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Title: Expert Literature Review on Agricultural Development in Nigeria

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You can download the paper by clicking the button above. The results of both the ADF and PP tests
are reported in Table below 2 and 3. Thus, this study examined the impact of Agricultural policies
and developments on the Nigeria economy. This situation is so impute of the various measures or
programmes that have been put in place to enhance the development of the rural sector. Available
food crop production technologies used by sampled respondents were assessed as effective,
appropriate, readily available, affordable, durable, user and gender friendly, with requisite skill to use
them. Taungya farming ensures more land availability to landless farmers, increased food crop
production, increased income to farmers, increased production of exotic and indigenous forest
species, productive and integrated use of land, it provides an efficient low input biological recycling
to substitute the expensive inputs and it increases the productivity of small holder farmers. Likert
scale was also employed to determine the positive an negative effects of these land management
practices and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was adopted as a procedure for components
reduction to determine the most sustainable land management practice. The study found that
Agricultural sector development has a significant effect on the Nigeria Economy and impacted
Positively on it. The results showed that eight cassava-based products are traded in two basic (dry
and wet) forms in Nigeria. Findings further revealed that increased government expenditure on
agriculture has not really transformed to large economic growth as the share of the sector to GDP is
little. It is however instructive to investigate the effects of this latest technology on communication
on the Nigerian Economy. The battle for long-run economic growth is either won or lost in the
agricultural sector. Data for the study were obtained from primary source with the aid of interview
schedule and analysed using descriptive statistics and stochastic frontier model. Findings revealed
that positive relationship exist between central bank loan and Real GDP but it is not significant due
to problems like mismanagement, lack of monitoring, diversification of funds and others. Download
GROWTH IN NIGERIA Oluwafemi Ayo The Project work was carefully written and examined by
Scholars. The study examines the constraints to increased food production and distribution in Dukku
L.G.A. A total of 150 copies of questionnaires were administered to purposively sampled population
of food crop farmers in six political wards. In Nigeria, development in this vital sector has been very
phenomenal and the usage of Telecommunication (GSM) has become very prominent with
noticeable effect on several economic aspects. It was also revealed in the study that 81% of the
variation in GDP could be explained by Domestic Savings, Government Expenditure and Foreign
Direct Investment. For example, the textile industries in Nigeria depends solely on the cotton
cultivated from the farm in the country. The use of cassava flour in confectionery industries recently
in Nigeria is new and fast gaining ground. Research Leap is an international journal hosting platform
for business research, management and innovation. The study adopted the Vector Error Correction
Model (VECM) estimation in explaining the impact levels. It is mainly small-scale farmers who
produce rice, sell 80 percent of their total production and only consume 20 percent of their product.
Furtan and Holzman (2004) defined it as the most spectacular manifestation of globalization that
occurred since 1990. The average efficiency estimate from all the reviewed studies is about 0.71,
thus suggesting, there is considerable room for improvement in the sector. You can download the
paper by clicking the button above. Improving agriculture will help to create jobs which will lead to
poverty reduction. The cointegration test results revealed that the variables have long run
relationship. In order to improve the agricultural sector it is recommended that government provides
more funding for agricultural universities in Nigeria to carry out researches on all areas of agricultural
production this will lead to more exports and improvement in the competitiveness of Nigeria
agriculture production in international markets. The farmers were relatively technically efficient (TE)
with about 85 percent of them having TE above the mean TE of 0.912 for the study area.
Recommendations for a holistic and integrated agriculture policy and policy consistency, planning of
the educational process, teacher education, improvement of school enrolment and extension services,
utilization of information communication technology and strategic partnership were made for
national development. Reflection on the Nigerian Government experiences in rural development
showed that not much has been achieved even before and after independence. Infrastructural
facilities, especially electricity, should be provided in the rural areas to enable farmers use mobile
phones effectively for agribusiness activities and ensure sustainable agricultural development. About
87% of producers had farm sizes ranging from 1-5 Ha and 13% had farms greater than 5 Ha. To
browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to
upgrade your browser. The livestock sector can create new opportunities for farmers and provide
more affordable and healthier diets for future generations. Evans n brief, the book examines
agricultural and rural development in Africa from theoretical, empirical and policy perspectives. The
major conclusion drawn is that agriculture is an engine of economic growth in Nigeria and efforts
should be made to add value to the sector through increased investment. This paper argues that the
agrarian sector has a strong rural base; hence, concern for agriculture and rural development become
synonymous, with a common root and that the bedrock of agriculture and agricultural development
in Africa is rural development, without which all efforts at agricultural development will be futile.
Furthermore, the study showed that the favorable policy environment in the cassava industry brought
about an improvement in the income generation of the cassava farmers from their cassava enterprises.
