum
TiO2 Titanate Oxide
TEM Transmission Electron Microscopy
TRMC Time-resolved Microwave Conductivity
TRPL Time-resolved Photoluminescence
UV Ultraviolet
V Voltages
VB Valence Band
vs versus
W Tungsten
XRD X-ray Diffraction
XPS X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy
1D 1-dimensional
2D 2-dimensional
3D 3-dimensional

Chapter 1. Introduction



1.1 Background

Ongoing industrial revolutions and human civilisation create tremendous and excessive

demands for energy to be consumed in order to enjoy a better life and a higher living

standard. The outcome becomes an overwhelming destruction of the environment and

turns out as a crisis. Sufficient supply of energy together with preservation of the

environment becomes increasingly important since the late 20th century. To date, our

current energy supply is mainly generated from combustion of fossil fuel such as coal,

natural gas, and oil. In the conventional fuel-to-electricity conversion process, a massive

amount of greenhouse gases (i.e. carbon dioxide, CO2) including some harmful

contaminants are released to the nature. A recent report stated that 37.1 ± 2 gigatons of

CO2 was emitted to the atmosphere in 2018, which is a 2.7% increase from 2017.1, 2 It is

only logical to expect this trend to continue due to population and economic growth.

These growth factors are key contributors to global energy consumption which is

currently rising at a pace that far exceeds the current rate of energy storage. Also, the

emission of CO2 resulted from the consumption of fossil fuel-based energy will worsen

the problem of global warming. Therefore, there is an urgent need to develop clean energy

Chapter 1. Introduction

based on renewable resources, before global warming reaches an irreversible tipping


Imperative missions to develop a low-carbon technology that neither relies on fossil fuels

nor emit greenhouse gases have become the mainstream. The daunting global

environmental and energy concerns have drawn the most attention of the research

community to focus on the development of renewable energy, including solar energy.

Solar energy is an abundant and sustainable energy source, which unlike conventional

fossil fuel-based sources, there is no greenhouse gas release upon conversion to electricity.

It has been established that the average solar irradiance to the earth’s surface is

approximately 170 W/m2. When 170 W/m2 is integrated over 1 year, the resulting energy

of 5.4 GJ that is incident on 1 m2 are equivalent to the energy produced from one barrel

of oil or 200 kg of coal.3, 4 Hence, if solar energy can be harvested, converted and stored

efficiently in the form of electricity or chemical fuel, it can offer a promising solution to

tackle the energy and environmental problems encountered by mankind.

Photovoltaic or solar cells have seen rapid progress over the last three decades with

considerable solar energy conversion efficiency being achieved. Given the intermittence

nature of sunlight (i.e. unavailable at nights), the research community is also looking at

possibilities in storing solar energy in the form of chemical so that the versatility of solar

energy utilisation is greater. Splitting water into their elemental components (i.e.

molecular hydrogen (H2) and oxygen(O2)) assisted by sunlight becomes an attractive

method in converting solar energy into chemical energy (in the form of H 2). This solar-

Chapter 1. Introduction

driven water splitting is inspired by photosynthesis process in nature, where

semiconductor is used in place of a leaf.5 When a semiconductor with suitable energy

band structure is illuminated by sunlight, its intrinsic light absorption capability can

induce charge separation within the semiconductor. These photoexcited charges facilitate

redox reaction on the surface of semiconductor which oxides and reduces water into O2

and H2 at ambient temperature, respectively.6 The produced H2 is an energy carrier which

contains energy density of 141.8 MJ/kg. Additionally, H2 is also an eco-friendly energy,

in which water is the sole combustion product and no environmentally harmful substances

are produced. Fujishima and Honda first demonstrated the solar water splitting utilising

a photoactive titanium dioxide (TiO2) in 1972. It indicated that the semiconductor TiO2

is capable of harvesting the light energy and converts into chemical energy in the form of

H2.7 By following Fujishima-Honda's experiment, a rapid development in the topic of

photocatalysis is achieved. In general, photocatalytic reaction can be categorised into two

main branches: (i) powder suspension photocatalytic system and (ii) electrode-type

photoelectrochemical (PEC) system. The former utilises powder semiconductor, while

the latter involves the use of a thin film photoelectrode. Based on the current trends and

advancement in water splitting technology, Department of Energy in United States

estimated the future price of H2 to be approximately US$4.10-10.40 kg-1 and $1.60-3.20

kg-1 when the H2 gas is generated via photocatalytic and PEC systems, respectively.8 This

prediction is based on the assumption of solar-to-hydrogen conversion efficiency at just

above 10%. However, it is worth noting that current water splitting technologies have not

reached this desired conversion efficiency target. Therefore, it is important to find

solutions to minimise the system complexity (i.e. device cost) and to maximise the device

Chapter 1. Introduction

performance (i.e. attain a solar energy conversion rate of at least 10% with robustness of

the system for 10 years).9

After the pioneering work on the PEC water splitting on TiO2 electrodes reported by

Fujishima and Honda, a series of titania-based semiconductors was studied. Typically,

the performance of the photocatalytic and PEC water splitting system is highly dependent

on the semiconductor properties including the light absorption, charge transfer and

surface reactivities.10 Although the TiO2 is photoactive in the water splitting process, its

wide band gap of 3.2 eV has limited its light absorption to ultraviolet light (UV). It is

known that UV light occupies 5% of the entire solar spectrum whereas visible-light takes

up approximately 43%.11 Therefore, efforts have been devoted towards visible-light-

active semiconductors.12, 13 Non-metal oxide such as CdS14, 15, CuInS216, g-C3N417 and

Ta3N518 have been examined to be photoresponsive in visible-light. Nonetheless, many

of these semiconductors suffer stability issues and are incapable of carrying out reaction

over long periods of time. In this regard, research of Bi-based ternary metal oxides (such

as BiVO4, Bi2MoO6 and Bi2WO6) for water splitting process has attracted attention as

they are visible-light active and possess energetic valence band to oxidise water to form

molecular O2. Bismuth tungstate (Bi2WO6), a visible-light active semiconductor with a

reasonable band gap of 2.7-2.9 eV, has demonstrated its potential in photocatalytic/PEC

water oxidation and organic degradation under visible-light irradiation.

To date, Bi2WO6 particles with various morphological structures have been reported.

However, the multidisciplinary studies on the fundamental understanding of Bi2WO6 is

Chapter 1. Introduction

still lacking. The attained solar energy conversion efficiency using Bi2WO6 is still

unsatisfactory, mainly limited by the poor charge transportation properties: slow charge

kinetics, severe charge recombination, short charge diffusion length and short charge

lifetime. The underlying reasons for the above poor charge transportation are not well

understood. Hence, systematic investigation to gather the fundamental knowledge of

Bi2WO6 would be helpful to develop a more efficient photocatalyst by overcoming the

intrinsic limiting factors.

1.2 Aim and Objectives

The main aims of this project are to understand the fundamental properties of Bi2WO6

and to develop an efficient Bi2WO6 that capable of oxidising water to molecular O2 via

photocatalytic or PEC system. As known, Bi2WO6 is photoactive under visible-light as it

possesses suitable band gap energy. Given that the valence band of Bi2WO6 is ideally

located at an energy that capable of oxidising water, it is important to understand its

intrinsic properties (the strength and limitation) so that a highly efficient water splitting

photocatalyst can be constructed. The objectives are achieved by carefully formulating

four different experimental approaches (as elaborated below) to identify and recognise

the important factors governing the performance of Bi2WO6.

In general, particulate semiconductor with larger surface area should possess more active

sites for catalytic reactions while higher crystallinity would facilitate better charge

transport efficiency. In practice, the improvement in crystallinity is always accompanied

with a decrease in surface area. Crystallinity is usually improved using heat treatment,

Chapter 1. Introduction

which induces sintering of particle (resulting in a decrease in surface area). Thus, in order

to understand the dominant factor affecting the photocatalytic activities between surface

area and crystallinity, hierarchical Bi2WO6 particles with controllable crystallinity and

surface area modulated through thermal treatment are synthesised and studied. Detailed

evaluation of the features for each Bi2WO6 is examined to determine the prevailing factor

in achieving higher photo-oxidation activities.

Bi2WO6 can be employed in both photocatalytic (powder-type) and PEC (thin film or

photoelectrode-type) systems to oxidise water. PEC system offers the ease of catalyst

separation upon completion of reaction. Direct thin film fabrication is the most ideal

method to prepare Bi2WO6 photoelectrode with promising adhesion and stability

properties. Typically, morphologically featureless Bi2WO6 photoelectrodes were

prepared using direct thin film synthetic route. In this thesis, ratio of metallic precursors

is tuned and its impacts on the construction of plate-like Bi2WO6 with well-defined crystal

facets on thin film are investigated. By increasing the tungsten (W) concentration of the

precursor during the synthesis, preferential growth of specific crystal facet of Bi2WO6

can be controlled, which resulted in the formation of Bi2WO6 crystal with plate-like

structure. With this crystal facet control, the electron-accumulating facet is tuned and

maximised to facilitate charge transfer with suppressed charge trapping. The objectives

of this part of work are to assess the relationship between W concentration increase and

the facet-controlled phenomenon, with the corresponding charge properties (including

charge density, mobility and lifetime).

Chapter 1. Introduction

In addition to crystal facet engineering, construction of effective heterojunction between

Bi2WO6 and another semiconductor with suitable band energy alignment can be useful in

promoting charge transfer efficiency. An effective heterojunction suppresses internal

charge recombination within Bi2WO6, allowing the improved charge utilisation (i.e. water

oxidation). In this thesis, Bi2WO6 is interfaced with a thin layer of tungsten oxide (WO3)

on a charge collecting electrode. The effectiveness of heterojunction is determined by the

quality of the interface between Bi2WO6 and WO3. In this work, interfacial contact area

are manipulated and its impacts on the charge transportation are investigated.

Defect engineering through the oxygen vacancies modulation is studied in this thesis as

well. Though oxygen vacancies have been reported in various oxide semiconductors, its

usefulness as a tool to improve photoactivity of semiconductor cannot be generalised.

Both constructive and detrimental impacts of oxygen defects have been reported. In this

work, the primary role of defects and the benefits offered by the oxygen-deficient bismuth

tungstate (Bi14WO24) are identified.

1.3 Thesis Outline

This thesis underlines the key principles that regulate the performance of Bi2WO6. The

importance of inter-correlating the physical, optical and electronic properties of Bi2WO6

is elucidated throughout the entire thesis. The impacts of experimental variation on the

charge transportation properties (such as charge separation, diffusion, mobility and

lifetime) are carefully and systematically investigated. This chapter (Chapter 1) serves as

a general introduction of the works performed in the thesis. Chapter 2 is a literature review

Chapter 1. Introduction

chapter that comprehensively describes the basic principles of photocatalytic and PEC

water splitting. Fundamental properties of Bi2WO6 and the recent developments in

innovative fabrication methods are introduced and discussed. An overview of the current

practical applications of Bi2WO6 are also summarised. The following chapters (Chapter

3, 4, 5 and 6) focus on the design and modification of Bi2WO6 for the improved activity.

More specifically, Chapter 3 delineates insight into the impact of the Bi2WO6 properties

such as degree of the crystallinity and the surface area of the hierarchical Bi 2WO6

powders on the photocatalytic oxidation process. Subsequently, Chapter 4 illustrates the

preparation of the distinct platelike Bi2WO6 photoelectrodes, produced via the tuning of

W precursor concentration during fabrication. It also evaluates the advantage of Bi2WO6

with higher exposure extent of electron-dominant crystal facet in the suppression of

charge recombination upon photoexcitation. In Chapter 5, enhanced charge transfer

within Bi2WO6/WO3 heterojunctions with higher interfacial contact area is illustrated.

Subsequently, the study on bismuth- and tungsten-based heterojunction is extended to

Chapter 6 which assesses the benefits of forming a heterojunction between the oxygen-

deficient bismuth tungstate semiconductor and Bi2O3 for enhanced photostability. Finally,

a conclusion on key findings from each chapter and summary of future outlooks of

Bi2WO6 application in water splitting reaction are described in Chapter 7.

1.4 References

1. Figueres, C.; Le Quéré, C.; Mahindra, A.; Bäte, O.; Whiteman, G.; Peters, G.; Guan, D.,

Emissions are still rising: ramp up the cuts. Nature Publishing Group: 2018.

Chapter 1. Introduction

2. Jackson, R. B.; Le Quéré, C.; Andrew, R. M.; Canadell, J. G.; Korsbakken, J. I.; Liu, Z.;

Peters, G. P.; Zheng, B., Global energy growth is outpacing decarbonization.

Environmental Research Letters 2018, 13 (12), 120401.

3. Wu, J. C. S., Photocatalytic reduction of greenhouse gas CO2 to fuel. Catalysis surveys

from Asia 2009, 13 (1), 30-40.

4. World Energy Resouces: Solar; World Energy Council: London, 2013.

5. Abe, R., Recent progress on photocatalytic and photoelectrochemical water splitting under

visible light irradiation. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology C: Photochemistry

Reviews 2010, 11 (4), 179-209.

6. Maeda, K., Photocatalytic water splitting using semiconductor particles: History and recent

developments. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology C: Photochemistry Reviews

2011, 12 (4), 237-268.

7. Fujishima, A.; Honda, K., Electrochemical Photolysis of Water at a Semiconductor

Electrode. Nature 1972, 238, 37.

8. Wang, Q.; Hisatomi, T.; Jia, Q.; Tokudome, H.; Zhong, M.; Wang, C.; Pan, Z.; Takata,

T.; Nakabayashi, M.; Shibata, N.; Li, Y.; Sharp, I. D.; Kudo, A.; Yamada, T.; Domen,

K., Scalable water splitting on particulate photocatalyst sheets with a solar-to-hydrogen

energy conversion efficiency exceeding 1%. Nature Materials 2016, 15, 611.

9. Bornoz, P.; Abdi, F. F.; Tilley, S. D.; Dam, B.; van de Krol, R.; Graetzel, M.; Sivula,

K., A Bismuth Vanadate–Cuprous Oxide Tandem Cell for Overall Solar Water Splitting.

The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2014, 118 (30), 16959-16966.

10. Hisatomi, T.; Kubota, J.; Domen, K., Recent advances in semiconductors for

photocatalytic and photoelectrochemical water splitting. Chemical Society Reviews 2014,

43 (22), 7520-7535.

Chapter 1. Introduction

11. Ni, M.; Leung, M. K. H.; Leung, D. Y. C.; Sumathy, K., A review and recent

developmfents in photocatalytic water-splitting using TiO2 for hydrogen production.

Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2007, 11 (3), 401-425.

12. Anpo, M.; Ichihashi, Y.; Takeuchi, M.; Yamashita, H., Design of unique titanium oxide

photocatalysts by an advanced metal ion-implantation method and photocatalytic reactions

under visible light irradiation. Research on chemical intermediates 1998, 24 (2), 143-149.

13. Kudo, A.; Ueda, K.; Kato, H.; Mikami, I., Photocatalytic O2 evolution under visible light

irradiation on BiVO4 in aqueous AgNO3 solution. Catalysis Letters 1998, 53 (3-4), 229-


14. Pareek, A.; Hebalkar, N. Y.; Borse, P. H., Fabrication of a highly efficient and stable nano-

modified photoanode for solar H2 generation. RSC Advances 2013, 3 (43), 19905-19908.

15. Jiang, J.; Wang, M.; Li, R.; Ma, L.; Guo, L., Fabricating CdS/BiVO4 and BiVO4/CdS

heterostructured film photoelectrodes for photoelectrochemical applications. international

journal of hydrogen energy 2013, 38 (29), 13069-13076.

16. Zheng, L.; Xu, Y.; Song, Y.; Wu, C.; Zhang, M.; Xie, Y., Nearly monodisperse CuInS2

hierarchical microarchitectures for photocatalytic H2 evolution under visible light.

Inorganic chemistry 2009, 48 (9), 4003-4009.

17. Suryawanshi, A.; Dhanasekaran, P.; Mhamane, D.; Kelkar, S.; Patil, S.; Gupta, N.; Ogale,

S., Doubling of photocatalytic H2 evolution from g-C3N4 via its nanocomposite formation

with multiwall carbon nanotubes: Electronic and morphological effects. International

Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2012, 37 (12), 9584-9589.

18. Hara, M.; Hitoki, G.; Takata, T.; Kondo, J. N.; Kobayashi, H.; Domen, K., TaON and

Ta3N5 as new visible light driven photocatalysts. Catalysis Today 2003, 78 (1-4), 555-560.

Chapter 2. Literature Review



2.1 Introduction of Water Splitting

Solar water splitting is one of the sustainable ways to split water (H2O) into hydrogen (H2)

and oxygen (O2). The produced H2 has been an attractive option for achieving green

energy since 1980. The H2 produced from water is considered a clean fuel that could be

stored and oxidised to release energy when required, reproducing water and therefore

creating a carbon-neutral energy cycle.1 The process that converts solar energy to

chemical energy is called ‘photocatalysis’. Photocatalytic water splitting is a

thermodynamically up-hill reaction with a large positive change in the Gibbs free energy

of 237.13 kJ mol-1 (Eqn. (2-1)). The half-reaction for producing H2 and O2 are described

in the Eqn. (2-2) and Eqn. (2-3).

2H2O → O2 + 2H2, ∆Gº = 237.13 kJ mol-1 Eqn. (2-1)

2H+ + 2e- → H2 Eqn. (2-2)

2H2O + 4h+ → 4H+ + O2 Eqn. (2-3)

Harnessing solar energy directly for water splitting was first demonstrated by Honda and

Fujishima using titanium dioxide (TiO2) semiconductor and platinum (Pt) in a

photoelectrochemical (PEC) water splitting system with an external bias.2 The

Chapter 2. Literature Review

semiconductor, which is also known as a photocatalyst, is one of the crucial parameters

in photocatalysis since it influences the rate of the chemical reaction under light

irradiation. Numerous photoactive binary metal oxides (TiO2, ZnO, Fe2O3 , Cu2O)3-6,

non-metal oxides (ZnS, CdS, MoS2)7, 8 and the metal-free semiconductor (C3N4)9 had

been extensively studied for photocatalytic water splitting. The semiconductor absorbs

solar energy to achieve productive H2 conversion. However, the bulk photocatalyst attains

many limitations such as poor light absorption ability, inferior charge kinetics and

instability, hence lowering the production rate in the water splitting process. Therefore,

new strategies have been engaged to overcome the insufficiency of photocatalysts.

Recently, the Bi-based ternary oxide semiconductor has triggered lots of interest owing

to their unique band structure. Bismuth tungstate (Bi2WO6) possesses interesting physical

properties (such as ferroelectric piezoelectricity, pyroelectricity, catalytic behaviour and

a nonlinear dielectric susceptibility) and has been found not only favour degradation of

organic pollutants but also be able to evolve O2 from water in the presence of silver nitrate

(AgNO3). It greatly shows the potential of Bi2WO6 in solar energy conversion. However,

more advanced research is needed to improve the photocatalyst performance for industrial

scale application. In this review, fundamental properties and an overview of the recent

development in the design of Bi2WO6 powders and thin film are covered in the first part;

followed by the different strategies on improving the efficiency of Bi2WO6. The strategies,

including heterojunction construction, doping and co-catalyst loading, can particularly

enhance the light absorption ability, suppress the charge separation, increase the charge

transport and photostability of Bi2WO6. By reviewing other studies and researches, more

Chapter 2. Literature Review

in-depth understanding has been obtained on the current progress of Bi2WO6, so as to

offer guidelines and perspectives to design a more efficient Bi2WO6 for photocatalysis


2.2 Photocatalysis

(a) (b)

Figure 2-1. (a) Schematic diagram of the electronic band in a photocatalyst at one-step excitation

photocatalytic water splitting.10 (b) The mechanism of photoexcitation generating electron-hole pairs in

the semiconductor under light irradation.11

A semiconductor is a solid with its conductivity lying between a conductor and an

insulator. The structure of a semiconductor consists of two energy bands, namely

conduction band (CB) and valence band (VB). The former refers to the lowest unoccupied

molecular orbital (LOMO) at ground state while the latter is made up of the highest

occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) in energy level. The two energy bands are separated

by a band gap, which is an energy range in the solid where no electronic states exist due

to the quantisation of energy. When the semiconductor absorbs energy (either thermally

or photochemically) larger than its band gap energy, an electron is excited from the VB

Chapter 2. Literature Review

to the CB, leaving a positively charged “holes” at the band edge of the VB. In

photocatalysis, the energy will be coming from light and the electrons generated in the

semiconductor move freely and act as charge carriers for chemical redox reactions. A

schematic diagram of the electronic band of a semiconductor is shown in Figure 2-1a.10

In the photocatalytic water splitting process, water is dissociated into H2 and O2 in the

presence of a photocatalyst under light irradiation. This process is classified into two main

types: the nanoparticles photocatalysis (including half-reaction or an overall water

splitting system) and the photoelectrocatalysis (including single-photoelectrode or dual-

photoelectrode system). The mechanism triggering both water splitting reaction is

described by four critical steps and is shown in Figure 2-1b: (i) semiconductor absorbs

light to generate electron-hole pairs; (ii) separates photoexcited carriers to the respective

CB and VB; (iii) transports electrons and holes to the surface of photocatalysts and (iv)

utilised the charges on the surface for redox reaction.12 Notably, most of the electron-hole

pairs generated in step (iii) are easily recombined, either at the bulk or at the surface sites.

The rate of charge recombination is strongly dependent on the structural and electronic

properties of the photocatalyst.11

2.2.1 Photocatalytic Reactions

One of the many examples of photocatalysis is photocatalytic water splitting. It is simply

a suspension of photocatalyst particles in a solution under light illumination without

additional external energy inputs in an inert atmosphere.13 Implementation of a single

photocatalyst in water splitting system is the ideal scenario for industrial application in

Chapter 2. Literature Review

the future due to its simplicity (Figure 2-1a). Domen’s group has successfully

demonstrated that overall water splitting can be achieved by compressing a single

particulate photocatalyst into a sheet. However, critical challenges were found in the work

as the overall efficiency of such catalyst remains low.14 The reasons for the low efficiency

were the inferior electron-hole pair separation, severe charge recombination and

instability of the photocatalyst.15 Therefore, Z-scheme photocatalyst , which is two-

photon excitation system, is more commonly used to achieve the overall water splitting

(Figure 2-2). In the Z-scheme system, it requires both an n-type and a p-type

photocatalyst which enforce oxidisation (O2-evolution reaction, OER) and reduction (H2-

evolution reaction, HER) of the water into O2 and H2, respectively. An electron mediator

is often added into the system to facilitate the redox reaction.

Figure 2-2. Schematic diagram of photocatalytic water splitting based on Z-scheme system.16

Kudo et al. has illustrated a Z-scheme photocatalytic water splitting under visible-light

irradiation in 2002, which consisted of SrTiO3 doped with chromium and tantalum

element for H2 generation and WO3 for O2 generation, and an iodate/iodide redox couple

as an electron mediator. They have reported 19.8 and 9.7 mmol/h of H2 and O2 was

Chapter 2. Literature Review

evolved, respectively.17 Although this seems to be promising approach to facilitate the

solar to chemical energy conversion, the backward reaction of the redox mediator, which

occurs simultaneously during the reaction, usually retards the gas evolution. Furthermore,

Liao et al. have claimed that Z-scheme reaction could be affected by the change in pH

and the light absorbance of the suspended photocatalyst, thereby prompting the

investigation on a visible-light active and efficient photocatalyst.18

2.2.2 Photoelectrochemical Reactions

Another photocatalytic water splitting is the photoelectrochemical (PEC) tandem system.

This process has found to have a better connection of the interface in the particle-substrate

compare to the particle-particle system, which promote the charge transport efficiency.

An ideal photoelectrochemical (PEC) tandem system should only comprises an n-type

photoanode and a p-type photocathode without the need for additional external energy

input to produce H2 and O2 directly from water (Figure 2-3c).

Figure 2-3. Schematic diagram of PEC water splitting using (a) n-type photoanode, (b) p-type

photocathode and (c) a tandem cell employing photoanode and photocathode. 19

Chapter 2. Literature Review

However, combining heterogeneous photoactive catalysts to obtain a satisfactory electric

current through the external circuit in the system can be a challenging and complicated

process, owing to the inappropriate band gaps or non-matching band edges.20 Hence, a

setup of two-electrode or a three-electrode configuration is being researched, where at

least one electrode is photoactive. Once the minority charges are generated in the

semiconductor (holes and electron for the n-type and p-type semiconductor, respectively)

upon photoexcitation, the charges can be transported easily by an external bias, promoting

the redox reaction at the respective electrodes (explained in Figure 2-3a and b).21 One

major advantage of this approach is that the reduction and oxidation sites are separated,

therefore effectively hindering charge recombination and directly resulting in higher

efficiencies than simple suspension photocatalysis.12 In addition, studying the two-half

reactions separately for attaining a higher photocurrent density in each photoelectrode

simplifies the system to improve the overall water splitting efficiency. Nevertheless, PEC

systems often require the application of an external bias to achieve satisfactory

performance, as the separation of anode (oxidation site) and cathode (reduction site)

introduces an internal resistance to the system, which increases the energy input

requirement (energy cost).

Following the development of water splitting process, in order to achieve an excellent

catalyst system to drive photocatalytic and PEC water splitting, researchers have

recommended to improve both reduction and oxidation half-reactions individually (Eqn.

(2-2) and Eqn. (2-3)). Lately, the development of n-type semiconductor for OER (water

oxidation) has gained popularity, since it involves a four-electron transfer step and some

Chapter 2. Literature Review

highly reactive intermediates, which is identified as the rate-limiting step in overall water

splitting reaction.22 Given the challenges of water photo-oxidation, the development of n-

type photocatalysts will be discussed in the following sections.

2.2.3 Type of Photocatalyst

Over the past decades, numerous n-type photocatalysts (including metal oxides and non-

metal oxides) have been explored for water oxidation. The selection of the photocatalyst

is crucial to trigger the water splitting process. In an ideal case, the photocatalyst or the

photoanode should meet the following criteria: (i) the VB levels are sufficiently positive

to achieve a thermodynamically favourable reaction; (ii) capable of absorbing light over

a broad range of the light spectrum; (iii) high mobility of the photo-induced charge

carriers for transportation and separation, to suppress charge recombination; (iv) high

chemical stability in aqueous media and low fabrication cost for industry requirement;

and (v) provide sufficient active state for quick surface reaction kinetics for O2


TiO2 is one of the most widely studied photocatalytic materials due to its low cost and

large-scale preparation, yet the wide band gap of 3.2-3.5 eV limits the light absorption in

the UV range (3-5% from the solar spectrum).24 On the other hand, ZnO, WO3 and Fe2O3

have found to be active for O2 evolution. However, Zhu and Zäch stated ZnO is easily

being photocorroded by the photo-generated holes, while WO3 and Fe2O3 are unstable in

acidic condition. Poor electrical conductivity in these metal oxides has also negatively

impacted their photocatalytic performances.25 Meanwhile, non-metal oxides such as CdS,

Chapter 2. Literature Review

CdSe and ZnS are also reported as potential photocatalyst due to their narrow band gaps,

allowing visible-light photoexcitation. Nevertheless, such non-metal oxides are photo-

catalytically unstable as the S2- and Se2- anions can be oxidised and the photocatalysts

will self-degrade during the reaction.26, 27

Apart from the drawbacks described above, previous studies show severe recombination

rate of the photogenerated electron-hole pairs, restricting majority of the binary metal-

oxides and non-metal oxides in facilitating the photo-oxidation process.28-31 Alternatively,

inspired by Kudo, a breakthrough in the binary oxide was reported, drawing more

attention towards bismuth-related ternary oxide (i.e. BiVO4, Bi2WO6, BiOCl, Bi12TiO20)
for the water photo-oxidation process. Most of the Bi-based ternary oxide are

intrinsic n-type visible-light-responsive photocatalysts and contain hybridised Bi 6s and

O 2p orbitals. It causes an upshift of the VB, which reduces the band gap to smaller than

3.0 eV.36, 37 Some of the Bi-based ternary oxide photocatalysts with corresponding flat-

band edge position is summarised in Figure 2-4. In addition, Bi-based ternary oxide VB

contains a 6s2 ‘lone pair’ that is advantageous over other metal oxides, resulting from an

s-p hybridised electronic structure. The orbital hybridisation induces the Bi lone pair to

lose its spherical symmetry and being projected out on one side of the cation, creates an

asymmetric metal coordination and a distorted crystal structure that could enhance the

mobility of photogenerated charges.38 In other words, Bi-based ternary oxides have

emerged as a promising material for further advancing the research in photocatalysis.

Chapter 2. Literature Review

Figure 2-4. A summary of the flat-band edge positions and the band gaps of Bi-based semiconductor


2.3 Fundamental Properties of Bi2WO6

Among the various Bi-based photocatalysts, conventional bismuth tungstate (Bi2WO6) is

a member of the Aurivillius structure, possessing a layered structure with a perovskite-

like slab of WO6. Bi2WO6 consists of an oxidised state of Bi3+ with 6s2 configuration and

W6+ with d0 structure. With this configuration, Bi2WO6 acquires interesting physical

properties such as ferroelectric piezoelectricity, pyroelectricity, catalytic behaviour and a

nonlinear dielectric susceptibility, all of these favour its role of as a photocatalyst.40 From

the band structure observed in Figure 2-4, the VB of Bi2WO6 is located much lower than

the redox potential of O2/H2O, proffering it has a strong oxidising capability. Other

stoichiometries of bismuth tungstate include Bi2W2O941, 42, Bi7W2O2743, and Bi2WO6-x44,

where the complex crystallography also imparts suitable band structure and electronic

properties that promotes photocatalysis. Among these bismuth tungstates, only Bi2WO6

Chapter 2. Literature Review

can be excited under visible-light.43 Unlike WO3, Bi2WO6 does not suffer from

photocorrosion. It is chemically stable in neutral and also in slightly alkaline solution (>

pH 8).45 Due to the preferred unique layered structure and properties, Bi2WO6 shows

excellent potential in the utilisation of solar energy in the field of photocatalysis and

photoelectrocatalysis over the other Bi-based competing materials.

