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Writing a Literature Review on Green Space: A Challenging Endeavor

Undertaking a literature review on green space may sound like a straightforward task, but in reality,
it can prove to be quite challenging. Green space encompasses a wide array of topics, including
environmental science, urban planning, public health, and social sciences, among others. Thus,
conducting a comprehensive review requires navigating through a vast body of literature, ranging
from academic journals to government reports and community initiatives.

One of the primary challenges of writing a literature review on green space is the sheer volume of
research available. With the increasing recognition of the importance of green spaces in promoting
environmental sustainability and enhancing quality of life, scholars and researchers from various
disciplines have contributed an extensive amount of literature on the subject. Sorting through this
wealth of information while ensuring relevance and reliability can be daunting.

Furthermore, the interdisciplinary nature of green space research adds another layer of complexity.
Integrating findings from diverse fields such as ecology, sociology, and landscape architecture
requires careful synthesis and analysis to provide a comprehensive overview of the topic. This
interdisciplinary approach often demands a nuanced understanding of different research
methodologies and theoretical frameworks.

Another significant challenge is staying updated with the latest research developments. The field of
green space studies is dynamic, with new studies, theories, and perspectives emerging regularly.
Keeping abreast of these advancements is crucial for producing a literature review that reflects the
current state of knowledge and contributes to ongoing scholarly discourse.

Given these challenges, seeking professional assistance can be a prudent decision for individuals
tasked with writing a literature review on green space. ⇒ ⇔ offers specialized
services tailored to meet the unique needs of researchers and scholars grappling with complex
academic assignments. Our team of experienced writers and subject matter experts can assist you in
navigating the intricacies of green space literature, ensuring that your review is comprehensive, well-
structured, and meticulously researched.

By entrusting your literature review to ⇒ ⇔, you can save valuable time and
resources while receiving expert guidance and support every step of the way. Our commitment to
excellence and customer satisfaction guarantees a seamless experience, allowing you to focus on
advancing your research and academic goals.

Don't let the challenges of writing a literature review on green space overwhelm you. Place your
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currently unavailable. Our objective was to define urban habitat analogs for a plant species of
conservation interest, Matthiola crassifolia, which has persisted in varying abundance in the
Mediterranean city of Beirut. By greening schoolyards, every community in the United States would
provide safe, accessible, natural areas, greatly expanding available educational space and resources
benefiting the entire school community. Articles found were appraised for their relevance, critically
reviewed and graded accordingly. Management practices were identified as the most common and
negative impact on diversity, while vegetation, site age, distance to city center, and habitat diversity
were positive-influence factors. Studies have shown that the location and distribution of gr een
spaces in the city in- fluences people participation. The main reason behind the popularity of the
Hoffman Kilns was its ability to save two thirds of the fuel unlike other kilns used at that time.
Because one author (M.H.E.M.B.) co-authored two papers in this review, the other author (A.R.) first
conducted bias evaluations, and then the first author (M.H.E.M.B.) validated the results. A decade
back, most of the businesses had the perception that consumers are willing to buy products at best
competitive prices and attach no value togreen and eco-friendly products. Journal of Manufacturing
and Materials Processing (JMMP). The overall objective of this review is to identify, critically
appraise, and synthesize the findings of studies examining the relationship between green space near
schools and academic performance. Moreover, according to the presentation and the observation
from the field trip on May 15, urban farming uses less dirt while growing crops, since they use less
agricultural land; they also need fewer employees to manage the farm. The need of the hour is of
energy saving and making use of renewable sources of energy. Demarcation and gazettement of the
green areas may only theoretically prevent human movements in and out of such spaces. The result is
a diverse array of multi-disciplinary approaches towards understanding public space. The world has
an urgent need for sustainability and an intelligent development as the problem of pollution and
global warming grows rapidly around the world. A Primer for Airports (Ritter et al. 2011); ACRP
Report 02-28 (Active): Airport Sustainability Prac-. Before publishing these resources, GRI
conducted market-specific research to establish trends for. Outcomes and green space measures
identified in the selected articles. It does not lend itself to a single definition because it is based on
the relationships shaped between agencies, over time, and across space. Finally, several categories
showed exclusively negative associations. Download Free PDF View PDF Review on Green
Buildings International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology
IJSRSET Green Building is also known as green establishment or bearable building. A green
building rating system is an evaluation tool that measures environmental performance of a building
through its life cycle. Academic performance—including test scores and grades—is an important
predictor of success and wellbeing in adulthood. Browning, Matthew H. E. M., and Alessandro
Rigolon. In this study, a review of identified peer-reviewed literature from the most popular online
databases was carried out and its contribution to improve our understanding of urban open green
spaces and their environmental benefits to the human being are discussed. Weak governance system
would also mean inadequacy in laws, policies, and statutes that govern the use of, interaction with
and management of the green areas. Findings on the moderating effects of SES might also vary by
geographical context. Within the past few years, a number of reporting and rating systems have been
developed. They.
