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Oral presentation english


Today we are going to talk about one of the most iconic moments in human history, the first
trip to the moon. The year was 1969, when the apollo 11 mission aimed to achieve what was
once thought Impossible, reach the moon, and win the space race between the united states of
america and the urss.


Led by commander Neil Armstrong, along with Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins, apollo 11
embarked on a historic mission to explore the lunar surface. On july 20, 1969, millions of
people around the globe turned in to witness the spetacle of Armstrong descending from the
lunar module’s ladder to become the first human to set foot on the moon, uttering the
unforgettable words, “that’s one small step for a man, one giant leap for humankind”.


The significance of this achievment extended beyond scientific exploration. It symbolized

humanity’s boundless curiosity, determination, and ability to overcome seemingly
insurmountable challenges. The sucessful human landing was atestament to the collaborative
efforts of thousands of engineers, scientists and individuals who dedicated their expertise to
the space race


As we reflect on this monumental achievment, let us not only celebrate the technological
prowess that made the journey possible but aldo acknowledge the indomable spirit that
propels us to explore the unknown. The first voyage to the moon was not merely a scienty
triumph; it was a beacon of inspiration for generations to come, proving that with courage and
innovation, we can reach new heights and redefine the limits of human potential.


In conclusion, the apollo 11 mission stands as a testament to human perseverance, and the
insatiable desire to explore the cosmos. As we look forward the future, let us draw inspiration
from the historic journey and continue pushing the boundaries of what we can achieve

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