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Title: Unraveling the Complexity of Literature Reviews: Navigating Oral Care in Intensive Care Units

Welcome to our comprehensive literature review on oral care in intensive care units (ICUs). Delving
into the intricate world of research and scholarly articles, we understand the challenges that come
with synthesizing vast amounts of information on a specific topic. Particularly, the realm of oral care
in ICUs presents a multifaceted landscape that demands meticulous analysis and interpretation.

Writing a literature review is no easy feat. It requires not only extensive research skills but also the
ability to critically evaluate and synthesize information from a myriad of sources. For oral care in
ICUs, the complexity further intensifies due to the interdisciplinary nature of the topic,
encompassing aspects of dentistry, critical care medicine, nursing, and infection control.

Navigating through countless studies, journals, and academic papers can be overwhelming. From
exploring the efficacy of oral hygiene protocols to examining the impact of oral care interventions on
patient outcomes, the breadth of literature is vast and varied. Moreover, understanding the nuances
of different methodologies, data analysis techniques, and findings adds another layer of complexity
to the review process.

In the pursuit of crafting a comprehensive literature review on oral care in ICUs, researchers often
encounter challenges such as:

1. Information Overload: The abundance of literature on oral care in ICUs can be daunting,
making it challenging to identify key themes and findings amidst the sea of information.
2. Quality Assessment: Assessing the reliability and validity of studies is crucial but can be
time-consuming, requiring a discerning eye to separate robust research from anecdotal
3. Synthesis and Interpretation: Integrating findings from diverse studies and perspectives
while maintaining coherence and clarity requires skillful synthesis and interpretation.
4. Keeping Up with New Developments: The field of oral care in ICUs is dynamic, with new
research and advancements constantly emerging. Staying abreast of the latest developments
is essential but demands ongoing effort and dedication.

Given the complexities and challenges associated with writing a literature review, we recognize the
need for expert assistance. That's where ⇒ ⇔ comes in. Our team of experienced
writers specializes in crafting meticulously researched and professionally written literature reviews
on a wide range of topics, including oral care in ICUs.

By entrusting your literature review to ⇒ ⇔, you can expect:

Thorough Research: Our writers conduct comprehensive literature searches to ensure all
relevant studies and sources are included in your review.
Critical Analysis: We meticulously evaluate the quality and relevance of each source,
providing insightful analysis and interpretation of the findings.
Coherent Synthesis: Our writers adeptly synthesize information from diverse sources,
presenting a cohesive narrative that highlights key themes and insights.
Timely Delivery: We understand the importance of deadlines and strive to deliver your
literature review promptly without compromising on quality.

