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An Assignment

Wavelet Function, Walsh Function, Fuzzy Logic,
Finite Element Techniques, Chaos & Bifurcation

Course Code: ECE-5301

Course Title: Engineering Analysis

Submitted To: Submitted By:

Prof. Dr. Md. Maniruzzaman Pranta Paul
ECE Discipline Student Id: MSC 210916
Khulna University, 1 st Year, 1 st Term
ECE Discipline
Khulna University,

Date of Submission: 19-09-2023

Here's a set of questions on wavelet transform worth 12 marks, along with their answers:
Question 1 (3 marks):

Explain what wavelet transform is and mention one practical application of it.

Answer 1:

Wavelet transform is a mathematical technique used for analyzing and processing signals and data at
different scales. It decomposes a signal into a set of wavelets, allowing us to analyze both low and
high-frequency components separately.

One practical application is in image compression. Wavelet transform is one of the important methods of
compressing image data so that it takes up less memory. Wavelet based compression techniques have
advantages such as multi-resolution, scalability and tolerable degradation over other techniques.

Question 2 (4 marks):

Given a one-dimensional signal, describe the key steps involved in performing a discrete
wavelet transform (DWT).
Answer 2:

The key steps in performing a DWT are as follows:

1. Signal Decomposition: Divide the signal into approximation and detail coefficients using a
wavelet filter.

2. Filtering: Apply a low-pass filter to obtain approximation coefficients and a high-pass filter for
detail coefficients.

3. Down-sampling: Reduce the resolution by down-sampling the coefficients.

4. Repeat: Continue the process iteratively on the approximation coefficients until the desired level
of detail is achieved.

Question 3 (5 marks):

Solve the following wavelet transform-related math problem:

Given a signal x(t) = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8], perform a single level discrete wavelet transform (DWT)
using the Haar wavelet. Show the resulting approximation and detail coefficients.

Answer 3:

To perform a single level DWT using the Haar wavelet:

Apply the Haar wavelet filters to the signal:

Low-pass filter: [1/sqrt(2), 1/sqrt(2)]

High-pass filter: [-1/sqrt(2), 1/sqrt(2)]

Convolve these filters with the signal and down-sample:

Approximation coefficients (cA): [(1+2)/sqrt(2), (5+6)/sqrt(2)] = [2.1213, 7.0711]

Detail coefficients (cD): [(1-2)/sqrt(2), (5-6)/sqrt(2)] = [-1.4142, -1.4142]

So, the approximation coefficients (cA) are [2.1213, 7.0711], and the detail coefficients (cD) are [-1.4142,

Here's a set of questions on fuzzy logic worth 12 marks, along with their answers:
Question 1 (3 marks):

Define fuzzy logic and explain how it differs from traditional binary logic.
Answer 1:

Fuzzy logic is a mathematical framework that deals with uncertainty and imprecision. Unlike
traditional binary logic, which uses only true or false values (0 or 1), fuzzy logic allows for the
representation of degrees of truth between 0 and 1. It is more suitable for handling real-world situations
where things are not simply true or false but can be partially true or partially false.

Question 2 (4 marks):

Describe the components of a fuzzy logic system, including membership functions, fuzzy sets, and fuzzy

Answer 2:

A fuzzy logic system consists of three main components:

1. Membership Functions: These define the degree of membership of an element in a fuzzy set. They
map input values to degrees of membership in the range [0, 1].

2. Fuzzy Sets: Fuzzy sets are defined by membership functions and represent linguistic variables
(e.g., "low," "medium," "high") in a fuzzy logic system.

3. Fuzzy Rules: Fuzzy rules specify how input variables relate to output variables using linguistic if-then
statements. They are used to make decisions based on fuzzy input.

Question 3 (5 marks):

Using the triangular membership function with points A(2,0), B(5,1), and C(8,0), determine
the membership value for the input x = 6.

