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Some frogs can

jump over
20x their own
body length.

don’t ater Frogs are actually the
s w
Frog drink absorebir first animals on Earth
to they h th to process vocal chords.
as hrougin s blink
it t sk Frog n they
whe w their

re are
The 5,000
over ies of
f A frog’s call is unique to
its species, and some frog
calls can be heard up to a
mile away.
They wear their bones on the
outside! A turtle’s shell is
actually parts of its skeleton.

tles s r tles
T rep tile t al
No torto
l t ises They are ancient!
Sea turtles have existed for the last
are but all re 100 million years while it’s been 145
s es a million years for freshwater turtles
Turtles don’t have
teeth, they use beak to
grasp the food
live in
u s
rtle while
e t
Som shwater live in
fre others r
somsealty wate
Some turtles are carnivores
(meat eaters), others are
herbivores (plant eaters)
and some are omnivores (a
mixture of the two).
The tail length is
usually over three
times the body length
rom us sian in this species.
Takytdus, the vAes in These
linea ard, li s.
se ass liz nd tree nativ small liz
gr r arou e to ar
o bamb the gra ds are
South oo fields ss and They use their long tails for
East o
Asia. f balance and weight distribution
while moving swiftly, or
“swimming,” across the tops of
the tall grasses.

Wild grass lizards are

mainly insectivores and
will prey on a variety
of invertebrates.
Hamsters like to clean

themselves using their
claws and mouth

rs are
m s te
Ha mals and
mame 4 legs. an live
Cats ecen 2 to
Hamsters’ teeth
hav keeps on growing.

betw years.
2.5 Hamsters love to run. In
the wild they can run up to
10 km a night.
Hamsters are
more active
at night that
in the day

lifecycle of a hamster

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