See Full PDF Download PDF About Press Blog People Papers Topics Job Board We're Hiring. This
study was conducted in a region where its general characteristics may not reflect that of the entire
country thus generalisation of the study may be limited, so the data should be cautiously use.
Stratified, random, purposive and convenience sampling techniques were employed to select the
sample. The result from the likert scale 3-Points and above representing positive effects of land
management practices are fertilizer application, organic manure, crop rotation, cover crop and
irrigation, while agroforestry, mulching and bush fallow were perceived by farmers as negative
effects on the environment in the study area. The constraints to the adoption of SAPs among farmers
were socioeconomic, political, and institutional. It contributes greatly to the provision of food and
raw industrial materials. It also emphasises on the significance of the agricultural sector as it is
closely related to the issues of food sustainability, poverty reduction, employment creation, and the
attainment of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Africa. It is an integral
approach to agricultural production. Despite the fact that Nigeria has an enormous market for
cassava, it is mostly grown for family consumption and local sale by smallholders. Meanwhile,
tubers, bobolo, leaves and flour were observed as the most consumed products. It finds out that
though credit to the agricultural sector is significant it has not been growing relative to the economy.
At the same time, the once dominant subsistence-oriented farm economy is at risk of gradual
marginalization. Getting information from fellow farmers, marketing of produce, accessing inputs for
farming, getting agricultural information from radio and the internet, and accessing extension
services were the major agricultural uses of mobile phones by farmers in the study area. This study
therefore examined the use of mobile phone in the marketing of food crops among farming
households in rural south east, Nigeria. Okebukola Download Free PDF View PDF Breaking the
Glass Ceiling: Challenges to Female Participation in Technical Diploma Education in Bangladesh
Tashmina Rahman While Bangladesh has achieved gender parity in primary and secondary education
under the general education stream, it is yet to improve gender outcomes in the technical and
vocational education and training (TVET) subsector. The Kano-Katsina-Maradi axis is a major
cassava cross border trade route in West Africa. This West African country produces cassava for 20
percent of the world, 34 percent of Africa and 46 percent of West Africa. A sustainable agricultural
sector in Nigeria literally translates to a sustainable economy. See Full PDF Download PDF See Full
PDF Download PDF Related Papers Analysis of the Contribution of Agricultural Sector on the
Nigerian Economic Development Adekaan Daniel Tarbee Agricultural sector is seen as an engine that
contributes to the growth of the overall economy of Nigeria, despite these efforts the sector is still
characterized with low yields, low level of inputs and limited areas under cultivation due to
government dependence on mono-cultural economy based on oil. The study found that Agricultural
sector development has a significant effect on the Nigeria Economy and impacted Positively on it.
Hence, the book broadly recommends multiple evidence-based policies to develop the rural areas in
Africa through the transformation of the agricultural sector that can benefit the continent. Hence,
investigating the spatial integration of producing and consuming cassava markets is useful in
ascertaining the efficiency of cassava marketing in Central region of Ghana. The study among others
recommend that Agriculture must be given a continued call and attention through policies and
funding so as to enable the sector contribute meaningfully to the economy. The study recommends
among others that the scheme should be sustained and the government should invest more in
Agricultural development, and measures should be put in place by the management of the scheme to
reduce default in payment arising from borrowers. The ideas expressed on this site are solely the
opinions of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the opinions of anyone else. The main
objective of this study was to analyze the relationship between government expenditure on
agriculture and economic growth in Nigeria from 1989-2014. However, epileptic electricity supply
hinders the effective use of mobile phones for agribusiness. The three equations differ in the
inclusion or exclusion of the deterministic elements and 2t. This country has one of the largest
expanses of land in Africa with more than 900 thousand square kilometers and 70 percent of it is
able to be cultivated to produce sustenance for the population of Nigeria. The result from the PCA
revealed that Agroforestry and bush fallow were considered to be most sustainable land
management practices because they appeared in the component one of the PCA. History has
revealed that agricultural development has been the best approach for improving living standard of
the citizenry. The sector is the provider of the solution to the United Nation's zero hunger and zero
absolute poverty goals. Results showed that farmers have a mean household size of 7 persons, 19
years farming experience with a net income of N84, 000 per cropping season. This study presented
empirical findings on the sustainable agricultural practices and its constraints among the rice farming
households in one selected state of Nigeria. Time series data were sourced from Central World
Development Indicators (WDI), meanwhile, the study employed Ordinary Least Squares (OLS)
econometric technique as the estimation method. Agricultural growth was proxied by percentage
change in the contribution of agricultural sector to gross domestic product while other independent
variables were deposit money banks' sectoral distribution of credits to the agricultural sector, and
federal government budgetary allocations to the agricultural sector. Many farmers who are truly
dedicated to the profession do not know how to read and write. The main difficulties encountered in
cassava production were infertile soils (15.73%), unavailability of quality seeds (14.61%), pests and
diseases (12.36%) and the remainder were other constraints. The chapter surmises that to achieve the
desired agricultural transformation and development in Africa more frantic emphasis is required in
terms of crafting policies that will make finance available to the agricultural sector; reducing
employment bottlenecks; access to agricultural-friendly technologies; adherence to principles guiding
land acquisitions. As a result of the government agricultural credit policies of, this paper examined
the provision of credit to agricultural sector along with the performance of the ACGSF while at the
same time evaluating the food security status of Nigeria. The initiatives that have been put in place in