Answer 3:

To determine the membership value for x = 6 using the triangular membership function defined by points
A(2,0), B(5,1), and C(8,0), we need to find the degree of membership at x = 6.
The membership function is triangular, so it increases linearly from 0 to 1 between points B(5,1)
and A(2,0) and decreases linearly from 1 to 0 between points B(5,1) and C(8,0).

For x = 6, which lies between B and A:

Degree of Membership = (x - A) / (B - A) = (6 - 2) / (5 - 2) = 4 / 3 = 1.33

So, the membership value for x = 6 is approximately 1.33.

Here's a set of questions on Walsh functions worth 12 marks, along with their answers:
Question 1 (3 marks):

Define Walsh functions and explain their significance in signal processing or digital communication.

Answer 1:

Walsh functions, also known as Walsh-Hadamard functions, are a set of orthogonal binary functions
used in signal processing and digital communication. They play a crucial role in spectrum spreading,
error detection, and channel coding. These functions are known for their orthogonality property, which
simplifies the process of signal recovery and data detection in noisy communication channels.
Question 2 (4 marks):

Describe how to generate the Walsh functions of order N recursively, starting with the Walsh functions of
order 1 and order 2.

Answer 2:

To generate Walsh functions of order N recursively:

Walsh functions of order 1 (W1):

W1 = [1, -1]

Walsh functions of order 2 (W2):

W2_0 = [W1, W1] = [1, -1, 1, -1]

W2_1 = [W1, -W1] = [1, -1, -1, 1]

To generate Walsh functions of higher orders, continue by replicating and negating the previous order's
functions as shown in W2. This recursive process creates a complete set of orthogonal Walsh functions of
order N.

Question 3 (5 marks):

Calculate the Walsh transform of the binary sequence 1101 using the Hadamard matrix of order 4.
Show your step-by-step calculations.

Answer 3:

To calculate the Walsh transform of 1101 using a Hadamard matrix of order 4, follow these steps:

1. Write the Hadamard matrix of order 4:

H4 = [[1, 1, 1, 1],

[1, -1, 1, -1],

[1, 1, -1, -1],

[1, -1, -1, 1]]

2. Multiply the binary sequence 1101 by the Hadamard matrix:

[1111] [1]

[1 -1 1 -1] [1]

[1 1 -1 -1] [0]

[1 -1 -1 1] [1]

3. Perform the element-wise multiplication and calculate the sum for each row:

[1*1 + 1*1 + 1*1 + 1*1] = 4

[1*1 + (-1)*1 + 1*1 + (-1)*1] = 0

[1*1 + 1*0 + (-1)*1 + (-1)*0] = 0

[1*1 + (-1)*1 + (-1)*1 + 1*1] = 0

So, the Walsh transform of the sequence 1101 is [4, 0, 0, 0].

Here's a set of questions on Chaos & Bifurcation worth 12 marks, along with their answers:
Question 1 (2+2=4 marks):

Define chaos and bifurcation in the context of dynamical systems.

Answer 1:

Chaos in the context of dynamical systems refers to a state of seemingly random and unpredictable
behavior arising from deterministic equations. Chaotic systems are sensitive to initial conditions,
meaning tiny changes in the starting conditions can lead to vastly different outcomes over time.

A bifurcation in a dynamical system is a qualitative change in its behavior as a parameter is varied. It

occurs when the system transitions from one stable state or periodic behavior to another, often leading
to the emergence of complex and chaotic dynamics.

Bifurcation occurs when a small change in a system parameter causes the system's behavior to change
radically. These changes can appear as branches in the system's state space or as new patterns
emerging from it.
Question 2 (2 marks):

Explain the concept of the "butterfly effect" in chaos theory.

Answer 2:

The "butterfly effect" in chaos theory refers to the idea that small changes in initial conditions can lead
to significant differences in outcomes in a chaotic system. It's often illustrated by the metaphor that the
flap of a butterfly's wings in Brazil could set off a tornado in Texas, highlighting the extreme sensitivity
to initial conditions in chaotic systems.