In conclusion, writing a literature review on oral care in ICUs is undoubtedly challenging, but with
the expertise and assistance offered by ⇒ ⇔, you can navigate this intricate terrain
with confidence. Let us help you craft a literature review that not only meets but exceeds your
expectations. Contact us today to get started on your journey towards a compelling and
comprehensive literature review.
Expand 75 Highly Influential 2 Excerpts Save Developing and implementing an oral care policy and
assessment tool. You can download the paper by clicking the button above. The patient began having
a fever, sore throat, chills, headache and malaise, and arthralgias, with the development of non
pruritic, mucocutaneous oral ulcerations. Logic model for oral care project implementation and
evaluation plans. Furthermore, families are at risk of emotional and psychological distress, as a result
of the admission of their relative to intensive care. Ways of improving care delivery in critical care
nursing home based careCritical home based care nurses practice in setting where the patients will
require high complex assessment and interventions, high intensive therapies and continues vigilant
observations. You must declare any conflicts of interest related to your comments and responses. It
would then be necessary to disinfect the devices not used when leaving the resuscitation boxes so as
not to throw them away. ”. The paper discusses these aspects of pain management a patient suffering
from adenocarcinoma. Expand 118 PDF Save Oral intensity: reducing non-ventilator-associated
hospital-acquired pneumonia in care-dependent, neurologically impaired patients. T. Robertson D.
Carter Medicine Canadian journal of neuroscience nursing 2013 TLDR An enhanced oral care
protocol was beneficial in reducing the incidence of non-ventilator-associated hospital-acquired
pneumonia in a neurosurgical population outside the critical care environment. However, they
perceived significant barriers to effective communication; some as a result of active decisions on
their part, and some beyond their control. Through this, I can gain insight on what intensive dairy
farming is and what kind of harm it brings about. Conclusions: Most ICU nurses considered
communicating with families a vital part of their role, and described supportive behaviours. We use
cookies to create the best experience for you. Children found CHX more helpful in reducing
mucositis and palliating discomfort associated with mucositis. Government policy has outlined that
“qualified nurses will have a basic knowledge of the importance of oral health and disease. Semantic
Scholar is a free, AI-powered research tool for scientific literature, based at the Allen Institute for
AI. They participate in the increase of the average length of stay in intensive care and present a
significant financial burden for these care units. Background: Evidence demonstrates that effective
communication by health care providers can improve families' understanding of their situation and
decrease their psychological burden. The findings indicated the complexities and nuances of
interprofessional life in intensive care and also that much needs to be learned about team processes.
But in contemporary times, medical care is fortunately much more intensified and complex. While a
health- care provider is offering a service, he should be wary of the ethnic, religious and gender
concerns of the patient. Conclusion We conclude that families of critically ill patients were generally
satisfied with communication in the ICU; however, our limitations are the cohort in our urban based
tertiary care hospital may not adequately represent the majority of our population which is poor and
illiterate and many other factors such as misunderstanding of medical knowledge and a more
patriarchal attitude of physicians may affect family needs and satisfaction scores. It can lead to
violation of basic bioethical principles, suffering of patients and relatives and compassion fatigue and
moral distress in healthcare providers. Clerehan, Anthony O’Brien Download Free PDF View PDF
BMC Nursing Exploring intensive care nurses’ team performance in a simulation-based emergency
situation. Following the adoption of a change in practice, the 1998 Iowa Model (Titler et al., 2001)
suggests that environmental, staff, fiscal, and patient and family variables need to be monitored and
evaluated. These children may also be able to participate in their own oral care, and their parents
should be encouraged to help where possible. It is important that fundamental nursing skills should
be developed from research-based evidence, which should form the foundation for advanced nursing
practice used in the critical care of patients in intensive care units of hospitals, states McNeill (2000).
This can have serious consequences for patients, their relatives, physicians, nurses and society.
Relation to patient, sex of relative, DNR status of patient and age of relative were statistically
significant to make a difference to the satisfaction score.
The total of 261 nurses participated in this study. Ways of improving care delivery in critical care
nursing home based careCritical home based care nurses practice in setting where the patients will
require high complex assessment and interventions, high intensive therapies and continues vigilant
