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Google's latest core update, rolled out in March 2024, has sent shockwaves through the SEO

world. Targeting low-quality content and prioritizing user experience, the update has
significantly impacted websites that relied on manipulative tactics.

Early signs point towards a major shakeup

 Deindexed Websites: Hundreds of websites, particularly those heavily reliant on AI-generated

content, have been completely removed from search results. This translates to a significant loss
of organic traffic and potential revenue for affected websites.
 Focus on Quality: The update prioritizes well-written, informative content that caters to user
needs. Clickbait headlines, thin content, and websites with misleading information are taking a
major hit.

Experts are comparing the update's impact to historical events

 Industry veterans suggest this update rivals the influence of major algorithm shifts like Panda
and Penguin. Search Engine Journal emphasizes the widespread nature of the update, indicating
a fundamental change in how Google ranks websites.

Key takeaways for website owners

 Content is king: High-quality, original content that provides genuine value to users is now more
crucial than ever.
 AI-generated content faces scrutiny: Overdependence on AI-written content can be detrimental
to website ranking.
 Focus on user experience: Creating a website that prioritizes user engagement and provides a
positive experience is paramount.

The update is still ongoing

 Google's complex update involves multiple ranking systems and may take a full month to fully
roll out.
 As the update progresses, further insights into specific ranking factors are expected.

Resources for website owners

Staying updated with SEO news and best practices is crucial for navigating this evolving

Looking ahead

The March 2024 Core Update marks a significant shift in Google's search algorithm,
emphasizing the importance of user-centric content and penalizing manipulative practices.
Website owners must prioritize high-quality content creation and user experience to ensure their
website thrives in the new search landscape.

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