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SECULAR ALA BRISE (Whisper ofme). Sop-Ep. 50 L'ANGE GARDIEN (The guardisn Angell. Sop. Ep. M-Sop.C. AU PRINTEMPS (To Springs, Sop. Dy. AltoC. 50 AU ROSSIGNOL (To the Nightingale). Sop. G. M-Sop. F. Alto Es. 50 BIONDINA (01, Face the fairest), Sop. C. 75 BOLERO. Sop.Gm. M-Sop. Fem. Alto Fm. .65 LE CIEL A VISITE LA TERRE (Ador ENVOI DE FLEURS (The Message of Flo ‘and be stilb, Sop. F, Alto Ey. 50 Sop.G. M509. F. Alco Es. .50 HO MESSO NUOVO CORDE (Agaia, my gentle Lute. M-Sop.E. 35 HYMNE A LA NUIT (Hyma to the Nig. Sop. C. Alto By. 50 IT IS NOT ALWAYS MAY, TL-Sop. Ap. 50 MAID OF ATHENS, Sop. Fs. AltoC. 60 MEDJé. Sop. Fm. M-Sop. Em. AltoDm 50 MESSAGE D'AMOUR (Messaze of Love, Valte-Ariette, Sop. F. Alto. 75 MIGNON. Sop. F. M.-Sop.. AltoD. 50 MY BELOVED SPAKE, Wah Violin or 'Cello. Sop. Ax. M-Sop. F. 75 OH! THAT WE TWO WERE MAVING. Sop.E>, 40 00 VOULEZ-VOUS ALLER? (Tell m:,besu'ifal Maiden), Barcarolle. Sop. G. Alto B. The same. With Violis or Flute of ‘Cello. Sop. G. Alto E. 60 PERCHE PIANGI? (Way dost thou weep? Sop. Ay. Alto F. s0 PRIBRE (Ifyou but knew, Sop. Dm. AltoCm. 35 RING ON, SWEET ANGELUS! Sop.F. M.-Sop.E>. AltoD. 50 SENZA TEL (Without thee! Sop.E. AlioD. 50 LA SERA (Evening), Sop. E>. M.-Sop. D. 50 SERENADE (Sing, smile, slumber. Sop.G M-Sop.F. Alto Ey. 50 ‘The same, With Violin or Flute or ‘Cello. Sop. C. MSop. F. Alto En. 60 SONG OF THE HEART. Sop. Fem, 50 TEMPLE, OUVRE-TOI! (Open ty Gates. Sop. Am. Alto Gm. TU MPAIMES! (You love me!i. Sop. C. M-Sop By. Alto An. LE VALLON (The Valley), Sop. E, MuSop. D. Bags or Alto) By WHEN IN THE EARLY MORN. Sop. D>. 5¢ THE WORKER. Sop. Dm. AltoCm 0 se 50 Le Vallon. (A. de Lamartine) The Valley. English version by DY Th. Baker. (Bass or Alto.) ai 1. GOUNOD. Andante quasi adagio. Tempo. ‘Mon coor, las- sede tout, é . me de les ~ pe- My heart, -wear-y quite, © = ven of hopes that s orese. dim. Tan - ee, Ni-ta plus de ses veux im-por-ta-ser le sort... Pré-tez~ per - ishy Shall no more by de-sires— dare to. im-por- tune fate! Give me be bs seu-le ~ ment, val - lon de mon en- fan - ee Un a- still, na-tive vale, that now. aclone I cher - ish) The re~ res [et ey, FF = 155086 Copyright, run, by G. Schirmer. jour dre days pour at~ ten - while my death Je vois Ta T see my a thro” travers un a cloud dim ~ mu-a = low va - now - Van- ish a - way (Be - ‘ring, bars pa (amour seul Love a = lowe Tom = shad bre du yas cows of the 5508 la a wait! mort!.. vi life pour moi from me Est reste has re- maindy ma fe Sur-vit seule au ré-vell dans un comme w= ne grmde i ‘ring May sur-vive when we wake from a like as one form —oer-pow rit. 4 tenyo songe ef ~ fa - e6!.. Re-, mon a - me, dream that is. lost.__ Re-posethee here, my spir - it, f 7h 2 en ce der-nier - si - Ie here in this fi - nal shel ~ tery eresr. erese. ewur plein — des poir, sied, fevint dentter, aux heart free_— from care is down be-fore the gates, ere \¢ an 0% 5 erese. portes de la ville Et. res-pire un mo-ment Tair em ~ han-me du sein, — en-ter- ing the town, For a mo~ ment to breathe the balm-y evening air, —_ —— ~~ ae res tem or rite din. molto oe res = pire um mo-ment Tair em= ban-me du soirt &—— mo- ment to breathe the bain evening air! vit. atempo PP 5 + = = — Bes jours this. tes et ‘Thy days, mournful and courts com- me des jours din - tom = ne De- bre nn by | Autumn chill lr ~ tak - en, De- 18508 cli - nent com - me Tombre am pen-ehant des 66 — teaux; cline as oer the slope of the hills gathers gloom; 5 aa ——= =e satis tS it th-ban-don - ne Et ~ sion for-sak — ~ en, All La-mi-tié te tra-hit, la Even by friend - ship be-tray', by sew - Te tu descends le senefier des tom = beaux!... — lone - ly thoude-scend «est the path tothe. tomb, “poco rit, 2 a tempo = A fete - pS SSS = Mais la na-ture qui Tinwite. et qhi thi - me, But Nacture still that invites thee au loves thee, oe - sige 2—= = Se = SS SSS SS ls crese. dim: \p (xgenBBS— AEE SEE S55 Et $eee eee His) Plon - ge- toi, plon - Hide" thy-self, hide e- toi dans son qvel-le ton =~ re fou. self om her breast, that she opes = re a E cree, ee - Quand fout chan - & pour foi, la na- ture est Ia méme Et le Tho’ all change un-to thee, Na-ture still is the same, And the Doren. mé- me so-lel se le ve sur tes jours!.. Oui, le mé- me so- same shin-ing stn shall rise up-on thy day Ay; the same. shin ~ ing malt f rit. molto € maestose lel fe le ye sur te sun shall rise upon thy ae, a i 5 s Ra 4 = 1508 a, Eg Dd

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