observations. They represented the opinions of 49 colleagues (participants). Significant increase in
dental plaque accumulation and gingivitis during PICU admission. These children may also be able
to participate in their own oral care, and their parents should be encouraged to help where possible.
While there is an obvious incentive for unskilled but able-bodied idlers to seek work and support
their families themselves albeit at minimum wage, such incentive has little to offer as Ehrenreich, as
a result of her practical experiments in Florida, Maine and Minnesota proves that wages tend to be
minimum while work is all the more labor intensive, resulting in her being unable to save enough at
the end of the month and struggle to put forth next month's rent (Ehrenreich, 2001). Peer support
and formal training were identified as key strategies to overcome inadequacies. The most interesting
part of this chapter was in the way it states that the current conception of “ care ” only further serves
to exclude along the basis of class, gender, and racial lines. While a health- care provider is offering a
service, he should be wary of the ethnic, religious and gender concerns of the patient. Please confirm
that you would like to log out of Medscape. In this essay, nursing care of a patient with pancreatitis
will be discussed to enhance reflective thinking and appraise nursing competence during case
management. You are encouraged to report adverse drug event information to the FDA. You can
download the paper by clicking the button above. We use cookies to create the best experience for
you. Relation to patient, sex of relative, DNR status of patient and age of relative were statistically
significant to make a difference to the satisfaction score. You will receive email when new content is
published. The majority of the relatives reached a score of 22-25. The design was a descriptive,
exploratory questionnaire based study over 6 months in the multidisciplinary ICU of a tertiary care
hospital. Articles published from 1985 to 2006 in English and indexed in the CINAHL, MEDLINE,
Joanna Briggs Institute, Cochrane Library, EMBASE, and DARE databases were searched by using
the key terms oral hygiene, oral hygiene practices, oral care, mouth care, mouth hygiene, intubated,
mechanically ventilated, intensive care. You can download the paper by clicking the button above. To
browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to
upgrade your browser. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login).
Expand 165 Highly Influential PDF 12 Excerpts Save Testing an oral assessment guide during
chemotherapy treatment in a Swedish care setting: a pilot study. P. Andersson L. Persson I. Hallberg
S. Renvert Medicine Journal of clinical nursing 1999 TLDR The OAG seems to be a reliable and
clinical useful tool for assessing the oral cavity status and determining changes and should be trained
to ensure high levels of reliability in the oral assessments. This can lead to futile, disproportionate or
inappropriate care in the ICU. This skill can be learnt formally, or acquired from role modelling of
more experienced peers. Despite the energy and good intentions poured into developing new
protocols and redesigning technical systems, successes have been few and far between, leading some
to argue that more attention should be given to the context of care. Though not the most urgent care
needs in the critically ill, it should never be overlooked”, according to the white paper Fundamentals
of Care (2003). This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is
cheating. Also you. We reserve the right to remove posts at our sole discretion. As the author sees it,
the term “ care ” is too far to the peripheral of human society.
Staffed by specialized personnel, the intensive care unit contains a complex assortment of monitors
and life-support equipment that can sustain life in once-fatal situations, including adult respiratory
distress syndrome, kidney failure, multiple organ failure, and sepsis ( see septicemia ). While a
health- care provider is offering a service, he should be wary of the ethnic, religious and gender
concerns of the patient. In this essay, nursing care of a patient with pancreatitis will be discussed to
enhance reflective thinking and appraise nursing competence during case management. As the author
sees it, the term “ care ” is too far to the peripheral of human society. The overall finding from this
study showed that only a small proportion of the nurses used the child toothbrush for oral care
practice. The total of 261 nurses participated in this study. The implementation of clinical change
requires other processes, such as staff education and support (Powell, 2003). Results Of 205
interviews, the median age of the patient was 28 years. The initial interactions between staff and
family members had a substantial effect on family members and influenced their further interactions
with the staff. This can have serious consequences for patients, their relatives, physicians, nurses and
society. To complement the implementation of the guideline, a variety of oral care products
appropriate for use in the PICU were sourced (see Figures 2 and 3). To browse and
the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser.
Expand 165 Highly Influential PDF 12 Excerpts Save Testing an oral assessment guide during
