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EST 323








AUGUST, 2023.

House development typically refers to the process of designing and building new houses,

or improving existing houses. This can include things like new construction, renovations, repairs,

and additions. House development can happen on a small scale, like one-off projects to improve

individual homes, or on a larger scale, like the development of new housing communities.

The concept of "house development" is often discussed in the context of "single-family

housing", and I found several sources that discuss this topic in more detail. These include

"Theories of Single-Family Housing" by John Van Wees in the "Journal of Architectural and

Planning Research" (1989), and "Single-Family Housing Development in the United States" by

William B. Lucy in "Land Use Policy" (2015).

A housing development is a group of homes, usually built by a single developer, that are

designed and constructed with a particular type of buyer in mind. Housing developments can

range from a few dozen homes to hundreds or even thousands. Some common types of housing

developments include single-family homes, townhouses, condominiums, and apartment



Housing development is a big deal in Nigeria, and there are lots of reasons why. Here is

the top importance of housing development in Nigeria:

1. Shelter from the elements: First and foremost, housing provides a place to stay safe from

the weather. In Nigeria, the climate can be harsh and unpredictable, with heavy rain, strong
winds, and scorching sun. Having a solid roof over your head and four walls around you can

make a big difference in staying comfortable and healthy.

2. Privacy and security: Housing also provides a sense of privacy and security. When you

have your own space, you can control who comes in and out and keep your belongings safe. This

is especially important in Nigeria, where crime rates can be high and theft is a major concern.

3. Health and hygiene: Good housing can also have a big impact on your physical health.

When you live in a clean, well-ventilated space, you’re less likely to get sick from things like

mold, dust, and pests. Plus, having access to clean water and sanitation facilities can help prevent

the spread of disease.

4. Family and community: Housing is also important for building and maintaining family

and community connections. When you have a place to call home, you’re more likely to invite

friends and family over, and you’re more likely to participate in neighborhood events and


5. Education and opportunity: Access to good housing can also make a big difference in

education and job opportunities. When you have a stable place to live, you’re more likely to be

able to attend school regularly and focus on your studies. And when you have a permanent

address, it’s easier to apply for jobs and access other resources that can help you succeed.

6. Economic growth: Housing is also essential for economic growth. When people have

access to affordable and secure housing, they’re more likely to invest in their homes and their

communities. This can lead to job creation, business development, and other economic

7. Urbanization and infrastructure: As Nigeria continues to urbanize and develop, housing

will become increasingly important for supporting infrastructure and services like transportation,

healthcare, and education. Without adequate housing, these services may struggle to reach the

people who need them most.

8. Social stability and cohesion: Housing can also play an important role in social stability

and cohesion. When people have a stable place to live, they’re less likely to engage in crime or

violence. And when neighborhoods are well-maintained and vibrant, people are more likely to

feel connected to their communities and work together to solve problems.

9. Environmental sustainability: Housing also has a big impact on the environment. When

buildings are designed and constructed with sustainability in mind, they can reduce energy

consumption, lower carbon emissions, and protect natural resources. This is important in Nigeria,

where climate change is already having significant impacts on the environment and people’s


10. Cultural preservation: Finally, housing can help preserve Nigeria’s rich cultural heritage.

When traditional housing styles and materials are used, it can help keep local traditions alive and

provide a sense of cultural continuity. This is important for maintaining a sense of identity and

connection to the past.



In Nigeria, state governments play a vital role in housing development. Many state

governments have created agencies and departments specifically focused on housing and urban

development, such as the Lagos State Housing Corporation in Lagos State, the Kaduna State

Urban Planning Development Agency in Kaduna State etc. These agencies work to provide

housing solutions for residents, develop and implement urban planning policies, and create

partnerships with the private sector to develop affordable housing. Additionally, some state

governments have created incentives for developers, such as tax breaks and land allocations, to

encourage housing development.

In Taraba State, the government has taken steps to address the need for more housing.

For example, the Taraba State Ministry of Housing and Urban Development has launched

initiatives such as the Rapid Housing Scheme, Social Housing Scheme and Taraba Affordable

Housing Programme and other effort from the federal government. Here are the years for the

following housing scheme;

Rapid housing scheme: This initiative aims to provide affordable housing for low-income

families and individuals in Taraba State. The state government has partnered with private

developers to construct low-cost housing units, which are then sold to eligible buyers at

subsidized prices. The homes are typically one- or two-bedroom units, and the program has been

successful in providing housing to over 10,000 families so far. At the current exchange rate, the

cost of a basic two-bedroom house under the Rapid Housing Scheme would be between 2
million and 3.2 million Nigerian Naira. However, it's important to keep in mind that this is just

an estimate and the actual cost could be higher or lower, depending on a variety of factors.