Question 3 (3 marks ):

Consider the logistic map, a simple mathematical model for population growth:

\[N_{n+1} = r * N_n * (1 - N_n)\]

Where \(N_n\) represents the population at time step \(n\), and \(r\) is a control parameter. Calculate the
first few iterations of \(N_{n+1}\) starting with \(N_0 = 0.5\) and \(r = 3\).
Answer 3:

Using the logistic map with \(r = 3\) and starting with \(N_0 = 0.5\):

\[N_1 = 3 * 0.5 * (1 - 0.5) = 0.75\]

\[N_2 = 3 * 0.75 * (1 - 0.75) = 0.5625\]

\[N_3 = 3 * 0.5625 * (1 - 0.5625) = 0.9492\]

Question 4 (3 marks):

Explain the concept of bifurcation in the logistic map. How does the behavior of the system change as
the parameter \(r\) is varied?

Answer 4:

In the logistic map, bifurcation refers to the qualitative change in the population dynamics as the
control parameter \(r\) is varied. Initially, the system may exhibit stable periodic behavior. However,
as \(r\) increases, the system undergoes a series of bifurcations where it transitions from periodic to
chaotic behavior. This transition results in the emergence of multiple branches of behavior, often
illustrated in a bifurcation diagram.

Here's a set of questions on finite element techniques worth 12 marks, along with their answers:
Question 1 (3 marks):

Explain what finite element analysis (FEA) is and discuss its importance in engineering
and computational science.

Answer 1:

Finite element analysis (FEA) is a numerical method used to solve complex engineering and physical
problems by dividing a domain into smaller, finite elements. It's crucial in engineering and computational
science because it allows engineers and scientists to simulate and analyze real-world structures and systems,
predicting their behavior under various conditions without the need for physical prototypes. FEA is widely
used in fields like structural engineering, heat transfer, fluid dynamics, and electromagnetics.
Question 2 (6 marks):

Consider a 1D linear finite element with three equally spaced nodes, labeled as Node 1, Node 2, and Node
3. The element has a length of 3 meters. The temperature distribution within this element is approximated
using linear shape functions. Given that the temperature at Node 1 is 100°C and the temperature at Node
3 is 200°C, calculate the approximate temperature at Node 2.

Answer 2:

Calculating Temperature at Node 2:

T(ξ) = N₁(ξ) * T₁ + N₂(ξ) * T₂ + N₃(ξ) * T₃


- T(ξ) is the temperature distribution within the element as a function of ξ.

- T₁ is the temperature at Node 1 (100°C).

- T₂ is the temperature at Node 2 (which we want to find).

- T₃ is the temperature at Node 3 (200°C).

Substituting the given temperatures into the interpolation equation:


At Node 2, ξ = 0, so the interpolation equation simplifies:


T(0) = 0.5 * 100 + 0.5 * T₂

T(0) = 50 + 0.5 * T₂

Now, to find T₂, rearrange the equation:

0.5 * T₂ = T(0) - 50

T₂ = 2 * (T(0) - 50)



T₂ = 100°C

So, the approximate temperature at Node 2 is 100°C.

Question 3 (3 marks):
Consider a one-dimensional heat conduction problem with the equation d²T/dx² - k²T = 0, where T(0) =
T(1) = 0. Using the finite element method, find the approximate solution for T(x) with linear elements.

Answer 3:

To solve the heat conduction problem using linear finite elements:

1. Discretize the domain [0, 1] into two linear elements: [0, 0.5] and [0.5, 1].

2. Formulate the element equations for each element based on the given equation.

3. Assemble the element equations to form the global system of equations.

4. Apply the boundary conditions: T(0) = 0 and T(1) = 0.

5. Solve the resulting system of equations to find the temperature distribution T(x).

The specific steps and equations for solving this problem depend on the choice of shape functions
and numerical integration methods. The solution will involve linear combinations of basis functions
to approximate the temperature distribution T(x).

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