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Group members: Santiago Ayala, Gabriel Estrada, Santiago Peñaranda

Movie: I am legend

Character: Lieutenant Colonel Robert Neville

Interviewer: Lieutenant Colonel Neville, in "I Am Legend", your character faces a zombie
apocalypse situation. How did you prepare to play someone in the midst of such chaos?

Robert Neville: Well, preparing for this role was challenging. I immersed myself in the world of the
film through research on viruses and diseases, as well as military training. Understanding
loneliness and the fight for survival was also crucial. I tried to imagine what it would be like to be
in a world where the majority of the population has turned into hostile creatures.

Interviewer: Your character struggles to find a cure for the infection. What was the most
challenging part of that search?

Robert Neville: The search for a cure was emotionally exhausting. I lost my family, and my only
companion is my dog. Loneliness and despair were overwhelming obstacles, but the hope of
saving humanity propelled me forward.

Interviewer: What lessons would a viewer take away from "I Am Legend"?

Robert Neville: I think the film reminds us of the importance of humanity and empathy in difficult
times. Furthermore, it shows the resilience of the human spirit in the face of extreme adversity. It
is a reminder that even in the darkest situations, hope and the fight for survival can be powerful
driving forces.

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