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cupan SKOEE ‘ \ a oy a PENGARUH PENAMBAHAN CARBOXY METHYL CELLULOSE (CMC) DENGAN PLASTICIZER GLISEROL, TERHADAP SIFAT FISIK PLASTIK BIODEGRADABLE BERBAHAN DASAR TALAS (Colocasia esculenta) SKRIPSI Diajukan sebagai salah satu syarat untuk memperoleh gelar Sarjana Sains Oleh: | URWATIL WUSKHA | 19034040/2019 PROGRAM STUDI FISIKA DEPARTEMEN FISIKA FAKULTAS MATEMATIKA DAN ILMU PENGETAHUAN ALAM UNIVERSITAS NEGERI PADANG 2023 IKA FMIPA UNP. DATA NILAI MAHASISWA JURUSAN 7 oo Es a mae hi TT Ea WR Ts oa a — e ; Poa eT a Sper at Renee ae See eee ae H a cara ies ns = yee feat inte tat eT a Fi Ft Tir TER $ ee : Sana ssa s ac I SRS Sa aT SLi 33] — irra oR WR Ps Kempt wane Hl fas ots [ties Pret a z Spee ant [Pee vs H ——— fase [reer ows z ra oo Lana = es z [as Ra ea [rss Fists ies Feet AS [rs> 627003 [soar gis Uo oa NILAI HISTORIS TM/NIM/Nama —: 2019/19034040/Urwatil Wuskha Prog. Studi Fisika (S1) ‘Status Masuk ‘SPMB/SNMPTN Dosen PA Mairizwan, MSi No Seksi Kode Matakuliah, ‘Semester Juli Desember 2019 201910840003 |FIS1.62.1001 201810340004 FIS1.62.1002 201970840069 FIS1.62.1003 207910840001 FMA1.60. 130: 201911280209 UNP1.60.140 207917280590 UNP1.60.140: 203911280507 5 Total Semester: Januari 1 [207920340007 [Fi 01 FiS1.62.2002 Total [7 ozoaeaAoa22 Fisi.62 4001 Fisi.62.4004 4 202020340028 FIS1.62.4007 5 202020340026 |FIS1.62.4008 FMA1.60.2102 Biologi Umum. MAI.60.2103 Kimia Umum Instrumen Elektronik dan Pengukuran Statistika untuk Fisika Kalkulus untuk Fisika 13 Fisika Umum 1 Pendidikan Agama 2 Pendidikan Pancasila UNP2.60.2402 2 Manajemen Bencana Fisika Dasar Fisika Matematika 1 Elektronika Dasar 2 Fisika Kebumian dan Astronomi _Instrumentasi Kebencanaan_ UNIVERSITAS NEGERI PADANG ‘SKS |Nilai Bobot | Mutu Dosen 1 Dosen 2 cr] 23 | 69 | 9347 B30 | 9.0 192054 B | 26 | 78 192054 B | 26/104 3320 8 | 26 | 7.8 171004) 4566 A | a6 | 72 191008 A 40 80 3336 I semester 57 [8 [30 120 |171074)192054 [E00 00 4333 Fee | 33 132172031 | 12.0 3427 182007 "8.0 4134 “6a rama? 8.0 1689 3.0 | 3327 | 26 [108] 3337 || 30/90) 3338) [a3 | 99 | 3361 | A) 40/120) 0231 [30 [60 | 3339 sae 3345 | 62.4009 [Termodinamika “stk dan Magnet ae = ca 7202020 62.4001 _[Fisika Lingkungan [2 [| 33 8 202020340029 ‘Fis2.62.4003 |Fotografi | Bt | 3.3 luli -Desember 2021 1 /202110340124 [FIs1.62.5002 | 2 [202110340029 |FiS1.62.5004 3 |202110340123 |Fis1.62.5005 “Ffska Karn \Gelombang dan Optik \IP Semester] ey UNIVERSITAS NEGERI PADANG NILAI HISTORIS TM/NIM/Nama_: 2019/19034040/Urwatil Wuskha Prog. Studi Fisika ($1) Status Masuk = SPMB/SNMPTN Dosen PA Mairizwan, Mi Dosen No Seksi Kode Matakutiah |SKS Nilai Bobot Mutu Dosen 1°) a | A 3.6 108 3344 3 | B+ | 33 | 9.9 | 3331 ja | A | 36 108 | 9343 \a | a | 40 |120| 3343 IP Semester) Bug. | 182 4 202170840028 FIS1.62.5006 _Elektronika Terpakal 5 202710840046 FIS2.62.5004 _Pengantar imu Material & 202110840049 FIS2.62.5008 _Fisika Material Elektronik 7 202110340047 FIS2.62.5006 _Fisika Energi Total Juni 2022 FIS1.62.6002 [Fisika Inti ‘Semester: Janua 7 [20272034006 2 202720840068 FIS1,62.6003 _ Optik Modern dan Fotonik : '} 20220340064 FIS1.62.6004 _Metodologi Penelitian dan Publikas! 4 202120840083 FIS1.62.6005 Seminar Fisika 5 202120840066 FIS1,62.6006 _Fisika Zat Padat 3 8 [a | 36 | 108) 3348 B | 3.0 | 9.0 | 3353 B+) 33 | 99 | 3344 [7 [00 | 00 | 3336 | 3343 B+ | 33 | 99 | 2350 [26 | 78 | 3331 Br | 3399 | 3331 | 2 [A [40 [0 | aaa | IP Semester! 