The substantive and functional dimensions of public space change under the influence of a series of
relationships as a chain reaction and butterfly effect. Preserved green spaces are rich areas of
biological diversity of flora and fauna. Sustainable Infrastructure (ISI) in partnership with the
Zofnass Program at the Harvard Graduate School. Environmental reduction is a concern of people all
around the globe. We did not conduct statistical meta-analyses of study findings due to
inconsistencies in study design, exposure measurements, comparison techniques, statistical analysis,
and reporting methods. You can download the paper by clicking the button above. However, slowly
but sure, human irresponsible actions contribute dearly in the long term. Specifically, we ask: (1)
What is the strength of evidence tying school green space to academic performance? (2) How do
study findings differ by the measure of academic performance considered? (3) How do study
findings on this topic differ by the measure of green space considered? (4) What effect do
confounding and moderating variables have on green space and academic performance associations?
2. Compared to consumers in the developed countries, the Indian consumer has much less aware of
environmental issues like global warming. Because it is UNCORRECTED material, please consider
the following text as a useful but insufficient proxy for the authoritative book pages. The concept of
green infrastructure (GI) in the urban context emphasises the quality and quantity of urban and peri-
urban green spaces and natural areas. Urban green sp aces provide the linkage of the urban and rural
areas. The study was based on a literature review to examine for available evidence on the benefit
levels derived by the existence of urban green areas. Therefore, adequate forest planta- tion,
vegetation around urban dweller’s house, manage- ment of water bodies by authorities can help to
mitigate the situation. 2.1.2. Pollu tion Control Pollution in cities as a form of pollutan ts includes
chemi- cals, particulate matter and biological materials, which occur in the form of solid particles,
liquid droplets or gases. You can download the paper by clicking the button above. It basically
combines state-of-art with commercially available renewable sources of energy. Green spaces are
beautiful locations within the urban centers that provide residents a sense of satisfaction, relief, and
belonging (Nilsson 43). We conducted a nonsystematic review of peer review publications,
government documents, organizational documents, and school climate measurement instruments. The
species richness (flora and fauna) data were collected and weighted against natural factors e.g. arbor
cover and anthropogenic factors e.g. human activity. The results suggested that biodiversity richness
increased with increased arbor cover and within areas with little human access. This is achieved
through comparing it with other countries that have achieved remarkable success in applying green
architecture principles. In a within-subjects design, for the cognitive effects we examined children’s
(a) selective and sustained attention and (b) math calculation performance in common school tasks.
In order to be human-readable, please install an RSS reader. Positive findings were limited to
greenness, tree cover, and green land cover at distances up to 2000 m around schools. We focus on
green space within and around school campuses rather than near students’ home for three reasons.