2.3.1 Crystal Structure and Phases

Figure 2-5. Illustration of the crystal structure of Bi2WO6.46

Bi2WO6 is the simplest member of Aurivillius compound, comprising a unique layer

structure with perovskite-like and fluorite-like slab. In general, the Aurivillius structural-

type is represented with the formula of Bi2An-1BnO3n+3, where A can be Ti, Nb, Ta, Mo,

W, Fe, and n is the number of perovskite layers present (i.e. n = 1 for Bi2WO6). The merit

of such layered structure is the generation of an internal electric field between the slabs

and electrons, which the charges are transported to the photocatalyst surface along the

Chapter 2. Literature Review

layer network. It has been considered as an advantage to provide an efficient separation

of photoexcited charge carrier to improve the photocatalysis activity.33, 47 In Bi2WO6, the

perovskite-like WO4 layers of tilted corner-linked sharing with the WO6 octahedra

(including double [O]2- and single [WO2]2+ layers) are sandwiched between the fluorite-

like Bi2O22+ sheets, and the layers lie perpendicular to the long [010] axis as shown in

Figure 2-5.48, 49 The WO6 octahedral is constructed with a length of 1.7 Å W-O bonds.

On the other hand, the Bi2O22+ sheets are built up with Bi atoms and are bounded with six

O atoms, each Bi-O bond length is 2.17 – 2.56 Å.50 Besides, a stereochemically active Bi

6s2 lone pair is present in the Bi atoms, where the electron lone pair can overlap with the

crystal orbital (6s and 6p orbitals), leading to a strong bonding between the low-energy

Bi 6s and O 2p states. The strong electronic interaction between Bi 6s and O 2p electronic

states in Bi2WO6 arising from the hybridisation of s-p orbital should enhance the electron

transfer properties, thus, becoming a critical aspect in the design of photocatalysts.

In addition, the Bi2WO6 crystal exhibits the same structural phase transition in three

different space groups, which depends on the temperature range. Pure Bi2WO6 falls under

the orthorhombic space group P21ca at low temperature (T < 660°C);, the Aurivillius

phase with orthorhombic structure retains but B2cb and A2/m space group are established

once the temperature reaches from low to intermediate (660°C < T < 950°C) and high (T >

950°C), respectively.51, 52
McDowell et al. found that when the reconstructive phase

transition of Bi2WO6 occurs at high temperature, it losses the ferroelectricity and its

polarity, causing an unstable and poor photocatalytic performance of the Bi2WO6. When

temperature increases, the Bi2WO6 particle size increases and leads to significant

Chapter 2. Literature Review

structural changes. It was observed that a loss of the octahedral tilt mode at intermediate

temperature (the differences are shown in Figure 2-6a and b), while an off-centre

octahedral distortion composed WO4 layers was being transformed from corner-sharing

to edge-sharing octahedral chains at high temperature (Figure 2-6c).53 Thus, most studies

have focused on the Bi2WO6 with orthorhombic space group P21ca in order to maintain

the ferroelectric and piezoelectric behaviour.

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 2-6. The view of the [WO4] layer at (a) the low temperature phase along [001], (b) the

intermediate phase along [001] and (c) crystal structure of the high temperature phase. 51

2.3.2 Electronic Band Structure and Optical Properties

The energy level and the band gap of the Bi2WO6 play the pivotal roles in determining

the photocatalytic performance. Based on the crystal structure, the electronic band

structure of Bi2WO6 was first determined by density functional theory (DFT) calculation

in several study groups.47, 48, 54 Figure 2-7 illustrates the typical electronic structure of

Bi2WO6, and the occupied bands are arranged into four bands. The HOMO shows the p

orbital of O atom and the s and p orbitals of the Bi atoms, accordingly, while the LUMO
Chapter 2. Literature Review

is formed by a d orbital of the W atoms with a mixture of some degree of p orbital of O

atoms. Therefore, the HOMO and LUMO are composed of the hybrid orbitals of O 2p

and Bi 6s and the W 5d orbitals, respectively.48 Interestingly, the 6s electrons of Bi3+ can

be transited to the empty W5+orbital, since the 6s electrons usually exist at a lower energy

level than the charge transfer transition in WO66-.47 For this reason, the optical band gap

of the Bi2WO6 becomes narrower, in the range of 2.7 to 2.9 eV55-57, indicating such

photocatalyst absorbs not only the UV light but also extends the absorption range into the

visible-light region.

Figure 2-7. (a) Energy band diagram and (b) density of states of Bi2WO6 calculated by the DFT method.54

Aside from that, Kangrong et al. has revealed the hybridised Bi 6s and O 2p made the VB

largely dispersed, resulting in an improvement in the photoinduced holes mobility and

promotes the oxidation reaction.58 Therefore, the position of VB must be taken into

consideration for photocatalytic oxidation, as it dictates the oxidising potential of the

photocatalyst. The VB potential of Bi2WO6 is located at +2.94 eV, which is more positive

than the oxidation potential in O2 evolution (+1.23 eV vs RHE). Tang et al. has reported
Chapter 2. Literature Review

that Bi2WO6 is a suitable photocatalyst for O2 evolution reaction in the presence of

AgNO3 as electron scavengers.59

Under this circumstance, the versatile nanochemistry of Bi2WO6 provides a high potential

in the area of photocatalysis in both organic degradation and water splitting processes. To

further explore the potential of Bi2WO6, the green synthetic routes of Bi2WO6

photocatalyst and photoanode preparation are established and comprehensively described

in the following sections.

2.4 Synthesis of Bismuth Tungstate

Many pioneering works on the fabrication of Bi2WO6 nanoparticles with various

methodologies have been reported with a satisfactory photocatalytic performance for fuel

production. Due to the materials availability and simple preparation method, the

manufacturing cost of Bi2WO6 is low. Eventually, special configurations of Bi2WO6

could be easily tuned into one-dimensional (1D), two-dimensional (2D) and three-

dimensional (3D) structures during the fabrication process, with each architecture

possessing unique intrinsic (such as high crystallinity, small grain size, large surface area)

and extrinsic (superior charge separation and transportation) properties. It is fully

recognised all these properties are closely interrelated especially for the photocatalytic

processes.60 The various synthesis methodologies of Bi2WO6 enables its functional

properties to be altered for each specific application. In this part of the review, the various

synthetic routes to prepare Bi2WO6 powders and thin film, with their corresponding

strengths and weaknesses in photocatalytic and PEC application, are discussed in detail.

Chapter 2. Literature Review

2.4.1 Powders Solid-State Method

Looking back at the development of Bi2WO6, solid-state reaction was the first reported

preparation method of pure Bi2WO6. The Bi2WO6 is usually formed by a mechanical

mixture of solid powders and heated up to at a high temperature (T > 800°C) for long

hours.61 With this method, a high crystalline Bi2WO6 was attained and approximately 2

μmol/h of O2 was generated during the photo-oxidation half reaction as reported by Kudo

and Hijii.43 However, the solid-state reaction preparation method is not ideal due to the

formation of large particle size and small surface area.62 The large particle size causes

high crystalline defects, trapping the electrons and holes in the bulk structure. Meanwhile,

the surface active site for the photocatalytic process is limited with a small surface area.63

Thus, the solid-state reaction is not immensely popular these days in synthesising

nanosized Bi2WO6 as it requires high temperature calcination. Hydrothermal and Solvothermal method for Powders

Over the years, hydrothermal and solvothermal have become the predominantly

employed method for synthesising Bi2WO6, owing to the fast reaction kinetics, short

processing times, phase purity, high yield due to easy scalability, high crystallinity and

cost-effectiveness. Hydrothermal and solvothermal processes are defined as

heterogeneous reactions that are heated at the temperatures above the boiling point of the

minerals precursor solution within a closed system, where in the former method the major

mineralisers are water-based, and in the latter method are organic solvents.64 Numerous

morphologies including hierarchical65, plate66, red-blood cell67, hollow sphere68 and

Chapter 2. Literature Review

nanocage69 shape, have highlighted the use of hydrothermal/solvothermal reaction for

Bi2WO6 preparation. Each morphology possesses certain advantages, for example the

hierarchical-like Bi2WO6 has a high surface area that increases the contact between the

active site and water for photo-oxidation reaction. Typically, the starting materials of

Bi2WO6 in hydrothermal/solvothermal is Bi(NO3)3∙5H2O and Na2WO4∙2H2O, and the

precursor solutions are kept at a temperature range of 100 – 200°C for a period of time.

The general formation mechanism of Bi2WO6 in hydrothermal/solvothermal often

consists of three main steps: (i) the reaction between hydrated tungsten oxide and Bi3+

ions to form Bi2WO6 nuclei, (ii) the development of 2D nanoplates (forming WO6

octahedral and Bi atoms sandwich layers structure) through anisotropic growth and

Ostwald ripening process, and (iii) the self-organisation of 3D Bi2WO6 structures from

the corresponding 2D nanoplates.70, 71

Basically, the morphology (including the size, shape and crystal structure) of Bi2WO6 can

be manipulated by adjusting the pH value, precursor concentration, growth time, and

addition of inorganic/organic surfactants during the hydrothermal/solvothermal process.

As illustrated in Figure 2-8, the shape evolution of Bi2WO6 structure can be altered easily

with different reaction conditions.72 Cui et al. found that the surface energy of the Bi2WO6

crystal can be tailored by the pH value of the precursor, thus, the crystal growth is mainly

controlled by the intrinsic crystal structure anisotropy.73 In an acidic medium (pH < 7),

a high intrinsic anisotropic surface energy led to assembly of Bi2WO6 nano-flakes to form

2D hierarchical structure. In contrast, the intrinsic anisotropic properties remain

unchanged when the solution pH value is higher than 7, resulting in the formation of

Chapter 2. Literature Review

flake-like or sphere-like Bi2WO6 nanoparticles.72 Among all commonly reported

morphologies, the hierarchical Bi2WO6 has been reported as the desired structure for

photocatalytic reactions due to its moderately high surface area, which enhances the light

absorption and maximises the solid-liquid interaction between the photocatalyst and the


Figure 2-8. Shape evolution of Bi2WO6 structures prepared with different pH values and/or surfactants.

P123, triblockpoly(ethylene oxide)-block-poly(propylene oxide)-block(ethylene oxide) copolymer; CTAB,

cetyl trimethylammonium bromide; PVP, poly(vinyl pyrrolidone); IL, ionic liquid; EG, ethylene glycol.72

The organic/inorganic additives such as the addition of EDTA71, CTAB74, Na2SO475, and

ethylene glycol (EG)5 are commonly used in the hydrothermal reaction. The various type

of additives play a role in manipulating the morphology, uniformity and dispersion of the

final products by acting as an etching agent, an assembly agent, a reducing agent and a

reacting source.76 The addition of the surfactant has shown the ability of nucleation

Chapter 2. Literature Review

growth retardation, suppressing the Ostwald ripening process and the aggregation process

of the nanoplates.77 Thus, Bi2WO6 with plate-like, nest-like and red-blood cell shape can

be formed instead of the hierarchical shape. Other examples have been published by

Zhang et al. and Lin et al. stating that in the presence of PVP and EDTA during synthesis,

specific plane of the Bi2WO6 was interacted selectively with the carbon-carbon bond in

the additives, which facilitated the anisotropic growth of (113) facets. Hence, the addition

of additives can promote the growth of a highly active crystal facet that facilitates the

separation of photogenerated electron-hole pairs, leading to improved photocatalytic

performance (further details in, 78 Others

The other synthetic routes for forming Bi2WO6 particles include sol-gel method79, sol-

gel-hydrothermal80 and co-precipitation method81. These chemical syntheses can produce

pure Bi2WO6 at low temperatures. A blue-shift has been observed in the UV-Vis spectrum

of Bi2WO6 synthesised via sol-gel method due to the quantum effect of small particle size

(< 10 nm), indicating a particle size effect on the light absorption range. Although sol-gel

preparation method forms irregular morphology, it allows the formation of smaller

particles with higher surface area, improving the solid-liquid interfacial contact between

the photocatalyst and the electrolyte.79 For the sol-gel-hydrothermal method, it combines

the advantages of both sol-gel and hydrothermal reaction, but a two-step synthesis method

will require a longer fabrication time.82

Chapter 2. Literature Review

2.4.2 Thin Film Single Step Method

In the particulate water splitting system, producing H2 and O2 simultaneously in a single

compartment without spatial separation is one of the major drawbacks. Product separation,

especially of two gases, is energy intensive and time-consuming. The fabrication of

Bi2WO6 photoanode has opened a route to overcome the gas separation problem. The

simplest method for the preparation of photoelectrodes is powder-based drop-casting.

Typically, a photocatalyst suspension in ethanol is dropped on a conductive substrate such

as fluorine-doped tin oxide (FTO) and iodine-doped tin oxide (ITO) glass, and is left until

it is dried.83 However, the PEC performance is easily affected by the particle size dropped

on the substrates. Smaller particle size has better attachment onto the substrate, which

improves the charge transport and charge collection efficiency. Meanwhile, larger particle

size has superior charge separation, owing to its higher crystallinity.84 Consequently,

optimisation of the particle size is necessary for maximise the PEC performance. It is

noteworthy, however, that drop-casted Bi2WO6 photoelectrodes suffer from poor

homogeneity and a high risk of particle detachment (structural instability of

photoelectrode) after long immersion in an electrolyte under irradiation.85 To prevent

particulate Bi2WO6 from being disengaged from the conductive substrate, single step

fabrication methods including spin-coating with thermal treatment86, electrospinning87

and hydrothermal88 routes for Bi2WO6 were attempted by researchers.

Dip coating or spin coating Bi2WO6 precursors onto a supporting substrate with

polystyrene sphere or carbon sphere monolayer as the template, has received attention

Chapter 2. Literature Review

due to its unique porous structure. After the high temperature treatment, the pre-attached

polystyrene sphere and carbon sphere monolayer template were removed, establishing a

high crystalline and highly surface area porous Bi2WO6 structure. The porous structure

has demonstrated the shortening of the charge diffusion length (electrons and holes) in

the electrolyte and increases the light scattering, whereas directly enhancing the PEC

performance.86, 89 Besides, successful fabrication of flake-like Bi2WO6 on FTO substrate

via solvothermal treatment have been reported by Sun et al., and it exhibited excellent

PEC performance for the phenol degradation.88 Although the direct growth of Bi2WO6

photoanode via solvothermal reaction delivers a stable photoactivity, there are only a few

literatures reported on the fabrication Bi2WO6 photoanode with a single step. This is

because Bi2WO6 has a slow nucleation process and unbalanced reactivity of the W and

Bi precursors that hinder the Bi2WO6 growth on the substrate.90 Thus, there is a need to

explore single step fabrication of Bi2WO6 photoanode to a greater extent. Multistep Method

In order to solve the unbalanced reactivity of the W and Bi on one-step fabrication, two-

step synthesis of Bi2WO6 is employed. Effort was devoted to the fabrication of hydrated

tungsten oxide seed layers to Bi2WO6 with an addition of Bi3+ ions is thermodynamically

favourable.90 Normally, the seed layer is formed by coating (including drop-casting91,

spray prolysis92, spin coating93), anodization94 or electrodeposition95, immediately

followed by hydrothermal reaction immediately. In a study reported by Ng et al., the

structural transformation of hydrated tungsten oxide occurred when the intercalated water

Chapter 2. Literature Review

molecules were substituted by Bi2O22+ during hydrothermal treatment to form Bi2WO6

(Figure 2-9).94

Figure 2-9. The schematic structure of the transformation from hydrated tungsten oxide into Bi2WO6 94

On the other hand, the pulse electrodeposition technique has become an attractive method

in the fabrication of the hydrated tungsten oxide seed layers due to the ease in controlling

the seed layer morphology. Pulse electrodeposition is conducted in a three-electrode

system (with the substrate as working electrode, Pt as the counter electrode and Ag/AgCl

as the reference electrode), and the morphologies can be manipulated by varying the

plating solution with various solvents and temperatures. Apart from that, manipulating

the applied potential and current allows control of the nucleation and growth process as

well as monitoring the thickness of the hydrated tungsten oxide seed layer. These

parameters, which are made available in the pulse electrodeposition method, are

beneficial to the formation of semiconductor layers.45 Although there are no direct studies

on the electrodeposition of WO3 seed layer and its subsequent conversion to Bi2WO6,

there are numerous studies on electrodeposition of WO3 in controlling the film thickness

and porosity. For instance, Yun et al. reported that electrodepositing WO3 with a

dissolved tungsten powder in excess H2O2 as the plating solution under anodic potential
Chapter 2. Literature Review

led to an enhanced energy storage capacity of the composite films.96, 97 Replacing the

water-based plating solution with EG solution increases the viscosity of the reaction

medium, resulting in a diffusion-limited growth and creating a high surface area thin

film.98 Hence, the electrolyte used in electrodeposition can tailor the properties of the

final WO3 electrode. A separate study by Choi et al. demonstrated by first

electrodepositing the dendrite shape Bi metal on the FTO substrate and later transformed

it into Bi2WO6 in the presence of tungsten precursors at high annealing temperature, the

reversed synthesis order created a W-rich phase on the surface of the Bi2WO6 electrode,

suggesting a decrease in surface recombination rate.56 As a result, the researchers have

demonstrated the potential of fabricating Bi2WO6 electrodes via a two-step synthesis,

with a hydrated tungsten seed layer as the starting material. The work also demonstrated

the possibility to improve the intrinsic and extrinsic factors of Bi2WO6 for photocatalytic

and PEC applications.

Overall, the various synthetic routes of Bi2WO6 demonstrate that the photocatalyst could

be fabricated with a simpler method. Although multiple steps are required for electrode

fabrication, the morphology and the intrinsic factors of the photocatalyst and photoanode

can be tailored, achieving a superior performance during the photocatalytic water splitting

reaction. From the application viewpoint, Bi2WO6 is not the optimum photocatalyst for

water splitting and is still facing a few challenges. Further modifications are necessary to

overcome the limitation of Bi2WO6, which are described in the next section.

Chapter 2. Literature Review

2.5 Photocatalytic Performances and Limitation of Bi2WO6

Bi2WO6 photocatalyst has a strong oxidising potential and has been found that both

Bi2WO6 particulate and photoanode exhibit high photoactivity in dye and organic

compound degradation. Numerous reports mentioned that Bi2WO6 could

photocatalytically mineralise organic dyes54, phenols88, 99, aldehydes74, 100

, benzene79,

tetracycline75 and acetic acid.57 The photocatalytic performance of Bi2WO6 suggests it is

a potential candidate in environmental application, such as air purification and wastewater

treatment. Upon light irradiation, the photogenerated holes react with OH- to form •OH

(hydroxyl radicals) responsible for the oxidation of the adsorbed organic molecules. On

the other hand, the electrons react with atmospheric O2 to form superoxide radical (O2•-).

Bi2WO6 is capable of performing complete oxidation of organic pollutants, however the

photocatalytic activity is greatly influenced by the type of organics being degraded and

the type of electrolyte being used.54 Furthermore, although Ohtani and co-workers

discovered Bi2WO6 can achieve organics removal rate up to a thousand times faster than

commercial P25 TiO257, the photocatalytic activities can be affected by the morphology

of Bi2WO6. Shi and co-workers showed that the highest degradation rate of total organic

carbon (TOC) was achieved by the nest-like nanostructure Bi2WO6 with assembled

nanoplates compare to the nanorods and nanoplates due to its excellent charge mobility.75

Aside from the powders, a moderate electrochemical degradation of phenol (78% of

phenol removed in 3 hours) can be achieved in a three electrode system with the presence

of leaf-like Bi2WO6 photoanode. However, the phenol degradation rate in an

electrochemical process is considered to be very slow.88 Thus, advance understanding

and consideration in the correlation between the physicochemical properties (i.e.

Chapter 2. Literature Review

morphology) and the Bi2WO6 kinetic properties is a pivotal aspect to achieve an efficient

and effective Bi2WO6 catalyst.

Apart from organic degradation, Bi2WO6 has also been shown to covert CO2 into valuable

solar fuels such as methane and methanol.101 The CO2 reduction capability of Bi2WO6

piques a lot of interests for further investigation due to the global challenges of energy

crises and global warming. In the area of photocatalytic water splitting, Kudo and Hijii

first revealed an evolution rate of 1.6 μmol/h and 24 μmol/h of H2 and O2, respectively,

by utilising Bi2WO6, with the addition AgNO3 as an electron acceptor.43 A few other

studies also clearly showed that PEC water splitting could be attained by applying an

external bias to produce clean H2 and O2. Ng et al. demonstrated the Bi2WO6 thin film

fabricated via transformation of WO3 produced approximately 0.1 μmol/h H2 and no O2

was detected at an applied bias of 1.0 V vs Ag/AgCl for 4 hours.94 Similarly, a porous

Bi2WO6 electrode produced ca. 1.1 μmol/h∙cm2 of H2 when 0.6 V potential vs Ag/AgCl

was applied, however the O2 collected was higher than the stoichiometric value of 2.0.

The unusual situation of imbalanced H2:O2 gas ratio was explained by the adsorption of

evolve O2 onto the photoanode and the high solubility of O2 in water.102 These preliminary

results clearly demonstrate the feasibility of Bi2WO6 photocatalyst as a candidate for

water splitting process. Noteworthy, it is difficult to fabricate a crystalline Bi2WO6

photoanode directly with superior adhesion to the supporting substrate. Moreover, it

remains a main challenge for PEC water splitting to reach ca. 100% faradaic efficiency

because Bi2WO6 is known to suffer from poor charge separation efficiency and low

charge carrier concentration. Despite the Bi2WO6 layer structure provides better

Chapter 2. Literature Review

electronic properties, the superior charge mobility causes fast recombination within

picosecond. As mentioned earlier, the excited electrons and holes can be easily trapped

and recombined which suppresses the photocatalytic performance resulting in low

conversion efficiency. From a practical viewpoint, further research is essential to evaluate

the behaviour of photogenerated charges during the redox reaction to optimise the

photocatalytic performance of Bi2WO6 film.

Heretofore, there are only a few successful studies reporting on Bi2WO6 for water

splitting process. To fill the vacuity, the Result chapters of this thesis present the

development of a highly active Bi2WO6 for photo-oxidation process in water splitting

system. Before that, an overview of all the current research and findings on Bi2WO6 was

undertaken in order to have a better understand on the strategies in tailoring the bulk

Bi2WO6. So that the approaches could be made to overcome Bi2WO6 weaknesses and

optimise the design for O2 evolution.

2.6 Strategies in Improving Bi2WO6 in Photocatalysis Reaction

Bi2WO6 is generally employed in photocatalytic water oxidation process and organic

degradation or reforming (such as phenol and acetic acid), which removes the impurities

in the water or produces value-added organic products. Although a few literatures have

evidenced that pure Bi2WO6 could be applied in photocatalytic and PEC systems, the

performances were not promising enough for industrial scale purposes. To optimise the

conversion efficiency from solar to chemical energy, the integration of advanced

modelling into the design of photocatalytic materials is essential. In this section, some of

Chapter 2. Literature Review

the critical parameters for the overall improvement in photocatalytic performance are

discussed, which include the strategies on increasing the light absorption, charge

separation, charge transportation improvement and the photostability Bi2WO6. These four

strategies could enhance the photocatalytic performance by altering the bulk properties,

surface properties, and interface properties of the semiconductor. Therefore, the efforts

and resources spent on the studies and researches on the photocatalysis can become solid,

quantifiable and established.

2.6.1 Increasing Light Absorption

The development of photocatalysts with visible-light photoresponse began from TiO2

photocatalytic water splitting. Since TiO2 possesses a wide band gap of 3.2 eV that limits

the light absorption in the UV range, restricting the range of solar spectrum being

absorbed for water splitting.24 As UV light only makes up 5% of the solar spectrum, there

is a huge incentive in increasing the light absorption range to efficiently utilise the sun’s

energy. Thus, to obtain a satisfied energy requirement for water splitting, numerous

approaches have been adopted in order to increase the light absorption ability for the

photocatalyst: (i) metal or non-metal ions doping for band gap narrowing and (ii) altering

the morphology. Metal or Non-metal Doping

Considering the band structure of the photocatalyst, narrowing the band gap via metal ion

doping is one of the effective ways to achieve visible-light photoresponse, according to

the flat-band edge position energy diagram in Figure 2-4, the CB of each Bi-based

Chapter 2. Literature Review

photocatalyst is located slightly lower or higher than the redox potential of H+/H2. In

contrast, all the VB positions are more positive than the redox potential of O2/H2O.

Basically, metal ions doping creates an intraband state (donor level or acceptor level that

is above the VB or below the CB edge, respectively), resulting in a redshift in the band

gap (increase in the absorption wavelength). Figure 2-10a and b illustrate the band

structure after metal ion doping, where a sub-band gap energy is formed, hence narrowing

the band gap of the semiconductor. On the contrary, the localised states of non-metallic

dopants can interact with the O 2p electrons at the VB edge, forming an impurity level.

The VB edge is then shifted upward, resulting in an extension in the optical absorption

edge of the semiconductor as portrayed in Figure 2-10c.103 Therefore, the modulation of

the band structure through the doping of metal ion or non-metallic ion technique is

preferred, achieving a visible-light active photocatalyst.11

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 2-10. (a) The donor level, (b) the acceptor level formed by metal ion doping, and (c) new valence

band formation by non-metal doping 11

The light absorption ability of Bi-based semiconductor can be enhanced by doping with

3d-transition elements or d10 and d10s2 configuration in the VB, as the hybridisation of s

Chapter 2. Literature Review

or d-orbitals with O 2p orbital will up-shift the top of the VB edge.39 For instance, Parmar

et al. studied 12 different cationic elements doped into the site of BiVO4, including Mo6+,

W6+, Ta5+, Zr4+, Si4+, Ti4+, Fe3+ and Ag+, only Mo6+ and W6+ were able to substitute V5+.

Consequently, the VB edges of Mo- and W-doped BiVO4 were shifted to a more positive

potential by 30 mV and the visible-light-induced photocatalytic activities for OER in the

presence of AgNO3 were improved.104 A similar result has been reported for Mo-doped

Bi2WO6. The higher electronegativity of Mo 4d transition compared to the W 5d

counterparts, facilities the formation of covalent bonds with oxygen, resulting a narrower

CB with a smaller curvature. However, covalent bonds do not favour the movement of

photogenerated charge carriers, even though they promote photon absorption.105

Although metal ion dopants can minimise the band gap of Bi-based semiconductor, Meng

et al. have claimed the insertion of the localised d states metals into the band gap could

generate a recombination centre. More trapping sites for electrons and holes are formed

in the metal dopant compared to non-metal dopant, leading to a reduction in the

photocatalytic performance.39 Thus, some research has moved on to doping non-metal

ions. Non-metal dopants introduce an impurity state and subsequently narrow the band

gap of Bi-based photocatalyst. The p states of the non-metals could combine with O 2p

orbitals to create a VB maximum energy of the doped composites.103 Studies on non-

metal doping, such as N, B and F doped with Bi2WO6, found that it can be an effective

strategy to enhance the visible-light photocatalytic activity owing to the high ionisation

energies and the high electronegativity, which inhibit the recombination of the

photogenerated charge carriers. Besides, N-, F- and B- doped Bi2WO6 exhibits a stronger

Chapter 2. Literature Review

absorption in the UV-visible range with a red shift in the band gap transition, resulting in

a strong specular reflection.106-109 Therefore, metal and non-metal doped Bi2WO6 are

considered to have improved efficiency in the photo-oxidation process since a narrower

band gap is obtained. Morphology Control

Interestingly, altering the shape of the Bi2WO6 by different preparation methods have

been found to be one of the common strategies applied to increase the light absorption.

The optical properties of the generally known Bi 2WO6 morphology are summarised in

Table 2-1, revealing the Bi2WO6 band gap in the range of 2.65 eV to 3.0 eV. The

hierarchical and red-blood cell shape Bi2WO6 are categorised as 3D super-structure,

experiencing an induced band gap widening (blue-shift in the absorption edge) when

compared to the 1D and 2D structures. Xu and co-workers have explained that the blue-

shift in the absorption wavelength in the 3D structure is due to the small grain size of the

hierarchical and red-blood cell shape Bi2WO6, ensuing in a larger band energy of

semiconductor.110 Smaller grain size of the photocatalyst, will decrease the extent of

orbitals or energy level overlapping, reducing the number of transition states and causing

an increase in energy gap between the VB and CB. It is also noted with the thin film

structure, that smaller grain size of the semiconductor can avoid the random distribution

of grains on the film surface, achieving higher surface roughness and an increase in light

scattering at the interface.111

Chapter 2. Literature Review

Table 2-1. Different morphologies of Bi2WO6 with the corresponding band gap

SEM images

Morphology Hierarchical Plate-like Red-blood cell

Band gap (eV) 2.85 2.75 3.06
65 101 67
Bi2WO6 Reference

SEM images

Morphology Rod-like Bipyramid Irregular

Band gap (eV) 2.70 2.65 2.72
75 78 79

SEM images
Thin Film
Morphology Nanoflake Porous Irregular
Band gap (eV) 2.82 2.75 2.63
88 86 112

Apart from the grain size, the particle size is also affecting the light absorption of the

semiconductor. At the nanoscale (10-100Å), the quantisation effect becomes significant.