5-5 | ee Hess 3340078 FIS2.62.6004 2120840083 FIS2.62.6005 INP1.60.5401 2021212811 Total 2 ‘Semester : Juli- Desember 2022 | 26 | 78 | 3353 | | 40 | 80 |181032) 4 202210340130 FIS1.62.6005 [Seminar Fisika 5 202210840121 FIS1.62.7002_|Praktek Ker 202210340093 FIS1.62.7003_[Fisika Radiasi 10 202210840124 FIS2.62.7019 |Sejarah Fisika Total ‘Semester: Januari 7 |20222034009: ee ee (4 202220840087 Fist.62.8001 |Skrpsi_ Total | 7 P Semester 12.83 Total Mutu 1475.7 Padang, 13-08-2023 ‘Total SKS 1150 Kepala Biro Akademik dan Kemahasiswaan, {PKomulatif 3.25 ote Diyan Rahmawati Rahmad, ST., MM, KEMENTERIAN PENDIDIKAN DAN KEBUDAYAAN UNIVERSITAS NEGERI PADANG FAKULTAS MATEMATIKA DAN ILMU PENGETAHUAN ALAM JURUSAN FISIKA Jl, Prof Dr, Hamka Air Tawar Padang Telp. 7057420, Pax. ee Home page si ka, || E-mail fisika@fmipa SURAT KETERANGAN Nomor : 33/UN35.1/JF/2023 Ketua Redaktur Jurnal Pillar of Physics Jurusan Fisika, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Negeri Padang menerangkan bahwa: Nama Jurnal : _ | Pillar of Physics e-ISSN : | 2337-9030 Perguruan Tinggi Universitas Negeri Padang Nama Penulis > _ | Urwatil Wuskha Judul Artikel EFFECT OF CARBOXY METHYL CELLULOSE ADDITION WITH GLYCEROL PLASTICIZER ON PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF TARO-BASED BIODEGRADABLE PLASTICS No ID Artikel : | 15048 Asal Instansi : _| Universitas Negeri Padang Program Studi :_| Fisika ‘| Edisi : | Vol 17 Tahun 2022 Menyatakan bahwa artikel tersebut telah diproses sesuai Prosedur Penulisan Jurnal Pillar of Physics, Jurusan Fisika Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Negeri Padang dan dinyatakan diterima untuk diterbitkan pada jurnal Pillar Of Physics Volume 17 Tahun 2022. Demikian surat keterangan ini dibuat dan harap dipergunakan dengan sebaik-baiknya. Padang, 14 Agustus 2023 Editor Qyp “ | . eg Rahmat Hidayat, S.Pd, M.Si NIDN, 0003059202 Redaktur Syafriani, M.Si, Ph.D NIP, 19740305 199802 2 001 PILLAR OF PHYSICS TUT Ua ta Cee MOU aT Le.y Oe aye? Ont EFFECT OF CARBOXY METHYL CELLULOSE ADDITION WITH GLYCEROL PLASTICIZER ON PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF TARO- BASED BIODEGRADABLE PLASTICS Unwatil Wuskha', Ratnawulan'*, Gusnedi? Department of Physies, Padang State University, JI, Prof. Dr, Hamka Air Tawar Padang 25131, Indonesia Coresponding eho, Ealraauaknipa ged ABSTRACT Widespread use of synthetic plastics that are not biodegradable and made from non-renewable petrochemical sources endangers the environment. Using biopolymers like starch, gluten, and guar gut 00 create biodegradable plastics is one way to reduce the use of synthetic plasties. One of the materials thai can be uused as biodegradable is taro starch. This study's goal was 1o ascertain how adding CMC concentration affected the physical characteristics of taro-based biodegradable plastic, This sort of study is experimental, with the concentration of carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) added asthe independent variable and the mass of starch, ghcerol plasticizer, distilled water, and Dilber he sonra. Tes cried ut acta tensile strength and elongation tests as well asbwater resistance tests and tests of the ability of biode gradable plastics to degrade in soil. This study involved altering CMC By up 10 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%, and 35% (wiv ‘siarch) while using up to grams of taro starch as the mixing material and up to 3 mi of glycerol plasticizer as the plasticizer concentration... The test findings demonstrated that adding starch with a CMC concentration of up to 35% w/w had an impact on the plastic's tensile strength and elongation values. The percentage of weight loss of biodegradable polymers increases when CMC concentration is added, and the level of water re decreases when CMC concentration is added in amounts up to 35% ww starch. Keywords : Biodegradable, Taro, Carboxymethy| Cellulose (CMC), Glycerol. a —————————ee_eeeeeee 1, INTRODUCTION One of the biggest environmental issues facing the globe today is plastic garbage. In spite of the fact that the average time spent using plastic is less than 25 minutes, the use of plastic generates hundreds of millions of tons annually [1]. Plastic degrades st & pace of more