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There is “nothing” in this blog.

This is a blog about “nothing” but it doesn’t mean that there is nothing in this blog.
The other bloggers could share everything about their lives, experiences,…and so
on. On the other hand, why don’t we have a blog about nothing?

Whenever someone surrounding me encounters a failure, they often say:” I have

nothing now.” It might be true with them, but in my point of view, I do not think
so! Even if your account balance is a big zero, you cannot achieve your goal, or
you get the lowest score in your class, you still have “something” in your life.
You still have a home to live in, still have food to eat, still have someone who
cares about you, and a body that goes with you forever, and your brain is still
working and letting you think that you have nothing now. And you have the most
extraordinary thing in the world, that you are breathing and alive. Sometimes, you
do not realize that you have everything that someone dreams of getting it, and keep
thinking that you have nothing in your life

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