The quantum size confinement effects create a large variation in momentum, leading to a

colour change of the material and a wider semiconductor band gap. Sun et al. have

identified the absorption edge of pure Bi2WO6 quantum dots located at 400 nm, which is

much lower than the 450 nm commonly reported in bulk Bi2WO6. Although the Bi2WO6

quantum dots have delineated an increase of the band gap, according to Gerischer theory

such phenomenon raised the thermodynamic potential of the electron-hole pairs, which

facilitate the charge transfer process between the semiconductor and the redox couple in

Chapter 2. Literature Review

solution.113, 114 Thus, Bi2WO6 of various morphologies can have different grain sizes and

particle sizes that could affect the optical absorption and band gap energy of the

semiconductor. In addition, the hierarchical-like particles and porous nanoflakes Bi2WO6

photoanode have been emphasised by Zhu et al. and Gong et al. that both exhibit superior

performances with long-term stability under irradiation. The enhancement of the

performance in hierarchical structure is attributed to its large surface area, offering the

photocatalyst not only increased absorption site for light harvesting, but also increased

interfacial contact between the active site and water for photo-oxidation reaction.48, 95

Moreover, the porous structure of Bi2WO6 photoanode has improved light absorption

ability, where the curvature formed scatters the incident light within the film and reduces

the reflection loss.86, 89, 102

In summary, doping and altering the morphology of Bi2WO6 are effective approaches to

design the desired light absorption ability for increasing the number of photoexcited

electron and hole pairs. Furthermore, studies have revealed that higher density of oxygen

vacancies and increasing distortion of the semiconductor crystal structure could increase

its light absorption ability115, thus, further investigation into such factors will be beneficial

for Bi2WO6.

2.6.2 Improvement in Charge Separation

In the four major steps of photocatalysis described at the beginning of section 2.2, Xu et

al. have referred to the charge separation as the ‘energy pump’ process, which is an uphill

action to separate the electrons and holes after absorbing sufficient energy (> 1.23 eV)

Chapter 2. Literature Review

from the sun.116 In this particular step, a high occurrence of the recombination of

photogenerated electron-hole pairs is observed within nanoseconds since there is

insufficient energy to withdraw and transfer the charge carriers from the photocatalyst.

Figure 2-11. Schematic diagram of the electrons and holes process at the semiconductor/liquid interface

under light illumination (thick vertical bar). The straight and wavy lines represent the radiative and

nonradiative processes, respectively. The electron energy (eV) is given relative to the vacuum level (0eV);
− +
𝑒𝑡𝑟 : electron trap, ℎ𝑡𝑟 : hole trap, 𝑒𝑟− : reactive electron surface site, and ℎ𝑟+ : reactive hole surface


Figure 2-11 illustrates the two most probable pathways for the recombination of charge

carriers within the semiconductor: (i) the reactive electrons relax into the VB from the

CB directly and recombines with the holes, or (ii) the trapped electrons at a specific site

of the surface or in the bulk recombine with the holes at the VB. Likewise, the

photogenerated holes in the VB undergo a similar mechanism, in which the holes are

trapped either at the interband or on the surface and then recombine with the electrons.118

The rapid charge recombination in the bulk semiconductor has prohibited the electron

Chapter 2. Literature Review

and holes to be transported for reduction or oxidation process, leading to a poor

photocatalytic and PEC performance. Thereby, strategies have been focused on

engineering the Bi2WO6 particles and thin film to promote the charge separation process. Bulk Engineering

Without any extrinsic modification, advanced engineering of bulk semiconductor such as

the change in crystal phase and increasing crystallinity has affected a superior charge

carrier mobility, suppressing the charge recombination in the photocatalyst.

The crystal lattice structure largely influences the semiconductor properties. For example,

TiO2 has three main crystal phases, and it can be transformed into anatase (tetragonal),

rutile (tetragonal) and brookite (orthorhombic) at different temperatures. Among all, Carp

et al. found that the anatase TiO2 exhibits a higher photocatalytic activity due to the Fermi

level located at a higher energy level, with a lower capacity to absorb O 2 and a higher

degree of hydroxylation.119 A similar case has been reported in BiVO4 where monoclinic

scheelite phase is the most representative structure to evolve the highest amount of O2,

more superior than the tetragonal zircon BiVO4.120 Despite the various crystal phases

being beneficial towards charge separation, Bi2WO6 with different crystalline phases are

not achievable since only the orthorhombic structure is mainly formed at any temperature

as mentioned in the fundamental properties of Bi2WO6 (section 2.3.1). Alternatively, Lv

et al. suggested that bismuth tungstate with different stoichiometry such as Bi2WO6-x

contains a high concentration of surface oxygen vacancies that capture the photoexcited

electrons, achieving an efficient photogenerated charge carrier separations.44 The bismuth

Chapter 2. Literature Review

tungstate with stoichiometry of Bi2W2O9 has also demonstrated a higher kinetic constant

due to the VB being made up of perovskite layers with higher hybridisation of Bi 6s and

O 2p orbitals. As a consequence, with a stronger hybridisation, more Bi lone pairs lose

their spherical symmetry and promote the electronic properties by improving the charge

mobility.38, 49

Besides, in the investigation of Zhang et al. and Huang et al., the highly crystalline

Bi2WO6 obtained via high temperature annealing had fewer electrons trapped below the

surface.121 The high temperature annealing minimises the defects in the photocatalyst and

promotes charge separation and transfers from the bulk centre to the surface active sites.

Although there is no direct evidence on the impact of different crystallinity degree of

Bi2WO6 thin film on PEC photoactivity, Dong et al. have explained the need of a highly

crystalline phase of Bi2WO6 as it improves the charge carrier transport.122 Thus, from the

crystallinity point of view, a higher crystallinity means the impurities in the photocatalyst

are no longer apparent which could enhance the carrier mobility. Yet, the calcination

temperature reaches the upper limit, resulting in the loss of surface active sites due

particles agglomeration and structural destruction. Interestingly, some researchers

reported that some semiconductors with low crystallinity or in amorphous condition

exhibited enhanced photocatalytic activity. The improved photocatalytic activity was due

to the existence of active centres for oxidation or reduction reaction through the

production of defects such as oxygen vacancies.123 Due to limited studies on the

correlation between the crystallinity and other factors (such as surface area), it is

Chapter 2. Literature Review

necessary to investigate and optimise the governing factors in the photo-oxidation process

for Bi2WO6. Crystal Facet Engineering

General speaking, a photocatalyst with more active sites being exposed to the light and

electrolyte will generate more charge carriers and active species for water oxidation.

However, it is also found that some of the active sites are only present on specific crystal

facets as different crystal facets have various degree of surface energy.124 In this regards,

researchers have gained interest in tailoring the high-energy crystal facets of the

photocatalyst owing to such facets permit the efficient separation of electron-hole pairs.125,
As demonstrated by Li et al., the metal-based reduction co-catalyst (such as HAuCl4,

H2PtCl6 and AgNO3) is selectively deposited on the {010} facets, while the metal-oxide-

based oxidation co-catalyst (such as MnOX and PbOx) are found mostly on the {110}

facets of the truncated bi-pyramid BiVO4 as shown in Figure 2-12. The proposed reason

for the metals or metal oxides selective deposition on certain crystal facets of the BiVO4

is due to the difference in intrinsic surface energy level of the CB and VB of each crystal

facet. The different energy field drives the electrons and holes spatially separated onto

different crystal facets, improving the charge mobility and separation efficiency.127

Chapter 2. Literature Review

Figure 2-12. SEM images of dual components photo-deposited on the surface of BiVO4 (a)

Au/MnOx/BiVO4, (b) Pt/MnOx/BiVO4, (c) Ag/MnOx/BiVO4, (d) Ag/PbO2/BiVO4, (e) Au/PbO2/BiVO4 and

(f) Pt/PbO2/BiVO4. The contents of the deposited metals/metal oxides are all 5 wt%. The scale bar is 500


Taking advantage of the different adsorption behaviours of various crystal facets, a facet-

dependent technique has been employed in Bi2WO6 fabrication to achieve superior charge

separation. Recently, Jolivet et al. discovered Bi2WO6 platelets grew preferentially along

the (010) surface orientation during hydrothermal reaction in an acidic medium, and a

detailed structure annotated with crystallographic planes is illustrated in Figure 2-13a.66

With a higher exposure of {010} crystal facet in Bi2WO6 to the electrolyte, it was found

an apparent improvement in the photocatalytic O2 evolution. The calculation of the

electronic density with respect to each Bi2WO6 crystal facet was performed by Wang’s

group, with the model being illustrated in Figure 2-13b. Based on the calculation result,

it was determined that the holes prefer to migrate around Bi atoms at the (060) crystal

facet surface due to the existence of more negative electronic density. The photogenerated

holes in Bi2WO6 concentrate around the {010} crystal facet family and acts as the active
Chapter 2. Literature Review

reaction sites, giving an effective separation process of the electron-hole and superior

photocatalytic water oxidation activity.124 As indicated above, the migration pathway of

the electrons and holes correspond to the surface energy of the Bi2WO6 crystal facet,

thereby researchers started to tailor the extent of {010} and {100} crystal facet exposure

of Bi2WO6 for optimisation in photocatalytic water oxidation.128

(a) (b)

(c)(i) (c)(ii)

Figure 2-13. (a) Representation of Bi2WO6 platelet wtih different crystallographic planes.66 (b) The

Bi2WO6 density function theory (DFT) model of the electronic density differences of at (002), (060), and

(200) surfaces which are obtained by subtracting electronic densities of the surface losing an electron

from that of the corresponding neutral surface. The blue and yellow colours indicate negative and

positive electronic density, respeictively.124 (c)(i) Band energy diagrams of single-crystalline nanosheets

and nanosheet-assembled microspheres, and (c)(ii) transient photocurrent responses of the Bi2WO6 nano-

structure of nanosheet-assembled microspheres (red line), single-crystalline nanosheets (black line) and

nanoparticle-assembled microspheres (blue line). 129

Chapter 2. Literature Review

Ma et al. systematically compared the photocurrent generated in the PEC system with

respect to the exposure of dominant {010} facet in Bi2WO6. The nanosheet-assembled

Bi2WO6 microsphere, which possesses a higher exposure of (010) facet, has a smaller

band gap (Figure 2-13c(i)) and exhibits a better photocurrent response than the single

crystalline nanosheet Bi2WO6 during organic degradation (Figure 2-13c(ii)). Apparently,

the microsphere Bi2WO6 is predicted to give higher performance due to a majority of

active dominant (010) facet was constructed. As the (010) facet is rich in charged oxygen

atoms, the electrophilic organic molecules are drawn to react with the holes distributed

on the (010) facet for degradation, while the electrons are being transported to the external

circuit.129 Contrary, Li et al. revealed from their DFT calculation, that dimer Bi-O

vacancy pairs are formed by retaining a large percentage of high surface energy (100)

facets in the bipyramidal Bi2WO6. The presence of (100) facet causes a large-scale atom

reconstruction, resulting in the distortion of Bi2WO6 crystal structure. The distortion

provides a larger space for polarizing the relevant atoms and orbitals, allowing an

improvement in the separation efficiency of the electron-hole pairs.78 In other words,

adjusting the growth of the Bi2WO6 crystal facet provide an opportunity for the electrons

and holes to reside and be exposed on the {010} or {100} facets, hence improving the

charge separation. To this end, charge trapping and charge recombination are decreased,

allowing the photocatalytic and PEC performance to be enhanced. However, there is no

specific experimental evidence to support the electron- and hole-dominant facet for

Bi2WO6 and quantify the amount of charges being exposed on the crystal facet, thus

further confirmation experiments are required for crystal facet engineering.

Chapter 2. Literature Review Heterojunction

In addition to the previously mentioned methods, heterojunction formation is one of the

common ways to modify Bi2WO6 to improve its photocatalytic and PEC performance.

The conventional heterojunction is defined as the interface between two different

semiconductors with unequal band structures, where band alignments between the two

semiconductors take place, promoting the separation of electrons and holes. Previously

studied heterojunction photocatalytic systems involving Bi2WO6 include WO3/Bi2WO694,

BiVO4/Bi2WO6130, BiOBr/Bi2WO6131, TiO2/Bi2WO6132, C3N4/Bi2WO6.133

Figure 2-14. Schematic diagram of the three different type of electron-hole pairs separation in the case of

conventional light responsive heterojunction photocatalyst: (a) type-I, (b) type-II, and (c) type-III


Depending on the band position and the electron affinity of the semiconductors, the

heterostructures can be divided into three different types of conventional heterojunction

photocatalyst as depicted in Figure 2-14. In type-I heterojunction, the CB and VB level

of the semiconductor A are respectively higher and lower than the band position in

semiconductor B. When semiconductor A is in contact with semiconductor B, the

electrons and holes at the CB(A) and VB(A) migrate to the CB(B) and VB(B). Thus,

Chapter 2. Literature Review

under light irradiation, the electrons and holes are accumulated in semiconductor B. For

the type-II heterojunction semiconductor, the CB and VB levels of semiconductor A are

slightly higher than those of semiconductor B. During photoexcitation, the electrons from

CB(B) will be transferred to CB(B), while the holes at the VB(B) will migrate to the

VB(B). Finally, the architecture of type-III heterojunction photocatalyst is similar to a

type-II heterojunction photocatalyst, except the CB and VB of both semiconductors do

not overlap, restricting the migration of the charge carriers. The theory of these three

different types of heterojunction can be implemented in Bi2WO6 in the form of powder or

photoanode.134 It has been reported that type-II heterojunction gives the best charge

separation efficiency, wide light absorption range and fast mass transfer when comparing

with the other types. Due to the chemical potential difference between semiconductor A

and B, a band bending will occur at the interface of heterojunction, which induces a built-

in field that drives the electrons and holes to move in opposite directions. Accordingly, a

spatial separation of the electrons and holes will accumulate at semiconductor A and B

of the heterojunction, respectively.118, 135 The type-II heterojunction can also be classified

into a p-n, n-n and p-p junction. Designing a p-n and n-n with Bi2WO6-based

heterojunction could overcome the ultrafast electron-hole recombination and promote the

charge transfer in the semiconductor. The impact of forming a type-II heterojunction on

the photocatalytic and PEC performance of Bi2WO6 are summarised in Table 2-2.

Chapter 2. Literature Review

Table 2-2. A brief comparison of the improved performance of Bi2WO6-based type-II heterojunction

The improved performance

Heterojunction Type References
compares with the pure Bi2WO6
1.5 times faster for degradation of 136
Bi2O3/Bi2WO6 p-n
RhB in 3 hours
2 times faster for degradation of 36
BiOBr/Bi2WO6 p-n
Bi2WO6 RhB in 30 mins
Particles 2 times faster for degradation of 137
WO3/Bi2WO6 n-n
phenol in 2 hours
6.2 times faster for degradation of 138
Bi2S3/Bi2WO6 p-n
phenol in 2 hours
Photocurrent density is 2 times 139
Bi2WO6 TiO2/Bi2WO6 n-n
higher than the Bi2WO6 photoanode
Photocurrent density is 2.3 times 130
Film BiVO4/Bi2WO6 n-n
higher than the Bi2WO6 photoanode

For instance, when Bi2S3/Bi2WO6 forms a p-n heterojunction, the p-type Bi2S3 and n-type

Bi2WO6 contain a higher amount of positively and negatively charged species,

respectively. The p-n heterojunction creates a built-in potential in the space charge region

or so-called an internal electric field. Sun et al. have reported that the existence of an

internal electric field could trigger the migration of photoexcited electrons from the CB

of Bi2S3 to the CB of Bi2WO6 when the semiconductor is exposed to light irradiation. On

the other hand, the holes will move in the opposite direction (Figure 2-15a). As a result,

the presence of an internal electric field and the band bending have contributed to a

superior spatial charge carrier separation, where the electrons and holes are accumulated

in the n-type Bi2WO6 and p-type Bi2S3, respectively. Furthermore, the claim on p-n

heterojunction providing an excellent charge separation is supported by

Chapter 2. Literature Review

photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy, which evaluates the charge separation efficiency

of the photogenerated charge carries in the semiconductor. Figure 2-15b(i) compares the

PL spectra of the bulk Bi2WO6 and the Bi2S3/Bi2WO6 heterojunction. The lower PL

intensity recorded in Bi2S3/Bi2WO6 indicates a lower recombination probability of the

electrons and holes. With respect to the Bi2S3/Bi2WO6, the phenol degradation rate has

been accelerated due to decrease in charge recombination rate, as depicted in Figure

2-15b(ii). Nevertheless, reports of p-n heterojunction semiconductors are limited as most

heterojunction materials are known to be unstable. Additional strategies are required to

stabilise the p-type photocatalyst, such that the corrosion of the material could be

prevented, and to avoid degradation of the heterojunction structure.140 Meanwhile, the n-

type semiconductor combines with n-type Bi2WO6 is more commonly reported. As an

example of the n-n heterojunction, BiVO4/Bi2WO6 demonstrated not only a stable

photocatalytic performance with high recyclability, it also showed a narrow band gap

after the band alignment and improved the charge separation efficiency.141 When the two

semiconductors are in contact, the junction in between could effectively separate and

transfer the charge as described by the type-II heterojunction mechanism. Thereby, the

deficiencies of the bulk Bi2WO6 including the intrinsic short charge diffusion lengths and

low charge carrier mobility are overcome.116 In summary, the p-n and n-n junction has

been proven to be an effective strategy for charge separation, since the lifetime of the

charge carriers are increased, greatly minimising the surface traps of the carriers within

the semiconductor.

Chapter 2. Literature Review

(a) (b)(i) (b)(ii)

Figure 2-15. (a) Schematic diagram of the electron-hole separation under the influence of the internal

electric field of a p-n heterojunction photocatalyst under light illumination. 134 (b)(i) PL spectrum and (ii)

the phenol degradation rate of Bi2WO6 and Bi2S3/Bi2WO6.138

For the heterojunction fabrication, researchers have implied other approaches to further

enhance. The electron-hole separation efficiency of the heterojunction could be further

enhanced by selecting an appropriate fabrication method. Firstly, the geometry of the

powder and thin film heterojunction play a vital role in the charge separation, as the

morphology of the resulting heterojunction directly affects the contact between the two

photocatalysts, which will affect the charge separation pathway and could influenced the

Schottky junction at the semiconductor-electrolyte interface. In an investigation by Wang

et al., a core-shell heterojunction was successfully synthesised with WO3 as the core and

Bi2WO6 as the shell. When the WO3/Bi2WO6 heterojunction is under illumination, band

alignment occurs between WO3 and Bi2WO6. Majority of the electrons accumulated at

the CB of WO3, while the holes were generated at the VB of Bi2WO6 as shown in Figure


Chapter 2. Literature Review

(i) (ii)

Figure 2-16. Photocatalytic degradation of RhB (i) WO3/Bi2WO6 core shell and (ii) Bi2O3/Bi2WO6 hollow

microsphere under visible-light irradiation (cut-off wavelength is larger than 442 nm and 554 nm,

respectively).136, 142

Although charges can be separated effectively in WO3/Bi2WO6, the WO3 is totally

encapsulated by the Bi2WO6 prohibiting the electrons to be in contact with the electrolyte

for redox reaction. Consequently, despite an increase in the charge carrier concentration

at the heterojunction that led to an enhancement in the photocatalytic reaction, the

separation of the electron-holes pairs would not improve significantly.142 In comparison

to Li et al. study on the heterojunction of a hollow Bi2WO6 microsphere with surrounded

Bi2O3 shell (Figure 2-16(ii)). The added advantage of this geometry facilitates electrolyte

diffusion into the hollow centre, allowing the electrons accumulated at the CB of Bi2WO6

to participate in the photocatalytic reaction. Correspondingly, the organics dye,

Rhodamine B (RhB), was completely decomposed by the Bi2O3/Bi2WO6 hollow

microsphere, while the encapsulated WO3/Bi2WO6 can only degrade 65% of the RhB in

3 hours. Therefore, the contact with the electrolyte for the photo-oxidation process is

profoundly affected by the geometry of the heterojunction constructed.

Chapter 2. Literature Review

Secondly, an increase in the interfacial contact between the two semiconductors acted in

furtherance of charge separation. Xu et al. studied four different interfacial contacts of

TiO2-Bi2WO6 photoanode. To achieve a higher interfacial contact between the two

photocatalysts, coarse underlayer Bi2WO6 was first fabricated by controlling the dip

coating process. The graphical illustration of the photoanodes is displayed in Figure

2-17(i). The BWO-3/TiO2 thin film, which denoted as ‘c’ in the figure, has the highest

interfacial contact in comparison to the other thin films. It was found that BWO-3/TiO2

exhibited the highest photocatalytic activity, with the degradation rate of stearic acid

being 6.8 times faster than the unmodified TiO2/Bi2WO6 photoanode (see Figure 2-17

(ii)). The improvement is attributed a higher interfacial contact area between the two

photocatalysts, increasing the electron-hole pair separation efficiency that facilitates the

electrons and holes being exposed at the surface for photocatalytic reaction.139

(i) (ii)

Figure 2-17. (i) Graphical illustration of TiO2/Bi2WO6 heterojunction morphology (‘a’ represent the

common bilayer film. ‘b’, ‘c’, and ‘d’ correspond to the heterojunction of 1.5%, 3% and 5% Bi 2WO6

precursors used during fabrication with TiO2 heterojunction, respectively. (ii) Evaluation of the thickness

(in nm) of stearic acid degraded after 24 hrs by using TiO2/Bi2WO6 with different interfacial contact.139

Chapter 2. Literature Review

Lastly, integration of the advantages of heterojunction in crystal facet engineering is

demonstrated to be beneficial for charge separation. Taking account of a photocatalyst,

each crystal facet possesses different surface energy that controls the direction of the

charge being separated and transported, thus, the combined faceted-Bi2WO6 and the

heterojunction could reduce the electrons and holes diffusion distances.143 Li et al. have

proposed a combination of thin layer of Bi2WO6 with the (040) and (110) BiVO4 facets

to form a heterojunction for PEC water splitting as illustrated in Figure 2-18. They have

inferred the electrons and holes in the BiVO4 are preferentially move to (040) and (110)

facet, respectively, due to the built-in electric field. With the n-n heterojunction

BiVO4/Bi2WO6 configuration, the exposed electrons at the (040)-BiVO4 migrate to

Bi2WO6, resulting in a suppression of the electrons and holes. The photocurrent density

recorded in the heterojunction has increased when compares to the bulk BiVO4 and

Bi2WO6.130 In conclusion, the geometry and the interfacial contact between both

photocatalysts of a heterojunction are one of the critical aspects to be considered for the

enhancement in photocatalytic and PEC performance. More investigation and

understanding on the relationship in the combination of two or more strategies with

heterojunction are useful, so that the limitation on the charge kinetics of bulk Bi2WO6

could be overcome.

Chapter 2. Literature Review

Figure 2-18. (c) The working principle in the PEC process of the thin film that (040) and (110) BiVO4

combine with Bi2WO6.130 Doping, Self-doping and Substitution

Doping cation or anion into Bi2WO6 can expand the photo-response spectral range as well

as restrain the recombination of photogenerated electrons and holes. Typically, there are

two types of dopant (either electron donors or acceptors). When the dopant is introduced

into the lattice structure of Bi2WO6, the atomic arrangement, physical structure and

chemical composition are modified. The modification causes an increase in charge carrier

concentration, charge mobility, and the intrinsic charge separation efficiency of the

materials. Thus far, the doping of Cu144, Fe145, Ag146 and F147 into Bi2WO6 have already

been reported to improve the photocatalytic activity in dye degradation. In most cases,

transition metal dopants function as the electron receptors on the surface of a

photocatalyst, which inhibit the recombination of photogenerated charge carriers. For

example, Xia et al. have justified the Cu ions in the Cu-doped Bi2WO6 acting as an

electron pool, enabling the electrons to initiate interfacial charge transfer (IFCT), as

illustrated in Figure 2-19. The photogenerated electrons at the CB of Bi2WO6 were

Chapter 2. Literature Review

directly reacted with Cu2+, reducing it to form Cu+. Due to its instability and the charge

compensation, Cu+ reduces oxygen molecules and re-oxidises to Cu2+. Therefore. By

trapping the photoelectron in Cu as Cu+ state, the electron lifetime is prolonged,

facilitating the reduction of O2 molecules to generate superoxide radicals during organic

degradation.144, 148 Likewise, Fe3+ dopant in Bi2WO6 is also reported as an excellent

mediator of the interfacial charge transfer. Wu et al. have stated that Fe3+ ions tend to

react with the photoexcited electrons and holes to form Fe2+ and Fe4+, respectively, when

the photocatalyst is subjected light irradiation. The Fe dopant could act as an electron or

hole trap that greatly reduces the charge recombination rate. However, excessive Fe3+

doping in Bi2WO6 could lead to cluster formation that covers the surface-active site of

Bi2WO6, resulting in deterioration of photocatalytic activity.145

Figure 2-19. Schematic diagrams illustrating the possible photocatalytic mechanism of Bi2WO6 and Cu-

doped Bi2WO6.144

Chapter 2. Literature Review

In addition, doping rare earth metal such as Er3+ into hierarchical Bi2WO6 infuses

upconversion properties into the photocatalyst, allowing Bi2WO6:Er3+ to be activated by

visible-light beyond the absorption edge of pristine Bi2WO6.149 Zhu and his co-worker

have reported a blue-shift in the optical absorption edge of the Er3+-doped Bi2WO6

compared to undoped Bi2WO6, indicating the formation of new energy states below the

VB. With such small energy level, the electrons and holes are trapped at the CB and VB,

suppressing the recombination of the photoexcited charges.150 To exploit the full

advantages of Er3+ doping and achieves the maximum charge separation efficiency, recent

research effort has focused on developing the synergetic technique of metal ion doping

and formation of heterojunction with Bi2WO6. The combination of TiO2 and Bi2WO6 can

optimise charge carrier dynamics, meanwhile, the incorporation of Er3+ produces a

noticeable improvement in photocatalytic performance, as observed by Colón’s group.

Taking advantage of increased band gap in Er3+doped Bi2WO6, it enhanced the UV-

photo-assisted process as well as higher driving force to withdraw the electrons and holes.

The TiO2/Bi2WO6 system with Er3+ doping has significantly improved the charge

separation efficiency, doubling the photocatalytic reaction rate.151 Therefore, combining

the two strategies, namely heterojunction formation and metal ions doping, can achieve

notable improvement in charge separation properties suppressing the electrons and holes

recombination and resulting in photocatalytic activity enhancement.

On the other hand, Chen’s group presented F- dopant that serves as an electron trapping

site and promotes the interfacial electron separation rate, similar to the Cu, Fe and Er

dopant mentioned above.147 Interestingly, substitution of F- into W site of Bi2WO6 form

Chapter 2. Literature Review

Bi2WO6-xF2x, which exhibited organic degradation rate two times faster than the

unmodified Bi2WO6. The enhanced photocatalytic activity is due to the presence of F 2p

orbitals that widen the CB and VB, which improves the charge mobility to be transported

to the active site, and also induces a stronger oxidation power.152 Besides, according to a

complementary study conducted by Yu et al. on the substitution of W site in Bi2WO6 with

Mo element (Bi2MoxW1-xO6), it was found the substitution reduced the curvature of CB

in Bi2MoxW1-xO6 photocatalyst, facilitating the effective photoelectron transfer in the

CB.153 Therefore, the development in metal or non-metal ions substitution in Bi2WO6

could considerably subdue the charge recombination to improve the photocatalytic


Recently, self-doping becomes an attractive method to enhance the activity photocatalyst.

Since self-doping avoids the mismatch in atomic diameters, it can prevent the negative

impact brought about by foreign dopants or impurities and simplify the fabrication

process, as it only requires varying the ratio of the metal precursors.154 For instance, self-

doping Ti3+ in TiO2 is able to extend the photo-response from the UV to visible-light, in

which the concomitant intrinsic oxygen vacancies are induced, forming a sub-level

electronic state below the CB that greatly enhances H2 production.103, 155 Inspired by the

Ti3+ self-doping technique, a study on self-doped Bi element into Bi2WO6 has found an

increase in charge carrier separation without altering its redox power. In a separate study,

Zhang et al. have reported when the Bi self-doped content in Bi2WO6, is increased by

substituting W6+ with Bi3+, higher oxidation states of Bi (Bi4+ or Bi5+) are present due to

charge compensation. Through Bi doping, a redistribution of Bi local chemical

Chapter 2. Literature Review

environment occurs, suggesting the Bi-O bond is strengthened via the formation of non-

stoichiometric bismuth oxide or bismuth tungstate, which increases the carrier density

and encourages charge separation.154 Although literatures have reported metal W doping

in photocatalyst can induce a high oxygen vacancy concentration and reduction of W6+ to

W4+ that assists the charge carrier separation, there are no reports on self-doped W

element in Bi2WO6 so far.156 The behaviour of the charge kinetic properties in the self-

doped W of Bi2WO6 remains unknown.

In summary, doping or substituting a desired amount of metal or non-metal ions into

Bi2WO6 could promote the concentration and migration of charge carriers within the

crystal. Loading suitable Co-catalyst

Semiconductors loaded with a small amount (< 1 wt%) of highly active co-catalyst (either

metal or metal oxide) have been popularly extensively studied. Addition of co-catalyst

affects the charge separation of the light absorber in two different ways. Noble metals,

such as Pt157, Au158 and Ag159, serving as an electron sink can significantly inhibit charge

recombination during photocatalytic reactions. A recent study by Gao et al. reported the

use of Pt-loaded Bi2WO6 for dye degradation, demonstrating a reaction rate twice as fast

in comparison to bare Bi2WO6. Owing to a Schottky barrier likely to be formed at the

interface between the Bi2WO6 and Pt, Pt with a more positive Fermi level facilitates the

channelling of the photogenerated electrons from the Bi2WO6 CB to the Pt particles

surface.160 Consequently, the Pt nanoparticles is attributed as an island with the capability

Chapter 2. Literature Review

to withdraw and trap electrons, effectively reducing the electron-hole recombination rate

in Bi2WO6.161 On the other hand, metal oxides such as Co3O4162 and MnOx163 loaded on

Bi2WO6 have produced improved photocatalytic activity. MnOx is known to act as a hole

scavenger as Bi2WO6 has a more anodic VB. A hole scavenging co-catalyst, helps

preserve the active site for oxidation process by suppressing the charge recombination.

The results highlighted the importance of interfacial design and control for charge

transport optimisation in a photocatalytic system.

