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Researching a "good" dog can depend on various factors such as your lifestyle, living situation, and

personal preferences. However, I can suggest a few dog breeds known for their generally good
temperament and suitability as family pets:

1. **Golden Retriever:** Known for their friendly and gentle nature, Golden Retrievers are great with
families and are often used as therapy dogs.

2. **Labrador Retriever:** Similar to Golden Retrievers, Labs are friendly, outgoing, and good-natured,
making them excellent companions for families.

3. **Beagle:** Beagles are loving, curious, and great with children, making them a popular choice for

4. **Cavalier King Charles Spaniel:** These dogs are affectionate, gentle, and good with children,
making them great family pets.

5. **Poodle:** Poodles are intelligent, trainable, and come in various sizes, making them adaptable to
different living situations.

6. **Bulldog:** Bulldogs have a calm and friendly demeanor, making them good companions for
families, especially in smaller living spaces.

7. **Collie:** Collies are known for their loyalty and intelligence, making them great family pets for
those with an active lifestyle.

It's important to remember that individual dogs can vary in temperament regardless of breed, so it's
also recommended to spend time with a dog before making a decision to ensure they are a good fit for
you and your family.

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