We also reviewed the reference lists of all eligible articles and screened additional potentially
relevant studies with the same selection process as the keyword search; however, this did not result
in additional eligible articles. Download Free PDF View PDF See Full PDF Download PDF Loading
Preview Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. Categories represent the combination of one
academic achievement outcome, one type of green space, and one distance in which green space
was measured. This protocol describes four steps in the selection of empirical articles: identification;
screening, which involves reading titles and abstracts; eligibility, involving reading the full texts; and
inclusion ( Figure 1 ). Safety and Security: The most important areas of responsibility for airports;
have their own key performance. Journal of Otorhinolaryngology, Hearing and Balance Medicine
Findings from studies are mixed; some stated that improving the built environment does not
encourage people to walk more; however, there are other studies that indicated otherwise. Finally, to
address Question 4, we describe the study results on the effect of possible confounding and
moderating factors. The authors conclude the chapter giving the focus on future research directions
in green marketing and green practices to be followed by hotel industry. This serves as yet another
valuable asset for airports that. Therefore, the concerned governments must consolidate satisfactory
partnership for the protection process and needs. The analysis of literature patterns reveals: an
increase in publications over the last 15 years and a strong geographic bias in publications, as well as
toward temperate and humid climate zones. In this paper, we argue that it is possible to obtain a
more accurate walkability forecast by comparing spatial configuration measures with the
environmental perceptions of pedestrians to evaluate their effects on pedestrian movement levels.
This was so despite the fact that neither age nor gender biases have been detected and despite that
our experiments have been proved to be sufficiently statistically powerful. It. Download Free PDF
View PDF Elem Sci Anth A national research agenda supporting green schoolyard development and
equitable access to nature Lois Brink The diverse benefits of nature are increasingly well-known, but
access to nature and its associated benefits are inequitable. Most of such factors majorly revolve
around and mainly emanate from anthropogenic activities such as agriculture, industrialization, and
urban expansions. In this regard, the study presents hands on analysis of basics and principles of
green architecture, theories and viewpoints outlined in the field and also the analysis of efficacious
cases of environment friendly buildings in India. We observed positive associations for three types of
green space. The internationalization idea in the city and production of the landscapes reflecting the
globalization effect of the urban elite and invoke the transition of the social formation. International
Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH). According to World Watch
Institute, about 40% of the energy use is dedicated to construction and operations of buildings. The
present study aimed to investigate those multiple benefits for citizens that arise through the existence
of urban green areas, as well as important policy dimensions that should be considered when
designing the expansion of urban green spaces in urban development. Noise Compatibility Planning
Program (1984), Voluntary Airport Low Emis-. Service Quality: Important area for airports that
operate in competitive environments. Different types of green space could influence different
academic outcomes through one of five mechanisms: attention restoration, better mental health, more
time outdoors, more physical activity, and better physical health. Considering the recent literature,
this study developed a framework to quantify walkability by applying a set of indicators related to
built environment. Haughton and C. Hunter, Sustainable Cities, JKP, London, 1994. Stakeholders to
the conservation and management of such green spaces must initiate and run aggressive policy
advocacy and lobbying to secure political goodwill. Results There is weak evidence for the links
between physical, mental health and well-being, and urban green space. This coalition provides
essential tools that allow airports to define sustain-. Milano, Ledizioni, 2016, p. 185-199. ISBN 978-
88-6705-468-8. Consumer awareness and motivation continue to drive change in the marketplace,
notably through the introduction of more eco-friendly products. School Green Space and Its Impact
on Academic Performance: A Systematic Literature Review. As urban open green spaces contribute
to human and social well-being, they are essential for livable and sustainable cities. Article findings
represented 122 entries in 66 analysis categories. The study found that the airport industry as a
whole. Protection of green spaces calls for an interdisciplinary and a multi-stakeholder approach to
Subsequently, attentional restoration derived from green space would be less pronounced. Effective
management of any environmental resource requires adequately allocated financial capacity. A zero
energy building returns much more energy as compared to the energy it takes from the utilities. So
that new technologies are constantly being developed to accompaniment current application in
creating greener structures, the most common objective is that green buildings are construct to less
the overall impact of the building environment on human health and the natural environment by
efficiently usage of energy, water, and other resources and it can also be done by Protecting
occupant health and improving employee. The study was based on a literature review to examine for
available evidence on the benefit levels derived by the existence of urban green areas. Studies that
measured green space in greater distances might have found null or negative associations because
these sizes represent neighborhood rather than school green space. They range from constraints of
human health to environmental quality degradation. This study also proposed structural relationship
model between ISO 26000 efforts and CSR performance in Malaysian automotive industry. The
great threat to health and safety in cities comes from water and air pollution. They felt that the
pressure for making business environment green and behaving in a socially responsible manner
essentially comesfrom Government and its legislation and consumers have nothing to do with it.
