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Answer ALL Questions

The following are Objective Test Items. CIRCLE/FILL IN the appropriate answer. Each question
counts for one mark.


Numbers 1-6

K (Title) ------------------------------------------------

1. A …………………………………………………………………
B. …………………………………………………………………
2. C. …………………………………………………………………
D. …………………………………………………………………
3. E. …………………………………………………………………
F. …………………………………………………………………
4. G. …………………………………………………………………
H. …………………………………………………………………
5. I. …………………………………………………………………
J. …………………………………………………………………
6. K …………………………………………………………………
Measurement of the pelvic canal in centimetres
The table above represents the diameters of the normal female pelvis. Use the table to answer questions
7-15 by indicating the centimetres of the brim, cavity and outlet of the pelvis

7. -----------------------------------------

8. -----------------------------------------



11. ------------------------------------------

12. -----------------------------------------

13. -------------------------------------------

14. --------------------------------------------

15. --------------------------------------------

Indicate the weeks at which the following embryological and fetal development occurs

S/N Development Weeks

16 Heart develops and begins to beat
17 Head and facial features develop
18 Eyelids open
19 Lanugo disappears from body
20 Birth is expected

21. Small for gestational age baby is the one whose weight is below the ……………..centile

22. The large for gestional age is the one whose weight is above the ……………….centile.

23. The following can produce apnoea in the newborn EXCEPT

(a) Pneumothorax
(b) Hypoglycaemia
(c) Maternal drugs
(d) Perspiration
24. Common causes of reduced urine output in the newborn include the following EXCEPT
(a) Congenital abnormalities
(b) Birth asphyxia
(c) Neuromuscular disorder
(d) Inadequate fluid intake

25. Urine output is considered abnormal in the newborn when it is

(a) Less than 1ml/kg/hour
(b) Less than 3ml/kg/hour
(c) 0.5ml/kg/hour
(d) 2ml/kg/hour

26. Some of the most commonly seen gastro-intestinal problems in the newborn include the
following EXCEPT
(a) Volvulus
(b) Necrotizing enterocolitis
(c) Imperforate anus
(d) Rectocele

27. A newborn baby is suspected of having respiratory abnormality if he presents the following
signs EXCEPT:
(a) Nasal flaring
(b) Grunting
(c) Tarchycardia
(d) Tarchypnoea

28. Midwives play a central role in the diagnosis and treatment of infection in both mother
and baby having understood the risk factors which include the following EXCEPT
(a) Maternal history of prolonged rupture of the membranes
(b) Chorioaminitis
(c) Tarchycardia during birth
(d) Pyrexia during birth
During physical assessment of the ill baby, it is important to note the following:
29. i ………………………………………………………
ii ………………………………………………………
30. iii ………………………………………………………
iv ………………………………………………………
31. In glucose homeostatis in the newborn, glycogenolysis means ……………………

32. Infants at risk of neurological sequelae of hypoglycaemia include the following EXCEPT
(a) Small for gestational age
(b) Preterm infants
(c) Infants with inborn error of metabolism
(d) Babies of diabetic mothers

33. The most likely causes of haematemesis in the newborn within the first 24hours is
(a) Congenital leukemia
(b) Pyloric stenosis
(c) Blood swallowed during delivery
(d) Haemorrhagic disease

34. Cord blood sampling may be required in one of these conditions

(a) Where a haemoglobinopathy is suspected
(b) When the mother’s blood group is rhesus positive
(c) Where the newborn has jaundice
(d) Where the blood vessels are congested.

35. Superficial traumatic birth lesions include all the following EXCEPT
(a) Cephalhaematoma
(b) Caput Succedaneum
(c) Ecchymoes
(d) Rupture of the spleen

36. Two (2) clinical types of injury to the plexus are

i. ……………………………………………………
ii. ……………………………………………………

37. Baby Ojo who has been passing watery stool for 10 hours is brought to your clinic. The
first line of action should be to:
(a) Bath the baby
(b) Give oral rehydration therapy (ORT)
(c) Send for medical aid
(d) Give medications
38. Death of baby in the first month of life is
(a) Infantile death
(b) Neonatal death
(c) Perinatal death
(d) Asphyxia

39. Prevention of kernicterus includes all EXCEPT

(a) Exchange blood transfusion
(b) Phototherapy
(c) Regular and periodic estimation of blood bilirubin level
(d) Checking of mother’s genotype

