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One night in China, there is a boy named Andrew who was sitting on a couch relaxing his body and mind
while watching a cartoon show on his tv. His mom came in and said, “You have been watching that
cartoon show for a whole day, won`t you stop and do your homework at least?”

He replied, “Oh yeah, I forgot that I have an homework. Will you help me do my homework with me?”

His mom accepted angrily and said, “So, where is your homework?”

Andrew response with “It's in my backpack but my head hurts and my hand hurts also, will you grab it
for me?

His mom went to his room searching for his backpack and hide Andrew`s book under his bed. After that,
she goes back to living room with Andrew`s backpack on her hand and hand it over to Andrew.

Andrew searched his whole backpack and couldn't find his book. He asks, “Mom, did you know where
my homework is?”

She replied with confused face, “How am I supposed to know that?”

Andrew searched his backpack for the second time, and nothing changed.

The next morning Andrew went to school without finishing his homework and got scolded by his teacher
due to his actions and his lame excuses. In result, he got stand on outside of the class by his teacher.

School ended, he went back home with tears in his eyes and got to bed as soon as he arrived. He threw
his backpack on the floor and grabbed it back with his left eyes sighting under his dark bed which is
where he found his homework is.

He tells his mom and she replied with “Well, it's your own fault who's not doing their homework not

The moral of the story “Taking responsibility for your own actions and tasks is important. Blaming others
for your mistakes only leads to frustration and missed opportunities for growth.”

(323 Words)

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