order to develop rural communities in Nigeria are diverse and multifarious. You can download the
paper by clicking the button above. This paper argues that the agrarian sector has a strong rural base;
hence, concern for agriculture and rural development become synonymous, with a common root and
that the bedrock of agriculture and agricultural development in Africa is rural development, without
which all efforts at agricultural development will be futile. The selection of respondent farmers was
multi-stage and involved random sampling method, stratification as well as purposive sampling. The
use of agricultural practices such as crop rotation, continuous cropping, bush burning, mixed cropping
and mulching are significant at various levels and therefore have strong implications on land
productivity of the farmers. A multi-stage sampling technique was used to select 196 farmers. The
findings revealed very low technology adoption index. Cassava marketing system in central region of
Ghana will ensure cassava at cheaper price to consumer and also ensures greater share to producer in
consumer price. The collected data were analyzed using relevant descriptive and inferential statistics
suitable for each objective. However, it generally indicates that despite the neglect of the sector it still
contributes to the country’s economy growth.
The major conclusion drawn is that agriculture is an engine of economic growth in Nigeria and
efforts should be made to add value to the sector through increased investment. By clicking “Accept
All”, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. See Full PDF Download PDF See Full PDF
Download PDF Related Papers Analysis and Effects of Government Expenditure on Agricultural
Sector and It's Contribution to Economic Growth in Nigeria (1989-2014).docx Alao Bamidele
ABSTRACT This study empirically examined the effects of government expenditure on agriculture
and its contribution to economic growth in Nigeria over the period (1989-2014). As such, agricultural
output was modelled by having commercial bank credit, agricultural credit guarantee scheme fund,
and government expenditure on agriculture, inflation and interest rate as independent variables. Data
obtained from 100 farmers that were selected using multistage sampling technique were analyzed
using descriptive statistics, gross margin and the stochastic frontier production function. The
Parsimonious ECM revealedthat the model has an adjustment speed of 59.2 percent. Based on the
findings, it is recommended that policymakers should prioritize the allocation of AfDB loans into
productive sectors of the economy with particular emphasis on agriculture with a view to driving the
development process in the real sector. The result indicates that the recommended sustainable
agricultural practices (SAP) least adopted were the use of High Yielding Variety seed and
agrochemicals probably due to their high cost. Also, the study revealed how GSM has enabled
Nigerians to transact their businesses easily resulting in higher productivity; reduction in poverty
level and prevalence through increase in income generating capacity and business expansion;
improved living standard; boosted economic capacity, and stimulate the economy to achieve the
desired macroeconomic policy targets. In order to meet the demand of the 21 st century workplace
for skilled manpower and also to produce individuals that will be equipped with saleable skills for
employment and self-reliant. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the
website, anonymously. Among the recommendations made to improve the current situation includes
further enlightenment campaigns to bring the youth into agriculture and the management of the
ACGSF by professionals. The study among others recommend that Agriculture must be given a
continued call and attention through policies and funding so as to enable the sector contribute
meaningfully to the economy. The cointegration test results revealed that the variables have long run
relationship. It has provided for the nation, a food reserve; employment, revenue, foreign exchange
earnings, supplied raw materials to the industrial sector and contributed to over 50% of the country's
Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The NVivo 12 software was used to code influencing factors
gathered from previous studies into dimensions essent. This paper argues that the agrarian sector has
a strong rural base; hence, concern for agriculture and rural development become synonymous, with
a common root and that the bedrock of agriculture and agricultural development in Africa is rural
development, without which all efforts at agricultural development will be futile. These practices are
confluence in nature, interrelated and mutually enabling, with specific trade-offs. This paper
reviewed the role of agriculture towards poverty reduction in Nigeria. Construction and Earthmoving
Perspectives Moshe alamaro Download Free PDF View PDF Egyptian Journal of Radiology and
Nuclear Medicine Three steps approach for preoperative evaluation of tetralogy of Fallot patients:
role of 128 MDCT Maha Bilal Download Free PDF View PDF Proceedings 2000 ICRA. The result
from the PCA revealed that Agroforestry and bush fallow were considered to be most sustainable
land management practices because they appeared in the component one of the PCA. However, the
findings from the empirical analysis of the current study from the long run normalize equation
showed that the variables government expenditure on agriculture and agricultural credit guarantee
scheme fund have positive and significance impact on economic growth in Nigeria) for the period of
study. Thus, mechanization is recommended to enhance the productivity and competitiveness of the
cassava value chain in the region. A group approach to extension delivery should be further promoted
and the use of existing and new cultivars should be made popular through an extended or expanded
cassava multiplication programme. If two or more time series are themselves non-stationary, but their
linear combination is stationary, then the series are said to be co-integrated. Moreover, Fully
Modified Ordinary Least Square (FMOLS) method of data analysis was used in evaluating the
secondary data. However, the findings revealed that telecoms have influenced the economy by
increasing their market access and reduced distribution cost, which invariably affected the service
provider cost. In Nigeria, development in this vital sector has been very phenomenal and the usage of
Telecommunication (GSM) has become very prominent with noticeable effect on several economic
aspects. Multiple linear regression of ordinary least square (OLS) model was adopted to establish the
relationship between dependent and independent variables. The collected data were analyzed with
the use of stochastic frontier production modeling technique. Stratified, random, purposive and
convenience sampling techniques were employed to select the sample.