than 100 years, although only 9% of itis recycled [2]. In Indonesia, environmental problems also come from synthetic plastic waste. According to information recei ved from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry’s Directorate General of trash Management, Waste, and B3 (Ditjen PSLB3), Indonesia's trash yolume reached 68,5 million tons in 2021 and 70 million tons in 2022, In Indonesia, the volume of plastic waste is quite high and needs serious handling, “Methodls usually used to destroy other types of waste such as incineration and burial are not suitable for destroying plastic waste, While burying plastics in the ground cannot eliminate plasties since they are not biodegradable, When burned, certain plastics can release harmful substances into the atmosphere. Pyrolysis (burning), a high-temperature breakdown process, frequently releases toxic gases. AS a result, the accumulation ‘of plastics in the environment hay serious negative effects on the planct today and in the future, Because they lisrupt the carbon dioxide cycle, interfere with composting, and increase harmful emissions, plastics have a negative impact on the environment [3]. Currenily used synthetic plastics are not biodegradable and come from non-renewable petrochemical sources, which endanger the environment. To overcame this, altematives are needed that can replace the use of conventional plastics that are more environmentally friendly. non-toxic, and biodegradable. Creating ‘Submitted: .xxx Accepted: xxx Published au Pillar of Physics, page. | 1 ‘Wuskha, et al biodegradable plastics utilizing biopolymers like starch, gluten, and guar gum is one option. One ofthe materials that can be used a biodegradable is taro starch, Starch from tao tubers has a high starch content of 80% [4] Taro tubers contain both starch. When heated, the amylopectin fraction present in taro starch has a strong gel ithas a high proportion of short chains and a long meee tle ene re ~ M slice successfully depends on a number of variables, including the amount of starch and the plasticizer utilized, Research conducted [6] showed that starch-based bioplastcs alone have very low mechanical properties, The addition of plasticizers has the potential to increase film resistance, flexibility, and reduce tridleness, Glycerol isthe mos widely used plasticizer because of its stability and safety. Because i has hydroxy! groups, CMC (Carboxy Methyl Cellulose is biodegradable and can bind and absorb water, Controlling water content, improving texture, and increasing stability requires CMC 171 “There are already a number of studies on the creation of biodegradable materials from taro starch in the literature, such as the ereation of biodegradable polymers reinfo reed with bentonite [8], with the addition of chitosan and calcium silicate filler, the production and characterisation of biodegradable plastics from taro tubers (Xanthosoma sagitifotium) [9]. Considering the impact of plasticizers like chitosan and glycerol in the production of biodegradable polymers from taro starch [10]. However. there are not many studies that utilize CMC as a filler to produce biodegradable films with taro starch as the base material. Determining the impact of boosting CMC concentration with glycerol plasticizer based on the physical traits of biodegradable plastic produced from taro starch was the aim of i 1 METHOD ‘This study investigates how adding CMC concentration with glycerol plasticizer affects a biodegradable plastic’: physical properties, constructed of taro starch, including tests for tensile strength, clongation, water resistance, and. from the Solok Regency region of Indonesia were used to produce the starch used in this st lled measuring ‘elongation test In this research, there are several processes that must be carried out, namely the process of