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Writing a thesis can be a daunting task, no matter what the topic may be.

However, when it comes to

writing a thesis on the bubonic plague, the difficulty level can increase tenfold. Not only is the topic
itself complex and multi-faceted, but the historical context and impact of the bubonic plague can
make it even more challenging to research and write about.

The bubonic plague, also known as the Black Death, was one of the most devastating pandemics in
human history. It ravaged Europe in the mid-14th century, wiping out a third of the population and
leaving a lasting impact on society. Writing a thesis on this topic requires extensive research and a
deep understanding of the historical, social, and cultural implications of the plague.

One of the biggest challenges in writing a thesis on the bubonic plague is the lack of primary sources.
Due to the time period in which the plague occurred, there is limited first-hand accounts and
documentation available. This means that researchers must rely heavily on secondary sources, which
can be biased or incomplete.

In addition, the bubonic plague is a complex topic that intersects with various fields such as history,
medicine, and sociology. This means that writing a thesis on the topic requires a multidisciplinary
approach and a deep understanding of each field. It can be overwhelming to try to incorporate all of
these different perspectives into one cohesive thesis.

For these reasons, we highly recommend seeking assistance from professionals when writing a thesis
on the bubonic plague. ⇒ ⇔ offers expert thesis writing services that can help you
navigate through the challenges of researching and writing on this complex topic. Our team of
experienced writers can provide you with well-researched and well-written content that meets the
highest academic standards.