2.6.3 Improvement in Charge Transport

In order to achieve satisfactory O2 evolution rate or significant solar to chemical

conversion efficiency, it is necessary to maximise the photocatalyst photon capturing

ability and its charge carrier surface exposure. The photocatalytic efficiency greatly

depends on the competition between the surface charge carrier transfer rate and the

electron-hole recombination rate. The charge carrier transfer time is much longer

compared to the electron-hole recombination time. Therefore, more time and effort have

been invested on strategies to accelerate the charge transfer step, so that a larger fraction

of electrons and holes can be transported to the active sites for chemical reaction before

recombination occurs. For this purpose, composite carbon-based materials and the

construction of the photocatalyst have been developed to speed up the electrons and holes

transport in Bi2WO6. Two common strategies are reviewed below.

Chapter 2. Literature Review Carbon-based Composite

Carbon-based materials are described as an excellent platform for the photogenerated

electron-hole pairs to migrate from the bulk because of the delocalised conjugated π

structure. The research on Bi2WO6 composite with reduced graphene oxide (RGO)164,

fullerene (C60)165, carbon nanotubes (CNTs)166 and carbon nitride (C3N4)133 have verified

that the carbon materials assist in accelerating charge separation and transportation.

(a) (b)


Figure 2-20.(a) The TEM image of Bi2WO6-RGO 2% nanocomposite, (b)EIS Nyquist plots, and (c) Mott

Schottky plots of bare Bi2WO6 and Bi2WO6-RGO 2% nanocomposite 167

Reduced graphene oxide (RGO) has a unique 2D planar structure and numerous surface

groups, thus possessing good electron receiving and transferring ability when combine

with Bi2WO6.164 For example, Mo et al. discovered a thin layer of RGO nanosheet densely

wrapped around the Bi2WO6 particulate when prepared with a simple hydrothermal

method. The transition electron microscopy (TEM) image of RGO/Bi2WO6 (Figure

2-20a) clearly shows the RGO is in good contact with the Bi2WO6. When comparing the

Chapter 2. Literature Review

removal rate of Bisphenol A, RGO-Bi2WO6 was 1.5 times faster than bare Bi2WO6.167

The enhancement in the degradation rate suggested a promotion in the charge transfer, as

the electrons excited from Bi2WO6 is injected into the RGO platform and transported to

the photocatalyst active sites via the delocalised electrons in the π- π graphitic carbon

network.168 The EIS Nyquist plot (illustrated in Figure 2-20b) are utilised to reveal the

charge transport efficiency, showing a remarkable reduction in the charge resistance of

Bi2WO6 when incorporated with RGO. Moreover, the Mott Schottky plot in Figure 2-20c

indicated a more negative flat-band potential in RGO-Bi2WO6, implying stronger

reducing ability.167

Figure 2-21. A schematic diagram of the Fermi level change and the charge transfer at the interface

under light irradiation from the graphene-Bi2WO6 nanocompoiste. Ø is the work function, Ec is the bottom

of the conduction band, Ev is the top of the valence band, Eg is the band gap, and EF1, EF2 and EF* are the

Fermi levels of graphene, Bi2WO6, and the graphene-Bi2WO6 nanocomposite, respectively.169

The benefits of RGO incorporation into Bi2WO6 was further revealed by Yao et al. via

DFT calculation. The results stated a built-in electric field was generated in RGO-Bi2WO6
Chapter 2. Literature Review

under light irradiation. The electrons from the Bi2WO6 CB were injected into the RGO

(Figure 2-21). By exploiting the advantages of the 2D conjugated π structure, which

includes the superior electrical conductivity of graphene, it prolongs the lifetime of

electron-hole pairs and facilitate a faster transfer rate of the charge carriers to the

photocatalyst active sites. Notably, the photocatalytic reaction happens not only on the

surface of Bi2WO6 but also on the graphene, in which the graphene can offer more

reaction sites for oxidation reaction.169 However, one apparent drawback of RGO-

Bi2WO6 is the poor attachment between both materials. Only a small fraction of the

Bi2WO6 surface is in direct contact with RGO, hence presenting a significant challenge

to form an effective chemical interaction (hybridised structure) across the interface. Thus,

the superior electronic properties of RGO is not fully utilised, implying a relatively low

charge separation efficiency and quantum efficiency. On the other hand, excessive

loading of RGO to improve RGO-Bi2WO6 interfacial contact could potentially result in

the RGO blocking the incident light required for photoexcitation, hence decreasing the

photocatalytic performance.168

Similarly, other carbon-based materials including carbon nanotubes and graphene-like

C3N4 have been found to facilitate the photogenerated electron transfer. All reported

carbon Bi2WO6 composite possess a similar mechanism in terms of charge transfer, where

the unique π-π coupling bond hindered the charge recombination rate and suppress the

photocorrosion phenomenon.133, 170 Therefore, development in composite carbon-based

materials have great prospect for the practical application of photocatalytic water splitting.

Chapter 2. Literature Review Construction of the Photocatalyst on the Photoanode

Another important aspect of Bi2WO6 application in PEC water splitting is the photoanode

fabrication. The photocurrent density recorded in PEC measurement is often influenced

by the architecture of Bi2WO6 formed on the electrode substrate. Numerous literatures

argued the orientation with a 1-dimensional (1D) structure, a thinner layer, and a lower

surface contact is preferred in the facile transfer photogenerated holes to the electrolyte

to the external circuit before they recombine.

Aforementioned, few literatures reported on the direct fabrication of Bi2WO6 photoanode,

discouraged by the slow nucleation process and unbalanced reactivity of the W and Bi

precursors that inhibit the growth of Bi2WO6 on the substrate.90 However, several studies

have demonstrated a higher photocurrent density recorded for the direct growth of

Bi2WO6 photoanode compared to those drop-casted nanoparticles electrodes during PEC

measurement.84 Development on the direct photoanode fabrication as well as the

architecture of Bi2WO6 being formed on the substrate are vital. An innovative practice

was reported by Zhang et al., where a leaf-like Bi2WO6 fabricated via hydrothermal

reaction indicated an improvement in the charge transfer properties. A short hole diffusion

length and a direct pathway for electron transport were discovered due to the well-defined

2D structure of leaf-like Bi2WO6 (exposed electron-dominant and hole-dominant crystal

facets), and shown in Figure 2-22a.84 The reason for the superior charge transport in the

2D leaf-like Bi2WO6 is due to their typical oxide nanostructure with their corresponding

charge transfer and transport behaviour as depicted in Figure 2-22b. As 3D structure

particle drop-casted on the substrate obtains numerous grain boundaries and high surface

Chapter 2. Literature Review

state density, which has not compromised the charge transport rate. Meanwhile, the well-

aligned 1D- and 2D-structured nanoarrays of Bi2WO6 have offered a reduction in the

electron diffusion length, which enables a rapid charge transport pathway and increases

the interfacial charge separation. The improved charge transport and separation in 1D and

2D structures have seen enhanced in the photocurrent density of about 10-50 times in

PEC system compared to the 3D structured Bi2WO6 or the nanoparticle drop-casted





Figure 2-22. (a) The SEM image and a schematic model display the charge transport in leaflike Bi2WO6

films in a PEC cell.88 (b) Schematic diagram illustrates three typical photoelectrodes and their

corresponding charge transport behaviour.171 (c) The charge transport mechanism under illumination of

the conventional plate-like and mesoporous Bi2MoO6.172

Chapter 2. Literature Review

In addition, when numerous plate-like Bi2WO6 were interlaced and grown on the

substrate, the complex structure hinders the smooth charge transfer from the

photoexcitation sites to the reaction sites. Since the charge carriers will have to overcome

multiple junction barriers in addition to the substantially longer charge transport distance.

Taking an example as demonstrated by Hao’s group, the manner of the electrons being

transported in the Bi2MoO6 is proposed and displayed in Figure 2-22c. A higher surface

contact and larger material size are distinguished, resulting in a higher charge

recombination rate.172 Therefore, the leaf-like Bi2WO6 is not the ideal morphology.

Further research in this area may led to the discovery of a suitable morphology or

composite semiconductor with other strategies for charge transport enhancement.

Figure 2-23. The SEM image and the mechanism of the charge transport in monolayer nanovoid compare

to conventional Bi2WO6 electrode.102

Meanwhile, Duret et al. and Russo et al. delineated the importance of optimising film

thickness to facilitate charge transport. When the planar thickness of the thin film is down

to ultrathin or monolayer level (within 5-100 nm thick), it offers an efficient visible-light

harvest and a short hole diffusion length to reach the electrolyte/electrolyte interface.173,
In this regard, studies on monolayer thin film have captivated the research community
Chapter 2. Literature Review

as it provides the prerequisite for interactions with the reactants. Bahnemann et al.

fabricated a monolayer nanovoid Bi2WO6 photoanodes with a thickness of 123.2 nm,

where a high refractive index is attained and enhances the electric field in the Schottky

region, shortening the hole diffusion length. A demonstration of the advantage of such

design is shown in Figure 2-23. The variation of electrode film thickness (< 100 nm or >

1 μm) could result in the loss of large portion of light energy or shorter charge carrier

diffusion length, respectively.102 The present literature concludes that, finding the optimal

thickness of the Bi2WO6 is necessary for the superior charge transport.

Finally but importantly, the orientation of the illumination of the light source to the

photoanode during PEC measurement could affects the transportation pathway of the

electrons and holes within the materials. It was found the back-side illumination

generated much higher photocurrent. A poor electrical conductivity is the limiting factor

of the front-side illumination, since the electrons are transported slower than the holes

across the entire thickness of the film, causing a higher chance for charge recombination

before the electrons can reach the interface between the photocatalyst and the conductive

substrate.175 Thus, an appropriate morphology construction, a thin photocatalyst layer

(especially monolayer) and back-side illumination could aids the charge transport in

photocatalysis, because more active sites and ultra-fast charge separation would give an

improvement in the photocurrent density for water splitting system.

Chapter 2. Literature Review

2.6.4 Improvement in Photocatalyst Stability

In many cases, owing to the slow charge transport in the photocatalyst, the holes are

accumulated in the VB and cause the photocatalyst to suffer from self-oxidation

(photocorrosion). Therefore, increasing the electron-hole pair lifetime could potentially

improve the photocatalyst stability, which would allow reusability and recoverability. The

stability of Bi-based semiconductor photocatalyst is mainly affected by the intrinsic

properties, solubility, as well as the pH of the electrolyte during the reaction.176, 177

Bi2WO6 has been proposed as a stable photocatalyst, yet it is unstable in acidic

environments. Zhu et al. have demonstrated the photocorrosion of Bi2WO6 in acidic

suspension (pH < 4.7), where Bi2WO6 is dissociated and transformed to the secondary

phase of H2WO4 and Bi2O3.54 Some solid particles was produced in the suspension and

are suspected to be the reaction products between the released Bi ions and the electrolyte

(i.e. Na2SO4). Nonetheless, the study did not focus on minimising the photocorrosion.

Eventually, Choi et al. demonstrated that by introducing a layer of O2 evolution co-

catalyst on the photocatalyst surface, the stability of Bi2WO6 can be dramatically

improved. As described in the section, co-catalyst can significantly suppress the

water oxidation kinetics as it acts as a protective layer.178 In addition, heterojunction is

another strategy recommended to chemically stabilise the Bi2WO6.133, 170


Bi2WO6 is unstable in acidic condition, it is notable that Bi2WO6 is a promising class of

photocatalyst used to complement other unstable semiconductors such as Bi2O3.179 Due

to the excellent electronic properties of Bi2WO6, it is able to withdraw the holes from an

unstable semiconductor to inhibit photocorrosion. However, the fundamental knowledge

remains obscure, thus further research is strongly recommended.

Chapter 2. Literature Review

2.7 Knowledge Gap

Morphology control is one of the strategies applied to improve the Bi2WO6 particulate

performance. In general, Bi2WO6 particles with large surface area are favourable in

promoting photocatalytic performances because of larger illuminated area (i.e. more

photoexcitation) and large contact interface between the electrolyte and active sites. On

the other hand, with improved photocatalyst crystallinity, it decreases the electrons

surface trap and thus promotes the charge separation and transportation. Typically,

improved crystallinity of photocatalyst (via thermal treatment) is accompanied with a

decrease of surface area. Water oxidation process relies on both surface area and

crystallinity degree of Bi2WO6, however, limited attentions were drawn on studying the

dominating factor between these two properties. To understand and find the balancing

point of these intrinsic factors is essential for the development of Bi2WO6 for

photocatalytic water oxidation.

In the configuration of electrode, modulation of crystallinity and surface area of Bi2WO6

would be limited as compared with the powder counterpart because of immobilisation of

Bi2WO6 on a pre-determined substrate. The common strategies to improve photoelectrode

include doping, crystal facet engineering and the construction of heterojunction with other

components. The correlation between each strategy is not clear as there are limited studies

on understanding the charge behaviour, especially when the changes are dynamic and

interrelated. To construct an ideal photoanode for photoelectrochemical water splitting,

inspecting the linkage between each strategy can provide an insight in the charge kinetics

properties of the Bi2WO6.

Chapter 2. Literature Review

As mentioned, construction of heterojunction for Bi2WO6 can be useful in promoting the

performance of photoelectrode. In general, the creation of band energy gradient at the

junction will facilitate the charge transfer across two components and therefore affording

higher utilisation efficiency of charges. Although enhanced activities were repeatedly

observed in many reports, the importance of the quality of the heterojunction is not

evaluated in most cases. The role of the interfacial contact with respect to the carrier

transportation between Bi2WO6 and secondary component is relatively less investigated.

This thesis will aim to provide insight in this aspect.

In addition to the promotion of photoactivity by constructing a heterojunction,

photocorrosion of photoelectrodes can also be suppressed when an effective

heterojunction is formed. Defects engineering can be used as a tool to modify Bi2WO6 in

order to achieve the protection function of unstable photoelectrode. Considering the

oxygen-deficient bismuth tungstate possesses surface oxygen vacancies which affects the

charge migration, its impact on suppressing the photocorrosion of oxide semiconductor

would be worthwhile to investigate.

2.8 Summary

Arise from the environmental concerns caused by the use of traditional fossil fuel,

development of sustainable and renewable energy source to replace the carbon-based is

needed. Among all renewable energy sources, photocatalytic water splitting which

produces clean H2 and O2 without leaving carbon footprint is considered an ideal process.

In this literature review, the optical and chemical structure together with electronic

Chapter 2. Literature Review

properties of Bi2WO6 are discussed comprehensively. Bi2WO6 shows potential in

photocatalytic water splitting reaction because of its visible-light response and suitable

band energy position for water oxidation. Various synthetic method which result in

Bi2WO6 nanoparticles with controllable morphological structure are summarised. As

indicated in most literature reports, the main application of Bi2WO6 is currently focused

on the removal of aqueous-based and airborne organic pollutants. Its deep valence band

energy offers a promising oxidising power for the oxidative removal of organic pollutants.

Attributed to the similar strength of Bi2WO6, this strong oxidising power enables to

oxidise water to produce O2 via water splitting reaction. However, the overall activity is

still not satisfactory because of a few factors. Therefore, this review also discusses the

performance of Bi2WO6 in different application, and the challenges associated. In brief,

the main challenges including the blockage of the active site, shielding of light absorption,

severe recombination rate of photogenerated carriers, poor charge transportation. Due to

these drawbacks, the solar conversion efficiency in photocatalytic and PEC performance

of Bi2WO6 remains low. Strategies adopted to improve the overall performance of

Bi2WO6 are discussed and summarised. Apparently, efforts and breakthrough are required

to achieve substantial progress using Bi2WO6 before commercialisation can be considered.

Systematic and in-depth studies need to be conducted to bridge the knowledge gap within

the Bi2WO6 area towards the feasible photocatalytic and PEC water splitting.

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Chapter 3. Balancing the Crystallinity and Specific Surface Area of Bi2WO6 for
Photocatalytic Water Oxidation






3.1 Introduction

Splitting water into molecular O2 and H2 gas as carbon-free energy carrier has been

studied extensively to overcome the energy shortage crises. Water splitting induced by

light energy was discovered by Fuijishima in 1972 by utilising the simple binary oxide

TiO2 photoanode and Pt counter electrode. Although it was the first demonstration of

solar water splitting, due to the limitation of TiO2 with a wide band gap, it is only capable

of absorbing UV light (which is approximately 5% of the solar spectrum). It triggers

further research on developing an alternative photocatalyst that is active in visible-light

range.1 Among the efforts in developing visible-light active photocatalysts, specific

attentions have been paid towards the synthesis method and morphological design of the

photocatalyst to achieve high photocatalytic performances. Bismuth-based photoactive

Chapter 3. Balancing the Crystallinity and Specific Surface Area of Bi2WO6 for
Photocatalytic Water Oxidation

materials have attracted immense interest such as BiVO42, Bi2WO63, Bi2MoO64,

Bi2Fe4O95 and BiOX (X = I, Cl, Br)6 as a narrow band gap photocatalysts. These materials

possess unique electronic structure of the hybridised O 2p and Bi 6s valence band, which

has a narrow band gap and is active for oxidising water under sunlight.7-10

Bi2WO6 belongs to Aurivillius family, which retains a layer structure with the perovskite-

liked slab of WO6. Studies have been established on morphological alteration, crystal

facet engineering, band structure modulation and doping strategies. Nevertheless, the

insights of the predominant factors that influence the photocatalytic water splitting still

require further clarification. Despite Bi2WO6 can be synthesised into different shapes, for

instance, nano-rod, nano-cage and nano-plate, the hierarchical spherical structure is more

favourable for fabrication. This is because hierarchical spherical particles can be

conveniently synthesised in a one-pot template-free hydrothermal reaction with the

occurrence of recrystallization of metastable precursors.11 This synthetic route can

produce particles with controlled shapes and uniform sizes; it can also be scaled up and

maintains high dispersion in the solution. Furthermore, Amano et al. suggested that the

hierarchical shape of Bi2WO6 was self-assembled with numerous rectangular platelets.

Each micron-size Bi2WO6 sphere has large specific surface area and high crystallinity.

The surface area and the crystallinity of Bi2WO6 appear to be critical parameters in

photocatalytic water photo-oxidation. However, there is no further investigation on the

importance of the crystallinity and specific surface area of the particles.12 This chapter

discusses the correlations between the photocatalytic O2 generations of hierarchical

spherical Bi2WO6 and their crystallinity and surface area. It provides useful information
Chapter 3. Balancing the Crystallinity and Specific Surface Area of Bi2WO6 for
Photocatalytic Water Oxidation

on the critical role of crystallinity in powder-suspension type photocatalytic water


3.2 Experimental Procedures

3.2.1 Preparation of Hierarchical Bi2WO6

The hierarchical Bi2WO6 microspheres were fabricated using the hydrothermal method

reported previously.13 In a typical process, 1.38 g of Bi(NO3)3·5H2O was dispersed in a

40 mL of 0.4 M HNO3 at 40˚C. White precipitate was formed when 30 mL of 0.05 M

Na2WO4·2H2O solution was added dropwise to the above solution with stirring at room

temperature for 24 hrs. The slurry was transferred into a 100 mL Teflon-lined autoclave,

sealed in a stainless steel reactor and heated at 160˚C for 20 hours. Subsequently, the

autoclave was cooled down to ambient temperature, and the Bi2WO6 precipitate was

obtained. The products were centrifuged with deionised water followed by drying the

samples at 80˚C. The as-prepared Bi2WO6 powders were calcined at various temperatures

between 450˚C to 750˚C for 4 hours with a ramping of 5˚C/mins, respectively. The

samples were denoted as BiWO-X in which X stands for the calcination temperature used.

3.2.2 Structure Characterisation

Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images were taken on a FEI Nova NanoSEM 450

FESEM microscope operated at 5 kV. X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns were obtained by

PANalytical Xpert Multipurpose X-ray Diffraction System at ambient atmospheric

temperature which applied Cu Kα radiation (λ= 1.54 Å) with a potential and current of 45
Chapter 3. Balancing the Crystallinity and Specific Surface Area of Bi2WO6 for
Photocatalytic Water Oxidation

kV and 40 mA, respectively. Diffuse reflectance spectra were obtained on a UV-3600

UV-VIS-NIR spectrometer and Kubelka-Munk plots were constructed. The Brunauer-

Emmett-Teller (BET) surface areas were measured from Micromeritics Tristar 3000

nitrogen adsorption apparatus. Steady-state photoluminescence (PL) emission spectra

were measured by Horiba Fluoromax-4 spectrofluorometer with 320 nm as the excitation

light source. The Raman spectra were acquired on the Renishaw inVia spectrometer

utilising a 514 nm wavelength of Argon ion laser with 1800 lines/mm grating. The X-ray

photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) was performed on an ESCALAB250Xi with mono-

chromated Al Kα (energy 1486.68 eV) as the excitation source. The C ls was set to 284.8

eV as the reference for each specimen charge to correct the binding energy achieved in

the XPS spectral analysis.

3.2.3 Photocatalytic Oxygen Generation

Photocatalytic O2 evolution reaction was carried out in a top-irradiated quartz window

sealed cell with a 300 W Xe lamp. 100 mg of as-synthesised powder was dispersed in

0.05 M of 100 mL aqueous AgNO3 solution. Argon has been purged through the aqueous

solution for 30 minutes to remove air and dissolved O2. The O2 evolved was analysed

using a gas chromatography (Shimadzu GC, 8A) equipped with a thermal conductivity

detector and a packed column.

Chapter 3. Balancing the Crystallinity and Specific Surface Area of Bi2WO6 for
Photocatalytic Water Oxidation

3.2.4 Photoelectrochemical Activities

The Bi2WO6 samples were first deposited on carbon paper (as electrode) by the drop-cast

method. The Bi2WO6 samples were suspended in ethanol solution and deposited on

carbon paper of 1.5 cm x 2 cm dimension. The photoelectrochemical (PEC) measurement

was conducted using three electrodes system (where the Bi2WO6 electrode, Pt foil and

Ag/AgCl (1 M) acted as working, counter and reference electrode, respectively) by a

potentiostat (Autolab PGSTAT12). A Xenon lamp was used as the light source while an

aqueous solution of 0.1 M sodium sulphate was used as the neutral electrolyte.

3.3 Results and Discussion

3.3.1 Physical Properties of Hierarchical Bi2WO6 microspheres

Figure 3-1. (a) XRD patterns, (b)(i) Raman Spectra and (b)(ii) Raman shift at 796 cm-1 and 826 cm-1

of the Bi2WO6 particles calcined at different temperatures

The crystal structure and the phase purity of the as-synthesised product were examined

by XRD as shown in Figure 3-1a. The characteristic peaks detected at 28.3˚, 32.7˚, 47.0˚,

Chapter 3. Balancing the Crystallinity and Specific Surface Area of Bi2WO6 for
Photocatalytic Water Oxidation

and 55.8˚ are indexed to pure phase of orthorhombic Bi2WO6, (JCPDS 79-2381).14

Despite a higher calcination temperature applied to Bi2WO6, there are no significant

changes in the intensity ratios among the peaks. Noticeably, crystallinity of the Bi2WO6

has improved when calcination temperature increased. The degree of crystallinity

describes the position of the atoms or the molecules arrangement in the photocatalyst, and

the amorphous or semicrystalline framework is minimised when crystallinity enhanced.

Yu et al. stated the crystallinity can be estimated from the peak intensity of the XRD

pattern.15 Figure 3-1a illustrates evidently that the XRD peaks become narrower and

sharper that the peak intensities become stronger; a distinct split peak can even be

observed after heat treatment, supporting the observation of improved crystallinity. The

crystallite size of Bi2WO6 is calculated using Debye-Scherrer’s equation:

𝐷= Eqn. (3-1)

where D is the average of crystallite size, K is a constant taken as 0.9, 𝜆 is the wavelength

of the X-ray radiation used (Cu Kα = 0.154 nm), β is the band broadening full width half

maximum (FWHM) of the dominant peak and Ө is the diffraction angle. In this case, an

increase in the crystallite size was achieved when Bi2WO6 was calcined at high

temperatures, in which the calculation was based on the most intense peak at 28.3˚ with

the orientation of (113) (Table 3-1).

Furthermore, the Raman spectra of each Bi2WO6 samples were evaluated and shown in

Figure 3-1b(i). Raman spectroscopy is a reliable technique capable of probing the

molecular structure of materials, in which it reveals the bonding states and the interactive
Chapter 3. Balancing the Crystallinity and Specific Surface Area of Bi2WO6 for
Photocatalytic Water Oxidation

forces in the coordination of a material. All the major vibration bands exhibited from the

as-prepared Bi2WO6 are 112 cm-1, 141 cm-1, 150 cm-1, 181 cm-1, 208 cm-1, 224 cm-1, 260

cm-1, 283 cm-1, 306 cm-1, 333 cm-1, 416 cm-1, 705 cm-1, 721 cm-1, 796 cm-1, and 824 cm-
. These fundamental bands match with the orthorhombic Bi2WO6 as in the reported

literature.16 Among all the bands, the characteristic Raman bands are located below 200

cm-1 as those bands are attributed to the lattice modes of the Bi ions. The bands in the

range of 200-1000 cm-1 are corresponding to the W-O stretching mode of WO6

octahedra.17 Figure 3-1b(i) shows a decrease in intensity for 285 cm-1 band (I285) while

the intensity of the peak at 306 cm-1 (I306) was increased upon elevated annealed

temperatures. This 306 cm-1 band is attributed to the translational modes of the

participating motions of Bi3+ and WO66-.18 The growth of this peak reflects the

rearrangement of the crystal structure, especially related to the W-O stretching bond

within the entire particle under high temperature.19 Besides, 721 cm-1 band is assigned as

the anti-symmetric bridging mode of WO6 octahedra with the bridging mode connected

to the O2 atoms within the layers. The intense bands at 796 cm-1 and 824 cm-1 are ascribed

as the anti-symmetric and symmetric stretching modes of the Ag terminal O-W-O groups,

respectively. As can be seen from Figure 3-1b(ii), slight negative and obvious positive

shifts are observed at the peak positions of 796 cm-1 and 824 cm-1, respectively. Also, an

increase in the ratio between these two peaks is observed. Nonetheless, the shifting has

stopped and reversed at the BiWO-750 samples. The relationship between Raman

stretching frequency and bond length was found to express in a simple exponential form:

υ = 25823 exp(-1.92R) Eqn. (3-2)

Chapter 3. Balancing the Crystallinity and Specific Surface Area of Bi2WO6 for
Photocatalytic Water Oxidation

where υ is the Raman stretching frequency in wavenumbers and R is the W-O bond length

in angstroms.20 Therefore, the positive shifting of the stretching modes, 824 cm-1,

demonstrates the conformation of the shortened bond length when the crystallinity of

Bi2WO6 improved at elevated annealing temperatures. This has led to a firm interaction

of the metal-oxide but with a distorted structure.21

Table 3-1. Comparison of the Raman band intentisy between different wavenumber

Bi2WO6 Calcination Temperature (˚C) I285/I306 I796/I824

Uncalcined 0.84 1.22

450 0.87 1.70

550 0.98 2.45

650 1.04 2.76

750 1.01 3.07

3.3.2 Morphology Study

The morphological evolution of the Bi2WO6 samples annealed at elevated temperatures

was monitored under SEM as presented in Figure 3-2a to e. All SEM images reveal the

3-dimensional hierarchical microspheres, and each individual microsphere is composed

of an accumulation of nanometre size rectangular plates. As the calcination temperature

increases, the particle size of each Bi2WO6 microsphere remains comparable with the

diameter of 3-4 µm. It is generally perceived that the formation of Bi2WO6 microspheres

initiated from nucleation, followed by self-aggregation and Ostwald ripening process to

Chapter 3. Balancing the Crystallinity and Specific Surface Area of Bi2WO6 for
Photocatalytic Water Oxidation

reach the final hierarchal structure. Further controls required for obtaining a

homogeneous sized and distributed hierarchical particle include the temperature of the

reaction process, pH, crystal growth time and the nature of the precursors. It has been

discovered that flower-liked particles could only be synthesised in an acidic reaction

medium (below pH 3) and requires sufficient growing time for aggregation of the

nanoplates to occur in forming Bi2WO6.13, 17 In this work, the SEM images demonstrate

that an increase in the thickness of the individual nanoplate of the hierarchical particles

is achieved with an increase in the calcination temperature. As a result, the exposed

surface area of the lateral surface has been raised. Although the continuing growth of

nanoplates was observed, the architecture of hierarchical shape was noticeably deformed

when temperature beyond 550˚C was used. Each nanoplate in the hierarchical Bi2WO6

microsphere has transformed from a rectangular shape to nano-ovoid. Deformation of

these nano-ovoids into largely fused particles was observed when 750°C applied, in

which a schematic diagram (Figure 3-2f) illustrates the growth of individual nanoplate

with a microsphere.