making taro starch, the process of making biodegradable plastic, and the sample testing process. The following are the steps taken in making biodegradable plastic from taro starch: Taro tubers as much as 1 on washed thoroughly and then blended with a ratio of water and taro 2: 1. After tha, it was filtered between pulp and liquid. The remaining pulp was blended again with 1 liter of water and dried, ‘and 2 were ‘mixed and then sedimented in a container for 5 hours and dried. ‘Making biodegradable plastic involves: 100 ml of distilled water and S g of taro starch were combined in a 250 mi beaker. Then, in accordance with the treatment, 3 ml of glycerol and 15% w/w CMC starch were added. Using a hot plate, the mixture was cooked at 75°C for 30 minutes. Id with the solution 55 °C for five hours. The inclusion to improve the and tensile strength of cellulose films test aims to determine the effect between the composition of the forming material or value produced [11]. The instrument used for tensile strength testing is Com ‘of material extensibility with respect to he results of this elongation test [11]. ‘composition changes made during treatmer ‘This water resistance test's goal is to ascertain the regularity of the polymer's bonds, which can be done by calculating the percentage of weight gain after swelling and [12]. This text involves eutting the sample into $ em. x 2.5 cm squares, weighing the intial weight of the sample, and then placing it for one minute into a Petri dish with 10 ml of distilled water. The sample is then taken out of the solution and dried with a tissue before being ‘weighed to determine the final weight and the amount of water absorbed. Pillar of Physics, page. | 2 The to determine when the plastic samples that have been made begin to degrade soil as a medium in the degradation process. Samples measuring 5 cmx2.5, em were ina ty contained soil and the container was left open in the open air without closed glass. Samples were every three days until they completely degraded and the bioplastic layer either disappeared or mixed in with the soil. Il, RESULTS AND DISCUSSION In this research, the manufacture of biodegradable plastic was carried out in several stages such as making taro starch, creating biodegradable plastic and testing the finished proxiuct in various ways. In this investigation, mashed taro starch was used. The Alahan Panjang region of Solok Regency serves as the source of the taro Fepences indus Stared IS) 2 1707 was the testing standard employed in this st ‘The following is the condition of biodegradable plastic after being mixed with taro starch as much as 5 ‘grams, 100 ml distilled water, 3 ml glycerol, and CMC as much as 15%, 20%, 25% , 30%, and 35% w/w starch 1s depicted in Figure 1 c. 25% .d. 30%, 35%) ‘color and a plastic manufactured from taro starch based on the findings of the to 5 grams of taro starch added with CMC. Pillar of Physics, page. | 3 Wuskha, et al 25%, 5.21 ‘Tensile Strength (MPa) 15% 20% 2596 30% 35% Quantity CMC sngth and Amount of CMC Addition Acconding to Figure 2, when 15%-35¢ wi starch was increased, the tensile strength ‘Value of biodegradable plastic rose. The iaition of CMC up to 35% w/w starch resulted in the maximum tensile strength value, which was 7.23 MPa. According to the research findings. the tensile strength value of the oplanies protuced bas compli wih the egress of te Jpmete Indusrnl Stndard (5), which The findings of this study are consistent with other research’ findings [13] showing that the tensile strength ‘of bioplastics in their research generally tends to increase along with the increase in the amount of CMC added, ‘The tensile strength of manufactured biodegradable plastics can be increased by CMC. The molecular interactions between the CMC and the starch employed and the addition of glycerol