Don't let the difficulty of writing a thesis on the bubonic plague discourage you. With the help of ⇒ ⇔, you can confidently tackle this challenging topic and produce a high-quality
thesis that will impress your professors and contribute to the understanding of this historic event.
Epidemiology The disease is endemic in several countries in the world like Africa, Asia, the Americas
and the former Soviet Union. Bubonic Plague Effects lymph nodes Headache, fever, chills Fatality
rate is very high. The origins of this plague are associated with the East and a rapid spread is
acknowledged all around Europe. People faced unfair treatment and remained dissatisfied with the
church practices. It must be given with a secondary agent that must be continued for 10 days. This
site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Doctors
were also dying from the exposure which led to imposters, posing as doctors, offering potions or
other items that supposedly had magical powers to cure or protect them from the plague. The Polio
outbreak in 1916 haunted many and killing thousands. Patients with pneumonic plague must be
strictly identified. When pandemics arise, they socially impact how we live, behave, and have the
ability to change society in profound and sometimes devasting way. The beliefs of Muslims, for
instance, forbade them from the struggles to avoid or escape the will of God. Due to poor abscess
penetration, consider alternative or dual therapy for patients with bubonic disease. Bloodletting was
performed with several blades and made a set of cuts from the neck down to the forearm.
RachelPearson36 Unlocking the Power of ChatGPT and AI in Testing - A Real-World Look, present.
The peasants remained privileged due to high wage rates, as long as the rulers or elite class did not
put hands on the state’s funds for their personal expenditures and motives. But they were not
effective and hence their use is not recommended now. Some groups began to move around with
their aim of preaching people to repent and reduce God’s agony for the acts they did in the past.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. Wear gloves if you are
handling or skinning potentially infected animals to prevent contact between your skin and the
plague bacteria. So far, about 30 different species of flea have been identified (Dufel, 2009). These
infected animals and their fleas serve as long-term reservoirs for the bacteria. The dose in adults is
400mg IV or 500mg oral twice a day. For example, a hunter skinning a rabbit or other infected
animal without using proper precautions could become infected with plague bacteria. Although much
has changed from the Black Death pandemic to that of the SARS epidemic, the bottom line that
outbreaks can and will happen has remained the same and very real. It has even been considered a
factor in the emergence of the Renaissance in the late 14th century. Political Factors The most
devastating era for London was during 1563 when the death rate due to the bubonic plague reached
its peak. The Bubonic Plague, also known as “the Black Death”, was a devastating disease that was
transmitted through fleas jumping from rodents to humans. Plague was used a biological warfare in
the second Sino-Japanese war and also during Khabarovsk War Crime Trials (Barenblatt, 2004).
Plague then spread from urban rats to rural rodent species, and became entrenched in many areas of
the western United States. Contact your local health department if you have questions about disposal
of dead animals.
However, there were many others who kept associating the plague to the religious side of a human’s
life. Most human cases in the United States occur in two regions: Northern New Mexico, northern
Arizona, and southern Colorado California, southern Oregon, and far western Nevada Over 80% of
United States plague cases have been the bubonic form. The pandemics that we have in today’s
society have similarities to the Black Death that can be compared and contrasted with different time
periods. People who own pets that go outdoors, the CDC warns, should make sure to use flea-
control products, particularly if they live in areas that are often hit with plague (see map above). Let
us write or edit the research paper on your topic. Sometimes, the fleas transfer the pathogenic
bacteria to animals that are susceptible to the disease like ground squirrels. Only elite class and
wealthy population read the works and understood the implications. We were studying about disease
and the immune system in this tied in perfectly — kathryn s. Remove brush, rock piles, junk,
cluttered firewood, and possible rodent food supplies, such as pet and wild animal food. Bubonic
plague has occurred as several epidemics in the world. The works of famous historic figures like
Boccaccio and Petrarch did not, however, reach all the population that existed. If your doctor
suspects plague, he or she may look for the Yersinia pestis bacteria in samples taken from your:
Buboes. In Bloodletting and Miraculous Cures by Vincent Lam, this quote is shown to not only be
true in regards to. References Ayyadurai, S., Houhamdi, L., Lepidi, H., Nappez, C., Raoult, D.,
Drancourt, M. (2008). Long-term persistence of virulent Yersinia pestis in soil. For an optimal
experience, please switch to the latest version of Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Apple Safari or
Mozilla Firefox. The high death rate of the labor class resulted in the shortage of labor force in
England. The Black Death would last into the 1600s. “The survivors lived in constant fear of the
plague's return, and the disease did not disappear until the 1600s, (The Middle Ages.Net, 2011).”.
Aspirate may be attempted even when the node is hard and fluctuant. Do not allow dogs or cats that
roam free in endemic areas to sleep on your bed. The regimens listed below are guidelines only and
may need to be adjusted depending on a patient’s age, medical history, underlying health conditions,
or allergies. The fleas were able to spread the plague to humans which spread very quickly. “Since
China was one of the busiest of the world's trading nations, it was only a matter of time before the
outbreak of plague in China spread to western Asia and Europe (The Middle Ages.Net, 2011).”.
Doctors were also dying from the exposure which led to imposters, posing as doctors, offering
potions or other items that supposedly had magical powers to cure or protect them from the plague.
If antibiotic treatment isn’t initiated within a day after signs and symptoms first appear, the infection
is likely to be fatal. Keep fleas off of your pets by applying flea control products. Since that time,
plague has occurred in rural and semi-rural areas of the western United States, primarily in semi-arid
upland forests and grasslands where many types of rodent species can be involved. Even
buboaspirate culture is positive in more than 80 percent cass. Keep on browsing if you are OK with
that, or find out how to manage cookies. The disease spread rapidly through the city and surrounding
