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Project Proposal

Title: Creating a Host-Based Virtual Security Lab for Cybersecurity Education

Team Members:

1. 2021904133 - ‫قاسم يحيى محمد جمعة الطوالبة‬

2. 2021904132 - ‫رايه ابراهيم حمد بواطي‬
3. 2021904139 - ‫بتول محمد حسين قازان‬

1. Introduction

Cybersecurity education faces a significant challenge due to the limited availability of practical
lab resources, particularly in universities with constrained budgets. To address this issue, our
project aims to create a host-based virtual security lab using hypervisor technology. This
document outlines our objectives, problem statement, motivation, and the potential impact of our

2. Objectives

Our objectives are as follows:

1. Design and configure a virtualized environment using VMware or Hyper-V as the

2. Deploy Windows Server virtual machines and essential security services within the
virtual environment.
3. Establish secure network communication.
4. Develop and document security policies and procedures tailored to the virtual lab
5. Test and evaluate the effectiveness of security measures through simulated attacks and
penetration testing.
6. Provide training and guidance to stakeholders on utilizing the virtual security lab for
educational purposes.

3. Problem Statement

a. The project aims to address the challenge of providing a practical and secure environment for
cybersecurity education through the creation of a host-based virtual security lab.

b. Limited access to practical cybersecurity lab resources hampers students' ability to gain
hands-on experience, hindering their preparedness for cybersecurity careers.

c. According to the "Global Information Security Workforce Study" conducted by (ISC)² in

2020, there is a significant shortage of skilled cybersecurity professionals worldwide,
highlighting the need for effective training initiatives.
4. Motivation

a. We chose this project because of the scarcity of practical cybersecurity lab resources and our
own experience in facing this challenge.

b. Limited access to hands-on labs impedes students' skill development and cybersecurity

c. By creating virtual lab environments, we can enhance learning, accessibility, and preparedness
for cybersecurity careers.

5. Potential Impact and Benefits

 Enhanced learning experience for students through practical, hands-on exercises.

 Increased accessibility to cybersecurity education resources.
 Improved preparedness of students for cybersecurity careers, contributing to addressing
the global shortage of skilled professionals.
 Cost efficiency by eliminating the need for expensive physical lab infrastructure.
 Safe experimentation in a controlled environment without risking live systems or

6. Conclusion

Our project aims to address the critical need for practical cybersecurity education resources by
creating a virtual security lab environment. Through this initiative, we hope to empower students
with the skills and knowledge needed to tackle real-world cybersecurity challenges effectively.

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