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Understanding the Complexity of Writing a Literature Review on Falls in the Elderly

Writing a literature review is a challenging task, especially when delving into a topic as multifaceted
as falls among the elderly. It requires meticulous research, critical analysis, and synthesis of existing
literature to provide a comprehensive overview of the subject matter. The process involves sifting
through numerous scholarly articles, journals, and other sources to identify relevant studies, theories,
and findings.

When focusing specifically on falls in the elderly population, the complexity amplifies. This issue
encompasses various factors such as age-related changes in balance and mobility, underlying health
conditions, environmental hazards, and preventive measures. Understanding the intricacies of these
factors and their interplay requires thorough investigation and interpretation of a vast array of
academic literature.

Moreover, crafting a literature review demands more than just summarizing existing studies. It
involves evaluating the methodological rigor of research, identifying gaps in knowledge, and
proposing avenues for future investigation. This critical analysis adds another layer of difficulty to
the task, requiring not only a deep understanding of the subject matter but also analytical skills to
discern strengths and limitations in existing literature.

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assistance from professional writing services can be immensely beneficial. ⇒ ⇔
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In conclusion, tackling the task of writing a literature review on falls in the elderly requires
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One foot is painful and therefore again so that there is a reluctance to respond quickly due to the
altered sensory nerves in the sole of his foot plus discomfort. The upper extremity exercise group
attended in 12 exercise sessions and the respiratory training group received respiratory trainings for
one month, as well. The researcher extensively used the books written on the topic and also studied
research journals, reports, graphs, articles, newspaper articles and so on. Semi-structured interviews
were conducted with 18 older adult users of a Day Care Unit from a Private Institution of Social
Solidarity in the region of Lisbon and Tagus Valley in Portugal. Stepping On is an evidence-based
fall prevention program designed to help older adults take control of their fall risk factors, explore
different behavioral steps, and reduce their fall risk. Therefore habit forming behaviors might lead to
falls that might become a pattern. The qualitative aspect would focus on the efficacy of prevention
programs as outline in the literature review while the quantitative aspect would focus on the clinical
data already available and the data gathered through the survey and the questionnaire mentioned
above. Falls among the elderly is of great concern because they often lead to deaths. The available
literature on prevention strategies often advocates intervention. Yet again the authors admit that there
were some significant differences in mobility and strength of participants alone with substantial
presence of divergence in balance. The researchers, all of whom are practitioner nurses, conducted a
multiple step experimental model. I have seen my own wife fall several times and I managed a slow
dive off a wall myself last month. Lectures on Medical Biophysics Department of Biophysics,
Medical Faculty, Masaryk University in Brno. Nurses can work to reduce falls in the long term care
setting. Every staff member is well-trained in programs for fall prevention and to reduce the fear of
falling. Another vital component of prevention is that nurses assess and consider additional triggers
for falls. Three main categories and six subcategories were identified. I will review the hazards of
falls and what the nurse can do to recognize risks and prevent falls in residents in order to avoid
injuries. The information collected through cookies is anonymous. By clicking “Check Writers’
Offers”, you agree to our terms of service and privacy policy. McFarlane-Kolb (2004) focused her
study on a 30-bed vascular surgical ward over a three month period, collecting data from a quasi-
random sample of 100 patients (admitted to the ward and beds in question). This, needless to say,
solidifies the value of this study. There are many studies that look into the economic cost of falls,
factors that trigger such falls, the steps that can be adopted to control the falls, the possibility of fall
in different ethnographic groups, and successful prediction of the possibility of fall in elderly using
various tools. Most doctors have the best intentions, but studies have shown that older patients often
don’t get recommended care. It may sound simple, but subtle changes in a resident’s routine or
regimen can occur from shift to shift. Methods: The data for this qualitative study was collected
during the summer and early fall of 2020. We have Power of Attorney for health but also his consent
so that is the first place to start. It is advisable that a dummy tabulation plan should have been
prepared in advance, if possible. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. By continuing,
you agree to our Terms and Conditions.