chemotherapy treatment in a Swedish care setting: a pilot study. P. Andersson L. Persson I. Hallberg
S. Renvert Medicine Journal of clinical nursing 1999 TLDR The OAG seems to be a reliable and
clinical useful tool for assessing the oral cavity status and determining changes and should be trained
to ensure high levels of reliability in the oral assessments. If you log out, you will be required to enter
your username and password the next time you visit. The first flowchart (see Figure 2, Flowchart 1)
guides care for children in the PICU who are intubated and at high risk of developing a nosocomial
infection (such as VAP). Of the family members, 20 (9.8%) were spouses. One hundred and forty
two (69.3%) belonged to Middle income group. Need EBP guidelines to reduce the incidence of
VAP. Government policy has outlined that “qualified nurses will have a basic knowledge of the
importance of oral health and disease. Nevertheless, evidence from randomized controlled trials that
could inform best practice is limited. All qualitative work was taped, transcribed, reviewed, and
corrected after each session. Beck Medicine Cancer nursing 1979 TLDR A significant improvement
in oral status was found when the oral care protocol was used, and perceptions are a questionable
indicator of oral status, supporting the necessity of regular physical assessment of the mouth. Proper
practice of removal the dental plaque by brushing the teeth using the child toothbrush was shown to
be effective in preventing the accumulation of dental plaque. Even in Intensive Treatment Units
where it is practised, it is not always provided using research-based evidence. Findings: Four major
themes emerged from a synthesis of the review findings: 'Nurses as information and communication
facilitators', 'Nurses as family support providers', 'Nurses' non-supportive behaviours' and 'Improving
nurses' communication skills'. Expand 118 PDF Save Oral intensity: reducing non-ventilator-
associated hospital-acquired pneumonia in care-dependent, neurologically impaired patients. T.
Robertson D. Carter Medicine Canadian journal of neuroscience nursing 2013 TLDR An enhanced
oral care protocol was beneficial in reducing the incidence of non-ventilator-associated hospital-
acquired pneumonia in a neurosurgical population outside the critical care environment. Corrected
transcripts and observer notes were integrated and coded. In most cases, these were versatile
resuscitation units. Supportive care given to the patient while he is hospitalized includes; fluid
replacement, nutrition, wound care, and eye care. The patient began having a fever, sore throat,
chills, headache and malaise, and arthralgias, with the development of non pruritic, mucocutaneous
oral ulcerations. Please confirm that you would like to log out of Medscape.
As the author sees it, the term “ care ” is too far to the peripheral of human society. Let us know if
you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). Logic model for oral care project
implementation and evaluation plans. Deb Spence, PhD, RM, RM, is the Joint Head of Nursing, the
Auckland University of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand. The results are presented via a
thematic literature review. The kits mainly for economic reasons, but also because they are not
always appreciated by their lack of flexibility (adaptation on a case-by-case basis), are only used in
35% of cases according to our study. Nevertheless, research continues to demonstrate that
communication with families in ICU is inadequate and of poor quality. All qualitative work was
taped, transcribed, reviewed, and corrected after each session. The findings indicated the
complexities and nuances of interprofessional life in intensive care and also that much needs to be
learned about team processes. Nevertheless, evidence from randomized controlled trials that could
inform best practice is limited. The outcome would be to maintain oral health of patients, enhance
oral comfort, prevent oral disease and handicap”: The British Society for Disability and Oral Health
(2000). Collaboration between professions is needed to improve care for patients. You are
encouraged to report adverse drug event information to the FDA. Government policy has outlined
that “qualified nurses will have a basic knowledge of the importance of oral health and disease.
These children may also be able to participate in their own oral care, and their parents should be
encouraged to help where possible. The second flowchart (see Figure 2, Flowchart 2) relates to
children who are able to eat and drink frequently. Search strategies and design: Eight databases were
systematically searched to identify peer reviewed studies published in English between 2002 and
2014. Children found CHX more helpful in reducing mucositis and palliating discomfort associated
with mucositis. You will receive email when new content is published. They participate in the
increase of the average length of stay in intensive care and present a significant financial burden for
these care units. Peer support and formal training were identified as key strategies to overcome
inadequacies. Articles published from 1985 to 2006 in English and indexed in the CINAHL,
MEDLINE, Joanna Briggs Institute, Cochrane Library, EMBASE, and DARE databases were
searched by using the key terms oral hygiene, oral hygiene practices, oral care, mouth care, mouth
