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Belen, Diana Feliz M

MLS 1-2

1. What is the importance of political self and how does it function in simple words?
• Political self-awareness is essential since it entails being aware of your own political
convictions and engaging in life as a citizen. It accomplishes this by forming your
opinions, inspiring you to participate in political discourse, and assisting in the
democratic process by encouraging educated voting and decision-making. In basically,
it gives people the ability to influence the society in which they live.

2. What values should a person consider relative to a politics?

• When it comes to politics, it’s important to value fairness, treat everyone equally,
protect individual freedoms, act responsibly, support your community, respect diverse
opinions, and follow the rules.

3. What activities should a young individual like you do to foster political participation?
• Young individuals can foster political participation by staying informed on current
events, engaging in discussions, voting in elections, attending community meetings,
volunteering for causes, educating themselves on political processes, and using social
media for constructive dialogue. These actions empower them to contribute to shaping
their communities.

4. What are the distinct characteristics of Filipinos?

• Filipinos are renowned for having a strong sense of community and family, which is
exemplified by their intimate connections and respect for elders. Being hospitable is
one of the Filipino people's distinguishing characteristics. Another characteristic is
resilience in the face of difficulties, which demonstrates a positive and flexible outlook.
Furthermore, colorful festivals and a passion for music and dance are common ways to
display the various customs and celebrations that characterize Filipino culture.

5. What are the distinct values if Filipinos?

• Strong cultural values, such as "kapwa," or shared humanity, which emphasizes the
interdependence and well-being of the collective, are held by Filipinos. "utang na loob"
emphasizes the value of thankfulness and reciprocity. With a strong sense of
"pakikipagkapwa-tao," or communal spirit, family is extremely important. Together,
these principles support the distinctive and colorful cultural identity of the Filipino

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