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Remedial Assignments

1. Program to display the sum of digits in a number. Eg: for input 234, result is 2+3+4 = 9.

2. Write a program to find the factorial of a number.

3. Program to find the palindrome of a number.

4. Write a program to input n numbers using array and find the greatest number of them.

5. Write a program to print the following pattern given n as argument:

[for input 3]



6. Input temperature for a week. Calculate the average temperature and display the highest and
lowest temperature using functions.

7. Multiplication table (first 10) of the number you provide.

8. Calculate the income tax to be paid by an employee as per the criteria given below:

Slab rate IT rate

Upto Rs. 50,000 Nil
Upto Rs. 60,000 10% on additional amount
Upto Rs. 1,50,000 20% on additional amount
Above Rs. 1,50,000 30% on additional amount

9.Calculate grade and Display the Remarks of a student. Consider score of 5 subjects. Calculate
the percentage and grade as per the criteria below: [Hint: use Switch case]

Percentage Grade Remark

>95% A Excellent
>75% B Good
>50% C Well done
>40% D Passed
<40% E Failed

10. Program to create a calculator which does basic mathematic operations (addition, subtraction,
multiplication and division) using function call for 2 input values.

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