hygiene, intubated, mechanically ventilated, intensive care. The requirement of oral care in the
Intensive Care Unit is to be taken into account:1.1 The Importance of Oral Care: “The maintenance
of oral health and hygiene is normally a part of the care of personal hygiene. The way to move it to a
more central location would be to redefine the term care with an attitude more towards human
interdependence. This review summarizes the causes and consequences of disproportionate care in
the ICU. Please see our Commenting Guide for further information. Published in 2015 Oral Care
Practice Guidelines for the Care-Dependent Hospitalized Adult Outside of the Intensive Care Unit
Setting Cynthia Susan Drapal Semantic Scholar Semantic Scholar's Logo Figure 6 of 8 Stay
Connected With Semantic Scholar Sign Up What Is Semantic Scholar. To browse and
the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. The
paper discusses these aspects of pain management a patient suffering from adenocarcinoma.
Relevance to clinical practice: This review summarizes nurses' perceptions of the means and barriers
for communicating with families in ICUs.
Expand 118 PDF Save Oral intensity: reducing non-ventilator-associated hospital-acquired
pneumonia in care-dependent, neurologically impaired patients. T. Robertson D. Carter Medicine
Canadian journal of neuroscience nursing 2013 TLDR An enhanced oral care protocol was beneficial
in reducing the incidence of non-ventilator-associated hospital-acquired pneumonia in a
neurosurgical population outside the critical care environment. Expand 75 Highly Influential 2
Excerpts Save Developing and implementing an oral care policy and assessment tool. In most cases,
these were versatile resuscitation units. They write new content and verify and edit content received
from contributors. We reserve the right to remove posts at our sole discretion. The first flowchart
(see Figure 2, Flowchart 1) guides care for children in the PICU who are intubated and at high risk
of developing a nosocomial infection (such as VAP). It would then be necessary to disinfect the
devices not used when leaving the resuscitation boxes so as not to throw them away. ”. Through this,
I can gain insight on what intensive dairy farming is and what kind of harm it brings about.
Supportive care given to the patient while he is hospitalized includes; fluid replacement, nutrition,
wound care, and eye care. The way to move it to a more central location would be to redefine the
term care with an attitude more towards human interdependence. Logic model for oral care project
implementation and evaluation plans. The total of 261 nurses participated in this study. You are
encouraged to report adverse drug event information to the FDA. They participate in the increase of
the average length of stay in intensive care and present a significant financial burden for these care
units. This skill can be learnt formally, or acquired from role modelling of more experienced peers.
But in contemporary times, medical care is fortunately much more intensified and complex. The
continuous presence of ICU nurses, combined with the use of effective empathic communication
skills, can impact on families' ICU experience in a positive way. I will then look more into these and
by browsing through all of them, I can somehow get an idea about what to write regarding the
environmental effects of intensive dairy farming. Findings: Four major themes emerged from a
synthesis of the review findings: 'Nurses as information and communication facilitators', 'Nurses as
family support providers', 'Nurses' non-supportive behaviours' and 'Improving nurses' communication
skills'. Proper practice of removal the dental plaque by brushing the teeth using the child toothbrush
was shown to be effective in preventing the accumulation of dental plaque. Let us know if you have
suggestions to improve this article (requires login). Articles published from 1985 to 2006 in English
and indexed in the CINAHL, MEDLINE, Joanna Briggs Institute, Cochrane Library, EMBASE, and
DARE databases were searched by using the key terms oral hygiene, oral hygiene practices, oral care,
mouth care, mouth hygiene, intubated, mechanically ventilated, intensive care. The overall finding
from this study showed that only a small proportion of the nurses used the child toothbrush for oral
care practice. If you log out, you will be required to enter your username and password the next time
you visit. Also as part of the development of this range, laboratories pays particular
attention to the impact on hospital waste in order to reduce packaging waste as much as possible
(polyethylene bag, cardboard and recyclable boxes.). Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or
find out how to manage cookies. The outcome would be to maintain oral health of patients, enhance
oral comfort, prevent oral disease and handicap”: The British Society for Disability and Oral Health
(2000). The implementation of clinical change requires other processes, such as staff education and
support (Powell, 2003). However, they perceived significant barriers to effective communication;
some as a result of active decisions on their part, and some beyond their control. Semantic Scholar is
a free, AI-powered research tool for scientific literature, based at the Allen Institute for AI.

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