40. Indications for phototherapy include all EXCEPT

(a) Smaller or preterm babies
(b) Baby who have haemolytic jaundice
(c) Babies in whom jaundice appear within 12-24hours
(d) In post mature babies

41. The following are characteristics of post maturity EXCEPT

(a) Minimal subcutaneous fat
(b) Absence of lanugo
(c) Macrosomia
(d) Blood stained liquor amnii
Mrs Dare was presented at the antenatal ward with Antepartum haemorrhage
42. The principles in the management of Mrs. Dare would include the following EXCEPT
(a) First evaluate the maternal condition, if mother is in shock then resuscitate
(b) Evaluate the fetal condition, whether viable or distressed and the need for quick delivery
(c) Evaluate the maternal financial status if she would be able to fund her treatment
(d) Assessment of the reason for bleeding through clinical examination and investigation
43. ……………………………smear is done to detect cancer of the …………………

44. In severe hyeprglycaemia, the blood glucose is ……………………………………

45. In hypoglycaemia the blood glucose is …………………………………………….

46. Gestational diabetes is ……………………………………………………………..

The effects of diabetes mellitus on pregnancy include:
47. ………………………………………………………………………………………

48. ………………………………………………………………………………………

49. Cervical dystocia means …………………………………………………………

50. The following are indications of placenta praevia EXCEPT

(a) Non-engagement of the presenting part even after 36 weeks especially in primigravida
(b) Malpresentation
(c) Oblique or transverse lie
(d) Uterine apoplexy

51. Complication of placenta praevia include the following EXCEPT

(a) Maternal shock
(b) Fetal hypoxia
(c) Anaphylactic shock
(d) Concealed haemorrhage

52. Which of the following is appropriate for presentation of research findings?

(a) Figures
(b) Histogram
(c) Tables
(d) Bar chart

53. Lovsett’s Manoeuvre is recommended in the delivery of

(a) Footling breech
(b) Breech with extended arms
(c) Breech with extended head
(d) Breech with cord proplapse
Mrs. Andrew is diagnosed of Hydramnious
54. Two major types of this condition are:
i. ………………………………………………
ii. ………………………………………………

55. Two aetological factors of this condition are:

i. ………………………………………………
ii. ………………………………………………

56. In the management of a woman with hydramnios, the midwife must

(a) Order for radiological examination of the abdomen immediately
(b) Refer the woman to the doctor for investigation and treatment
(c) Monitor the woman closely till she goes into labour
(d) Counsel the woman

57. In hyperemesis gravidarum, excessive nausea and vomiting resolves before…….. week
(a) 8th
(b) 12th
(c) 16th
(d) 20th
Mrs. Jaiye, a 42-year old gravida 2 para 2, delivered a life male baby three days ago. She is brought to
the health centre with the history of irrational behavior, agitations and mood changes.
Refer to questions 63-64
58. What is the likely diagnosis of Mrs. Jaja?
(a) Anxiety neurosis
(b) Excitement
(c) Puerperal psychosis
(d) Puerperal depression

59. One outstanding features of this condition is

(a) Confusion and perplexity
(b) Insomnia
(c) Impaired appetite and weight loss
(d) Episodes of mania

Mrs. Durojaye was referred to the Antenatal clinic from a private clinic at 20 weeks gestation with the
diagnosis of pregnancy induced hypertension.
60. Your comprehensive history taking at your first meeting with Mrs. Durojaye will identify
the following EXCEPT
(a) The mother’s age and parity
(b) Family history hypertensive disorders
(c) A past history of pre-eclampsia
(d) Maternal and paternal educational background

61. Your ultimate aim of antenatal care of Mrs. Durojaye will be

(a)To be sensitive to the needs of her family if she needs admission
(b)To help the woman and her partner to interprete the situation
(c)To prolong the pregnancy until fetus is mature to survive while safeguarding the
mother’s life.
(d)To advice the woman to terminate the pregnancy so as to safeguard her life

62. In an experimental designs, one of the criteria to be met is that

(a)The experiment must provide the opportunity for study
(b)The causal variable and effect variable must be associated with each other
(c) It must state hypothesis
(d) The researcher must count, measure and analyse the data

63. The aim of observation technique is to

(a) Analyse personal experiences of people
(b) Determine beliefs of people
(c) Examine attitude of people
(d) Obtain examples of people’s behaviours

64. Which type of statistics is used to examine the characteristics of samples?

(a) Parametric statistics
(b) Descriptive statistics
(c) Inferential statistics
(d) Non-parametric statistics

65. In research, the group of interest is known as

(a) Sample
(b) Target population
(c) Study group
(d) Study sample

66. A brief summary of a study at the beginning of a research report is termed

(a) Acknowledgment
(b) Abstract
(c) Introduction
(d) Research design

67. In research, the person with special acknowledgement in a particular area is known as
(a) Author
(b) Experienced
(c) Authority
(d) Intelligent

68. The major reason for conducting nursing research is to

(a) Improve nursing care for clients
(b) Promote the growth of the nursing profession
(c) Document the cost-effectiveness of nursing care.
(d) Ensure accountability of nursing practice.