Figure 3-2. SEM images of Bi2WO6 samples calcined at different temperatures: (a) untreated, (b) 450˚C,

(c) 550˚C, (d) 650˚C, (e) 750˚. (f) Schematic diagram of the evolution of individual nanoplate within a

Chapter 3. Balancing the Crystallinity and Specific Surface Area of Bi2WO6 for
Photocatalytic Water Oxidation

The surface area of Bi2WO6 was measured by BET and the results are summarised in

Table 3-2. Although no obvious difference in the particle size of each microsphere, the

uncalcined Bi2WO6 has a relatively large surface area and the surface area decreases

accordingly with higher calcination temperatures. The photocatalytic activity might be

influenced with a higher surface area of the semiconductor being exposed to reactant (i.e.

water in this study) which could provide more catalytic sites for water oxidation.16 A

drastic decrease in the specific surface area in respect of the elevated calcination

temperature of Bi2WO6 was attained, especially it reduced from 22.51 m2g-1 to 0.71 m2g-
when Bi2WO6 was heated up to 750˚C. The SEM images reveal that all individual plates

of BiWO-750 were agglomerated into a significantly fused ball shape thus leading to a

sharp shrinkage in their surface area. Interestingly, the surface area of BiWO-550 is

almost the same as that of BiWO-650 (approximately 4 m2g-1). It is mainly because of the

morphological evolution from the accumulated rectangular plate into a porous nano-

ovoids structure. Figure 3-3 illustrates the pore-size distribution of the Bi2WO6. Although

a similar pore diameter of 4 nm was observed for both BiWO-550 and BiWO-650 samples,

the latter has a higher pore volume. Thus, the hierarchical shape of BiWO-650 has

essentially transformed into interconnected small nano-ovoid with the existence of pores

which facilitated large accessible surface area for nitrogen in the BET measurement. As

a result, a similar surface area was achieved for both BiWO-550 and BiWO-650. This

morphological evolution can be considered as an appropriate platform for diffusion of

small molecules (including water) to enhance the photocatalytic performance.13

Chapter 3. Balancing the Crystallinity and Specific Surface Area of Bi2WO6 for
Photocatalytic Water Oxidation

Table 3-2. Crystallite size and surface areas of each photocatalyst

Bi2WO6 Calcination Temperature (˚C) Crystallite Size (nm) Surface Area (m2g-1)
Uncalcined 12.9 22.52

450 25.0 8.11

550 47.7 4.01

650 57.6 4.22

750 69.6 0.71

Figure 3-3. Pore-size distribution of Bi2WO6 at different calcined temperatures

3.3.3 Optical and Electronic Properties

The optical band gaps were evaluated by UV-vis spectroscopy and the spectra are shown

in Figure 3-4. Most samples have similar absorbance an absorption edge of 430 nm. Tauc

plots of the UV-Vis spectra were constructed in the inset of Figure 3-4. The band gap

energies of the fabricated samples could be determined from the edge of the absorbance

Chapter 3. Balancing the Crystallinity and Specific Surface Area of Bi2WO6 for
Photocatalytic Water Oxidation

recorded from the (αhv)2 versus the photon energy plot. In general, there is no significant

difference in the band gap for Bi2WO6 after calcining at various temperatures. They

remain in consistent with the reported literature value at ca. 2.9 eV.14 However, BiWO-

750 has a slight red shift towards a band gap of ca. 2.85 eV, in which it has the ability to

absorb further in visible-light range although the origin for this minor band gap narrowing

is not known at this stage.

Figure 3-4. UV-Vis absorption spectra of Bi2WO6 microsphere

Chapter 3. Balancing the Crystallinity and Specific Surface Area of Bi2WO6 for
Photocatalytic Water Oxidation

3.3.4 Photocatalytic Water Oxidation using Bi2WO6 Microspheres

Figure 3-5. Photocatalytic O2 generation from aqueous AgNO3 solution using Bi2WO6. The result in each

experiment was an average over 3 runs with error bars corresponding to standard deviation.

Zheng et al. have suggested that photocatalyst with high surface area could enhance the

photocatalytic performance, as it creates more active sites for the photoactive

semiconductor to contact with the reactant in the suspension for water oxidation.22 On the

other hand, there are other researchers mentioned that improvement in the crystallinity of

the photocatalyst will lead an improved photocatalytic activity owing to the repair of

crystal defects which decelerate the time for charge carrier recombines. In this work,

hierarchical Bi2WO6 microspheres were employed to oxidise water in the presence of

AgNO3 electron scavengers under the light irradiation and the result are displayed in

Figure 3-5. The sequence of the photocatalytic activities obtained is untreated Bi2WO6 ≈

BiWO-450 < BiWO-750 < BiWO-550 < BiWO-650. It is clear that the Bi2WO6 calcined

Chapter 3. Balancing the Crystallinity and Specific Surface Area of Bi2WO6 for
Photocatalytic Water Oxidation

at 650˚C released the highest amount of O2 during the reaction which produced

approximately 240 µmol after 6 hours illumination. Although BiWO-750 should generate

a relatively more O2 theoretically due to their highest crystallinity among the samples, the

photocatalytic oxidation was markedly deteriorated. 650˚C is the optimum calcination

temperature for the hierarchical Bi2WO6 microspheres to obtain the benefits of improved

crystallinity while not suffering from drastic drop in the surface area in facilitating water


Intensity (a.u.)


330 350 370 390 410 430 450 470 490 510 530 550
Wavelength (nm)

Figure 3-6. (a) PL emission spectra of Bi2WO6 with excitation wavelength of 320 nm.

The improvement in the crystallinity of a photocatalyst possesses the ability to suppress

photo-excited charge carriers result in enhancement in photocatalytic performance, as

suggested by the PL analysis. The PL emission spectroscopy is a useful technique to

analyse the effectiveness of the separation of the photoinduced electrons and holes pairs

in a semiconductor. It is well established that higher the intensity recorded from the PL

emission spectrum reflects the semiconductor undergoing rapid recombination rate of the

free carriers.23, 24 Figure 3-6 shows a comparison of the PL spectra (excited at 320 nm)
Chapter 3. Balancing the Crystallinity and Specific Surface Area of Bi2WO6 for
Photocatalytic Water Oxidation

for all the Bi2WO6 samples. The wavelength of the PL emission is comparable for all

samples reflecting the similar photoexcitation behaviour. However, the

photoluminescence intensity decreased accordingly when higher calcination temperatures

were applied. The emission peaks centred in between 370 nm and 390 nm are believed to

be attributed to the oxygen vacancies related to the defects emissions.25 The shoulder

peaks detected at 460 nm is ascribed as the trapped free electrons derived from the surface

defect in the conduction band. The PL results supported that higher crystallinity (also

with larger crystallite size) comes with the suppression of the recombination rate of the

charge carriers. This feature is favourable to enhance the photocatalytic activities as the

photoexcited charge carriers lifetime will be prolonged and it promotes the ability of

interfacial charge transfer to the adsorbed substrate.26 The results demonstrate that the

improvement in crystallinity of the hierarchical Bi2WO6 microspheres contribute more

significantly than that of surface area in the photocatalytic system. In spite of the surface

area has being halved and thus the active sites, the improved photocatalytic activities were

still observable owing to this suppression of charge recombination facilitated by the better


Chapter 3. Balancing the Crystallinity and Specific Surface Area of Bi2WO6 for
Photocatalytic Water Oxidation

(a) (b) (c) O1s

750°C Bi 4f7/2 Bi4f 750°C W 4f7/2 W4f 750°C
W 4f5/2
Bi 4f5/2

650°C 650°C 650°C


Intensity untreated
untreated untreated

168 166 164 162 160 158 156 41 39 37 35 33 535 533 531 529 527
Binding Energy (eV) Binding Energy (eV) Binding Energy (eV)

Figure 3-7. XPS spectra of (a) Bi 4f, (b) W 4f for Bi2WO6 and (c) O 1s spectra for Bi2WO6

Surface composition and the chemical state of the element in Bi2WO6 were measured by

XPS. According to the XPS spectra of the uncalcined, BiWO-650 and BiWO-750, all

samples are composed of Bi, O, and W only. In the Bi 6f spectrum of Bi2WO6 (Figure

3-7a), the sample possesses two signals at binding energies of 159.3 eV (Bi 4f7/2) and

164.6 eV (Bi 4f5/2), which are attributed to the Bi in the Bi3+ oxidation state. The peaks

located at 35.6 eV (W 4f7/2) and 37.7 eV (W 4f5/2) are assigned to the W6+ oxidation

state.18 Interestingly, uncalcined Bi2WO6 contains new doublet peaks located at 161.2 eV

and 166.6 eV in the core spectrum of Bi 4f, as well as the doublet peaks at 36.6 eV and

38.7 eV in the core spectrum of W 4f. These are ascribed as the doped ions Bi 4+ and/or

Bi5+ in replacing W6+.27 Such high oxidation state is reflecting a breakage in the W-O-W

bond leads to the substitution of Bi4+/Bi5+ for W6+ during the synthesis process. The

replacement is subjected to the reduction of the number of Bi valence electrons on the

Chapter 3. Balancing the Crystallinity and Specific Surface Area of Bi2WO6 for
Photocatalytic Water Oxidation

surface and will create oxygen vacancies on the surface in this manner. Oxygen vacancies

introduce new subgap states which could improve charge transport and extend the light

absorption ability. Nonetheless, the doped ions do not aid the oxidation of water into O2

since the ions do not contain a strong metal oxygen bond. The O 1s peaks displayed in

Figure 3-7c can be deconvoluted into three different peaks, where the binding energies

are found to be at 530.7 eV, 531.7 eV and 533.23 eV, which are corresponding to the

chemical bonding of W-O, Bi-O and surface adsorbed hydroxyl oxygen, respectively.

The O 1s level has shifted to a higher binding energy by ~0.6 eV in the uncalcined

Bi2WO6, which suggests that a weakened interface between the metal and the oxide.18 It

has proved from the Raman spectra that the length of the W-O bond has shortened which

reflects stronger bond interaction. Tan et al. have also reported that shorter W-O bond

length leads to the overlapping of Bi 6p and O 2p orbital, where these overlapping

enhanced the migration of photo-excited holes of the surface of Bi2WO6 to improve the

photocatalytic reaction.28, 29 Thus, the benefit of possessing stronger W-O bonding is the

suppression of the recombination rate of the photoinduced charge carriers from the

interior to the surface of Bi2WO6. Furthermore, the doped ion from the uncalcined sample

has disappeared, while the thermal treatment has strengthened the interaction of unit cell

and resulted in the reduction of the interlayer spacing, altering the crystal lattice of


Additionally, the PEC performances of the hierarchical Bi2WO6 microspheres also

suggested a less decisive role of surface area in the photocatalytic system (Figure 3-8).

At low anodic bias (+0.1 V) in which the photocurrent generated is more determined by
Chapter 3. Balancing the Crystallinity and Specific Surface Area of Bi2WO6 for
Photocatalytic Water Oxidation

the intrinsic charge transportation behaviour of the Bi2WO6, BiWO-650 recorded the

highest photocurrent density, compared to those with higher surface area (i.e. uncalcined

BiWO, BiWO-450 and BiWO-550). In contrast, at a much higher anodic bias (+0.75 V)

in which this external bias is sufficient to overcome the internal charge transportation

within the Bi2WO6 grains, all samples generated similar photoresponse at ca. 1 µA/cm2.

Note that BiWO-750 has the lowest PEC performance due to weak adhesion on the

electrode. Combined the two investigation of photocurrent density recorded at +0.1 V and

+0.75 V, it suggests that the surface area parameter is less determining factor for

photocatalytic performances as the activities were more relied on the quality of the charge

transportation (which is a property defined by crystallinity). Thus, it is reasonable to

observe poorer photocatalytic activities in the uncalcined Bi2WO6 and BiWO-450

although both have the relatively higher surface area with more active site. It is expected

that the improvement in the crystallinity and the presence of the nanopores morphology

in BiWO-650 facilitated a shortened charge diffusion length, thus increases the

photocatalytic efficiency. Given the results from Raman spectra which revealed a shorter

W-O bond length (indicated by the positive band shifting) in BiWO-650, it also suggested

the distortion of lone pair around Bi cation which can facilitate the active Bi lone pairs

for photo-oxidation reaction.30, 31 It is also confirmed in this work that obtaining high

surface area is not as significant as that of high crystallinity in ensuring a better

photocatalytic water oxidation.

Chapter 3. Balancing the Crystallinity and Specific Surface Area of Bi2WO6 for
Photocatalytic Water Oxidation

(a) 4.5 (b) 13

Photocurrent Density (µA/cm2)

Photocurrent Density (µA/cm 2)

Light on 650˚C
3.5 Light on Light off Light off
650˚C 10
8 550˚C
2.5 550˚C 7
2 6
1.5 450˚C 4
1 3
0.5 Bare
0 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 0 100 200 300 400 500 600
Time (seconds) Time (seconds)

Figure 3-8. Photocurrent density of hierarchical Bi2WO6 calcined at various temperatures with bias of

(a) 0.1 V and (b) 0.75 V vs Ag/AgCl

3.4 Summary

In this first study, a hierarchical microsphere of Bi2WO6 was self-assembled with

numerous rectangular platelets was achieved via hydrothermal reaction. The crystallinity

improvement along with a decreased in surface area of Bi2WO6 was attained by

implementing thermal treatment towards the photocatalyst. The experimental results in

the photocatalytic water oxidation activities and photoelectrochemical measurements has

highlighted the crystallinity of the Bi2WO6 is the major priority factor in the preparation

of an efficient photocatalyst when comparing with surface area. The optimal balance

between crystallinity and surface area was found the calcination temperature at 650°C for

Bi2WO6. At this Bi2WO6 annealed at 650°C generated the highest amount of O2, up to

240 μmol of O2 was evolved. Although the large surface area can provide more active

sites for reactions, photocatalytic performances are more reliant upon the quality of the

Chapter 3. Balancing the Crystallinity and Specific Surface Area of Bi2WO6 for
Photocatalytic Water Oxidation

charge transportation behaviour of a photocatalyst, in which charge transportation is

highly dependent on the crystallinity.

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27. Hu, T.; Li, H.; Zhang, R.; Du, N.; Hou, W., Thickness-determined photocatalytic

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28. Tan, H. L.; Suyanto, A.; Denko, A. T. D.; Saputera, W. H.; Amal, R.; Osterloh, F. E.;

Ng, Y. H., Enhancing the Photoactivity of Faceted BiVO4 via Annealing in Oxygen-

Deficient Condition. Particle & Particle Systems Characterization 2017, 34 (4), 1600290-


29. Kudo, A.; Omori, K.; Kato, H., A Novel Aqueous Process for Preparation of Crystal Form-

Controlled and Highly Crystalline BiVO4 Powder from Layered Vanadates at Room

Temperature and Its Photocatalytic and Photophysical Properties. Journal of the American

Chemical Society 1999, 121 (49), 11459-11467.

30. Ren, F.; Zhang, J.; Wang, Y., Enhanced photocatalytic activities of Bi2WO6 by introducing

Zn to replace Bi lattice sites: a first-principles study. RSC Advances 2015, 5 (37), 29058-

Chapter 3. Balancing the Crystallinity and Specific Surface Area of Bi2WO6 for
Photocatalytic Water Oxidation

31. Thalluri, S. R. M.; Martínez-Suarez, C.; Virga, A.; Russo, N.; Saracco, G., Insights from

crystal size and band gap on the catalytic activity of monoclinic BiVO4. International

Journal of Chemical Engineering and Applications 2013, 4 (5), 305.

Chapter 4. Manupulating the Fate of Charge Carriers with W Concentration:
Enhancing PEC Water Oxidation of Bi2WO6







4.1 Introduction

In the previous chapter, the hierarchical spherical Bi2WO6 was examined and illustrated

that crystallinity was the predominant factor in order to enhance in photocatalytic water

oxidation. Aside from powdery system, the photoelectrochemically separating water to

produce H2 as an alternative energy resource to substitute the non-environmentally

friendly fossil fuels also attracted attention. Recent research focused on developing an

efficient semiconductor that harvests sunlight to generate sufficient charge carrier for the

water splitting reaction. Kim et al. have reported the benchmark TiO2 drives a superior

Chapter 4. Manupulating the Fate of Charge Carriers with W Concentration:
Enhancing PEC Water Oxidation of Bi2WO6

photoactivity performance by engineering the crystal facet.1 However, TiO2 has a wide

band gap of 3.2 eV that requires ultraviolet light for photoactivation.

Conventional strategies such as coupling with another active photocatalyst to form

heterojunction, loading co-catalyst, and doping with metal have played a conspicuous part

in the improvement of photoelectrochemical (PEC) performance. TiO2-Cu2O/CuO2, and

N-modified TiO23 overcome the limitation of TiO2 by expanding the light absorption into

the visible range. These modifications also provide charge trapping sites for the

photogenerated carriers, which improves the charge separation and electron transport

efficiency. However, the modified photocatalysts require two-step fabrications to prepare

the photoanode.

Bismuth tungstate (Bi2WO6), on the other hand, is a promising Aurivillius family of layer

perovskite-like Bi-based metal oxide. The Bi 6s and O 2p orbital interaction at the top of

the valence band has a relatively smaller band gap, allowing photoactivation under

visible-light. In an earlier study, Ohtani and co-worker have revealed the performance

could be enhanced by increasing the relative amount of W during the fabrication of the

flake-ball Bi2WO6 particle.4 Generally, the catalytic efficiency of a photocatalyst is

dictated by its crystal structure, crystal size, surface area and morphology. However, the

work of Ohtani et. al., the influence of excessive W content in the precursor solution on

the physiochemical properties of Bi2WO6 was not clarified.

Chapter 4. Manupulating the Fate of Charge Carriers with W Concentration:
Enhancing PEC Water Oxidation of Bi2WO6

In this work, low-cost plate-like Bi2WO6 photoanodes are simply synthesised by a one-

pot hydrothermal reaction with different concentrations of W. The charge transport

properties of the plate-like Bi2WO6 is elucidated by deeply investigating the carrier

density, charge mobility, charge separation and the charge transfer resistance of the thin

film, as these are interrelated during the water oxidation process. Aside from that, the

excessive W has identified to induce ‘self-doping’, leading to higher charge carrier

density and lower charge transfer resistance, which greatly enhance the PEC performance.

4.2 Material and Method

4.2.1 Preparation of Bi2WO6 Film

All the chemicals received were of analytical grade and were used without further

purification in the present work.

The Bi2WO6 films were fabricated via a simple hydrothermal reaction. First, the

transparent conducting fluorine-doped tin oxide glass (FTO, 1.5 cm × 5 cm in size) was

washed with acetone, ethanol and water consecutively under sonication and dried in air

before use. Subsequently, the cleaned FTO was placed inside a 100 mL Teflon-lined

autoclave, leaning vertically against the Teflon wall. Before the hydrothermal reaction, 2

mmol of Bi(NO3)3·5H2O was dissolved into 14 mL of ethylene glycol under sonication

until a colourless solution was obtained. After that, 2 mmol of EDTA was added, followed

by dropwise addition of Na2WO4·2H2O at various concentration to the above solution to

achieve a total of 70 mL. The concentration of Na2WO4·2H2O used was 1, 2, and 3 mmol,

Chapter 4. Manupulating the Fate of Charge Carriers with W Concentration:
Enhancing PEC Water Oxidation of Bi2WO6

where the mole ratio of W to Bi were 0.5, 1.0, and 1.5, respectively. 2.5 M NaOH was

used to adjust the solution until it reached pH 9. After 1 h of stirring, the solution was

transferred into the above 100 mL Teflon-lined autoclave (with the FTO glass) and kept

at 180˚C for 20 h. The as-synthesised sample was rinsed with water and annealed in air

at 450˚C to enhance the crystallinity of the products.

4.2.2 Photodeposition of Ag and MnOx

For the photodeposition, Ag and MnOx were photodeposited on the photocatalyst by

immersing the Bi2WO6 thin film in a solution containing 0.25 mM of AgNO3 and 0.88

mM of MnCl2·4H2O for 30 minutes under irradiation (300 W Xe lamps), respectively.

Constant stirring and argon purging in the electrolyte was performed throughout the


4.2.3 Characterisation

The morphology of each thin film was analysed under scanning electron microscopy

(SEM, FEI Nova NanoSEM 450 FE-SEM). Transmission electron microscopy images

(TEM) images were obtained by Philips CM200 instrument and the corresponding

energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) of the elemental mapping were determined

by scanning transmission electron microscope (ac-STEM, JOEL JEM-ARM200F) at an

electron accelerating voltage of 200 kV. Structural properties were examined by

PANalytical Empyrean Thin-Film X-ray diffraction (XRD) using Cu Kα radiation (λ =

1.5406 Å) with a voltage of 45 kV and current of 40 mA at room temperature. The UV-

Chapter 4. Manupulating the Fate of Charge Carriers with W Concentration:
Enhancing PEC Water Oxidation of Bi2WO6

visible diffuse reflectance spectra were measured by Perkin Elmer Lambda 950

spectrophotometer equipped with integrating sphere. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy

(XPS) was performed using the ESCALAB250Xi instrument with mono-chromated Al

Kα (1486.68 eV) X-ray source. Raman spectroscopy was carried out with Reinshaw inVia

Spectrometer and utilising an argon ion laser (λ = 532 nm, 1800 lines/mm grating). The

conductive atomic force microscope (cAFM) image was taken using the JEOL 5400 MkII

Environmental SPM. The surface conductance and the current-voltage (I-V) behaviour of

the thin films were acquired with a Platinum-coated silicon probe (SCM-PIC-V2 from

Bruker AFM probes) in contact mode. A bias voltage of V = ± 20 V was applied to the

sample under ambient temperature, and the corresponding current was measured with a

current pre-amplifier, both in the presence and absence of UV light. The light source taken

was equipped with a 20 mWcm-2 fibre-coupled LED lamp at an angle of 20˚. The time-

resolved photoluminescence (TRPL) was measured by the time-correlated-single-photon-

counting technique on Microtime 200 system (Picoquant) with the excitation of a 373 nm

pulse laser. For the time-resolved microwave conductance (TRMC) measurement was

performed under a 355 nm microwave source (Q-switched Nd:YAG laser). The samples

were prepared by drop-casting the sample powders (removed from the thin film by

ultrasonication) onto a 25 mm x 12 mm quartz window. The photoexcited carrier in the

form of conductance (G) was determined by equation Eqn. (4-1). The microwave power

from the cavity (P/P) was detected throughout the measurement with the resonant

frequency of 8.15 GHz. Next, the correlation between the total of the carrier mobility (Σµ)

and the photoconductance was determined with equation Eqn. (4-2).

Chapter 4. Manupulating the Fate of Charge Carriers with W Concentration:
Enhancing PEC Water Oxidation of Bi2WO6

∆𝑃 Eqn. (4-1)
(𝑡) = −𝐾∆𝐺(𝑡)
∆𝐺 Eqn. (4-2)
𝜙∑𝜇 =
𝐼𝑜 𝛽𝑒𝐹𝐴

4.2.4 Photoelectrochemical Measurement

The photoelectrochemical (PEC) measurement including the electrochemical impedance

spectroscopy (EIS) was conducted with Autolab model PGSTAT 12 potentiostat in a

three electrode system (the photoanode thin film, Pt foil, and Ag/AgCl were used as the

working electrode, counter electrode and reference electrode, respectively) in an

electrolyte of 0.1 M Na2SO4. An area of 0.72 cm2 was illuminated with an equipped light

source of 300 W Xe lamps. The Nyquist plot was carried out in the frequency range from

0.1 to 10000 Hz at the potential of 0.5 V vs Ag/AgCl under illumination using the same

condition for the PEC measurement.

Chapter 4. Manupulating the Fate of Charge Carriers with W Concentration:
Enhancing PEC Water Oxidation of Bi2WO6

4.3 Results and Discussion

Figure 4-1. SEM images of (a) Bi-W1 (b) Bi-W2 (c) Bi-W3 fabricated with 1 mmol, 2 mmol and 3 mmol of

Na2WO4·2H2O, respectively. (d) HRTEM (inset are the FFT (left) and TEM images (right)) of the Bi-W1.

(e) A schematic illustration of the crystal structure of Bi2WO6.

Plate-like Bi2WO6 thin films were grown directly on FTO substrates through

hydrothermal method using various concentrations of W. At a low W concentration (1

mmol), Bi2WO6 of distinct sheet-like structure with single plate length of ca. 4.8 µm and

thickness of ca. 24 nm was observed from the scanning electrons microscopy (SEM)

image (Figure 4-1a). Interestingly, when higher W concentrations of 2 mmol or 3 mmol

were employed, the length of the Bi2WO6 plate was reduced to ca. 2.9 µm and 1.6 µm

(Figure 4-1b and c), respectively. Meanwhile, the thicknesses of the plates have increased

to ca. 55 nm and 104 nm. Hereafter, the resultant samples fabricated with 1 mmol, 2

mmol, and 3 mmol of W precursors (Na2WO4·2H2O) are denoted as Bi-W1, Bi-W2 and
Chapter 4. Manupulating the Fate of Charge Carriers with W Concentration:
Enhancing PEC Water Oxidation of Bi2WO6

Bi-W3, respectively. Despite the distinct amount of W precursor, all three samples were

shown to be densely grown on the FTO substrate with well-defined interlacing Bi2WO6

plates, as observed in Figure 4-2.

5 µm 5 µm 5 µm

Figure 4-2. Photograph of the as-prepared thin films of (a) Bi-W1, (b) Bi-W2 and (c) Bi-W3 with

corresponding SEM images

To identify the exposed facet of the samples, a fragment of Bi-W1 was scratched from

the resultant thin film for dark-field TEM analysis. Close examination of the high-

resolution TEM (HRTEM) image revealed the existence of distinctive lattice spacing in

the sample. As demonstrated in Figure 4-1d, the lattice fringes with d spacing of 2.74 Å,

2.76 Å, and 1.95 Å correspond to the (060), (002) and (260) planes of orthorhombic

Bi2WO6, respectively. In addition to the successful formation of plate-like Bi2WO6

observed under TEM (inset of Figure 4-1d), a labelled angle of 90.2˚ was measured from

Chapter 4. Manupulating the Fate of Charge Carriers with W Concentration:
Enhancing PEC Water Oxidation of Bi2WO6

its corresponding fast Fourier transform (FFT) image. The angle is equivalent to the

theoretical angle between the (060) and (002) facet5, consistent with both facets being

perpendicular to each other. Based on the above characterisations, the dominant top and

bottom surfaces are corroborated to be {100} facet while the lateral sides of the Bi2WO6

plate belong to the family of {010} and {001} facets. The schematic illustration of the

crystal facet family for a single Bi2WO6 plate is shown in Figure 4-1e.

(a) (b) (c)

(040) (262)
plane plane


Bi-W2 Bi-W3

Bi-W1 Bi-W2


Figure 4-3. (a) XRD diffraction pattern, (b) the prominent {010} peaks and (c) the prominent {101} peaks

of Bi-W1, Bi-W2 and Bi-W3 locate at 2Ө = 19.4˚ and 58.4˚.

Table 4-1 The ratio of {010}/{101} plane from the XRD diffraction pattern
Sample {010}/{101} ratio

Bi-W1 0.69

Bi-W2 0.91

Bi-W3 0.93

Chapter 4. Manupulating the Fate of Charge Carriers with W Concentration:
Enhancing PEC Water Oxidation of Bi2WO6

Figure 4-3a demonstrates the XRD patterns of Bi-W1, Bi-W2 and Bi-W3 samples. The

development of distinct diffraction peaks that are readily indexed to an orthorhombic

phase of Bi2WO6 (JCPDS No. 39-0256) has signified the growth of pure and highly

crystalline samples. Although all three samples exhibited the same diffraction peak

positions, the ratio of (040)/(262) peaks that were observed at 2Ө = 19.4˚ and 58.4˚

(Figure 4-3b and c) confirmed the increase in thickness of the crystal. Mclaren et al. have

clarified that the relative intensity of two XRD peaks could represent the change in

particle shape.6 Therefore, the larger ratio of (040)/(262) exhibited by Bi-W3 was

attributed to the growth of {010} facet (Table 4-1). In accordance to the SEM images

(Figure 4-1c), the XRD results delineated the preferential growth of the Bi2WO6 crystal

in the z-direction (Figure 4-1e) when W rich medium was used as the feed solution.

Furthermore, the optical absorption of the Bi2WO6 thin films in Figure 4-4 shows that

the measured absorption band edge (λ) of Bi-W1, Bi-W2 and Bi-W3 are 425 nm, 429 nm

and 431 nm, respectively. These resulted in the optical band gap energies of ca. 2.9 eV,

which are similar to the previously reported band gap value of Bi2WO6. 7, 8

Chapter 4. Manupulating the Fate of Charge Carriers with W Concentration:
Enhancing PEC Water Oxidation of Bi2WO6

Figure 4-4. UV-visible spectrum of Bi-W1, Bi-W2 and Bi-W3.

Though the above characterisations, increasing amount of W precursor were shown to

alter the particle size and the thickness of {010} facet of the Bi2WO6 plate. The change

in crystal morphology is attributed to the change in growth direction, in which the possible

formation mechanism of the Bi2WO6 plate is proposed in Figure 4-5. First, EDTA acting

as a chelating agent plays a crucial role in coordinating itself with the Bi3+ ions to form

[Bi(EDTA)-] complex. This prevented the spontaneous precipitation of Bi3+ with WO42-,

which retarded the Bi2WO6 grain growth.9 Under high temperature and pressure, the

hydroxyl molecules from ethylene glycol were reacted with NaWO4·2H2O to produce

WO42- anion.10 Meanwhile, the [Bi(EDTA)-] complex bond was weakened, resulting in

the gradual release of Bi3+ ions. The increasing concentration of Bi3+ free ions in the

solution promotes the reaction with WO42-, forming Bi2WO6 nuclei on the FTO substrate.

After prolonged growth of Bi2WO6 nuclei, plate-like Bi2WO6 was obtained via the

Ostwald ripening process.11 It is noted that during this process, the alkaline medium of
Chapter 4. Manupulating the Fate of Charge Carriers with W Concentration:
Enhancing PEC Water Oxidation of Bi2WO6

the feed solution aids to hinder the aggregation of the plates to form a hierarchical ball.4

Zhang et al. has stated the ability of EDTA to control the growth of the particle along

different crystal axes. Since different exposed facets possess distinct surface energies,

EDTA2- molecules were known to preferentially adsorb on the active {010} facet.5 Thus,

more [Bi2O2]2- layers were built in x- and y-directions at low W mole ratio, forming a

thin and large Bi2WO6 sheet. On the other hand, excess WO42- competes with the released

EDTA at the {100} facet, and the [Bi2O2]2+ layers were more likely to construct a

sandwiched structure with WO6 octahedral layers. As a result, an extensive exposed area

of {010} facet was generated12, 13, which is consistent to the above findings.