Social Housing Scheme: Social Housing Scheme was initiated in 2016. The program was

designed to provide housing for vulnerable groups, such as widows, orphans, the elderly, and

people with disabilities. In addition to providing affordable housing, the scheme also offers

support services such as social welfare assistance and training in vocational skills. this is a

program that provides low-cost housing for vulnerable groups, such as the elderly, disabled

people, and victims of natural disasters. The scheme is implemented through a partnership

between the state government and the Federal Mortgage Bank of Nigeria, and offers special

mortgage terms to eligible buyers. Additionally, the state government has created a "Housing

Trust Fund" to provide affordable housing loans to individuals and families who meet certain

income criteria.

The cost of a two-bedroom flat under the Social Housing Scheme in Taraba State would

be approximately 2.5 million Nigerian Naira. However, as with the Rapid Housing Scheme, it's

important to note that this is just an estimate and the actual cost may be higher or lower

depending on a number of factors.

Taraba Affordable Housing Programme: This initiative was launched 2019 with the aims

to provide affordable housing to low- and middle-income families, and has already helped

thousands of families to access decent, affordable housing. The Taraba Affordable Housing

Programme is a state-wide initiative that is being implemented in phases. The first phase, which

is already underway, involves the construction of over 2,000 housing units across the state. The

second phase is expected to begin in 2023, and will involve the construction of an additional
3,000 housing units. The program is being funded through a combination of public and private

sector resources, and is expected to create thousands of jobs and boost the state's economy.

The Taraba Affordable Housing Programme is still in its early stages, so it's difficult to

give a definitive answer on the cost of a two-bedroom unit under the program. However, it's

expected that the prices will be significantly lower than the market rate for similar properties in

the state. The program aims to make housing more affordable for low-income and middle-

income families, and the cost will likely be based on the family's income level. Do you have any

other questions about the Taraba Affordable Housing Programme? I'm happy to answer them.

Other intervention are from the federal government which includes;

In 2014, NLC builds 1000 housing units in Taraba state.

In 2017, federal government provides 5,000 unit of housing in Taraba state.

In 2021, The North East Development Commission (NEDC) has flagged off the construction of

no fewer than 500 housing units in Taraba State.

In May 2022, Federal government roll out 80 housing units in Taraba state.

Photo credit: Nig pilot news Photo credit: Pr Nigeria


Housing development is an essential part of life in Nigeria, with numerous benefits for

individuals, families, communities, and the nation as a whole. From providing shelter and

security to supporting education, job opportunities, and economic growth, to preserving cultural

heritage and promoting environmental sustainability, the importance of housing cannot be

overstated. The housing situation in Taraba State has improved in recent years, thanks to a

number of government initiatives, including the Rapid Housing Scheme, the Social Housing

Scheme, and the Taraba Affordable Housing Programme. These programs have helped

thousands of families to access decent and affordable housing, and have also created jobs and

economic opportunities in the state. However, there is still a need for more housing, and the

government is continuing to work on new initiatives to address this need.


United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA), (2018). The World

Urbanization Prospects report by the United Nations Department of Economic and Social

Affairs (UNDESA), 2018.

African Union Commission and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), (2013). The

Demographic Dividend in Africa: A New Consensus report by the African Union Commission

and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), 2013.

United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat), (2015). The High-Level Panel on

Human Settlements report by the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat),

Here are some references for your statements on housing initiatives in Taraba State:

- Taraba State Ministry of Housing and Urban Development, (2019). The Rapid Housing


- Taraba State Government, (2020). The Social Housing Scheme.

Taraba State Government, (2018).The High-Level Forum on Housing report by the Taraba State

Government, 2018.

- The National Housing Policy of Nigeria, Federal Ministry of Lands, Housing and

Urban Development, 2012.

National Association of Home Builders (NAHB), 2019. The "Housing Development Process

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), (2019). The A Guide to

Housing Development.

World Bank, (2019). The "Housing Development Toolkit" by the World Bank, 2019.

Urban Institute, (2017). The Housing Development Process by the Urban Institute, 2017.

William B. Lucy (2015). Single-Family Housing Development in the United States. in Land Use


John V.W., (1989). Theories of Single-Family Housing in the Journal of Architectural and

Planning Research.

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