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● Paladin, Homicidal Rogue or a Lecherous Bard hides from these issues by claiming “It's what my

character would do!”? Perhaps you’d give a warning or have a personal conversation with this
player? Or maybe the table would discuss it altogether?
A: The table would discuss it together. Everyone is encouraged to speak up if problems like
these arise. Perhaps a compromise could be reached but if not, the Problem Player might
have to go.

● Player Agency - As a DM, how do you feel about player agency? What is your stance on it? Is it a
possibility that the Warlock actually becomes possessed by his Patron? What about when a PC
becomes a Werewolf? When does that PC become a DM controlled character? What are the ways
PCs can use to unpetrify their fellow PCs from the effects of a Basilisk?, a Medusa? Historically,
D&D has not cared much about player agency, what the DM said, is what happened but it has
gotten significantly better about it as the editions have passed, save-or-die effects kind-of linger
but are gone for the most part. Players (veteran or not) coming to play D&D though, may actually
welcome & want this kind of thing, while other players may not. DMs you may want to discuss it
with your table.

● Game Balance & Fairness - As a DM, what are your feelings about the balance of the game you
are playing? How will you as a DM handle encounter balance? Will you constantly be throwing
only Deadly encounters at the PCs? Perhaps you feel that in this kind of sandbox campaign,
players can stumble into the Ancient Red Dragons lair at level 1? OR Perhaps you feel that the
game is broken, or the balance it presents is a farce, so you will employ other means of being fair
to your players?

● Rules Debates - As a DM, how do you handle rules debates? Does the game pause to look up
rules? Does the DM make a quick ruling to keep game flow & then the rule is looked up later?
Perhaps as a DM you use some combination of both?
A: It is preferred if someone on the table looks up the rulings while the DM manages the
game. If a conclusion is not reached immediately, the DM makes a temporary ruling based
on the situation and we move forward, correcting the ruling after the game so as to not
hinder game progression and/or waste everyone’s time.

● Spotlight Sharing - Are players allowed to have spot-light focus? or will the spot-light only be
focused on the party as a whole? Are players or characters allowed to steal another PCs spotlight?
What happens if a player or his/her character tramples over another character's scene/spotlight?
This kind of thing can ruin another player's fun, but it is also the kind of thing that the player

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