Visit our dedicated information section to learn more about MDPI. This leads to a trend of green
marketing used by the firm as one of the strategies in order to gain profit and protect the
environment. Inner-c ity green spaces are espe- cially important for improving air quality though
uptake of pollutant gases and particulates which are responsible for respiratory infections. Second,
both authors independently reviewed titles, abstracts, and full texts to make decisions about article
eligibility. Keywords: Integrative Approach, Socio-Economic Value, S ust ainable Envi ron ment,
Urban Green Spaces 1. This protocol describes four steps in the selection of empirical articles:
identification; screening, which involves reading titles and abstracts; eligibility, involving reading the
full texts; and inclusion ( Figure 1 ). The government must also use the demarcation and gazettement
to control infrastructural encroachments such as roads and railway constructions. It would call upon
collective responsibility from both the government or local authorities and members of the public to
ensure restoration, management, and preservation of urban green spaces. In this systematic review,
we examine the available evidence on the connections between green space around schools and
student’s performance. A study conducted in Helsinki, Fin- land, indicated that nearly all (97%) city
residents parti- cipate in some outdoor recreation during the year. Regression results of the study
validate all the hypotheses of the study confirming the significant impact of green perceived value,
g. Positive findings were limited to greenness, tree cover, and green land cover at distances up to
2000 m around schools. That nine of 12 studies were only of fair quality suggests this body of
literature is not yet methodologically robust. End-of-semester grades, math, and reading tests scores
showed lower ratios of positive findings when examining any green space measurement: three of
eight (38%), 13 of 49 (27%), and 10 of 45 (22%), respectively, were positive. Briefly, we can say
that different kinds of knowledge come together to answering a research question using different
kinds of approaches. This issue is associated with the socio-spatial structure of urban life and has
multiple dimensions formed under the influence of various social, economic, and political dynamics
and the agency of city managers, designers, and citizens. The current literature precludes the
formation of understanding the causal relation among school facilities, social climate, occupant
health, and occupant performance. Results There is weak evidence for the links between physical,
mental health and well-being, and urban green space. The overall aim of this paper is to investigate
the social, health, environmental and economic benefits of providing urban open green space.
Environmental Awareness Week 2011 - Collective Thoughts On Sustainability.
Other recently published and working reports include ACRP Report 57: The Carbon Market. Visit
our dedicated information section to learn more about MDPI. Nine of 20 findings (45%) for green
land cover were positive. Metric distances (e.g., “Up to 250 m”) represent the radius of circular
buffers or diameter of polygons centered on a school. Based on the studies of different cities, differ-
ent researchers provide some guidelines to evaluate the nature of green spaces. We sought to create a
framework for a multidisciplinary research agenda that links school facilities, health, and educational
outcomes. PRISMA flow diagram depicting results of search, screening and selection processes. This
article received separate math, reading, and writing finding for each green space measure examined;
elsewhere we coded the omnibus outcome, “language art,” as reading unless accompanying citations
clearly indicated writing was also tested; in this case, tests were coded for both reading and writing
outcomes. For instance, a study in Swedish cities showed that in overall, people with immediate ac-
cess to fine and verdant gardens or green yards are also more likely to visit public green spaces.
Conclusions: The extant literature on green space and academic performance is small, shows mixed
results, and mostly includes articles using observational, school-level research designs. The current
decade has seen an increase of budget cuts for public libraries and in Zimbabwe it’s a recurring
thing. A Primer for Airports (Ritter et al. 2011); ACRP Report 02-28 (Active): Airport Sustainability
Prac-. Dr. Rashad Yazdanifard, Wong FuiYeng Environmental issue is a sizzling topic nowadays as
almost every country’s government and society has started to be more aware about these issues.
Similarly, a broad coalition of aviation interests from ACIa??NA, ACI, AAAE, ATA, FAA, as well
as. It explored the library professionals' conception about digital library and institutional repository
that best fit in Bangladesh context and their practices. Conclusions: The extant literature on green
space and academic performance is small, shows mixed results, and mostly includes articles using
observational, school-level research designs. It introduces the Bureau of Energy Efficiency BEE (a
national body) and presents an overview of the “Energy Conservation Building Code” (ECBC).
Several studies have examined the ties between green space and academic performance,
hypothesizing that green space can foster performance, and, over time, help reduce such disparities.