As the spine shifted forwards (see diagram below) this had the effect of moving his centre of gravity
forward. The researchers, however, upon the critical assessment of that guideline, had hypothesised
that it could significantly reduce falls among elderly patients. What a young person might consider
easy, someone of older age will find more difficult. Focusing on ageing patients in a medical centre
in Taiwan, they first studied falling prevalence rates and isolated the causal factors, as explained by
the patients themselves. Table of Contents Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction 2 2.0 Review of the
Literature 2 2 Sherrod and Good (2006) 2 2.2 Cheek, Nikpour and Nowling (2005) 3. However, it is
important to take a look at what you accomplished for the day and see where you are improving. For
instance the current literature on the subject identifies the severity of falls along with their frequency
to investigate the nature of outcomes. Give us your email address and we’ll send this sample there.
Use as a floor pedal exerciser for legs or place on a table for arm exercises. The objective of this
review is to evaluate the effectiveness of fall prevention interventions for older people with mental
health problems being cared for across all settings. McFarlane-Kolb (2004) focused her study on a
30-bed vascular surgical ward over a three month period, collecting data from a quasi-random sample
of 100 patients (admitted to the ward and beds in question). Randomised, clinically controlled trial
of intensive geriatric rehabilitation in patients with hip fracture: Subgroup analysis of patients with
dementia. BMJ. 2000; 321(7269): 1107-1111. Injuries might well be visible or obscured by the risk
of internal bleeding. However prevention of falls in the immediate environmental setting of the
elderly patient can be highly unproductive if cognitive impairment persists. By being politely
proactive, you can make sure that certain things aren’t overlooked (such as medications that worsen
balance).”. There are different barriers to participate in a fall prevention strategy. Around the home
all objects should be within easy reach and climbing onto ladders, reaching upwards, lifting heavy
objects should all be avoided. There is passion amongst many who care for this age of the population
spectrum. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. Findings:
The upper extremity exercise group had a higher quality of life than the respiratory traini. In other
words, the study, which commenced on July 1st, 1998 and which was concluded on June 30th, 2002,
sought to question whether or not nursing intervention reduced the risk of falling among three
groups of aged, high risk patients. This is the most important part in the planning of a sample survey,
because a poorly designed questionnaire may ruin an otherwise well conducted survey.
Environmental factors such as wet or slippery floors, electric shocks and floor mats can be
effectively controlled and even removed through advice and direct intervention (Tideiksaar, 1997).
In the first place, even though the authors defined their methodological approach as quasi-
experimental, thy did not explain their data collection or data analysis methods. All elderly people
need a network of friends and people around to help where family are not close. But opting out of
some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. We have Power of Attorney
for health but also his consent so that is the first place to start. Their results showed a greater degree
of improvement in the focus group while the control group participants had no any improvement.
They are typically unaware of these safety reductions and need those around them to fill this gap.
Long term goals can be anything like getting back to work, driving again, or doing the things you
As a close relative I know I must do all I can for my father. The hardest part about physical therapy is
not the actual exercises but the emotional battle. Evidences indicate that this disease ranking will be
rising from 4th to 3rd until 2020. Perceived barriers (including subcategories of “negative emotions”
and “limitations. However, there are other actions that nurses can take to protect the safety of their
elderly residents. Conventional content analysis method was used to analyze th data. The literature
reviewed in the above, and which focuses on fall prevention among elderly patients, has highlighted
the role of nursing staff in fall-risk assessment, fall prevention and the reduction of the consequences
of falls to the elderly. Accept cookies Mandatory cookies only Change cookie settings Close Privacy
Overview This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the
website. However, this is a factor that can be affected by intervention. McFarlane-Kolb (2004)
focused her study on a 30-bed vascular surgical ward over a three month period, collecting data from
a quasi-random sample of 100 patients (admitted to the ward and beds in question). Additional
materials, such as the best quotations, synonyms and word definitions to make your writing easier are
also offered here. This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is
cheating. Also you. The interviews were recorded transcribed verbatim and analysed thematically
using the method of constant comparisons. Future research possibilities in the field are discussed in
depth to show how theoretical underpinnings evolve with time and space with specific reference to
prevention of falls among the elderly both in clinical and non clinical settings. This would ensure the
inclusion of the information, which would be needed for the questionnaire. For example female
patients are more likely to have a fall than a mail patient (Barry et al. 2001). In addition to the above
there are such factors as low weight, too much of self dependency, psychotropic medication, alcohol
abuse, disturbed vision, disorders related to gait, diabetes, physical imbalance and environmental
factors. In many cases falls lead to early elderly mortality and happen when in hospitals. We had just
returned from our first meal out since Lockdown. Data were analyzed by independent t-test, one-
way-ANOVA test, and Paired t-test. However prevention of falls in the immediate environmental
setting of the elderly patient can be highly unproductive if cognitive impairment persists. This is
100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. Implicit
Memory and Familiarity Among Elders with Dementia. Currently in the United States, the American
Geriatrics Society's clinical guideline provides a template for fall prevention among the elderly.
