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Why Filipinos Still Believe in Albularyos?

The main reason why Filipinos still believe in Albularyo or witch doctor is because
they are already part of our culture since before the Spaniards came in the form of
babaylans. They believed in albularyo because there are really some cases that they
healed the patients that the hospitals can’t treat. I think one reason also is because
some albularyos use herbs that is clinically proven effective that’s why Filipinos still
believe or trust albularyos. Lastly, having financial problems brings Filipinos to go to
albularyos because their services is affordable.

Health beliefs or practices that are commonly seen in our

1. Our community believes that carrying weight stunts your growth.
2. Back when I was a child, my elders always told me that never sleep if your hair is wet
because it can cause me blindness.

How would I address the beliefs or practices as a student nurse?

As a student nurse and a believer of medical treatment with scientific evidences, I
must broaden my understanding towards our culture. Although I am not a believer of
these beliefs, I think these beliefs or practices shouldn’t be neglected because it is
already a part of our culture and everyone have different point of view regarding this.
But as a student who is studying health education, I will try to thoroughly educate them
that some of their beliefs are not proven effective but I will still acknowledge their
beliefs. I will not stop them to believe and perform these practices but I will encourage
them to still visit medical institutions and not only rely to their beliefs.

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