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Answer the following questions using the given value points.
Q1. The Last Lesson reflects the flaws in human character that led to the sad plight of people
in Alsace. Substantiate your answer with evidences from the text. (120-150 words)
Ans. Suggested value points:
- not giving importance to the learning of the mother tongue / school and education / putting
off learning till tomorrow
- preferring to put children to work on farms or mills
- M Hamel himself sent children to water his flowers instead of help them to learn their
- declaring a holiday when he wanted to go fishing

Q2. Why was M. Hamel dressed in formal clothes in school? (40-50 words)
Ans. Suggested value points:
- order from Berlin
- last French lesson
- a tribute
- wanted to make the last day special
- make an impact on the last day

Q3. What were Franz’s feelings as he set out for school and why? (40-50 words)
Ans. Suggested value points:
-what – scared/petrified/afraid to go to school
- why – was late for class / hadn’t learnt his lesson on participles / was scared of a scolding

Q4. When do the residents of Alsace realise how precious their language is to them? (40-50
Ans. Suggested value points:
- when orders came from Berlin to teach only German
- M Hamel announced that it was the last French lesson
Q5. A crisis brings out our true capacity for compassion and kindness. Support the above
statement using M. Hamel from 'The Last Lesson' as an example. State any one detail from
the text. (120-150 words)
Ans. The crisis of losing France to the Prussians brings out M Hamel's compassion. (Any
-He stops being strict and talks to all the students in his class in a gentle and understanding
-He does not use the ruler in class to beat the students, but tries to impart as much knowledge
as he can in the last French lesson.
-He admits his own fault in why many students never learnt the language and feels apologetic
for the choices he made as a teacher.
-He does not berate Franz when Franz is unable to recite in French. Instead, he understands
why Franz is behind due to his family's limitations and being given chores by M Hamel.
-M. Hamel delivers the last lesson with patience that generates a lot of interest. He speaks
about everything that he loves about the French language.
-M. Hamel chokes up by the end of the lesson and is unable to speak. He fixes his eyes on
everyone in the class feeling extremely sentimental and with a kind gaze.

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