69. In Erikson theory, 1-3years is Autonomy versus Shame and doubt, the implication to
nursing is that the nurse should
(a) Provide privacy to the child always
(b) Provide explanations and comfort when performing a procedure to the child
(c) Give the child his medication orally
(d) Know that injectable drugs are best for the child

70. The most important factor that influences the health and growth of a Nigerian child is

The five communicable diseases highlighted by IMCI are:

71. i. …………………………………………………………
ii. …………………………………………………………
72. iii. …………………………………………………………
iv. …………………………………………………………
73. v. …………………………………………………………
74. One of the advantages of IMNCI strategies in the community is that it:
(a) Gives the people access to basic measures for prevention, early diagnosis and proper treatment of
children under 5 years
(b) Gives the people access to basic treatment of their children
(c) Provides opportunity for injection safety
(d) Provides education to young people

75. A level of bilirubin in the blood of new born that requires timely assessment and
appropriate intervention to prevent central nervous system injury is called
(a) Hypobilirubinemia
(b) Hyperbilirubinemia
(c) Bilirubineanaemia
(d) Bilirubigenomia

76. Untreated congenital hypothyroidism in children results in

(a) Muscle weakness
(b) Impaired growth and internal retardation
(c) Abdominal pain
(d) Nausea and vomiting


77. Hot flushes A - Cryotherapy
78, Cancer of the breast B – Andropause
80. Gradual loss of erectility and C – Menopause
rigidity function D – Sentinel lymph nodebiopsy
81. Cervical cancer E – Hysterosalphinograph
F – Prostatectomy

Six commonest harmful traditional practices are:

82. i. ………………………………………………..
ii. ………………………………………………..
83. iii. ………………………………………………..
iv. ………………………………………………..
84. v. ………………………………………………..
vi. ………………………………………………..
Many health care organizations are now gradually applying managerial principles to work. List four (4)
Henry Fayol’s principles of management
85. i. ………………………………………………..
ii. ………………………………………………..
86. iii. ………………………………………………..
iv. ………………………………………………..
87. In organizing your work as the head of your centre, the organizing process will start with
(a) Defining the activities to be performed
(b) Defining the measurement strategy
(c) Defining objectives
(d) Delegating authority

88. As a manager, you will guard against aggression in your centre by which of the following?
(a) Motivating the staff and boosting their morale
(b) Always keep quiet when subordinates are addressing you
(c) Reporting the aggressive person to higher authority
(d) Issuing query to the aggressive person

89. You are the midwife-in-charge of Ibokun Health Centre. On resumption at work, the first
thing you do is to share out the daily activities among your staff members. The management
tool employed in this situation is
(a) Delegation of authority
(b) Division of labour
(c) Distribution of labour
(d) Co-ordination of activities

90. Two specific types of leadership style that may be employed in clinical settings or
situation are:
i. ………………………………………………..
ii. ………………………………………………..

91. Which of the following best describes the philosophy of management

(a) Management is a tool in administration
(b) Management is policy making
(c) Management is implementation of policy
(d) Management is being accountable for the work done

92. Computers are categorized as ………………………… microcomputers and

………………………………… computers

93. List two advantages of a computer

i. ………………………………………………..
ii. ………………………………………………..

94. A ……………………………… transfers graphics information from electronic pads into

the computer
List the four (4) major application of software
95. ………………………………………………..
96. ………………………………………………..

97. Commonly accepted practices, rules or methods in computing are called

(a) conventions
(b) habits
(c) laws
(d) standards

98. Which of the following is not a good computer maintenance practice?

(a) blower
(b) calliper
(c) cotton wool
(d) kerosine

99. Which of the following is not an effect of computer virus? It

(a) distorts the computer screen
(b) interferes with computer operations
(c) damages the computers
(d) corrupts the computers

100. Which of the following is not an anti-virus

(a) Avast
(b) AVG
(c) Compaq
(d) Norton

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