countryside. One of the simplest ones was sitting close to a fire or in a sewer to drive out the fever,
or putting herbs in your house to purify it. Since that time, plague has occurred as scattered cases in
rural areas.
Boulanger LL, Ettestad P, Fogarty JD, Dennis DT, Romig D, Mertz G. Epizootics are most likely in
areas with multiple types of rodents living in high densities and in diverse habitats. Within 12 months
the spread of the Black Death ( bubonic plague ) had devastated Constantinople. This resulted in
high pay demands of labors and landowners were forced to move towards money rents and dodge
high labor costs. Bonella blames humans for the issue, emphasizing that they are feeding the pigeons
excessively. As long as the plague doesn’t become more antibiotic resistant then modern.
Applications of effective insecticides to control the flea vectors also provide assistance in controlling
plague. The fleas were able to spread the plague to humans which spread very quickly. “Since China
was one of the busiest of the world's trading nations, it was only a matter of time before the outbreak
of plague in China spread to western Asia and Europe (The Middle Ages.Net, 2011).”. Occasionally,
other species become infected, causing an outbreak among animals, called an epizootic. Deadly
illnesses swept throughout Europe and Asia destroying everyone infected and took an emotional toll
on those who were spared. So here, plague occurs where there are wild rodents — squirrels, wood
rats, prairie dogs, chipmunks, mice, voles, rabbits — mainly in rural areas in the Western part of the
country. Signs and symptoms can begin within a few hours after infection, and may include: Cough,
with bloody sputum Difficulty breathing Nausea and vomiting High fever Headache Weakness
Pneumonic plague progresses rapidly and may cause respiratory failure and shock within two days of
infection. Septicemic plague can occur as the first symptom of plague, or may develop from
untreated bubonic plague. That mortality rate is about 16 percent in people who are treated with
drugs (usually streptomycin or gentamicin). The plague would start by a person receiving a lump that
looks like a black. First seen in China (under Mongols) in early 1330s.. How did it spread?. Rat Flea.
What helped it spread. The incubation period for bubonic plague is usually 2 to 6 days. However,
your risk of plague can be increased by where you live and travel, your occupation, and even by
some of your hobbies. British officers, the committee chairman and his military escort. If diagnosis is
established on time and appropriate treatment is instituted immediately, patients can be cured of the
disease. A person with pneumonic plague may experience high fever, chills, cough, and breathing
difficulty and may expel bloody sputum. The peasants remained privileged due to high wage rates,
as long as the rulers or elite class did not put hands on the state’s funds for their personal
expenditures and motives. As they docked in Sicily many of the crewmembers had already died.
Infusion of crystalloids must be done to hydrate the patient well and keep the vital signs within
normal limits. Location Plague outbreaks are most common in rural and semirural areas characterized
by overcrowding, poor sanitation and a high rodent population. Other carriers of plague causing
bacillus include human lice and ticks. Since that time, plague has occurred as scattered cases in rural
areas. Today, Polio vaccines are given at an early age to prevent this disease. Since that time, plague
has occurred in rural and semi-rural areas of the western United States, primarily in semi-arid upland
forests and grasslands where many types of rodent species can be involved. This site is protected by
reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.
The loading dose in adults is 200 mg, following which 100mg is given twice a day for 10 days. The
bacillus then invades the lymphoid tissue near the site of bite, producing bubos which are nothing
but lymph nodes that have become necrotic, inflamed and hemorrhagic due to pathophysiology of
the disease. Poor rural communities typically live in close proximity to rodents, which are widely
hunted and eaten in many plague-endemic areas. The most devastating epidemic of the disease,
known as Black death occurred in Europe in the 14th century (Barenblatt, 2004). By continuing to
use this website, you agree to their use. If you have the swollen lymph nodes (buboes) characteristic
of bubonic plague, a fluid sample can be taken from them with a needle. Blood. Yersinia pestis
bacteria generally are present in your bloodstream only if you have septicemic plague. Lungs. To
check for pneumonic plague, your doctor will take sputum or fluid from your airways using
endoscopy — a thin, flexible tube inserted through your nose or mouth and down your throat.
Report this resource to let us know if this resource violates TPT’s content guidelines. But they were
not effective and hence their use is not recommended now. Diagnostic Testing If plague is suspected,
pre-treatment specimens should be taken if possible, but treatment should not be delayed. If cultures
yield negative results, and plague is still suspected, serologic testing is possible to confirm the
diagnosis. Prognosis Mortality associated with bubonic plague is 1-15 percent. The Black Death has
shaped the way society reacts to pandemics today. Hobbies Camping, hunting or hiking in areas
where plague-infected animals reside can increase your risk of being bitten by an infected flea. This
is as true for poorer countries as it is for developed places like the US. Patients develop fever,
headache, weakness, and a rapidly developing pneumonia with shortness of breath, chest pain,
cough, and sometimes bloody or watery mucous. Role Play Rules. You are a medical examiners,
from the Alberta Health Services. Many types of animals, such as rock squirrels, wood rats, ground
squirrels, prairie dogs, chipmunks, mice, voles, and rabbits can be affected by plague. If these
bacteria-containing droplets are breathed in by another person they can cause pneumonic plague. Sick
cats pose a risk of transmitting infectious plague droplets to their owners or to veterinarians. Barbie -
Brand Strategy Presentation Barbie - Brand Strategy Presentation Good Stuff Happens in 1:1
Meetings: Why you need them and how to do them well Good Stuff Happens in 1:1 Meetings: Why
you need them and how to do them well Introduction to C Programming Language Introduction to C
Programming Language The Pixar Way: 37 Quotes on Developing and Maintaining a Creative
Company (fr. So far, about 30 different species of flea have been identified (Dufel, 2009). When a
person has plague pneumonia, they may cough droplets containing the plague bacteria into air. As a
result of frequent death reports, people started to migrate from London. As for the natural resources,
anything was used as a cure, from animals to plants and even human waste. It’s named after the
buboes — swollen lymph nodes — which typically develop within a week after an infected flea bites
you. Bonella blames humans for the issue, emphasizing that they are feeding the pigeons excessively.