resulted in the greatest increase in tensile strength, which was attained by acing starch and CMC in a ratio of 7:3 [14]. Figure 3 illustrates how CMC addition affected the biodegradable plastic made from taro starch’s cclongation value 40% 5 35% 30% g 25% 2 20% Bsn 10% 5% 10241257 1042.16.31 1784 Elongation(%) Fig 3. with Elongation Figure 3 illustrates how the elongation value ie grew when carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) concentration rose from 15% to 35% w/we stareh, The bioplastic that is created is better when a higher Pillar of Physics, page. | 4 ‘Waskha,et al ‘elongation value is reached since itis more elastic and resistant to tearing. The elongation value increased along with the addition of carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) concentration up to 1.2% (w/w) of lindur starch [15] ‘value of bigplastics from their research also increased as the concentration of carboxymethyl cellulose ( Based on the results of his research, the highest elongation percent value is 99.9% with the addition of EME as much as 16% w/w starch and the lowest elongation result is 12.4% with the addition of CMCas much as 5% [16]. Carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) is hydrophilic causing its use in large quantities will increase the ability to bind water better so that the gel matrix can increase the bioplastic's % elongation film formed. The use of glycerol as a plasticizer also affects the elongation value because glycerol plasticizers are able to increase the stretching of the intramolecular space of the matrix structure, increasing the flexibility and elasticity of polymer ‘chains in bioplasties [13] Pillar of Physics, page. 15 Woskha, et al 35 From Table 1, it can be seen that the more concentration of CMC added, the easier the plastic absorbs water. The following graph shows the effect of adding CMC with 5 grams of taro starch to the percent water absorption of biodegradable plastics as shown in Figure 4, = CMC amount (% w/b starch) ‘= Water Absorption (6) Experiment Fig 4 Bec oes ‘Concentration on Water Resistance From Figure 4, it can be seen that the Water resistance of bioplastics in this study tends to decrease along With the addition of CMC concentration. Bioplastics that easily bind to water compounds have poor water resistance (high water absorption). Plastic samples with poor water resistance can be improved by adding up to 35% w/w starch to th. CMC concentration. The resulting biodegradable plastic has hydrophilic properties because it tends to absow) Water around it, From the data analysis that has been done, itis apparent that the more the concentration of CMC axided, the water resistance decreases. This is because CMC has a high water binding ability besides that the material used is also hydrophilic so that it easily absorbs water and the glycerol plasticizer used is also hydrophilic, so that the resulting plastic has a high level of softness, Previous research using mung beans as a source of starch reported that the more concentration of CMC added, the greater the amount of water bound to the edible packaging of mung bean starch which resulted in an increase in the water content of the edible packaging itself [17]. The concentration of CMC added affects the high water absorption by bioplastics [12]. Where the highest water absorption results are in 15% CMC audition and 20.54 CMC addition produced the smallest amount of CMC. the higher the concentrdtion of EME added, the higher the water absorption, this is because CMC has hydrophilic properties. Research om the use of Pillar of Physics, page. 6 Woskha, et al carboxymethyl cellulose and glycerol in making gembili starch biodegradable plastic also reported that the addition of CMC concentration in the study made the resulting plastic have a high percent