Generally speaking, an interview is social interaction between two people, with one person gathering
information from the other. As may be determined from this particular study, the consequences of
falling among frail and elderly, surgical patients is extremely high. Critical evaluation on the article
Fall Prevention Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices of Community Stakeholders and Older Adults
offers an insight into the appropriate mitigation approaches towards frequency of elderly falls.
Program participants also shared positive feedback on the program in response to open-ended
questions. In the second place, the authors did not provide an explanation of their data validation
process or, indeed, if any was used. Once the questionnaire is prepared it may be administered by
three different methods. There is passion amongst many who care for this age of the population
This figure approaches one in two by the age of 80, and fall rates are even higher for residents of
nursing homes and those in institutions. Weak bones in the elderly have been identified as one of the
major causal factors for relative severity and frequency of falls. Methods and Materials: The study
was a cross sectional study on 312 male elderly blind war survivors over 40-year in Mashad city
(Iran). This would ensure the inclusion of the information, which would be needed for the
questionnaire. The effect can leave an immediate injury or a delayed effect that erodes confidence.
After an injury physical therapy is the place to go. The purpose of the study was the determination of
the effect of nursing intervention on the prevention, or reduction, of falling among aged patients in a
hospital setting. As for neurological factors clinical intervention must be both persistent and well
articulated. Once the questionnaire is prepared it may be administered by three different methods.
We had just returned from our first meal out since Lockdown. Privacy Policy Accessibility statement
Developed by: Muuks Creative We use cookies on our website to improve our website and improve
the user experience. These factors were contrasted against those outlined in professional academic
literature and were found to coincide. This study aims to explore older adults’ perceived barriers to
participation in a fall prevention strategy. There are different barriers to participate in a fall
prevention strategy. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies.
Studies show that 10% of older lot is under the effect of falls in a cute inpatient care
(Schwendimann et al. However such extreme courses like hypotension and cognitive impairment
cannot be determined with a realistic assessment. Even though this study contributes to our
understanding of the primary causes of falling among hospital patients, it is difficult to generalize its
findings for two reasons. Therefore the interviewing research method will be followed in this paper.
Poor mobility aids or lack in using such aids to prevent falls. Perceived barriers (including
subcategories of “negative emotions” and “limitations. References were taken from most of the
research material available in the field. Rather than proposed a specific technique, Sherrod and Good
(2006) contend that it is imperative that each setting develop its own. Evidences indicate that this
disease ranking will be rising from 4th to 3rd until 2020. Incidence of falls is frequent among the
elderly individuals. Interviews can be conducted after the team has established the topical areas to
be covered in the interviews and after the lead investigator has reviewed with the board the
objectives of the interviews and strategies for obtaining useful information. Unintentional falls are
common risks mostly among elderly individuals who may experience non-fatal injuries from these
falls. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. Anderson
(2008) goes onto to highlight the hidden costs for the individuals in terms of depression, loss of
confidence and even mortality. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your
browsing experience.
The mentioned study, as may have been deduced from the preceding review, presents readers with a
thorough overview of its methodological approach and the process by which study findings were
validated. Throughout the years, various studies have been undertaken on the problem of falls and
related injuries, including interventions to prevent and manage their occurrence. For the elderly
individuals, the recovery period from their falls is usually longer. The speed (reflexes) of making
adjustments is now slower. It refers to patients in severe confusion state known as delirium and those
with existing cognitive injury known as dementia. In the second place, the authors did not provide
an explanation of their data validation process or, indeed, if any was used. Three main categories and
six subcategories were identified. The effect can leave an immediate injury or a delayed effect that
erodes confidence. Older adults in the program demonstrated (1) high satisfaction with program
quality; (2) positive impacts on knowledge related to fall risk factors and prevention; and (3)
substantial followthrough on behavioral steps designed to minimize fall risk. If these needs are not
met, patients have a greater risk of experiencing a fall. Exercise Program for Nursing Home
Residents with Alzheimer's Disease: A 1-Year Randomized, Controlled Trial. The validity of the
proposed recommendation emanate from the author’s reference to empirical data which indicates a
significant reduction of fall-induced hip fractures following the use of hip protection devices.