WO42- Bi3+ EDTA Bi(EDTA)- Bi2WO6

Figure 4-5. Schematic diagram of the plate-liked Bi2WO6 formation

In order to explore the impact of W concentration on the PEC performance, chopped

linear sweep voltammetry measurements of Bi-W1, Bi-W2 and Bi-W3 were conducted

(LSV, Figure 4-6a). The results indicated that the PEC performances followed the trend

of BI-W1 < Bi-W2 < Bi-W3. The photocurrent density of Bi-W3 reached a maximum

Chapter 4. Manupulating the Fate of Charge Carriers with W Concentration:
Enhancing PEC Water Oxidation of Bi2WO6

value of 1 mA/cm2 at 1.0 V vs Ag/AgCl. Besides, anodic and stable photocurrent densities

are observed from the corresponding amperometric I-t curves at an applied voltage of 0.5

V vs Ag/AgCl (Figure 4-6b), reflecting the n-type behaviour of the highly stable Bi2WO6

samples. More importantly, the amperometric results also demonstrated the same

photoactivity trend as the LSV measurements, which implied that the thin film fabricated

with higher W concentration (Bi-W3) exhibited an enhanced PEC performance. A similar

observation has also been reported by Amano et al., where the excess W precursor used

during the synthesis of Bi2WO6 was recognised to promote the photoactivity.4 Since the

variation of W concentration has led to the difference in Bi2WO6 morphologies which in

turns affects the charge transport properties, understanding the samples from the

perspective of electrical conductivity, charge mobility, charge transfer, charge separation,

and internal impedance is imperative to determine the factors that governing the

photoactivity. Contribution of the light absorption ability to the enhanced performance is

deemed negligible, given the similar absorption and band gap energy (Figure 4-4).

(a) (b) 0.60

1.2 Bi-W3 Bi-W2
Photocurrent Density (mA/cm2)

Photocurrent Density (mA/cm 2)

Light on Bi-W1
Light off
Bi-W1 0.40

0.6 0.30


0.0 0.10

-0.2 0.00
-0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Potential (V vs Ag/AgCl) Time (seconds)

Figure 4-6. (a) Linear sweep voltammetry curves and (b) amperometric I-t curve with constant voltage of

0.5 V vs Ag/AgCl of Bi-W1, Bi-W2 and Bi-W3 in 0.1 M Na2SO4 under light illumination.
Chapter 4. Manupulating the Fate of Charge Carriers with W Concentration:
Enhancing PEC Water Oxidation of Bi2WO6

The optical-electro properties of the Bi2WO6 thin films were investigated by using

conductive atomic force microscopy (cAFM) technique. This technique has been

extensively employed to measure the thickness of graphene sheet and the conductivity

between the graphene and a semiconductor.14-16 Herein, the I-V curves obtained from the

cAFM (under dark and light condition) have enabled the evaluation of the electrical

conductivity of the Bi2WO6 samples. The electrical conductivity of the photoactive

semiconductor is correlated to its charge transfer efficiency, charge mobility and the

carrier density.17, 18 A basic sketch of the cAFM setup is illustrated in Figure 4-7a, where

a UV-light source was inserted at an angle of 20˚ for illumination and the Pt tip was in

contact with the sample surface at ±20 V applied bias. Figure 4-7b demonstrates the

principle of the charge movements in the Bi2WO6 samples during the cAFM measurement.

Under zero-bias, the photoexcited thin films behave as an insulator with the electrons and

holes allocated randomly on the bulk surfaces. Upon a negative applied bias, the

photogenerated electrons flow towards the positively charged Pt tip to complete the

circuit. The conductive surfaces of the Bi2WO6 thin films at this stage allowed the

formation of electron tunnel for electrons transfer. In contrast, when a positive voltage

was applied to the system, the reversed electrical polarity will alter the electron flow

direction and a negative photocurrent was measured. After the repetition of cAFM scans

on multiple locations of the samples, the representative I-V curves for Bi-W1, Bi-W2 and

Bi-W3 are shown in Figure 4-7c. Although Bi2WO6 should act as an insulator under dark

condition, the small amount of dark current detected from all the samples illustrates less

amount of electrons were forced to flow throughout the circuit under high voltage, an

indication of the extent of electrical barrier. When the thin film was illuminated,
Chapter 4. Manupulating the Fate of Charge Carriers with W Concentration:
Enhancing PEC Water Oxidation of Bi2WO6

photoexcited charges will flow through the external circuit to generate photocurrent,

which represents the formation of electron tunnel. If the samples possess high carrier

density and charge mobility, an increased photocurrent will be recorded in the cAFM I-V

plot, demonstrating high conductivity. By observing the cAFM photoresponse (Figure

4-7c), a maximum photocurrent of ±8 nA was attained by Bi-W3, while lower

photocurrents were recorded for Bi-W1 (±0.02 nA) and Bi-W2 (±2 nA). The higher

photocurrent exhibited by Bi-W3 infers its high charge population and low electrical

resistance, facilitating the charge transfer throughout the thin film.

(a) (b)
At Zero Bias At -20 V Bias At +20 V Bias
LED Lamp
A Pt Pt + Pt -



(c) 0.02 2 12
Bi-W1 Bi-W2 10 Bi-W3
1 6
Current (nA)

Current (nA)
Current (nA)

-0.01 4
-0.02 0.5 2
-0.03 0
0 -2
-0.04 Dark
Dark Dark -4
-0.05 Light -6 Light
-0.06 -1 -8
-20 -10 0 10 20 -20 -10 0 10 20 -20 -10 0 10 20
Voltage (V) Voltage (V) Voltage (V)

Figure 4-7. (a) Schematic diagram of photo-conductive AFM setup, (b) schematic illustration of the flow

of electrons and holes under no (left), positive (middle) and negative (right) bias on the FTO substrate

under illumination, (c) Current-voltage (I-V) of dark and illuminated state of Bi-W1, Bi-W2 and Bi-W3

with standard of ± 20V bias.

Chapter 4. Manupulating the Fate of Charge Carriers with W Concentration:
Enhancing PEC Water Oxidation of Bi2WO6

According to the discussion from the cAFM measurement, the enhanced conductivity of

Bi-W3 could reflect its higher carrier mobility. However, results from the time-resolved

microwave conductance (TRMC) have signified a decrease trend in charge mobility was

observed among the Bi2WO6 thin films. TRMC has been used to study the carrier

dynamics including the carrier mobility, decay lifetime and the trapping state of the

photoexcited carriers.19 The power law calculated from the conductivity decay curves of

the Bi2WO6 samples that were drop-casted on quartz substrates at a photon flux of ~109

photon·pulse-1·cm-2 are illustrated in Figure 4-8a. According to the previously derived

equation Eqn. (4-2), the peak of the measured signal represents the carrier mobility, and

the decay curves can be fitted exponentially to determine the carrier lifetime. It is

observed from Figure 4-8a that the carrier mobility of Bi-W1, Bi-W2 and Bi-W3 are 0.07

cm2V-1s-1, 0.04 cm2V-1s-1, and 0.02 cm2V-1s-1, respectively. Furthermore, by measuring

the microwave photoconductance at different laser pulsed intensities, the conductance

with decreasing photon flux (Figure 4-8b) attributed to the less pronounced higher-order

recombination at the lower light intensity. In addition, the linearity of the plots indicates

that no trap states were present within the samples. Given that the calculated charge

mobility of the Bi-W1 is higher than Bi-W3, however Bi2WO6 samples are notably lower

than other binary oxide photocatalysts (such as Bi2O3 and WO3).20 The insignificant

differences of these values (in the same order of magnitude) delineated that carrier

mobility of the samples is independent to the W precursor concentration and morphology

of the particle. The comparable microwave conductivity reflected that the increase of W

concentration in Bi2WO6 does not improve the carrier mobility, and thus, the attained

PEC performance does not rely on the carrier mobility.

Chapter 4. Manupulating the Fate of Charge Carriers with W Concentration:
Enhancing PEC Water Oxidation of Bi2WO6

(a) (b)

Time (s) Intensity (

Figure 4-8. (a) The power laws calculated from the TRMC signals recorded for Bi-W1, Bi-W2 and Bi-W3

using excitation of 355 nm at a photon flux of ~109 photon·pulse-1·cm-2 (b) Logarithmic of the TRMC

signals recorded for Bi-W1, Bi-W2 and Bi-W3 using excitation of 355 nm at a photon flux of ~109


Table 4-2. The average decay time on time-resolved photoluminescence (TRPL).

Bi-W1 Bi-W2 Bi-W3

A1 0.051 0.072 0.093

τ1 2.39 2.16 2.02

A2 0.011 0.013 0.017

τ2 12.88 11.73 10.29

Average Time (ns) 8.14 6.99 6.02

The influence of interfacial charge separation and the charge transfer resistance of the

samples are studied to further understand the enhancement in PEC performance. The

former was examined by the time-resolved photoluminescence (TRPL) while the latter

Chapter 4. Manupulating the Fate of Charge Carriers with W Concentration:
Enhancing PEC Water Oxidation of Bi2WO6

was investigated via EIS spectroscopy (such as Nyquist plots). The PL decay curve was

fitted with a biexponential model, to yield two distinct decay components: (1) the fast

decay component ( 𝜏1 ) decribed as the intrinsic channel of the electron-hole pair

recombination, and (2) the long decay component (𝜏2 ) corresponding to the indirect

recombination of electrons being trapped in the defects at the valence band.21, 22 As

summarised in Table 4-2, the comparable 𝜏1 (approximately 2 ns) for all samples, imply

their similar charge separation efficiency and recombination rate. In contrast, the

difference in 𝜏2 for Bi-W1, Bi-W2 and Bi-W3 (i.e. 12.88 ns, 11.73 ns and 10.29 ns,

respectively) indicates the distinct tendencies of the carriers captured by the donors before

they recombine indirectly, suggesting effective transportation.

500 Bi-W1
400 Bi-W3


200 80

100 20
0 100 200
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000

Figure 4-9. (a) EIS Nyquist plot of Bi-W1, Bi-W2 and Bi-W3 electrodes under 0.5 V vs Ag/AgCl in 0.1 M

Na2SO4 under illumination

Chapter 4. Manupulating the Fate of Charge Carriers with W Concentration:
Enhancing PEC Water Oxidation of Bi2WO6

For the investigation of interfacial charge transfer resistance, Nyquist plots of Bi 2WO6

samples were obtained from EIS impedance spectroscopy (Figure 4-9). The first arc of

the Nyquist plot at the high frequency region is commonly used to describe the charge

transfer resistance between the oxide layer and the electrolyte, while the second arc (1 -

100 Hz) corresponds to the resistance within the Bi2WO6 samples.23 In the low frequency

region (10 mHz - 1 Hz), the arc represents the charge resistance of the interface between

Bi2WO6 and the substrate. The larger arc diameters for Bi-W1 and Bi-W2 at the low

frequencies (Figure 4-9) indicates their higher charge transfer resistance within the

sample-substrate interfaces.24 In this regard, the lower charge transfer resistance of Bi-

W3 facilitated the transfer of photogenerated carriers, thereby promoted the photocurrent

generation. Meanwhile, inset of Figure 4-9 reveals similar arc diameter for all the

samples at higher frequency regions, which was ascribed to the similar charge transfer

resistance between Bi2WO6 and the electrolyte.


Ag 500 nm 500 nm

Figure 4-10. SEM images of Bi-W2 photodeposited with (a) Ag metal and (b) MnO x.

Chapter 4. Manupulating the Fate of Charge Carriers with W Concentration:
Enhancing PEC Water Oxidation of Bi2WO6

The higher PEC performance of Bi-W3 was attributed to the better charge transfer

efficiency observed from the Nyquist plots. This can be related to the higher exposure

extent of {010} and a shorter charge transfer pathway, originated from a higher W

concentration. To further investigate the influence of crystal facet on charge transfer

efficiency, selective photo-deposition of Ag and MnOx on Bi-W2 were performed to

determine the electron- and hole-dominating crystal facet.25 SEM images in Figure 4-10a

and Figure 4-10b reveal that large Ag particles are photo-reduced on the {010} facets,

while fluffy MnOx flakes are photo-oxidised across the {100} surfaces. This was further

verified by TEM-EDS elemental mapping, where large particle of Ag was observed on

the lateral side of the sample (Figure 4-11a), and Mn is detected on the surface of the Bi-

W2 plates (Figure 4-11b). Consequently, it can be deduced that the photo-excited

electrons and holes are preferentially accumulated on the {010} and {100} facet,

respectively. Since photoinduced electrons are accumulated on the {010} facets, Bi-W3

with larger {010} facet was suggested to have a larger driving force for electrons to be

exposed to the bulks surface. Therefore, a higher electron density on the surface of Bi-

W3 promoted the electron transfer through the external circuit, generating a higher

photocurrent density. On the contrary, Bi-W1 is said to have lower exposure extent of

{010} facet, which resulted in longer charge transfer distance, larger charge transfer

resistance, resulting in poorer PEC performance. The schematic diagram (Figure 4-12a)

illustrates the postulated electrons and holes movement in Bi-W1 and Bi-W3. The size

reduction and higher exposed area of electron-dominating {010} facet of Bi-W3 facilitate

effective electron transport from inner to the bulk surface.26

Chapter 4. Manupulating the Fate of Charge Carriers with W Concentration:
Enhancing PEC Water Oxidation of Bi2WO6

(a) (b)

Figure 4-11. (a)(i) TEM dark-field images of Bi-W2 with photodeposited of Ag metal. (ii-iv) Elemental

mapping of (ii) Ag, (iii) Bi and (iv) W. (b)(i) TEM dark-field images of Bi-W2 with photodeposited of

MnOx (ii-iv) Elemental mapping of (ii) Mn, (iii) Bi and (iv) W.

Apart from the high exposure {010} facets, the reduction of the bond length in the self-

doped Bi-W3 also enhanced the PEC performance. The local bonding structure was

examined from the Raman spectroscopy (Figure 4-12b). Line broadening and decrease

in the spectrum intensities of the peaks are observed with the increase of {010} facet

thickness in the Bi2WO6 plate. This is due to the particle size decrease as seen from the

SEM images, which agrees with earlier findings reported in literatures.27-30 Furthermore,

the Raman peaks appearing at 266 cm-1, 283 cm-1, 306 cm-1, 332 cm-1, 417 cm-1, 707 cm-
, 722 cm-1, 794 cm-1, and 813 cm-1 are ascribed to the bending and stretching mode of

the W-O and O-W-O bond.31, 32 Upon closer inspection (Figure 4-12b, inset), the Raman

peak at 813 cm-1 (Bi-W1) is shifted to 826 cm-1 (Bi-W2) and 831 cm-1 (Bi-W3),

respectively. The peak shifting indicates the surface bond of W-O and Bi-O become

Chapter 4. Manupulating the Fate of Charge Carriers with W Concentration:
Enhancing PEC Water Oxidation of Bi2WO6

shorter, resulting in a stronger interaction of the metal-oxide interface, which promotes

the active Bi lone pairs for photo-oxidation process.33

(a) (b)

Electron Hole

Recombination Separation

Thin {010} facet
{010} facet
Bi-W1 Bi-W3

Figure 4-12. (a) The schematic diagram of the photogenerated charge carrier transportation mechanism

of the Bi-W1 and Bi-W3 under illumination. (b) Raman spectra of Bi-W1, Bi-W2 and Bi-W3.

Given the interdependency of donor density and conductivity, donor density is another

important parameter that should not be neglected. Mott Schottky measurement was

conducted to determine the flat-band potential and donor density of Bi2WO6 samples.

Figure 4-13a illustrates a similar onset potential of -0.27 V vs NHE at pH = 0 for all

Bi2WO6 samples. According to the Mott Schottky equation (Eqn. (4-3)), the gradient of

the slope can be used to determine the donor density of the samples, where steeper slope

commonly denotes lower donor density.34 The donor density of the fabricated thin films

were calculated by using Eqn. (4-3), where ND is the donor density, e0 is the electron

charge constant, ɛ is the dielectric constant of Bi2WO6, ɛ0 is the permittivity of vacuum

or the electric constant and SMS is the slope obtained from the Mott-Schottky plot. The

Chapter 4. Manupulating the Fate of Charge Carriers with W Concentration:
Enhancing PEC Water Oxidation of Bi2WO6

Mott-Schottky profile was used in the range from -0.4 to -0.8 V versus Ag/AgCl to

calculate the slope, and the dielectric constant of Bi2WO6 used in this calculation is 50.35

Hence, the calculated donor density of Bi-W1, Bi-W2 and Bi-W3 is 2.16 x 1018 m-3, 2.71

x 1018 m-3 and 5.97 x 1018 m-3, respectively.

ND = (2/e0ɛɛ0)(SMS)-1 Eqn. (4-3)

The Bi-W3 with higher carrier density is again associated with the above findings that

indicates the better electron transfer and higher surface electron density of Bi-W3.

Evidently, the higher carrier density and charge transfer efficiency have contributed to

the enhanced PEC performance. These results therefore suggest that Bi2WO6 with higher

donor density and lower charge transfer resistance can be achieved by increasing the

concentration of W precursor during the fabrication process.

(a) (b) (c)

(1/Cp2) ((1/F)2)

-1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0

Potential (V vs Ag/AgCl)

Figure 4-13. (a) Mott Schottky plot under illumination and XPS spectrum of (b) W 4f, (c) Bi 4f of Bi-W1,

Bi-W2 and Bi-W3 electrodes

Chapter 4. Manupulating the Fate of Charge Carriers with W Concentration:
Enhancing PEC Water Oxidation of Bi2WO6

Table 4-3. SEM-EDX of the relative atomic percentage of Bi, W and O element in each thin film.
Bi-W1 Bi-W2 Bi-W3

Bi 21.1 23.4 23.4

W 16.3 19.6 19.9

O 62.6 57 56.7

Stoichiometry of Bi:W:O 1 : 0.77 : 2.96 1 : 0.83 : 2.43 1 : 0.85 :2.42

The W enrichment in Bi-W3 can be correlated to its ‘self-doped’ phenomenon36, as

inferred from the SEM-EDX analysis in Table 4-3. The atomic percentage ratio of W to

Bi is 0.85 in Bi-W3, which is 8% higher than Bi-W1. However, the carrier density

enhancement could also be explained by the oxidation state of the Bi, W and O attained

from X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The W 4f spectra in Figure 4-13b shows

the major doublet peaks are fitted at 35.3 eV and 37.4 eV, associated to W5+ 4f7/2 and 4f5/2,

respectively. The W5+ peaks of Bi-W3 show obvious shift to a lower binding energy (0.4

eV) when compared to Bi-W1. The lower binding energy of W5+ in Bi-W3 indicates the

formation of electron-rich W. Basically, lower binding energy was commonly used to

describe the higher carrier density of an element.37 Hence, the higher amount of free

electrons in Bi-W3 increases its conductivity and charge transfer efficiency for better PEC

performance. This notion is further supported by Zhao et al., they have mentioned from

their DFT calculation that doping W atoms allows more electrons to be donated to the

host lattice for reaction.38, 39 In addition, a broadening of the W5+ peak with a shoulder at

higher binding energy is deconvoluted in the Bi-W2 and Bi-W3 XPS spectrum. The

second doublet peaks positions at 35.8 eV and 37.9 eV are corresponded to W6+species

Chapter 4. Manupulating the Fate of Charge Carriers with W Concentration:
Enhancing PEC Water Oxidation of Bi2WO6

in term of W 4f7/2 and 4f5/2, respectively. As suggested by Kumar et al., electrons trapped

at the conduction band leads to a fast reduction of W6+ to W5+.40 By studying the ratio

intensity of W6+/W5+ and Bi4+/Bi3+ from the W and Bi XPS spectra, Bi-W3 contains more

W6+ and Bi4+ species (Table 4-4). It infers a lower recombination of the charge carriers

with the existence of W6+ which the charges could transfer to W5+. Thus, the self-doped

Bi-W3 with a high amount of W possessing abundant charge carrier density is more likely

to improve the PEC performance as it favours electron migration, which in turns is being

consumed in the water oxidation process.

Table 4-4. The intensity ratio between the W6+/W5+ and Bi4+/Bi3+ in the XPS spectra.
Bi-W1 Bi-W2 Bi-W3

W6+/W5+ 0 0.21 0.38

Bi4+/Bi3+ 0 0.22 0.29

4.4 Summary

With a higher W precursor concentration introduced in the fabrication process, a well-

defined plate-like Bi2WO6 has been achieved and shows that the photoanode is highly

efficient for PEC water splitting. Investigation has been carried out in observing the

differences of PEC performance with more W in Bi2WO6 in terms of electrical

conductivity, charge mobility, charge recombination rate, interfacial resistance and the

charge carrier concentration. Based on the morphology engineered Bi-W3, it is most

likely that the smaller particle size and higher exposure of {010} crystal facet lead to an
Chapter 4. Manupulating the Fate of Charge Carriers with W Concentration:
Enhancing PEC Water Oxidation of Bi2WO6

improved PEC performance. Consequently, Bi-W3 indicates an enhancement in the

charge transportation (as the charge migration pathway is reduced) and higher surface

electron density to participate in the water oxidation reaction. In addition, a higher ratio

of W in the synthesis reaction allows a formation of a W ‘self-doping’ in Bi2WO6, where

the self-doped photocatalyst permits to promote a higher charge carriers concentration

and shorter W-O bond length, giving a superior charge transport. Based on this work, an

insight on the changes in physicochemical properties with respect to the increase in W

concentration during fabrication is significant to help in photoanode designs for water

oxidation in the future.

4.5 References

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12. Zhang, L.; Hu, J.-S.; Pan, C.-L.; Huang, X.-H.; Hou, C.-M., Morphology-controllable

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Enhancing PEC Water Oxidation of Bi2WO6

19. Ziwritsch, M.; Müller, S.; Hempel, H.; Unold, T.; Abdi, F. F.; van de Krol, R.; Friedrich,

D.; Eichberger, R., Direct Time-Resolved Observation of Carrier Trapping and Polaron

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20. Abdi, F. F.; Savenije, T. J.; May, M. M.; Dam, B.; van de Krol, R., The Origin of Slow

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Conductivity Study. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2013, 4 (16), 2752-2757.

21. Sun, Z.; Zheng, H.; Li, J.; Du, P., Extraordinarily efficient photocatalytic hydrogen

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cocatalysts. Energy & Environmental Science 2015, 8 (9), 2668-2676.

22. Zhenyi, Z.; Yingzhou, H.; Kuichao, L.; Lijiao, G.; Qing, Y.; Bin, D., Multichannel‐

Improved Charge ‐ Carrier Dynamics in Well ‐ Designed Hetero ‐ nanostructural

Plasmonic Photocatalysts toward Highly Efficient Solar ‐ to ‐ Fuels Conversion.

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23. Zhuang, Q.; Xu, J.; Fan, X.; Dong, Q.; Jiang, Y.; Huang, L.; Sun, S., An electrochemical

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cathode. Chinese Science Bulletin 52 (9), 1187-1195.

24. Wang, S.; Chen, H.; Gao, G.; Butburee, T.; Lyu, M.; Thaweesak, S.; Yun, J.-H.; Du,

A.; Liu, G.; Wang, L., Synergistic crystal facet engineering and structural control of WO3

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25. Li, R.; Zhang, F.; Wang, D.; Yang, J.; Li, M.; Zhu, J.; Zhou, X.; Han, H.; Li, C., Spatial

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BiVO4. Nature communications 2013, 4, 1432.

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Enhancing PEC Water Oxidation of Bi2WO6

26. Hao, Y.; Dong, X.; Zhai, S.; Wang, X.; Ma, H.; Zhang, X., Towards understanding the

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27. Yang, X. H.; Li, Z.; Liu, G.; Xing, J.; Sun, C.; Yang, H. G.; Li, C., Ultra-thin anatase

TiO2 nanosheets dominated with {001} facets: thickness-controlled synthesis, growth

mechanism and water-splitting properties. CrystEngComm 2011, 13 (5), 1378-1383.

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30. Maczka, M.; Macalik, L.; Hermanowicz, K.; Kȩpiński, L.; Tomaszewski, P., Phonon

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31. Huang, H.; Chen, H.; Xia, Y.; Tao, X.; Gan, Y.; Weng, X.; Zhang, W., Controllable

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Enhancing PEC Water Oxidation of Bi2WO6

34. Wang, G.; Ling, Y.; Lu, X.; Qian, F.; Tong, Y.; Zhang, J. Z.; Lordi, V.; Rocha Leao,

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Chapter 5. The Charge Transfer Phenomenon of Homogeneous and Rigid
Heterojunction of Bi2WO6/WO3 Thin Film







5.1 Introduction

Optimisation of various types of semiconductor has been researched extensively, such as

improving the crystallinity, specific surface area, charge kinetics and the stability factors

to enhance the PEC performance.1-3 However, there seems a high possibility the

heterogeneous films for PEC are being photocorroded and attaining a high recombination

rate of the photogenerated carriers under irradiation. Owing to fast recombination, the

photoexcited electrons and holes must be consumed immediately upon generation in

order to enable the water splitting reaction carry out continuously. Previously in Chapter

4, the modification on the photoactive bare Bi2WO6 associate with crystal facet

Chapter 5. The Charge Transfer Phenomenon of Homogeneous and Rigid
Heterojunction of Bi2WO6/WO3 Thin Film

engineering and self-doped technique has improved the charge separation, increased the

charge carrier concentration and lower the charge transfer resistance in PEC application.

Aside from modifying bare Bi2WO6, heterojunction formation with a higher interfacial

contact area that can potentially suppress the charge recombination and facilitate the

charge transport.4, 5

The formation of heterojunction films such as Cu2O/TiO26, ZnO/TiO27 and WO3/BiVO48

have suggested exhibiting high PEC performance due to their favourable band positions,

resulting in an improvement in the charge carrier separation and transportation.

Furthermore, studies on introducing a passivation layer between the two photocatalyst are

able to reduce the surface charge recombination or push the water oxidation kinetics. Low

mobility and short lifetime are the drawbacks of the photoexcited holes, where the

presence of the passivation layer allows the holes to be transferred and trapped in the

layer before it recombines.9 However, it requires an additional step in the synthesis

method to form the passivation layer. Hence, this chapter studies the charge carrier

dynamics at the heterojunction interface of the thin film with different interfacial contact

area during the PEC reaction. This could provide a new insight into the mechanism of the

charges transport in the photocatalyst to aid the future fabrication of photoanodes.

Herein, comparison of the charge transport in the two Bi2WO6/WO3 heterojunction thin

films with low and high interfacial surface area are investigated respectively. Zhang et al.

mentioned the interface between the two photocatalysts at the heterojunction plays an

important role in the water splitting process as it could affect the charge diffusion in the
Chapter 5. The Charge Transfer Phenomenon of Homogeneous and Rigid
Heterojunction of Bi2WO6/WO3 Thin Film

catalyst.10 The reasons for this improvement, however, are not yet fully understood. A

previous study in our group, the transformation of Bi2WO6 from WO3 via hydrothermal

reaction was presented.11 Thus, the lower and higher interfacial contact of Bi2WO6/WO3

are fabricated in two steps, starting with the electrodeposition of WO3 subsequently by

hydrothermal reaction with addition of Bi to transform into Bi2WO6. The

electrodeposition method is known to fabricate various morphology and thickness by

simply tuning the concentration and the pulsing time, which aids the deposited coverage

of the substrate with a superior adhesion.12 In addition, the feasibility of transforming a

layer of WO3 to Bi2WO6 creates interesting partial interfacial charge transfer.13 Thus, the

charge properties are examined within the Bi2WO6/WO3 thin film under illumination.

5.2 Experimental Method

5.2.1 Preparation of High and Low Interfacial Contact of Bi2WO6/WO3 film

The bilayer heterojunction Bi2WO6/WO3 films were synthesised sequentially via

electrodeposition and hydrothermal method. For the high interfacial contact

Bi2WO6/WO3, the WO3 layer was first fabricated with an electrodeposition method,

which was modified from Yun et al. work.14 A conducting fluorine-doped tin oxide (FTO)

was washed with acetone, ethanol and water consecutively, and dried in air before use.

The electroplating solution was prepared by dissolving 25 mM of Na2WO4·2H2O and 30

mM of H2O2 in distilled water. The pH of the solution was tuned to 1.4 by using 2 M of

HNO3. After that, a standard three-electrode cell configuration was utilised for

electrodeposition, the FTO as the working electrode, Pt foil as the counter electrode, and

Chapter 5. The Charge Transfer Phenomenon of Homogeneous and Rigid
Heterojunction of Bi2WO6/WO3 Thin Film

the Ag/AgCl (1M of KCl) as the reference electrode. The washed FTO substrate (1.5 cm

x 2 cm) was immersed in the plating solution, and an alternating continuous waveform of

a cathodic pulse (-0.8 V, 5 s) and relaxation voltage pulse (0 V, 5 s) were applied

periodically with an alternate for 720 cycles. After that, the deposited film was placed in

the Teflon cell with 0.5 mmol of Bi(NO3)3·5H2O for 24 hours at 160˚C. On the other hand,

the low interfacial contact Bi2WO6/WO3 film was prepared by electrodeposition with an

alternate of 360 cycles and was dried in the air for 24 hours at ambient atmosphere. After

that, the thin film was electrodeposited with another 360 cycles, and then placed in the

Teflon cell for hydrothermal reaction. Besides, the pure Bi2WO6 and WO3 were

synthesised by electrodepositing 720 cycles and followed by hydrothermal reaction with

5 mmol of Bi(NO3)3·5H2O while WO3 were calcined directly. Lastly, in order to increase

the crystallinity of each samples, all the thin films were calcined at 450˚C for 2 hours with

the ramping rate of 5˚C/mins.

5.2.2 Characterisation

The PEC experiment including Mott Schottky plot, were carried out with Autolab model

PGSTAT12 potentiostat in a three-electrode configuration with a Bi2WO6/WO3/FTO as

the working electrode and platinum sheet as the counter electrode and Ag/AgCl (1M of

KCl) as the reference electrode. An area of 0.72 cm2 was illuminated with a 300 W Xe

lamps. 0.1 M Na2SO4 aqueous solution was used as the electrolyte. Bode plot

measurement were performed with a frequency range from 0.1 to 10000 Hz at the

Chapter 5. The Charge Transfer Phenomenon of Homogeneous and Rigid
Heterojunction of Bi2WO6/WO3 Thin Film

potential of 0.5 V, while a frequency of 500 Hz was applied for Mott Schottky


5.2.3 Photoelectrochemical Measurement

The PEC experiment including Mott Schottky plot, were carried out with Autolab model

PGSTAT12 potentiostat in a three-electrode configuration with a Bi2WO6/WO3 as the

working electrode and platinum sheet as the counter electrode and Ag/AgCl (1M of KCl)

as the reference electrode. An area of 0.72 cm2 was illuminated with a 300 W Xe lamps.