water absorption value 41 Biodegradation testing aims to determine the ability of biodegradable plastics to decompose. The results of the biodegradation ex from day to day can be seen in Table 2. Table 2, Sump shape of biodegradatiogtesting result Amount of es ae Day 6 Day 9 Pillar of Physics, page. | 7 ‘Wuskha, et al 38% From Table 2, it can be seen that with each passing day. the buried plastic begins to disappear and merge with the soil. The bar graph below illustrates how adding CMC and 5 grams of taro starch affected the amount of ‘weight that biodegradable plastic lost as illustrated in Figure 5 100 : 5 ¢ 7 #° 50 iS. 2 0- " 3 : ‘on Plastic Biodegradation ia that aid in the process of biodegradable plastic ition in the soil is shown in Figure 5 as an increase in the percent weight loss of plastic in this study from day to day. The breakdown or rupturing of plastic chain bonds by microbes is the first step in the disintegration of biodegradable polymers. Microorganisms will congregate on the plasti’s surface or ‘where they will create a biofilm or another area where they can continue to grow and multiply, affecting the ‘material's chemical, mechanical, and physical characteristics [18]. ‘Taro starch-based biodegradable film that also contained CMC content was discovered to dissolve both chemically and biologically readily in soil. This is due to the substance's propensity for interacting with water and microorganisms and its sensitivity to physicochemical factors. The biodegradable plastic film was buried on the third day, and observations revealed that it partially disintegrated but left behind some remnants, ‘On this third day, the addition of CMC concentration of 35% w/w starch resulted in the highest pe BS loss of plastic, which was 86%, while the addition of CMC concentration of 15% w/w starch result lowest weight loss, which was 34%. ‘The results of this study are in accordance with the results of research on the effect of CMC concentration and drying temperature of com starch-based biodegradable plastics which show that the more CMC concentration added, the bioplastic will degrade quickly and grow a lot of mold [12]. The addition of CMC can ‘make the plastic degrade faster. Plastic samples with a starch:CMC ratio of 6:4 have the highest biodegradation rate due to the CMC mixture in the plastic [14]. In addition, there are several factors that cause the degradation process to be faster, namely, the pH of the soil used and the temperature around the study, the soil used had a pH of 7 which made the work of extracellular enzymes to degrade ty and the temperature used was room temperature. Temperatures that are too high can damage enzs le temperatures that are too low can inhibit the work of the enzyme itself [19]. So room temperature is needed 0 that the degradation process can run well Pillar of Physics, page. |8 Wuskha,et al are all impacted by the alton of CMC concent when tro sh I ngth and elongation values rise as CMC concentration dogs as well. The highest te wwere 723 Mpa and 17-84%, respeetively. ater the addtin of CMC concentration of 38% | The addition of CMC concentration combined with taro starch and CMC 35% w/w starch will accelerate the ‘degradation of plastic. 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Hari/Tanggal Nama/TM/NIM Mahasiswa yang Seminar UlfahFauziyaly 2018/18034062 Proposal __| Judul Proposal Penelitian Analisis N Suseptibititas Magnetik Tanah pada Lahan Perkebunan di Muaro Labuh Rabw/29 Juni 2022 | Mayang Vioni Safitri/2018/ 18034038 Analisis Nilai SuseptibilitasMagnet ik Semen Mentah pada Kiln Feed Pabrik Semen Padang MenggunakanBartin gton Magnetic Suseptibility Meter dengan Sensor Tipe B Bukti Kehadiran 3. | Senin/26 Muhammad Pemetaan September | Aulia Percepatan Tanah 2022 Fauzi/2017/ Maksimum dan 17034046 Intensitas Seismik di