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HCC Perfumes is a well-known perfume brand, however, to turn this brand into a

globally influential and famous company around the world requires specific plans and
strategies. Here are some strategies that also address different aspects.

About price: We must research the global perfume market to know what kind of
income the audience we want to target has. From there, it is possible to come up with
a skimming pricing strategy or a market penetration pricing strategy for the product.
The estimated price for the product ranges from about $10 to $100.

About packaging: Creating packaging is also an important part of making the

product more valuable in the eyes of customers. It helps attract people's attention, but
it must also be consistent with market needs. Requires precision in packaging and

Audience age group: Ranging from 18 to 50 years old, including target groups
from teenagers to middle-aged. Because this is the age when you are an adult, you can
ask your parents for money or if you are working and have a stable income, you can
buy and use quality products. This is also a popular age group so it is easy to know
their interests and needs.

New name for the perfume: Naming a perfume helps the brand become closer to
customers and become more known to everyone. However, you also need to consider
changing the brand name, ensuring that the name is suitable for the market and user

Countries of manufacturing: When we want to send production to other

countries, we must consider whether that country ensures product quality or not, and
what strengths or weaknesses that country has that need to be overcome. dress. This is
also a concern that the home country sends to other countries for production
cooperation because it has to see if the price is reasonable or not.
Distribution: Choose a reputable, high-quality distribution agent that can be
trusted, the best distribution channel for the market. We can get goods via the Internet,
email, and website.

Promotional ambassador: Choosing an ambassador as a model for a brand

requires those people to be honest, reputable, and famous to be able to represent the
brand and promote it to customers, consumers, and the world.

Countries of launch: A country with a lot of human resources and a lot of

potential to develop the brand. That place will be the place with the largest and
second-largest economy in the world with a large concentration of tourists as well as
the upper class.

New slogan: Creating a slogan as well as changing a new name for a product
brand requires precision, brevity, and succinctness, but must also make an impression
and help customers remember the brand.

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