However such extreme courses like hypotension and cognitive impairment cannot be determined
with a realistic assessment. You might not notice your health changing as it can happen gradually, so
it’s important to have regular checkups so any issues can be picked up before they cause a fall.”.
Damaged paths and walkways should be repaired and made safe. This Chapter presents the research
methodology utilised to analyse the research data and describes the various methods used in this
study. According to Brown et al, further there is a clear impact of the professional behavioral change
on the related outcomes involving fall prevention programs among the elderly. References would be
taken from most of the research material available in the field. The study setting was a 600 bed
regional, teaching and research hospital whose database indicated that it had a high elderly surgical
patient fall incident rate, amounting to 280 patients in a one-year period. By clicking “Check Writers’
Offers”, you agree to our terms of service and privacy policy. Semi-structured interviews were
conducted with 18 older adult users of a Day Care Unit from a Private Institution of Social
Solidarity in the region of Lisbon and Tagus Valley in Portugal. Instead, readers are left to assume
that a convenience sampling approach was adopted. All products are sold in Canadian dollars so
there is no sticker shock when you place your order. Currently in the United States, the American
Geriatrics Society's clinical guideline provides a template for fall prevention among the elderly. The
consequences of such falls have been identified as both mild and far reaching. I set out a plan and
copied my father into this as well as discussing my ideas with him together with my sister. The
researcher extensively used the books written on the topic and also studied research journals, reports,
graphs, articles, newspaper articles and so on. Assessing when falls commonly occur and
determining the continent status of high risk residents, can lead to methods of intervention. A tightly
controlled structured schedule of questions and format is used, very much like a questionnaire. In an
effort to raise awareness of these issues, Healthy People 2020 included the goals of improving the
health, function, and quality of life of older adults and reducing the rate of visits to emergency
departments that stem from falls (“Healthy People 2020, n.d.). In order to meet these goals and
promote quality of life, nurses must understand the hazards of falls and work to educate their
patients and colleagues in prevention and reduction of injury.
The purpose of the study was the determination of the effect of nursing intervention on the
prevention, or reduction, of falling among aged patients in a hospital setting. Other factors leading to
deterioration in acute care of falls include the strategies used by individuals, the first stages of
patients' assessments, and continuing reassessment of the patients. The analysis compared among 3
age groups; 40-49, 50-59 and over 60 years old. Nurses also must be alert for signs of cognitive
impairment. Existing reviews have focused on people with dementia and cognitive impairment, but
not those with other mental health conditions or in mental health settings. The studies reviewed in
the below emphasise the aforementioned and suggest strategies for fall-risk assessment and fall
prevention. We use cookies to create the best experience for you. Download Free PDF View PDF
Perspectives in Psychiatric Care Differences in the risk of severe falls between patients aged 65. All
products are sold in Canadian dollars so there is no sticker shock when you place your order. In
Giles G, editor. Core concepts in neurorehabilitation. It is advisable that a dummy tabulation plan
should have been prepared in advance, if possible. There are three types of interview: structured,
semi-structured and unstructured interviews. By continuing, you agree to our Terms and Conditions.