0.1 M Na2SO4 aqueous solution was used as the electrolyte. Bode plot measurement were

performed with a frequency range from 0.1 to 10000 Hz at the potential of 0.5 V, while a

frequency of 500 Hz was applied for Mott Schottky measurements.

Chapter 5. The Charge Transfer Phenomenon of Homogeneous and Rigid
Heterojunction of Bi2WO6/WO3 Thin Film

5.3 Results and Discussion

5.3.1 Material Characterisation Physical Properties

500 nm 500 nm

5µm Sn Bi W

5µm Sn Bi W

Figure 5-1. Top-view and side-view SEM images and EDS elemental mapping of the photoanode (a and

c) H-BWO/WO and (b and d) R-BWO/WO thin film.

Figure 5-1a and b show the top-view scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images of the

high and low interfacial contact film, denoted as H-BWO/WO and R-BWO/WO,

respectively. In both films, flake-like morphology is observed but with different

arrangement. The H-BWO/WO has stacks of flakes randomly distributed on top of the

thin film. Meanwhile, the R-BWO/WO is grown with several irregular large plates and

they interlaced with the smaller flakes. Mali et al. found that a high surface area at the top

layer can enhance charge carrier separation and transportation for the holes to the
Chapter 5. The Charge Transfer Phenomenon of Homogeneous and Rigid
Heterojunction of Bi2WO6/WO3 Thin Film

electrolyte interface.15 Nonetheless, both Bi2WO6/WO3 thin films displayed the flakes are

in good contact with each other, suggesting no significant difference in charge transfer

during PEC reaction comparison that influenced by the surface area. The cross-section

SEM revealed a similar thickness for both films with c.a. 3μm. Furthermore, the cross-

section SEM-EDS elemental mapping in Figure 5-1c clearly portrays the Bi and W

elements are homogeneously distributed across the film, indicating the formation of a

high interfacial contact between Bi2WO6 and WO3 in the H-BWO/WO. In contrast, cross-

section SEM image in Figure 5-1d shows two distinct rigid layers are observed from the

cross-section SEM image, and a dense Bi element is recorded which indicates more

Bi2WO6 are formed on the top layer in the R-BWO/WO. Thus, the interface between the

Bi2WO6 and WO3 in the R-BWO/WO film is lower. Structural and Optical Properties

(a) (b) (c)

Bi2WO6 Bi2WO6 Bi2WO6


Intensity (a.u.)

Intensity (a.u.)
Intensity (a.u.)


5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 13 23 33 43 13 23 33 43
2Ө (˚) 2Ө (˚) 2Ө (˚)

Figure 5-2. (a) XRD patterns and GAXRD patterns of (b) H-BWO/WO and (c) R-BWO/WO thin film at 1˚

and 3˚ glancing angle.

Chapter 5. The Charge Transfer Phenomenon of Homogeneous and Rigid
Heterojunction of Bi2WO6/WO3 Thin Film

The X-ray diffraction pattern (XRD) from Figure 5-2a confirms that orthorhombic

Bi2WO6 (JCPDS 01-079-2381) and hexagonal WO3 (JCPDS 04-007-2322) are achieved

in both H-BWO/WO and R-BWO/WO. Additionally, this implies the WO3 layers formed

after electrodeposition has successfully transformed into Bi2WO6, i.e. Bi has entered the

WO3 layer during the hydrothermal reaction. The sharp and intense XRD peaks indicate

that crystalline thin film is formed. The interfacial contact between Bi2WO6 and WO3

were further analysed by using GAXRD. GAXRD enables analysis of the materials on

the thin film at different depths. A smaller glancing angle (i.e. 1˚) can detect the top layer

of the film, while a larger glancing angle (i.e. 3˚) can detect the deeper layers of the film.

It is worth noting that the WO3 peak intensity has no significant changes between layers

in the H-BWO/WO (Figure 5-2b). This result supports the finding observed from the

SEM-EDS elemental mapping, proving WO3 is distributed homogeneously in Bi2WO6.

On the other hand, an apparent increase of WO3 peaks intensity is attained in the R-

BWO/WO sample at glancing angle of 3˚ (Figure 5-2c). Two distinct rigid layers were

composed in the R-BWO/WO film, representing the top layer is Bi2WO6 and WO3 is

position underneath. The overview structure of Bi2WO6 and WO3 arrangement within the

films are illustrated in Figure 5-3.

Chapter 5. The Charge Transfer Phenomenon of Homogeneous and Rigid
Heterojunction of Bi2WO6/WO3 Thin Film


Bi2WO6 particles WO3 particles

Figure 5-3. Schematic diagram of the distribution of Bi2WO6 and WO3 in the H-BWO/WO and R-

BWO/WO film

The optical properties of the H-BWO/WO and R-BWO/WO were measured by UV-

visible spectroscopy. The result in Figure 5-4 shows H-BWO/WO and R-BWO/WO have

the same absorption wavelength of 420 nm and 460 nm. The absorption data was

converted to Tauc plot (inset of Figure 5-4) with the assumption of Bi2WO6 has an

indirect band gap; both samples had the bandgap of 2.7 eV and 3.0 eV corresponding to

the bandgaps of WO3 and Bi2WO6, respectively, irrespective of the interfacial contact

Absorbance (a.u.)

250 300 350 400 450 500 550

Time (seconds)

Figure 5-4. UV-visible spectra of H-BWO/WO and R-BWO/WO thin film

Chapter 5. The Charge Transfer Phenomenon of Homogeneous and Rigid
Heterojunction of Bi2WO6/WO3 Thin Film

5.3.2 Photoelectrochemical Performance

(a) (b) 4
110 H-BWO/WO
Photocurrent Density (µA/cm2)

Photocurrent Density (µA/cm2)

90 R-BWO/WO 3
Pure Bi₂WO₆

30 1


-30 -1

-50 -2
-0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Potential (V vs Ag/AgCl) Potential (V vs Ag/AgCl)
(c) 60 (c)
H-BWO/WO (Light)
H-BWO/WO (Dark)
40 R-BWO/WO (Light)
Photocurrent (pA)

R-BWO/WO (dark)

30 B1

10 B2
-10 R-BWO/WO
0 5 10 15 20 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Voltage (V) Potential (V vs Ag/AgCl)

Figure 5-5. (a) LSV curves of H-BWO/WO and R-BWO/WO, (b) LSV curve of pure Bi2WO6, (c) cAFM

current-voltage (I-V) of dark and illuminated state H-BWO/WO and R-BWO/WO, and (d) Mott Schottky

plot of H-BWO/WO and R-BWO/WO.

Comparison of the PEC performance between H-BWO/WO and R-BWO/WO, chopped

linear sweep voltammetry (LSV) was accomplished and displayed in Figure 5-5a. A

similar photocurrent was recorded at high voltage bias (> 0.6 V). However, when a low

bias is applied (< 0.6 V), a higher photocurrent was measured in the H-BWO/WO than

the R-BWO/WO. In fact, the LSV of pure orthorhombic Bi2WO6 was carried out as

reference (Figure 5-5b), and low photocurrents with approximately 4 μA/cm2 at +1 V vs

Chapter 5. The Charge Transfer Phenomenon of Homogeneous and Rigid
Heterojunction of Bi2WO6/WO3 Thin Film

Ag/AgCl was recorded. This proves that heterojunctions structure can improve the PEC

performance. Since the LSV only shows the performance of the thin film in the liquid-

state, further investigation of the performance was conducted in solid-state condition by

employing conductive atomic force microscopy (cAFM). Referring to the work in

Chapter 4, it has demonstrated that the point I-V scan obtained from cAFM enables the

evaluation of electronic properties specifically on the charge transport behaviours by

observing the currents recorded. Figure 5-5c illustrates the representative cAFM I-V

curves of H-BWO/WO and R-BWO/WO with the absence and presence of UV light

source, showing a higher photocurrent was measured at +10 V in H-BWO/WO (referring

to the plot, where A1 > A2). In contrast, a photocurrent of ca. 22 pA was observed at +20

V (referring to the plot, where B1 = B2) in both samples. The result agrees with the

conclusion drawn from the LSV results. Therefore, the approach of fabricating a higher

interface between WO3 and Bi2WO6 yielded an enhancement in the electrons

transportation through the circuit. Notably, the flat-band potential of the Bi2WO6/WO3

films is found to be unaffected by the interfacial contact are as seen from the Mott

Schottky measurement (Figure 5-5d). Taking the Mott Schottky measured at 500 Hz,

both samples showed positive linear slope, implying the expected n-type semiconductor.

The x-intercepts of the Mott Schottky plots suggested the onset potential of both films are

located at +0.41 V vs NHE at pH = 0. Additionally, donor density within the thin film can

be calculated by using the slope from the linear region of the Mott Schottky plots.19 It has

demonstrated the gradient obtained by the R-BWO/WO film is slightly smaller, but not

significantly different when compared to the H-BWO/WO film. Therefore, no change in

Chapter 5. The Charge Transfer Phenomenon of Homogeneous and Rigid
Heterojunction of Bi2WO6/WO3 Thin Film

the onset potential and no enhancement in the concentration of the charge carriers were

observed, indicating the PEC performance is not influenced by these factors.

(a) 10 (b) 9000

0.1 V
Photocurrent Density (µA/cm2)

0.1 V H-BWO/WO
8 Light on 7000
Light off

|Z| (Ω)

2 2000
0 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 0.01 1 100 10000

(c) Time (seconds) (d) Frequency (Hz)

0.5 V
Photocurrent Density (µA/cm2)

25 0.5 V
Light on
20 Light off
|Z| (Ω)



5 5000

0 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 0.01 1 100 10000
(e) Time (seconds)
(f) Frequency (Hz)
Photocurrent Density (µA/cm2)

0.75 V 35000 0.75 V
Light on 30000
30 Light off

20 20000

15 15000

10 10000
5 5000
0 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 0.01 1 100 10000
Time (seconds) Z'(Ω)

Figure 5-6. Amperometric I-t curve and Bode blot under light illumination of Homogenous and R-

BWO/WO thin film under constant bias of (a and b) 0.1 V, (c and d) 0.5 V and (e and f) 0.75 V vs


Chapter 5. The Charge Transfer Phenomenon of Homogeneous and Rigid
Heterojunction of Bi2WO6/WO3 Thin Film

As mentioned above, H-BWO/WO and R-BWO/WO do not show the same reactivity

below 0.6 V. The electrons are expected to move more efficiently in the H-BWO/WO

due to a higher interfacial contact area between the WO3 and Bi2WO6 that could lower

the recombination rate of charges. To further verify the role of low and high interfacial

contact area in the H-BWO/WO and R-BWO/WO film, the amperometric I-t curve and

the Bode plot measurements at various applied voltages were carried out (i.e. 0.1 V, 0.5

V and 0.75 V vs Ag/AgCl) as shown in Figure 5-6. Zhang et al. have reported a

heterojunction structure with a high surface roughness interfacial contact in between the

photocatalysts can enhance the PEC performance. This is due to the combination of two

photocatalyst as well as high interface area provides suitable valence band which separate

charge effectively. Meanwhile, the heterojunction shifted the absorption edge to a longer

wavelength that increases the visible-light absorption. Thus, the interfacial contact area

builds in the heterojunction thin film affects the photoanodic performance.10 From the

amperometric plots, H-BWO/WO produced higher photocurrent with a difference of 4

µA/cm2 and 3 µA/cm2 observed at 0.1 V and 0.5 V vs Ag/AgCl, respectively. The results

specify the homogeneously distributed Bi2WO6 and WO3 in the film has greatly improved

the charge transportation. This is supported by the bode plot in Figure 5-6b and d that

the higher contact between the layers is able to suppress the recombination of the charges

and decreased the charge transfer resistance. Bode plot is a technique measuring the

electron lifetime in the nanostructure and different frequency regions represent the speed

of charge transfer at the interface of the electrode. 20 Interestingly, the amperometric plot

in Figure 5-6e shows no significant change in the photocurrent generated. The Bode plot

in Figure 5-6f is an evidence emphasising the photoexcited charge recombination is

Chapter 5. The Charge Transfer Phenomenon of Homogeneous and Rigid
Heterojunction of Bi2WO6/WO3 Thin Film

minimised in the R-BWO/WO once a higher bias is applied since the same charge transfer

efficiency is observed. At a high potential, the strong external power forces the electrons

to withdraw from the photocatalyst and transport to the external circuit. Theoretically,

when a high bias is applied in the system, more photoexcited electrons are being taken

from the photocatalyst valence band as it reduces the carrier recombination. To confirm

the benefits of forming a heterojunction film with homogeneous distribution, the

photocurrent response of single layer monoclinic WO3 and orthorhombic Bi2WO6 were

examined under chopped chronoamperometric conditions at 0.5 V vs Ag/AgCl (Figure

5-7). For the single layer WO3, although a monoclinic is formed instead of hexagonal

structure by using the same methodology, a gradual decrease of photocurrent is observed,

representing its instability. Similarly, a poor PEC performance of 2 μA/cm2 was observed

in pure Bi2WO6 sample. This emphasised a huge advantage in forming a heterojunction

Bi2WO6/WO3 for photo-oxidation process.


Figure 5-7. Amperometric I-t curve of H-BWO/WO, R-BWO/WO, WO3 and Bi2WO6 thin film under

constant bias of 0.5 V vs Ag/AgCl.

Chapter 5. The Charge Transfer Phenomenon of Homogeneous and Rigid
Heterojunction of Bi2WO6/WO3 Thin Film

Furthermore, anodic spikes were observed in the R-BWO/WO under light irradiation. The

spikes generated were caused by the surface traps from the photogenerated holes at the

beginning of illumination.21 Large amount of the charges are excited once the thin film is

illuminated, however sharp spikes occur because the recombination rate of the electrons

and holes is faster than being withdrawn to the outer circuit. The spikes can be vanished

with increasing applied bias as reported by Bendova et al. which is due to a strong electric

field drift drawing the electrons away from the valence band of the materials.22

Comparing the amperometric plot obtained at 0.1 V vs Ag/AgCl (Figure 5-6a), distinct

spikes are recorded for the R-BWO/WO which most probably indicates high

concentration of charges were generated but with poor charge transfer rate. Notably, no

sharp attenuation was observed in the H-BWO/WO, and the photocurrent increases faster

than that of the R-BWO/WO. This is attributed to the photoelectrons being trapped at the

defect states can be readily moved away from the traps to transfer from WO3 to Bi2WO6,

thus extending the decay time of the photoexcited charges.

Chapter 5. The Charge Transfer Phenomenon of Homogeneous and Rigid
Heterojunction of Bi2WO6/WO3 Thin Film

5.3.3 Charge Transport

(a) (b) (c) (d)

e- e-
e- e- CB e- e- e- e- e- e-
e- reduction
reduction reduction reduction


oxidation oxidation oxidation oxidation
h+ VB h+ h+ h+ h+ h+ h+ h+
h+ h+ h+


(Homogeneously distributed (Two distinct rigid layer)

Figure 5-8. The schematic diagram on the charge transportation in the thin film

The merit of increasing the interfacial contact area between the bilayer can enhance the

PEC performance at low bias. This approach optimises the charge transport within the

thin film and reduces the energy consumption for the water splitting process. Based on

the above results, a possible of the charge transfer mechanism in the pure WO3, Bi2WO6,

H-BWO/WO, and R-BWO/WO are proposed in Figure 5-8. In comparison to the single

layer of WO3 and Bi2WO6, the H-BWO/WO and R-BWO/WO films have demonstrated

enhance photocurrent density and higher stability in the PEC measurements. The reason

for such improvement is due to the formation of type-II heterojunction structure, which

facilitates an effective charge transfer that significantly reduces the electron-hole

recombination. Meanwhile, a higher photocurrent density was recorded by H-BWO/WO

at a low applied bias when compared to R-BWO/WO. H-BWO/WO film possesses a

higher interfacial contact between WO3 and Bi2WO6 that provides direct electron

tunnelling through the interface. On the other hand, R-BWO/WO has a weak adhesion

Chapter 5. The Charge Transfer Phenomenon of Homogeneous and Rigid
Heterojunction of Bi2WO6/WO3 Thin Film

between the two distinct layers due to the film being electrodeposited separately. The low

and poor interfacial contact area has caused less electron tunnelling and a higher

resistivity for charge transfer, respectively, exhibiting a lower performance. This is

demonstrated in the Bode plot (Figure 5-6b), in which the higher resistivity restricted the

charge diffusion in the space-charge region of the semiconductor.23 Nevertheless, a

comparable photocurrent density was observed from H-BWO/WO and R-BWO/WO thin

films during the PEC measurement with a higher applied bias. This can be explained by

the strong driving force under a high bias (i.e. > 0.6 V vs Ag/AgCl) that withdrew the

trapped charge carriers from the interface of R-BWO/WO film, overcoming the

interfacial resistance, corresponding to the findings of Deng et al.24 Therefore, by

manipulating the interfacial contact in a heterojunction, the charge transport can be

significantly improved.

5.4 Summary

In summary, a heterojunction of WO3 and Bi2WO6 photoanode with a low and high

interfacial contact area were successfully synthesised by simple electrodeposition and

hydrothermal method. The SEM-EDS has shown clearly two distinct layers are formed

in the R-BWO/WO, while the WO3 and Bi2WO6 is distributed evenly in the H-BWO/WO

with higher interfacial contact area between the two photocatalysts. The concept of having

a higher interfacial contact area between Bi2WO6 and WO3 shows an improvement in the

PEC performance, which could be due to the presence of a direct electron tunnelling that

reduces charge carrier recombination. The photoexcited electrons can be migrated more

Chapter 5. The Charge Transfer Phenomenon of Homogeneous and Rigid
Heterojunction of Bi2WO6/WO3 Thin Film

easily, allowing a lower applied voltage to be used. The homogeneous distribution in the

heterojunction highly promote the interfacial electron transfer within the thin film, which

is a significant finding compare to the bare Bi2WO6 and WO3.

5.5 References

1. Sallard, S.; Brezesinski, T.; Smarsly, B. M., Electrochromic stability of WO3 thin films

with nanometer-scale periodicity and varying degrees of crystallinity. The Journal of

Physical Chemistry C 2007, 111 (19), 7200-7206.

2. Zhou, L.; Wang, W.; Liu, S.; Zhang, L.; Xu, H.; Zhu, W., A sonochemical route to

visible-light-driven high-activity BiVO4 photocatalyst. Journal of Molecular Catalysis A:

Chemical 2006, 252 (1-2), 120-124.

3. Tran, P. D.; Batabyal, S. K.; Pramana, S. S.; Barber, J.; Wong, L. H.; Loo, S. C. J., A

cuprous oxide–reduced graphene oxide (Cu2O–rGO) composite photocatalyst for hydrogen

generation: employing rGO as an electron acceptor to enhance the photocatalytic activity

and stability of Cu2O. Nanoscale 2012, 4 (13), 3875-3878.

4. Low, J.; Yu, J.; Jaroniec, M.; Wageh, S.; Al-Ghamdi, A. A., Heterojunction

Photocatalysts. Advanced Materials 2017, 29 (20), 1601694.

5. Wang, H.; Zhang, L.; Chen, Z.; Hu, J.; Li, S.; Wang, Z.; Liu, J.; Wang, X.,

Semiconductor heterojunction photocatalysts: design, construction, and photocatalytic

performances. Chemical Society Reviews 2014, 43 (15), 5234-5244.

6. Siripala, W.; Ivanovskaya, A.; Jaramillo, T. F.; Baeck, S.-H.; McFarland, E. W., A

Cu2O/TiO2 heterojunction thin film cathode for photoelectrocatalysis. Solar Energy

Materials and Solar Cells 2003, 77 (3), 229-237.

Chapter 5. The Charge Transfer Phenomenon of Homogeneous and Rigid
Heterojunction of Bi2WO6/WO3 Thin Film

7. Xiao, F.-X., Construction of highly ordered ZnO–TiO2 nanotube arrays (ZnO/TNTs)

heterostructure for photocatalytic application. ACS applied materials & interfaces 2012, 4

(12), 7055-7063.

8. Su, J.; Guo, L.; Bao, N.; Grimes, C. A., Nanostructured WO3/BiVO4 Heterojunction Films

for Efficient Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting. Nano Letters 2011, 11 (5), 1928-1933.

9. Liu, R.; Zheng, Z.; Spurgeon, J.; Yang, X., Enhanced photoelectrochemical water-splitting

performance of semiconductors by surface passivation layers. Energy & Environmental

Science 2014, 7 (8), 2504-2517.

10. Xu, Q. C.; Wellia, D. V.; Ng, Y. H.; Amal, R.; Tan, T. T. Y., Synthesis of Porous and

Visible-Light Absorbing Bi2WO6/TiO2 Heterojunction Films with Improved

Photoelectrochemical and Photocatalytic Performances. The Journal of Physical Chemistry

C 2011, 115 (15), 7419-7428.

11. Ng, C.; Iwase, A.; Ng, Y. H.; Amal, R., Transforming Anodized WO3 Films into Visible-

Light-Active Bi2WO6 Photoelectrodes by Hydrothermal Treatment. The Journal of

Physical Chemistry Letters 2012, 3 (7), 913-918.

12. Kang, D.; Park, Y.; Hill, J. C.; Choi, K.-S., Preparation of Bi-Based Ternary Oxide

Photoanodes Bi2WO6, BiVO4, and Bi2Mo3O12 Using Dendritic Bi Metal Electrodes. The

Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2014, 5 (17), 2994-2999.

13. He, G.-H.; He, G.-L.; Li, A.-J.; Li, X.; Wang, X.-J.; Fang, Y.-P.; Xu, Y.-H., Synthesis

and visible light photocatalytic behavior of WO3(core)/Bi2WO6 (shell). Journal of

Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical 2014, 385, 106-111.

14. Yun, G.; Balamurugan, M.; Kim, H.-S.; Ahn, K.-S.; Kang, S. H., Role of WO3 Layers

Electrodeposited on SnO2 Inverse Opal Skeletons in Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting.

The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2016, 120 (11), 5906-5915.

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Heterojunction of Bi2WO6/WO3 Thin Film

15. Mali, M. G.; Yoon, H.; Kim, M. W.; Swihart, M. T.; Al-Deyab, S. S.; Yoon, S. S.,

Electrosprayed heterojunction WO3/BiVO films with nanotextured pillar structure for

enhanced photoelectrochemical water splitting. Applied Physics Letters 2015, 106 (15).

16. Zhou, Y.; Peng, Y.; Yin, Y.; Zhou, F.; Liu, C.; Ling, J.; Lei, L.; Zhou, W.; Tang, D.,

Modulating memristive performance of hexagonal WO3 nanowire by water-oxidized

hydrogen ion implantation. Scientific Reports 2016, 6, 32712.

17. Huang, K.; Zhang, Q.; Yang, F.; He, D., Ultraviolet photoconductance of a single

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18. Li, Y.; Liu, J.; Huang, X.; Li, G., Hydrothermal Synthesis of Bi2WO6 Uniform

Hierarchical Microspheres. Crystal Growth & Design 2007, 7 (7), 1350-1355.

19. Wang, G.; Ling, Y.; Lu, X.; Qian, F.; Tong, Y.; Zhang, J. Z.; Lordi, V.; Rocha Leao,

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20. Xiao, B.-C.; Lin, L.-Y.; Hong, J.-Y.; Lin, H.-S.; Song, Y.-T., Synthesis of a monoclinic

BiVO4 nanorod array as the photocatalyst for efficient photoelectrochemical water

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21. Shi, Q.; Murcia-López, S.; Tang, P.; Flox, C.; Morante, J. R.; Bian, Z.; Wang, H.;

Andreu, T., Role of Tungsten Doping on the Surface States in BiVO4 Photoanodes for

Water Oxidation: Tuning the Electron Trapping Process. ACS Catalysis 2018, 3331-3342.

22. Bendova, M.; Gispert-Guirado, F.; Hassel, A. W.; Llobet, E.; Mozalev, A., Solar water

splitting on porous-alumina-assisted TiO2-doped WOx nanorod photoanodes: Paradoxes

and challenges. Nano Energy 2017, 33, 72-87.

23. Wu, C. Y., Interfacial layer‐thermionic‐diffusion theory for the Schottky barrier diode.

Journal of Applied Physics 1982, 53 (8), 5947-5950.

Chapter 5. The Charge Transfer Phenomenon of Homogeneous and Rigid
Heterojunction of Bi2WO6/WO3 Thin Film

24. Xiao, J.; Zhang, Y.; Chen, H.; Xu, N.; Deng, S., Enhanced Performance of a Monolayer

MoS2/WSe2 Heterojunction as a Photoelectrochemical Cathode. Nano-Micro Letters 2018,

10 (4), 60.

Chapter 6. Oxygen-Deficient Bismuth Tungstate and Bismuth Oxide Composite
Photoanode with Improved Photostability






6.1 Introduction

Despite a considerable amount of literature reporting photocorrosion of the photocatalyst

such as Bi2O31, CuO2 and Fe2O33 in photocatalytic and PEC applications, a few efforts

has been allocated on applying strategies to improve its photostability. The instability of

the photocatalyst could cause a significant decrease of performance over a long course of

photocatalysis reaction. It has been found that the instability issue is mainly caused by

photocorrosion which originated from the self-oxidation of the photogenerated holes in

the materials.4, 5 The photoinduced charge carriers must be consumed rapidly or combined

with another active material, so as to prevent direct contact with the holes to inhibit self-

oxidation. From the prior findings in Chapter 5, the formation of the Bi2WO6 transformed

from WO3 has increased the interfacial contact, promoting the charge transfer and

Chapter 6. Oxygen-Deficient Bismuth Tungstate and Bismuth Oxide Composite
Photoanode with Improved Photostability

prolonging the PEC performance. By exploiting the findings from the previous chapter,

a formation of heterojunction with bismuth tungstate has the potential to inhibit the

instability. Therefore, attempts to extend the functionality of the bismuth tungstate with

binary oxide remains as an interesting study.

Bismuth oxide (Bi2O3) is a semiconductor with a direct transition band gap of ca. 2.8 eV,

which suggests its photoexcitation can be prompted by visible-light with wavelength

shorter than 445nm. Together with its high refractive index, dielectric permittivity, and

high ion and photo-conductivity, Bi2O3 appears to be suitable for a range of photo-related

applications. Furthermore, Bi2O3 can be conveniently synthesised using various methods

including electrodeposition, hydrothermal synthesis, and solid-state reactions.6-8

Photocatalytic activities of Bi2O3 in organic degradation, dye decolourisation, and water

oxidation have been reported.9, 10 However, it was observed by Hajra and co-workers that

a Bi2O3 photoanode suffered from a significant loss of photocurrent.1 Rapid decay of

photocurrent was observed in the first 100 seconds and almost all photoresponse

disappeared after 15 mins of UV-visible (UV-Vis) light illumination. Similarly, Shaikh

et al. also reported the benefits of introducing ZnO as a surface passivation layer on top

of a Bi2O3 photoanode to improve its photoactivity in a dye-sensitised solar cell.11

Combined with the investigation, which will be discussed in the following sections, the

issue of Bi2O3 photostability is apparent and it needs to be addressed.

In this work, oxygen-deficient bismuth tungstate (Bi14WO24) was homogeneously

introduced into Bi2O3 to facilitate efficient charge transfer upon photoexcitation and to
Chapter 6. Oxygen-Deficient Bismuth Tungstate and Bismuth Oxide Composite
Photoanode with Improved Photostability

provide a protective layer that can minimise the accumulation of excited charges that lead

to the photocorrosion of Bi2O3. Unlike the commonly used surface passivation techniques

that usually yield two-distinct layers (e.g. ZnO on a Bi2O3 film11, TiO2/CuO on a Cu2O

film12, Nb2O5 on a TiO2 film13), the unique characteristic of the composite Bi14WO24 and

Bi2O3 (hereafter referred to as BWO/Bi2O3 film) photoanode reported herein is the

absence of a distinct interface between the two components. The nature of the

homogenous mixture of Bi14WO24 and Bi2O3 is analogous to a solid solution. With this

intimate contact, the excited charge shuttling between the two components is favourable.

A photocurrent can be produced by the composite film for at least three hours under

continuous illumination without decay. In contrast, for the unmodified Bi2O3 photoanode,

80% of the photoresponse was lost in 1.5 hours. Thus, the strategy demonstrated in this

work of introducing a homogeneously distributed passivation component is useful and

might be applicable to other unstable photoactive thin film materials.

6.2 Experimental Method

6.2.1 Preparation of BWO/Bi2O3 Film

All reagents were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich and used as received without further

purification. Transparent conducting fluorine-doped tin oxide (FTO) substrates (1.5 cm ×

5 cm in size) were cleaned sequentially in acetone, ethanol and water, under sonication

and dried in air before use. Pure Bi metal was deposited on the cleaned FTO using the

pulse electrodeposition method developed by another group.14 A standard three-electrode

cell configuration was used for electrodeposition, with FTO as the working electrode, Pt

Chapter 6. Oxygen-Deficient Bismuth Tungstate and Bismuth Oxide Composite
Photoanode with Improved Photostability

foil as the counter electrode and Ag/AgCl (1 M KCl) as the reference electrode. An

ethylene glycol solution containing 20 mM of Bi(NO3)3·5H2O was used as the plating

electrolyte. Typically, a FTO substrate of dimensions 1.5 cm × 2 cm was immersed in the

electrolyte, and a continuous waveform of a cathodic pulse (-1.2 V, 0.5 s) and relaxation

voltage pulse (0 V, 2 s) were then being applied alternately for 7200 cycles to result in

the deposition of Bi particles on the substrate. This waveform was generated by an

AUTOLAB potentiostat combined with Nova software. The employment of the 2 seconds

relaxation time was to allow Bi3+ ions to be replenished at the surface, which can increase

the nucleation density of Bi on the working electrode to achieve a better deposit coverage.