Wilayah Kabupaten Pesisir Selatan Menggunakan Rumusan Stand Midorikawa | | 4, | Rabu/2s Reka Anisha Analisis Sifat Listrik cee | | September | Reza Oksida Grafena | | 2022 Putry/2018/ Menggunakan Ls] | | 18034058 Biomassa Bambu | | Petung yang B Disintesis dengan Metode Hummer Modifikasi Selasa/28 Dini Utami Sistem Oktober 2022 | Fajriyaty/2015/ | PenyiramanTanaman 15034044 berbasis Arduino 6. | Selasa/08 Bagas Prototype Sistem November Putrayadi/2018/ | Keamanan Lahan 2022 18034072 Pertanian Jagung dari Hama Babi berbasis SMS. Gateway Riwandha Pengembangan November | Asnan Sistem Eksperimen 2022 /2017/17034084 [7. [Rabw30 | ] | | Cindy Magriza Putri 2019/1903 4053 Gerak Melingkar Beraturan dengan Remote Laboratory Berbasis 107 Menggunakan Web Analisis Curah Hujan Periode 1991- 2020 (30 Tahun) di Kota Padang Rama | Aditio/2019/190 | 34127 Analisis Iklim pada Kawasan Hutan Mangrove Di Kota Padang 10. | Selasa/28 Februari 2023 Mira Syuriyani/2019/ 19034022 Pengaruh Ukuran Titanium Dioxide(Ti02) Tethadap Aktivitas Fotokatalitik, Absor Reflektansi pada Physical Sunscreen it [Tomas | Maret 2023 Fu’ad Sofaturrohman/2 019/19034011 Menentukan. Komposisi Kandungan Titanium Dioxide dan Zine Oxide Sediaan Cream Dalam Produk Komersial Phsical Sunscreen Maret 2023 | 12. | Senin/é Hayatun Nufus Zabra/2019/190 34110 Pengarah Penambahan Sorbitol dan Kitosan Terhadap Kuat Tarik dan Tingkat DEgradasi Plastik Biodegradable dari Pati Bekatul Padi 75. | Rabw31 Mei 2023 Marjohan Analisis Sifat Li sis Sifat Listrik 2019119034040 | Nanokomposit. Fe304/Karbon Aktif dari Limbah Tongkol Jagung [ 14.) Jum’av/21 Sti Fany Mulya | Pengaruh | Juli 2023 Putri/2019/ ‘Temperatur Kalsinasi | 19034036 Nanokomposit Abu | Sabut Kelapa/Ti02 | Terhadap Sifat Self | Cleaning dan | Antimikroba Kain | Tekstil LEMBAR KEHADIRAN MAHASISWA ‘Nama ‘Nama dan Tanda DALAM SEMINAR PROPOSAL SKRIPSI anggat | TM/NIMMaSIWE | yygutproposalPenelian | Tangan = No | Hari/Tangeal yang Seminar g o Pembimbing] Noma dan Tanda ones! no arranger | Tata | aga peopstPenian |" Tanee bs gsm venting © Kenn / [Argetice | Anolis fabent® Litsi| 5-12 Jaco Coven Roventia fee as : z MeTgarTSrso Made] ma | a AR GraRne! Amaltens Of be surface usave( 1 pss} i P eoca(6-1.-|Vini Oetoura RENE VN y faz ome eat Dra. Yeni Datos, MS IS mss 707, Jones Fo peg) feet et 4 [Samat Tj] BA Ripka Reagamh uKuren Pati | o> Seguane eee 50 le $ AP LERE nl IPA, M.S; é bahar pa Dwi [Resqers Reronsate lospoas ere ge thorthlce Sco ae pee Lonostes 1 : é =| Padang, 20 Ketua Program Stud, a KEMENTERIAN PENDIDIKAN, KEBUDAYAAN, RISET DANTEKNOLOGI UNIVERSITAS NEGERI PADANG FAKULTAS MATEMATIKA DAN ILMU PENGETAHUAN ALAM DEPARTEMEN FISIKA JI. Prof. Dr. Hamka Kampus FMIPA Unp Air Tawar Padang 25131 Telp. (0751) 57420, Fax (0751) 55628 Laman : http:/ Email : SURAT TUGAS PEMBIMBING No. 071 /UN35. 1.4/DL/2023 Berdasarkan pertimbangan Departemen dan Penasehat Akademik, mahasiswa berikut ; Nama Unwatil Wuskha NIM/TM 19034040 / 2019 ProgramStudi _ : Fisika NK Judul Pengaruh Penambahan CMC (Carboxy Methyl Cellulose) dengan Plasticizer Gliserol Terhadap Sifat Fisik Plastik Biodegradable Berbahan Dasar Talas (Colocasia esculenta) telah terdaftar pada Matakuliah Skripsi Semester Januari—Juni 2023 dengan peran sebagat Pembimbing Nama : Prof, Dr. Ratnawulan, M.Si NIP + 19690120 199303 2 002 Pangkat/Gol. : Pembina tk 1 /IV b Jabatan —_: Guru Besar Demikianlah Surat Tugas ini disampaikan untuk dilaksanakan, Atas kerja sama dan bantuan Saudara diucapkan terima kasih Padang, x-Januari 2023 Kepala Departemen, Prof. Dr. Ratnawulan, M.Si NIP. 19690120 199303 2 002 a _ UP Whone mimpel + ATM AVG vtec 4310 + PAS IC Cee ‘ ae 4 Rea eale soy papa | Roa ths rer onsy orca | CamrS gear - Fi a ewer [| Tale 2a CASE] €e08 sary nosed met IRAN Paws aaenen, * [ osNe3, . 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