In the second place, the authors did not provide an explanation of their data validation process or,
indeed, if any was used. By continuing, you agree to our Terms and Conditions. You might not
notice your health changing as it can happen gradually, so it’s important to have regular checkups so
any issues can be picked up before they cause a fall.”. The interviews were recorded transcribed
verbatim and analysed thematically using the method of constant comparisons. While responses to
the survey were recorded with much more accuracy and detail, responses to the questionnaire were
sifted and collated to identify significant trends and process. There is passion amongst many who
care for this age of the population spectrum. In many cases falls lead to early elderly mortality and
happen when in hospitals. This, needless to say, solidifies the value of this study. Conventional
content analysis method was used to analyze th data. By being politely proactive, you can make sure
that certain things aren’t overlooked (such as medications that worsen balance).”. References would
be taken from most of the research material available in the field. The more I dived into the subject
of falls and the elderly, the more my interest and enthusiasm peaked. Participants were nurses from a
hospital, which was considered the main hospitalization center for COVID-19 patients in Kerman, a
city in Iran; they were selected through purposive sampling. There exists a wealth of data on fall risk
factors and prevention strategies among elderly inpatients and this data, if properly and thoroughly
analysed has the potential to yield important information regarding the efficacy and effectiveness of
the variant fall prevention strategies and techniques. McFarlane-Kolb (2004) focused her study on a
30-bed vascular surgical ward over a three month period, collecting data from a quasi-random sample
of 100 patients (admitted to the ward and beds in question). Randomised, clinically controlled trial
of intensive geriatric rehabilitation in patients with hip fracture: Subgroup analysis of patients with
dementia. BMJ. 2000; 321(7269): 1107-1111. Accept cookies Mandatory cookies only Change cookie
settings Close Privacy Overview This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you
navigate through the website.
Involving parents and ensuring they understand choice is important. It is the process through which
the opinion of people are collected and categorised. Focusing on ageing patients in a medical centre
in Taiwan, they first studied falling prevalence rates and isolated the causal factors, as explained by
the patients themselves. There is, therefore, no justification for hospitals’ failures to implement fall
risk assessment tools and prevention strategies, especially when they have proven the extent to which
they can significantly contribute to the reduction of the said risk. The researchers, however, upon the
critical assessment of that guideline, had hypothesised that it could significantly reduce falls among
elderly patients. Unfortunately we did not found the page you were looking for. Interviews can be
conducted after the team has established the topical areas to be covered in the interviews and after
the lead investigator has reviewed with the board the objectives of the interviews and strategies for
obtaining useful information. Behavioral and endocrinological evaluation of music therapy for
elderly patients with dementia. PREVENTION OF FALLS IN ELDERLY CARE Literature Review
Recurrent falls among the elderly are characterized by the degree of recurrence and therelative
severity. He needed a stick to increase the base of his feet. Therefore the interviewing research
method will be followed in this paper. Pre-implementation data was collected and upon its analysis,
indicated an average of 13 falls per 1000 patients per year in the neurology ward and 11 in the
internal medicine ward. Seniors intended to use information in the educational tool to stimulate
discussions about falls with health care providers. Falls are frequently associated with the need to
void (Hitcho, et al., 2004). Therefore, instituting a toileting regimen is another nursing intervention
that may decrease a resident’s chance for a fall. Following from that, the authors studied falling
incidence rates in the medical centre itself and its causal factors. Weak bones in the elderly have
been identified as one of the major causal factors for relative severity and frequency of falls. This
research paper basically consists of two data sets - primary and secondary. Stepping On is an
evidence-based fall prevention program designed to help older adults take control of their fall risk
factors, explore different behavioral steps, and reduce their fall risk. Methods: The data for this
qualitative study was collected during the summer and early fall of 2020. Interviewing is a data
collection method in which the researcher asks for information verbally from the respondents.
Clinical intervention apart on and off advice can be regarded as an effective technique though such
advice might be misunderstood by the patient. This literature review synthesized 19 qualitative and
quantitative studies examining older people's perspectives about fall risk and prevention using a
social ecological framework. Other factors leading to deterioration in acute care of falls include the
strategies used by individuals, the first stages of patients' assessments, and continuing reassessment
of the patients. Effect of aerobic training on the cognitive performance of elderly patients with senile
dementia of Alzheimer type. These are low impact forces and yet poor quality bone will yield at its
weakest points; shoulder joint, clavicle bone, neck of the femur and through the hip joint.
Epidemiology of Dementia in Nursing Homes Research Group. 2000; 40(6): 663-72. Poe et al.
(2005) outline the health risks posed to elderly patients as a consequence of falling, asserting that the
resultant problems emphasise the imperatives of designing and instituting fall prevention programs
for elderly patients in long-term healthcare settings. Older adults in the program demonstrated (1)
high satisfaction with program quality; (2) positive impacts on knowledge related to fall risk factors
and prevention; and (3) substantial followthrough on behavioral steps designed to minimize fall risk.
I will review the hazards of falls and what the nurse can do to recognize risks and prevent falls in
residents in order to avoid injuries. Therefore habit forming behaviors might lead to falls that might
become a pattern.

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