Subsequently, attentional restoration derived from green space would be less pronounced. This
chapter is an attempt to draw attention towards sustainable issues in hotel industry, what are the
opportunities' and challenges' the hotels are facing with respect to green initiatives and how
successful the present companies are in incorporating the green practices. The paper starts with
discussion on process and related aspects of designing energy efficient buildings. You can download
the paper by clicking the button above. As more and more people prefer to live in cities worldwide,
biodiversity loss in urban environments is being increasingly reported more than ever before.
Findings by Nicol and Blake (2000) show that over 80% of the UK’s population live in urban areas,
and thus green spaces within urban areas provide a sustainable proportion of the total outdoor lei-
sure opportunities. That nine of 12 studies were only of fair quality suggests this body of literature is
not yet methodologically robust. In every quadrat, we performed taxonomic identification and
recorded life form of each species. It increases the likelihood for the public to take advantage of the
failure thereby resulting to misuse of the green space. Journal of Manufacturing and Materials
Processing (JMMP). Environmentally, preserved green spaces are important for climate change
mitigation, purification of the atmospheric air and overall maintenance of environmental quality. It
endeavours to present some environmental and physical design approaches for green buildings in
promptly developing countries chiefly India.
International Journal of Translational Medicine (IJTM). They showed how green space relates to
children’s time in green space, family socio-demographic characteristics, mental health, and
ultimately to academic performance. On the other hand, water erosion results to water pollution and
loss of water quality. From an applied perspective, urban areas potentially serve as venues for
educating the public on the value of biodiversity and for promoting certain species assemblages that
are likely to provide ecosystem services and improve the quality of life of nearby human residents.
They consist of managed vegetation and spontaneous assemblages of native, naturalized, ornamental
garden escapes, and invasive species. This leads to a trend of green marketing used by the firm as
one of the strategies in order to gain profit and protect the environment. Therefore, the concerned
governments must consolidate satisfactory partnership for the protection process and needs.
Academic performance—including test scores and grades—is an important predictor of success and
wellbeing in adulthood. However, there is a scarcity of evidence on the effects of sustainable school
buildings on health and performance indicators. There is a strong indicator that urban free space
holds a significant role in the biophysical cycles that determine socio-economic, political, and social
directions on a global scale. Download Free PDF View PDF Green Building: An Efficient Use of
Natural Resources to Create a Sustainable Environment DR NARAYAN TIADI Zero energy is a
common concept adopted by many building designers. Other recently published and working reports
include ACRP Report 57: The Carbon Market. Studies that measured green space in greater
distances might have found null or negative associations because these sizes represent neighborhood
rather than school green space. This coalition provides essential tools that allow airports to define
sustain-. Findings on the moderating effects of SES might also vary by geographical context.
Overall, our experimental results do not support the hypothesis that students’ exposure to activities in
green vs. You can download the paper by clicking the button above. However, transportation
technology has caused the desertion of the pedestrian space due to excessively motorized transport.
This study investigates the effects of different variables on green purchase intention of consumers.
Public space is a multidialectic system, a contested entity with a wide range of meanings and uses.
Ultimately, the results provide a deeper understanding of the strategic importance of spatial
dimensions of landscape planning and management, in support of biodiversity conservation in
landscapes that have already been widely affected by anthropogenic development. The very humans
become the lawbreakers for the laws that they make to govern them. Integrative approach should not
be discussed only in writings as a source of contributing instrument to envi- ronmental sustainability,
but it is also important th at how it could be fostered in developing countries in different social
settings in which deffrent economic, political and cultural factors influence. This study shows a
model to conduct an empirical study in Malaysian automotive industry in order to improve CSR
performance. Finally, the role played by green spaces in our urban environments can no longer be ig-
nored by today ’s pol i cy makers. Bad governance characterized by frauds, inadequate allocation of
funds and local budget, poor prioritization of sustainability issues, and poor management policies.
The outcome of the study could be applied to understand issues related to pedestrian infrastructure
and t. The proposed framework would be helpful in investigations of whether a specific area is an
appropriate option for a car-free plan based on its built environment features. Click here to buy this
book in print or download it as a free PDF, if available.

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