Achieving food security in its totality continues to be a challenge not only to the developing nations,
but also to the developed world. Creation of agricultural villages enables the realization of objectives
of rural planning by stimulating economic growth, jobs creation and improving living standard. The
ideas expressed on this site are solely the opinions of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent
the opinions of anyone else. Consequently, to improve food security in Nigeria, this study
recommended among others that comme. Our findings via univariate scatter plot and Spearman
correlation provided evidence that reported efficiency scores positively correlated with the year of
survey in the primary study. At the marketing level, constraints such as poor transport facilities
(31.51%), scarcity of conservation or storage facilities (19.18%), price fluctuations (16.44%) and
poor marketing channels (15.07%) were noted among others. This is to facilitate easy transportation
of farm produce from the farms down to the markets. The data collected were analyzed using
descriptive statistics, Likert scale rating and multivariate probit model. This land provides Nigeria
with practically an unlimited source of farming food, providing agricultural produces and jobs for the
people. The research finding reveals that using the Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF) and Philips-
Parron (PP), the result indicate that there is a strong evidence of stationarity between the variables
employed. The study employed time series data from 1981 to 2020. The battle for long-run
economic growth is either won or lost in the agricultural sector. Okebukola Download Free PDF
View PDF Breaking the Glass Ceiling: Challenges to Female Participation in Technical Diploma
Education in Bangladesh Tashmina Rahman While Bangladesh has achieved gender parity in
primary and secondary education under the general education stream, it is yet to improve gender
outcomes in the technical and vocational education and training (TVET) subsector. This paper
discusses concept of workplace training in TVET, concept of workplace-school collaboration, need
for workplace-school collaboration in TVET, best practices to workplace-school collaboration:
bridging the gap to meet the manpower needs of the 21 st century workplace. Download Free PDF
View PDF Role of mobile phones in improving communication and information delivery for
agricultural development: Lessons from South Western Uganda K. Results showed that farmers have
a mean household size of 7 persons, 19 years farming experience with a net income of N84, 000 per
cropping season. To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please
take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. This is because perishable foods such as tomato, fish
and the likes cannot be stored properly because there is little or no electricity to power the cooling
equipment such as refrigerators, cold rooms etc. Insecure land tenure, scarcity of funds and credit,
labour scarcity despite overall high unemployment and stagnant technology have crippled its further
development. The result showed that agriculture value added increased by 0.079 percent due to 1
percent increase in lag of AfDB loan. One-period lag of AfDB loan has significant positive
relationship with current value of agriculture value added. However various efforts at promoting
investment and export diversification in the agricultural sector have not yielded appreciable dividend.
Desirable tree species are planted after two to three years of crops cultivation on the same parcel of
land giving the opportunity for harvestable tree crops. The main sources of planting material were
from neighboring farms (65%), friends (19%), seed farms (9%) and donations (7%). Data were
analyzed using descriptive statistics and ordinary least squares multiple regression technique.
However due to neglect in the sector and the government over dependence on oil, agricultural sector
lacks adequate investment influx, recently China has sent about five hundred (500) agricultural
experts to assist in teaching the rural farmers, beside that there is also collaboration at state and
provincial level among which are the Hubei province, Osun state and Bauchi state government. In
the transformation sector, difficulties registered were, poor mechanization, poor transport facilities,
scarcity of fuel wood and raw material. Download Free PDF View PDF Utilization of Mobile
Phones for Agricultural Purposes by Farmers in Itu Area, Nigeria European Scientific Journal ESJ
The study ascertained the agricultural purposes mobile phones are used for by farmers in Itu Local
Government Area of Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. It is mainly small-scale farmers who produce rice,
sell 80 percent of their total production and only consume 20 percent of their product.

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