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WHAT DOES YOUR CHOICE OF PET ABOUT YOUR PERSONALITY? Owning a pet has become common nowadays. The standard of living has improved worldwide, and so have people's mindsets. Pets were once considered a luxury, but today they are owned by rich and poor households alike and treated as part of the family. A pet provides love, comfort, and even protection. However, choosing a pet is also a major hassle for most people. There are so many varieties of pets that choosing the right one becomes a challenge. Dogs, cats, fish, birds, and hamsters are some of the most popular types of pets today. Studies have shown that the pet you ultimately choose can reveal what type of person you are. 1. Dog Dogs are the most popular and preferred type of pet in the world. A dog is called “a man’s best friend" for good reason. They are friendly, intelligent, caring, and fierce when needed. These are some of the qualities owners desire in their dogs. If your favorite pet is also a dog, chances are that you are energetic and outgoing. You don't prefer to live alone and are extroverted by nature. You frequently socialize with people and have a cheerful and positive outlook on life. However, you can feel dejected without interacting with others. Even though you tend to be a social butterfly, you are really thoughtful and considerate. You are deeply empathetic and selfless. You are also confident and protective in life and prioritize the well-being of your loved ones over your own. 2.Cat After dogs, cats are the most preferred choice of pet. Cats are less loyal than dogs and much moodier, but they require less care and maintenance. Cats are popular with introverted or reserved individuals. Cat owners tend to live alone, usually in an apartment instead of a ‘suburban home. If you are a cat owner, you are less socially active but aren't a complete loner either. You like to interact with like-minded people and form close relationships. But deep down, you crave independence and adventure. You are a free-spirited explorer with high levels of creativity, humor, and motivation. However, you can get anxious and stressed at times. 3. Horse Horses are an unlikely choice of pet, being farm animals, but they are a popular choice nonetheless. Horses also require the most maintenance out of all pets and give one of the lowest amounts of affection in return. However, they are practical. Horses can double as transport mediums and also assist in heavy lifting around the house. If you are a horse owner, you like discipline in your life. You are also adventurous and thrill-seeking. You have high ‘standards in life and can be a bit demanding at times. But you deeply care for the ones you love and value loyalty and protection. You also have a confident, cautious, and dominant personality, but you are also kind and caring. 4, Tortoise Tortoises and other reptiles are also unlikely choices for pets since they are almost incapable of feeling or providing affection. Owning tortoises or turtles is a sign of introversion. You don't like to be the centre of attention and tend to be alone. You like to blend in with the crowd but also stand up for yourself when needed. You are logical, intelligent, and hard-working. You have high ambitions and strive to achieve them. Tortoises also have long lifespan and end up outliving their owners. 5. Fish Fish are an odd choice of pet, but they amp up your living space. Fish come in various colors and sizes and are pleasing to the eyes. They also don’t require much maintenance but don't give much in return either, except for looking pretty and providing some therapeutic comfort. If you're a fish owner, you are content with life and possess a carefree and optimistic nature. You are easygoing, bustling with energy, and highly imaginative. You are also emotionally stronger than most people and can keep your wits about you in difficult situations. 6. Bird Birds as pets are symbolic of typical extroverts. Birds require moderate maintenance and are quite comforting. If you are a bird owner, you likely have a warm and caring personality. You are socially active and outgoing by nature. You are also more expressive than other people and don't shy away from a good debate. You also like to take risks and have trouble committing to causes for too long. You like to move forward in life and never hope to settle down. You are also intelligent and ambitious. However, birds come in all shapes and sizes, so owning an eagle will be slightly different from owning a parakeet. Bottom line Pets make for wonderful companions and can help people navigate through tough times in their lives, but only if you choose the right pet. Pets also require love and care in return, and if they aren't compatible with your personality, managing them can become a headache.

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