Unlocking the Power of ChatGPT and AI in Testing - A Real-World Look, present. Different
religions and religious values held different views and acted upon their religious principles
accordingly. In untreated cases, the mortality is 40- 60 percent.
This lesson sets up perfectly as a transition from a Middle Age unit into the Renaissance. The most
common form of plague results in swollen and tender lymph nodes — called buboes — in the groin,
armpits or neck. You can download the paper by clicking the button above. In cases where live
organisms are unculturable (such as postmortem), lymphoid, spleen, lung, and liver tissue or bone
marrow samples may yield evidence of plague infection by direct detection methods such as direct
fluorescent antibody or PCR. It is known to kill up to half of the people infected. However, since the
growth is slow, more than 48 hours is essential prior to identification of colonies. Within a decade,
between a third and half of the population of Europe was wiped out. To overcome the issues that
arose due to unavailability of staff at churches, random selection of priests was being made.
Recommended antibiotic treatment of pregnant women for plague Antibiotic Dose Route of
administration Notes Gentamicin Same as adult dose IM or IV See notes above Doxycycline Same
as adult dose IV See notes above Ciprofloxacin Same as adult dose IV See notes above Note: All
recommended antibiotics for plague have relative contraindications for use in children and pregnant
women; however, use is justified in life-threatening situations. Arterial blood gas analysis may reveal
acidosis with or without hypoxia. Plague is now commonly found in sub-Saharan Africa and
Madagascar, areas which now account for over 95% of reported cases 6. As journalists, the task of
your students is to capture the major issues and events of the bubonic plague. When the plague
spread to the middle east, it was unfair for the Muslims who lived there, they had to sit back and
deal with it because that’s what their God would want them to do. The organism is mainly
transmitted from host to human beings through bite of a vector. Even barbers started offering various
amounts of services which included bloodletting. Please include what you were doing when this
page came up and the Cloudflare Ray ID found at the bottom of this page. In urban areas or places
with dense rat infestations, the plague bacteria can cycle between rats and their fleas. Society
continues to do its part to prevent total devastation and loss of life. Epizootics are most likely in
areas with multiple types of rodents living in high densities and in diverse habitats. Plague
complications Complications of plague may include: Death. This occurs when the bacilli get
deposited in the vasculature. In some laboratories and at the CDC, specialized diagnostic testing may
be seen. Specimens for laboratory confirmation must be obtained, sent and followed up (WHO,
2011). The disease spread rapidly through the city and surrounding countryside. Hobbies Camping,
hunting or hiking in areas where plague-infected animals reside can increase your risk of being bitten
by an infected flea. Report this Document Download now Save Save bubonic plague assignment For
Later 0 ratings 0% found this document useful (0 votes) 954 views 1 page Bubonic Plague
Assignment Uploaded by api-299144274 AI-enhanced title and description The Bubonic plague was
probably the worst disaster in the history of Europe. Modern society continue to improve response to
pandemics. The people experiencing this during this time period were in fear, knowing that there was
no known cure. By continuing we’ll assume you’re on board with our. The distinguishing ideas of
these groups created a number of incredible ideals which were blindly followed and believed.
See our FAQ and Privacy Policy for more information. They were said to have added the poison in
the wells which caused the plague and death of many of the beloved citizens. The heart touching
accounts of poets and writers of that era are enormous and rich in explanation about the horrors that
the Black Death brought. Everyone should always avoid contact with sick or dead animals, and
anyone who suspects the disease should seek medical attention right away. Unlocking the Power of
ChatGPT and AI in Testing - A Real-World Look, present. Millions rely on Vox’s clear, high-quality
journalism to understand the forces shaping today’s world. Signs and symptoms can begin within a
few hours after infection, and may include: Cough, with bloody sputum Difficulty breathing Nausea
and vomiting High fever Headache Weakness Pneumonic plague progresses rapidly and may cause
respiratory failure and shock within two days of infection. It’s the least common variety of plague
but the most dangerous, because it can be spread from person to person via cough nfectious droplets.
Treatment of plague with gentamicin or doxycycline in a randomized clinical trial in Tanzania.
Report this resource to let us know if this resource violates TPT’s content guidelines. People and
animals that visit places where rodents have recently died from plague are at risk of being infected
from flea bites. The dose in adults is 400mg IV or 500mg oral twice a day. It is a chronicle of human
suffering. “But what does. Since that time, plague has occurred as scattered cases in rural areas.
Doctors were also dying from the exposure which led to imposters, posing as doctors, offering
potions or other items that supposedly had magical powers to cure or protect them from the plague.
In children, the dose is 25-50mg per kg per day in 2-4 divided doses. Plague is now commonly found
in sub-Saharan Africa and Madagascar, areas which now account for over 95% of reported cases 6.
The origins of this plague are associated with the East and a rapid spread is acknowledged all around
Europe. In children cervical or submandibular bubos are more common (Dufel, 2009). Plague then
spread from urban rats to rural rodent species, and became entrenched in many areas of the western
United States. The Black Death serves as one of the worst pandemics of all time. Support our
mission and help keep Vox free for all by making a financial contribution to Vox today. The most
virulent form of plague is the pneumonic plague. When the plague spread to the middle east, it was
unfair for the Muslims who lived there, they had to sit back and deal with it because that’s what their
God would want them to do. Diagnosis is made by taking samples from the patient, especially blood
or part of a swollen lymph gland, and submitting them for laboratory testing. Many people died from
this pandemic for which there was no cure. Differential diagnoses of plague are cat scratch disease,
gas gangrene, necrotizing fascitis, disseminated intravascular coagulation, scarlet fever, tick-borne
disease and rocky mountain spotted disease. Preventive measures also include careful disposal of
animal carcasses. Finally the church outlawed these religious groups but the.

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