After this pulse electrodeposition process, the Bi-deposited thin films were carefully

rinsed with ethanol and dried by blowing air. 200 μL ethylene glycol was subsequently

dropped on one of the Bi-deposited thin films, following by calcination in air at 600 °C

for 4 hours to provide a superior attachment on the FTO. The Bi2O3 film was obtained

after calcination. To form a composite of BWO/Bi2O3, 200 μL of Na2WO4·2H2O (0.75

M) was dropped on the Bi metal layer prior to calcination in air at 600 °C for 4 hours.

6.2.2 Characterisation of BWO/ Bi2O3 Film

The phase purity and crystallinity of the product were analysed by PANalytical Empyrean

Thin-Film X-ray diffraction (XRD) using Cu Kα radiation (λ = 1.5406 Å) with a voltage

of 45 V and current of 40 mA at room temperature. Rietveld refinement is conducted by

fitting and analysing the XRD pattern diffractogram using the High Score program

developed by PANalytical. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images were obtained

Chapter 6. Oxygen-Deficient Bismuth Tungstate and Bismuth Oxide Composite
Photoanode with Improved Photostability

with a FEI Nova NanoSEM 450 FESEM microscope operated at 5 kV to examine the

morphology of the thin film. The elemental mapping and distribution were determined by

X-ray energy dispersion spectrum (EDS). Transmission electron microscopy (TEM and

HRTEM) images were obtained by Philips CM200 instrument in bright field mode. The

UV-visible absorption spectra were recorded using Shimadzu UV-3600

spectrophotometer, with BaSO4 powder used as the reference. The absorbance was

calculated from the measured reflectance using Kubelka-Munk function to identify the

band gaps of the films. The elemental composition was quantified by PerkinElmer

quadrapole Nexion inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy (ICP-MS). X-ray

photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) was carried out using ESCALAB250Xi (Thermo

Scientific) with a mono-chromated Al Kα source. All the peak position was calibrated

using the binding energy of C 1s at 284.8 eV. The time-resolved fluorescence (PL decay)

was conducted by the time-correlated-single-photon-counting (TCSPC) on Microtime-

200 system (Picoquant) with excitation of a 405 nm pulsed laser. Using the bi-exponential

decay function𝑦 = 𝐴1 𝑒𝑥𝑝(−𝑡/𝜏1 ) + 𝐴2 𝑒𝑥𝑝(−𝑡/𝜏2 ), each PL decay trace can be nicely

fitted to determine the decay times. The average lifetimes are obtained using 𝜏𝐴𝑉 =

𝐴21 𝜏1 +𝐴22 𝜏2 15
𝐴1 𝜏1 +𝐴2 𝜏2

6.2.3 Photoelectrochemical Test

All photoelectrochemical measurements including electrochemical impedance

spectroscopy (EIS) were conducted in an electrolyte of 0.1 M Na2SO4 (pH 6.8-7.2) with

a three-electrode system (Pt foil and Ag/AgCl were used as the counter electrode and

Chapter 6. Oxygen-Deficient Bismuth Tungstate and Bismuth Oxide Composite
Photoanode with Improved Photostability

reference electrode, respectively) using a potentiostat (Autolab model PGSTAT 12) with

frequency response analyser (Autolab FRA2 modules). The light source was a 300 W Xe

lamp. Back illumination was performed with an exposed thin film area of 0.72 cm2. The

flat-band potential of the thin films was estimated by Mott-Schottky analysis, where the

measurement was performed at frequency of 500 Hz.

6.3 Results and Discussion

6.3.1 Material Characterisation

Figure 6-1. (a) Photographs of the thin films consisting of metallic Bi, Bi 2O3, and BWO/Bi2O3 (left to

right); (b) SEM images and (c) XRD patterns of the Bi 2O3 and BWO/Bi2O3 films.

Upon pulse electrodeposition, a compact black layer of metallic Bi was evenly coated on

the FTO substrate (Figure 6-1a). Pulse electrodeposition has the obvious merit of

depositing a dense layer. Achieving a dense layer of Bi is important because it serves as

the seeding precursor for the subsequent conversion to Bi2O3 and BWO/Bi2O3 thin films.

SEM images (Figure 6-2) of the Bi-deposited FTO substrates prepared using pulse and

non-pulse systems clearly differentiate the quality of the Bi-deposited films. As shown in
Chapter 6. Oxygen-Deficient Bismuth Tungstate and Bismuth Oxide Composite
Photoanode with Improved Photostability

Figure 6-2, the coverage of metallic Bi on FTO was comprehensive for the pulse

electrodeposited film, while the continuous non-pulse electrodeposition produced a

patchy distribution of metallic Bi with a significant portion of the FTO surface found to

be exposed and uncovered. The difference in coverage is due to the relaxation pulse (0V,

2s) that allows the replenishment of Bi3+ ions at the FTO surface for subsequent

deposition.14 All the Bi2O3 and BWO/Bi2O3 films examined in this work were, therefore,

prepared using the pulse electrodeposited Bi.

Figure 6-2. SEM images of (a and b) pulsed and (c and d) non-pulsed electrodeposited Bi-metal thin film

After the thermal treatment of the Bi-deposited films with or without W precursor

addition, the films had a yellowish appearance (Figure 6-1a) suggesting successful

formation of Bi2O3 and BWO/Bi2O3 (these two materials usually have a yellow colour

due to their narrow optical band gaps of around 2.8 eV). Compact but featureless films

Chapter 6. Oxygen-Deficient Bismuth Tungstate and Bismuth Oxide Composite
Photoanode with Improved Photostability

were observed from the SEM images of the resultant Bi2O3 and BWO/Bi2O3 films

(Figure 6-1b). Figure 6-1c shows the XRD patterns of the prepared thin films. Although

both films are highly crystalline, the bare Bi2O3 film obtained from direct annealing was

confirmed to be the monoclinic phase and indexed with the JCPD 03-2034 pattern. The

additional W precursor treatment yielded a mixture of monoclinic Bi14WO24 (JCPD 80-

5931) and Bi2O3 after being calcined. The relative amounts of Bi14WO24 and Bi2O3 in the

BWO/Bi2O3 film were determined using Rietveld refinement. The film was estimated to

be composed 29.1% Bi2O3 with the rest Bi14WO24 (Figure 6-3 and Table 6-1).

(a) (b)

Figure 6-3. (a) The original and (b) the Rietveld refinement fitted XRD spectrum

Table 6-1. Agreement Indices of Rietveld refinement of the XRD diffraction pattern
Agreement Indices
Bi2O3 monoclinic crystallography data 15072-ICSD
Bi14WO24 monoclinic crystallography data 183463-ICSD
R expected 7.77
R profile 16.1
Goodness of Fit 9.28

Chapter 6. Oxygen-Deficient Bismuth Tungstate and Bismuth Oxide Composite
Photoanode with Improved Photostability

Bi14WO24 is considered as an oxygen-deficient or bismuth-rich bismuth tungstate.16 Note

that the Bi2O3 would not be fully transformed into Bi14WO24 with the addition of much

higher concentration of tungsten precursors. The XPS result illustrates the Bi14WO24 was

made composite with Bi2O3 (Figure 6-4). In the Bi 4f spectrum, the Bi 4f peaks of Bi2O3

thin films are located at 158.5 eV and 163.8 eV, which are attributed to Bi3+.17 However,

the doublet Bi 4f peak is shifted to a lower binding energy for ca. 0.2 eV, proposing a

change in the interfacial structure due to the introduction of W.18 In the W 4f spectrum,

strong signals are detected in the composite of BWO/Bi2O3 thin film only. The binding

energy of the doublet peak is located at 34.5 eV and 36.6 eV, and they are assigned to the

W 4f7/2 and W 4f5/2 of the W6+ species, respectively.19, 20

Figure 6-4. XPS spectra with (a) Bi 4f and (b) W 4f spectrums of Bi 2O3 and BWO/Bi2O3 thin film (no W

signal in Bi2O3 are detected).

As the formation of the BWO/Bi2O3 composite is driven by the surface-to-bulk diffusion

of WO42- ions into the film during the simultaneous formation of Bi2O3 at elevated
Chapter 6. Oxygen-Deficient Bismuth Tungstate and Bismuth Oxide Composite
Photoanode with Improved Photostability

temperature, the homogeneity of the tungstate distribution throughout the bulk

BWO/Bi2O3 needs to be examined. The previous studies on hydrothermally transforming

WO3 into Bi2WO6 and MoO3 into Bi2MoO6 had found a gradient in bismuth concentration

through the film thickness.21, 22

Therefore, it is also interesting to characterise this

BWO/Bi2O3 film to obtain insight into these two different synthesis methods. Figure 6-5

shows the cross-sectional SEM-EDS images of the BWO/Bi2O3 film with its relevant

elemental mapping. The distribution of tungsten is homogeneous through the film, which

indicates the uniform dispersion of Bi14WO24 within the composite film. There is no

obvious region within the film showing separation of Bi14WO24 from Bi2O3. Comparing

with the cross section SEM-EDS images of bulk Bi2O3, no W element was detected along

the film. This “solid-solution”-like composite of Bi14WO24 and Bi2O3 is expected to be

favourable for photoexcited charge transfer owing to the intimate contact between the


Figure 6-5. Cross-sectional SEM image of the BWO/Bi2O3 film (top) and pure Bi2O3 (bottom) with its

elemental (Bi, W and O) distribution through the film.

Chapter 6. Oxygen-Deficient Bismuth Tungstate and Bismuth Oxide Composite
Photoanode with Improved Photostability

Further evidence of this well-mixed BWO/Bi2O3 composite is obtained using HRTEM

analysis. Figure 6-6 shows TEM images of the bare Bi2O3 and BWO/Bi2O3. Their

respective high resolution images demonstrate the polycrystalline nature of the materials.

Lattice fringes with spacing of 2.75Å and 3.22Å were measured for the BWO/Bi2O3

composite, corresponding to the (103), (3̅ 01), (231) and (150) planes of monoclinic

Bi14WO24. The lattice spacing of 2.70Å, 3.25Å and 3.31Å observed for both the Bi2O3

and BWO/Bi2O3 films are consistent with the (121), (120), (1̅21), (111) and (1̅12) planes

of monoclinic Bi2O3. Hence, the combination of XRD, XPS, SEM-EDX, and HRTEM

results confirm the successful formation of Bi14WO24 throughout the Bi2O3 films. More

interestingly, the Bi14WO24 was homogeneously distributed throughout the film, which is

expected to be advantageous for the transport of photocharges upon excitation.

Figure 6-6. TEM images of (a) Bi2O3 and (c) BWO/Bi2O3 films and their corresponding high resolution

images showing the lattice spacing (b and d).

Chapter 6. Oxygen-Deficient Bismuth Tungstate and Bismuth Oxide Composite
Photoanode with Improved Photostability

Figure 6-7. UV-Vis absorption spectra of Bi2O3 and BWO/Bi2O3

The optical band gaps of the Bi2O3 and BWO/Bi2O3 films were determined using UV-

Vis absorption spectroscopy. The UV-Vis absorption spectra in Figure 6-7 shows the

absorption edges of Bi2O3 and BWO/Bi2O3 at a similar wavelength, λ ≈ ca. 430 nm. The

optical band gap (Eg) derived from the Tauc plot (inset of Figure 6-7) is 2.9 eV, consistent

with previous reports of Bi2O3.23

6.3.1 Photoelectrochemical Performance

Although both the bare Bi2O3 and BWO/Bi2O3 films have the similar light absorption,

other electronic characterisation suggests that Bi2O3 has superior properties for electron

transportation. Figure 6-8a and b shows the Mott-Schottky and EIS conductance plots of

both films. In the Mott-Schottky analysis, capacitance of the space charge layer (C) of the

film was measured as a function of applied potential. The conductivity type and charge

Chapter 6. Oxygen-Deficient Bismuth Tungstate and Bismuth Oxide Composite
Photoanode with Improved Photostability

carrier density (or donor density) of the films can be determined from the results.24, 25 The

latter can be calculated by the following Equation (1)):

1 −1
2 𝑑 ( 2)
𝑁𝑑 = ( )[ 𝐶 ] Eqn. (6-1)
𝑒0 𝜀𝜀0 𝑑𝑉

where e0 is the electron charge, ɛ is the dielectric constant, ɛ0 is the permittivity of vacuum,

Nd is the donor density, V is the applied bias at the electrode, and C is the capacitance of

the space charge layer. According to Eqn. (6-1), the donor densities in the different films

can be qualitatively compared since it is inversely proportional to the gradient of the Mott-

Schottky plot.

Both the bare Bi2O3 and BWO/Bi2O3 films demonstrate a positive slope in the Mott-

Schottky plots, indicating that they are n-type semiconductor.24 The bare Bi2O3 film gives

a lower gradient than the BWO/Bi2O3 film, suggesting that it has a higher charge density.

Higher donor density could enhance the PEC performance as the charge transfer between

the oxide layer and FTO substrate is improved. The flat-band potential (Fb) of Bi2O3 is at

+0.37 V versus normal hydrogen electrode (NHE) at pH 0, which is comparable with the

literature value.25 Given that to Fb of BWO/Bi2O3 has shifted to +0.11 V vs NHE at pH 0,

it suggests that the band structure of this composite has been altered. Figure 6-8b shows

the EIS conductance as a function of frequency for the Bi2O3 and BWO/Bi2O3 films, the

curve is correlated to the electrical behaviour at the interface of the photoelectrode within

the system. In the high frequency response (>100 Hz) the conductivity is dominated by

Chapter 6. Oxygen-Deficient Bismuth Tungstate and Bismuth Oxide Composite
Photoanode with Improved Photostability

the interface between the film and the Na2SO4 electrolyte. The conductance of both films

at the high frequency region is identical for both films. The other frequency regions, the

conductance of the bulk oxide films (medium frequency range, 1 Hz – 100 Hz) as well as

the conductance at the interface of the oxide and FTO substrate (low frequency range, 10

mHz – 1 Hz) can be evaluated. The medium frequency region is ascribed to the electrical

ability of the interior of the bulk oxide film, while the low frequency region shows the

conductance at the interface of the oxide and FTO substrate. The conductance of the bulk

Bi2O3 is only marginally higher than that of BWO/Bi2O3, indicating the lower charge

diffusion of the composite material. However, the bare Bi2O3 has significantly better

electron mobility at the interface with the FTO substrate.

Figure 6-8. (a) Mott-Schottky and (b) EIS conductance plots of the Bi2O3 and BWO/Bi2O3 films.

The photocurrent densities measured under constant voltage (amperometry, Figure 6-9a)

confirm that both the Bi2O3 and BWO/Bi2O3 films are photoresponsive, and the anodic

photocurrent verifies their n-type semiconducting behaviour.26 The bare Bi2O3 film

demonstrated higher anodic photocurrent than the BWO/Bi2O3 film. This was also
Chapter 6. Oxygen-Deficient Bismuth Tungstate and Bismuth Oxide Composite
Photoanode with Improved Photostability

supported by the linear sweep voltammogram measurement where higher photocurrent

was displayed by the bare Bi2O3 film across the entire potential bias compared to the

composite film (Figure 6-9b). This is consistent with the better electrochemical

properties (donor density and conductivity) indicated by Mott-Schottky and EIS

conductance analyses.

(a) 40 (b) (c) 1.2

Light On 20 µA/cm2
Photocurrent Density (µA/cm 2 )
Photocurrent Density (μA/cm2)

Photocurrent Density Ratio (I/I₀)

Light Off 1 Bi14WO24/Bi2O3

Bi2O3 Light
20 0.6

0 100 200 300 400 500 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Time (s) Voltage (V) Time (hours)

Figure 6-9. (a) Amperometric photocurrent density at 0.75 V vs Ag/AgCl and (b) Linear Sweep

Voltammogram of Bi2O3 and BWO/Bi2O3 thin film and (c) photocurrent density ratio (I/Io where Io is the

initial current) of the Bi2O3 and BWO/Bi2O3 films.

Although the photocurrent generation was higher for the bare Bi2O3 film (as expected),

the photocurrent decayed noticeably and rapidly within 10 mins of on-off illumination

cycling, while the photoresponse of BWO/Bi2O3 remained unchanged. This observation

of photo-instability for Bi2O3 is consistent with the previous work by Hajra et al.1 To

further investigate the stability of both films under illumination, the photocurrent decay

of the Bi2O3 and BWO/Bi2O3 films was measured over an extended 3-hour period of

continuous illumination (Figure 6-9c). The photocurrent decay in Figure 6-9c is

presented as the ratio of the measured photocurrent (I) to the initial photocurrent (Io). The

Chapter 6. Oxygen-Deficient Bismuth Tungstate and Bismuth Oxide Composite
Photoanode with Improved Photostability

photocurrent density half-life for the Bi2O3 film was ca. 50 mins (i.e. half of the

photoactivity was lost in less than one hour), indicating that the bare Bi2O3 film is not

ideal for a photoelectrochemical system due to its photostability issue. After 2 hours of

illumination, the Bi2O3 film lost almost all of its photoresponse. In contrast, the

BWO/Bi2O3 film was able to maintain its photocurrent density over the whole

illumination duration without noticeable decay. Thus, the advantage of introducing

Bi14WO24 to form a composite with Bi2O3 can be observed in the photostability

improvement, albeit its relatively low absolute photocurrent value can be further

enhanced by other modifications.27

Figure 6-10. XRD patterns measured before and after PEC measurement for (a) Bi 2O3 and (b)

BWO/Bi2O3 films. (c) Energy band structure for the BWO/Bi2O3 films.

The photocurrent decay of the Bi2O3 film was accompanied by the formation of a new

crystal phase after the 3-hour illumination period, as observed in XRD diffractogram

(Figure 6-10a). An additional high-intensity peak was observed at 27.9˚ for the Bi2O3

Chapter 6. Oxygen-Deficient Bismuth Tungstate and Bismuth Oxide Composite
Photoanode with Improved Photostability

film after illumination, which can be indexed to either Bi14SO24 or Na2O. The formation

of these new compounds is reasonable as Na2SO4 was used as the electrolyte in the

photoelectrochemical measurement. In contrast, the XRD patterns of the BWO/Bi2O3

film before and after the illumination are essentially the same (Figure 6-10b).

Furthermore, the significant loss of photocurrent in the Bi2O3 film can also be associated

with anodic photocorrosion (i.e. self photo-oxidation of Bi2O3) ICP-MS characterisation

shows there was 175 µg/L of Bi ions leach into the electrolyte used for PEC measurement

of the Bi2O3 after 3-hour illumination. This type of photocorrosion occurs when the

interfacial transfer of photoexcited holes is slow and subsequently leads to the

accumulation of holes that induces self-oxidation. The introduction of Bi14WO24 to Bi2O3

facilitates the transfer of photoexcited charges. With the promotion of excited charge

transfer, accumulation of holes within a single component is prevented and

photocorrosion is suppressed. Figure 6-10c shows the postulated band energy structure

of bismuth oxide and tungstate based on previous reports.28-31 The Mott-Schottky plot has

illustrated the Fermi level has been shifted upward for BWO/Bi2O3 composited. Owing

to the band alignment, the excited electrons from the Bi14WO24 are transferred to bismuth

oxide while the migration of holes happens in the opposite direction. This promoted

charge transfer can be indicated by the prolonged charge lifetime evaluated by the time-

resolved PL. Based on the PL results of the thin films (Figure 6-11), decay time for the

charges in the BWO/Bi2O3 composite (τaverage = 1.85 ns) is slower than that of the Bi2O3

(τaverage = 0.94 ns). Supported by the close proximity of the components as evidenced by

Chapter 6. Oxygen-Deficient Bismuth Tungstate and Bismuth Oxide Composite
Photoanode with Improved Photostability

the PL decay, SEM-EDS and HRTEM, this improved charge transfer is expected to

contribute to the long-term stability of BWO/Bi2O3.

Figure 6-11.. Time-resolved fluorescence of Bi2O3 and BWO/Bi2O3 thin film

6.4 Summary

In short, although Bi2O3 is a potential photoactive semiconductor with several ideal

electronic properties, its instability is a significant issue that causes a deterioration of the

PEC performance within a short period of time. In this work, a strategy to stabilise Bi2O3

was demonstrated to introduce a homogeneously distributed Bi14WO24 component. This

composite film can be prepared by a method combining pulse electrodeposition and

thermal treatment. Compared with bare Bi2O3, the composite film has much more stable

photoactivity under long-term illumination. The photostability improvement is attributed

to the improved charge transfer between the two semiconductors which in turns

suppresses the photocorrosion. These findings suggested the applicability to other

photocatalysts with stability challenges.

Chapter 6. Oxygen-Deficient Bismuth Tungstate and Bismuth Oxide Composite
Photoanode with Improved Photostability

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Degradation under Visible Light. ACS Catalysis 2014, 4 (3), 732-737.

Chapter 6. Oxygen-Deficient Bismuth Tungstate and Bismuth Oxide Composite
Photoanode with Improved Photostability

31. Peng, Y.; Yan, M.; Chen, Q.-G.; Fan, C.-M.; Zhou, H.-Y.; Xu, A.-W., Novel one-

dimensional Bi2O3-Bi2WO6 p-n hierarchical heterojunction with enhanced photocatalytic

activity. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2014, 2 (22), 8517-8524.

Chapter 7. Conclusion and Recommendation




7.1 Conclusion

To date, photocatalytic Z-scheme and photoelectrochemical (PEC) water splitting have

been successfully performed using Bi-based semiconductors for water oxidation.

However, further enhancement requires to achieve higher conversion effiency in water

oxidation process for industrialisation in the future. Hereby, research was conducted on

bismuth tungstate (Bi2WO6), to enhance photocatalytic and PEC water oxidation

reactions, by studying the key influencing factors to achieve increased light absorption,

improved charge separation and transport, and diminish photocorrosion within the oxide

material. This thesis explored various synthesis methods along with the corresponding

effects on physiochemical properties and charge kinetics within Bi2WO6 photocatalyst.

The effect of crystallinity and surface area properties of the oxide catalyst on

photocatalytic water oxidation was first investigated. Hierarchical Bi2WO6 microspheres

calcined at various temperatures (i.e. 0°C, 450°C, 550°C, 650°C and 750°C) were

employed. Apart from increased degree of crystallinity, higher annealing temperatures

also resulted in decreased Bi2WO6 total surface area. The optimal calcination temperature
Chapter 7. Conclusion and Recommendation

was found to be 650°C. This sample exhibited the highest performance in photocatalytic

oxygen (O2) evolution, generating up to 240 µmol of O2. Thus, the improvement of the

photo-oxidation process using Bi2WO6 calcined at higher temperature demonstrated the

higher crystallinity is the more prevailing factor that influenced the photoactivity when

compared to surface area. Under a high calcination temperature, alteration in Bi2WO6

atomic crystal structure was discovered with shortened W-O length confirmed via Raman

spectroscopy. The shortened bond induced overlap between Bi 6p and O 2p orbitals in

Bi2WO6. This caused distortion of the lone pairs around the Bi cation and facilitated the

migration of photogenerated charge carriers to the bulk surface, which is proved to be

advantageous for water to O2 oxidation.

Apart from the investigation on Bi2WO6 powders, Bi2WO6 photoanode synthesis methods

were explored to probe its photoactivity in PEC measurement. By simply tuning the

tungsten to bismuth precursor ratio (W:Bi) during the hydrothermal synthesis step, a

series of plate-like Bi2WO6 with different morphologies were fabricated. With a higher

W:Bi ratio, the resulting plate-like Bi2WO6 displayed to have higher exposure extents of

the electron-dominated {010} crystal facet and more W self-doping. The larger exposed

{010} electron-dominated facet can explicitly address the higher photogenerated charge

density, indicating more electrons and holes can be exposed to the active site. On top of

that, although the W self-doping lowered the charge mobility, the higher charge carrier

concentration and lower charge transfer resistance allowed the generation of higher

photocurrent. Thus, higher W concentration during Bi2WO6 synthesis is demonstrated to

play a significant role in improving overall PEC performance.

Chapter 7. Conclusion and Recommendation

The development of photoanode was further extended into fabricating thin film consists

of dual photocatalysts (i.e. Bi2WO6 and WO3). It is well known that heterojunction

formation promotes PEC water splitting performances. Unlike previous studies that focus

on the effects of facet engineering and self-doping, this research place emphasis on

understanding charge transfer efficiency in Bi2WO6/WO3 heterojunction with different

interfacial contact areas. For this purpose, a two-step process (electrodeposition followed

by hydrothermal treatment) was utilised to produce two thin film samples with difference

architectures: one thin film has a homogeneous distribution of Bi2WO6 and WO3 whereas

another had two distinct layers of the oxide species. A comparison revealed that the

photoanode that with homogenous distribution of WO3 and Bi2WO6 has higher interfacial

contact and exhibited greater photoresponse without additional bias during PEC

measurements. On the other hand, the photoanode with two rigid layers of WO3 and

Bi2WO6 demonstrated a much inferior performance. This was ascribed to the interfacial

barrier within the two distinct layers, where minimal electron transfer from Bi 2WO6 to

WO3 occurred, resulting in high recombination rate in the bulk materials.

In the ensuing study, photostability of photoanode comprising oxygen-deficient bismuth

tungstate (Bi14WO24) and Bi2O3 heterojunction was assessed. Leaching of Bi ions from

the Bi2O3 resulted in its instability and hence photocorrosion. With the presence of

protective and photoactive Bi14WO24 layer, photocorrosion of Bi2O3 was prevented. The

photogenerated holes were effectively withdrawn from the Bi2O3 when in contact with

Bi14WO24, thereby, restricting its self-oxidation reaction. Improved Bi2O3 stability upon

Chapter 7. Conclusion and Recommendation

heterojunction formation with Bi14WO24 was demonstrated via the stable photoresponse

in long hours of PEC measurements.

In conclusion, these findings provided useful details on the strategies to design Bi 2WO6

particulate and photoelectrode for photocatalytic and PEC water oxidation reactions: high

crystallinity, sufficient W presence during synthesis to enable W self-doping, and

heterojunction structure. These characteristics were shown to contribute towards

photocatalytic performance through a common pathway: improved charge kinetics. These

findings play a key role in informing future strategies applicable to engineering of Bi-

based photocatalysts in enable the realisation of photocatalytic or PEC water oxidation at

an industrials scale.

7.2 Recommendation

In order to fabricate a Bi2WO6 powder or photoanode for effective photocatalytic and

PEC water oxidation, understanding its key influencing physicochemical properties is

herein shown to be important. The findings uncovered in this thesis further evoked

interesting avenues not only in material engineering, but also reactor system design and

the integration of both to bring upon the design of an innovative solution for a large scaled

photocatalysed water splitting. Proposed approaches are as detailed below.

Chapter 7. Conclusion and Recommendation

7.2.1 Self-doping Bi3+: Fabrication, characterisation and optimisation for

photocatalytic water oxidation

From the studies, it is known that charge separation, high carrier density, and low charge

transfer resistance are the fundamental factors to enhance photoreactivity. This was

previously achieved by enriching Bi2WO6 with electron-dominated facet and enabling W

self-doping during synthesis. It is known that Bi self-doping in Bi2WO6 resulted in an

internal electric field within the Bi-O bond. This subsequently facilitate charge transport.1

Thus, further inquiry on the impact of Bi precursor concentration against PEC

performance is recommended. This investigation will expand our understanding

physicochemical modification in Bi2WO6, such as morphology and the charge kinetics

properties upon precursor ratio variation. A systematic inspection of charge carrier

density and mobility of Bi self-doped Bi2WO6 photoanode via EIS and TRMC

measurement is also necessary. The results can be further compared with the W self-

doped Bi2WO6 to provide a more comprehensive understanding on Bi2WO6 photoanode.

In addition, density functional theory (DFT) computational studies can be employed to

calculate the surface energy of each crystal facet. The computed results can inform

decisions on how the material can be tailored to maximise exposure extent of the most

active facet for greater separation and thus better PEC performance.

7.2.2 Performing Overall PEC water splitting and Engineering the Reactor

Chapters 4 to 6 revealed the generation of high photocurrent density under small applied

bias for plate-like Bi2WO6 and heterojunction (Bi2WO6/WO3 or Bi2WO6/Bi2O3)

photoanodes. However, the performance measured by utilising Bi2WO6 is only based on

Chapter 7. Conclusion and Recommendation

the oxidation half-reaction, the conversion efficiency from the overall PEC water splitting

process is not clarified. Therefore, implementing an overall water splitting reaction with

the incorporation of Bi2WO6 and H2 evolving catalyst (such as InGaN2 and CuGaSe23) in

a two- or three-electrode system (including the n-type and p-type catalyst as the working

electrode, and Ag/AgCl as the reference electrode) is recommended. This allows

determination of the effectiveness of the Bi2WO6 photoanode, so as to further modify the

semiconductor for achieving a higher H2 and O2 production yield. Apart from researching

efficient semiconductors for overall water splitting process, a specific effort should also

be devoted in optimising the design of the water splitting reactor. It is known that a back

reaction could occur when the produced H2 and O2 recombined.4 Thus, modification of

the water splitting reactor is recommended to further enhance the overall efficiency

because some designs could potentially impede the production of H2 and O2 in PEC

system. One of the important parameters involved in reactor design is the distance,

between the working electrodes, in which larger distance causes higher charge transfer

resistance. The distance between the working electrodes to the light source could also

influence the photon flux received on the surface of the semiconductors. Furthermore,

other components, such as the type of membrane used to separate the cathode and anode

compartments and material used to construct the illumination window will eventually

affect the overall performance.5, 6 Therefore, integration of well-designed reactor system

is just as important as designing an effective Bi2WO6 photoanode to strategize an

enhancement in overall PEC conversion efficiency.

Chapter 7. Conclusion and Recommendation

7.3 References

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