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Are you struggling with the daunting task of writing a literature review on obesity?

If so, you're not

alone. Many students and researchers find this particular aspect of academic writing to be one of the
most challenging.

A literature review requires an in-depth understanding of the existing research on a specific topic, in
this case, obesity. It involves critically analyzing and synthesizing a wide range of sources, including
scholarly articles, books, and other relevant materials. The goal is to provide a comprehensive
overview of the current state of knowledge on the subject, identify gaps in the existing research, and
propose directions for future studies.

However, the process of conducting a literature review can be time-consuming and overwhelming. It
requires meticulous attention to detail, strong analytical skills, and the ability to organize vast
amounts of information cohesively. Many students struggle to find the right balance between
summarizing existing literature and providing their insights and analysis.

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with your literature review on obesity.
It is meant to show people that life would be much better with a manageable weight and a flexible
body. Obesity is generally referred to as the excessive fat gain or being grossed overweight. States.
Parents, schools, and local, state and federal governments support their programs. Rewarding
specific actions, such as exercising for a longer time or eating less of a certain. Journal of Functional
Morphology and Kinesiology (JFMK). Summarizing these results, we can state that obesity is
responsible for a large fraction of costs, not only to the health care system but also to society at large.
Prevalence of Early Childhood Caries and its Association with Body Mass Index. In 2014, Hart
Research Associates and Ferguson Research trust conducted. The authors looked into these issues by
researching about them and came up. The 2010 White House Task Force Report on Childhood
Obesity determined that. Their analysis concludes that if by 2030, the United. Glossary of Statistical
Terms—Developed, Developing Countries. Paper should be a substantial original Article that
involves several techniques or approaches, provides an outlook for. Olshansky, J., Passaro, D.,
Hershow, R. Layden, J., Carnes, B., Brody, J., Hayflick. Schuurman (2013), determined that there is
a direct negative relationship between. The study wasconductedat the Al
Faihapolyclinic,aprimarycare clinicinKuwait,during2009. A total. Resources Dive into our extensive
resources on the topic that interests you. On the other hand, Veugelers, and Fitzgerald (2004), in their
study, focused on the impact that school programs could have on the prevention of excess body
weight. Next steps in obesity Prevention: Altering early life systems to support he. Studies also
varied in terms of inclusion of direct costs and indirect costs, i.e., in terms of perspective of analysis (
Table 1 ). Schools serving a fruit or vegetable with each meal 91%. While this information appears
novel and fascinating, its. Literature Review Since obesity has become widely known as an
epidemic, numerous studies have been conducted on the purpose of assessing the economic impacts
of obesity. There have been people who addressed the problem in its initial stages but the action was
not taken immediately (Breiner, et al, 2013). Programs intended to increase physical activity in
children are often focused in. This series of studies from Germany, using the same methods to
measure the COO, may provide a valid statement about the development of COO between these two
time points and gives a good example of how COO studies can be conducted in a structured and
valid way. Economic Impact of Obesity Introduction Obesity has become a common social problem
in not only the United States, but also all around the world. Two case studies addressing these
interventions will be presented. Because children and teens spend most of their day in school, it is
important to. Gout, Urate, and Crystal Deposition Disease (GUCDD).
This particular paper by Hamond and Levine (pp. 285-294) also examined the transportation costs,
associated with obesity. Pharmacist Interventions and Medication Reviews at Care Homes -
Improving Med. Mogyorosy, Z.; Smith, P. The Main Methodological Issues in Costing Health Care
Services: A Literature Review. Steiner, E., Collins, R., 2014. Public Health and Nutrition, DOI. This
sample can be utilized as a research and reference resource to aid in the writing of your own work.
The items that were included in the estimation of the patient-level data included drug medication in
all twelve studies, but the other items, e.g., hospitalization costs, physician visit costs, inpatient and
outpatient costs, varied across all studies. Turner, L., Chaloupka, F.J. (2015). Improvements In School
Lunches Result in Healthier. Thusly, their findings deemed obesity to be a multifactorial condition.
RU. We all been there, especially those who are currently in high school or college. Any use of the
work that does not include an appropriate citation is banned. Heart Study, 83% of obese Black
children and 68% of obese White children became. Newer and more successful interventions involve
collaboration of community, regional. This aspect should also be considered when including obesity-
related diseases. Obesity constitutes an important threat to national and global public health in terms
of prevalence, incidence and economic burden. The HEAC pilot project was located in six ethnically
diverse, low-. Since obesity itself is not only a disease but also a risk factor for other diseases, it is
important to study which co-morbidities have been included in the different COO analyses.
Permanente Center for Health Equity, Veronica Atkins Center for Weight and Health. Hunger-Free
Kids Act of 2010 (Turner, Chaloupka, 2015). A focused national effort is essential to successfully
combat childhood obesity in. Statistics Make data-driven decisions to drive reader engagement,
subscriptions, and campaigns. California State University Fresno’s Central California Center for
Health and Human. This is due to hormonal differences between males and females (Bibbins-
Domingo et a.l, 2007). The developmental age within which children of school age are most likely to
be obese has also been found to be during the early onset of puberty. Please let us know what you
think of our products and services. References Cara, B. E; Dorota, B. P. and Ludwig, D. S. (2002).
Childhood obesity: public-health crisis, common sense cure. The authors addressed several issues
with respect to obesity and the effects it had and would have in future. Printz, C. (2014). Extreme
obesity may shorten life expectancy by up to 14 years. Urine Bisphenol A (BPA) level in relation to
obseity and overweight ins schoo. The selection of the papers was done separately by two of the co-
authors (Maximilian Tremmel and Sanjib Saha) who then checked the comparability of studies by
reviewing a random sample of included and excluded studies after the initial screening. They predict
that if the 12.7 million children carry their.
Initially, it was not seen as a threat but it was still noted to be a factor that needed to be addressed.
Health and Human Services, the United States Department of Agriculture, and the Center.
References Cara, B. E; Dorota, B. P. and Ludwig, D. S. (2002). Childhood obesity: public-health
crisis, common sense cure. Systematic literature reviews represent a systematic way to identify
relevant studies, to summarize the results, to critically analyse the methods of the studies and, finally,
to comment and recommend improvements for future research. Research from the Brookings
Institution found that the total societal lifetime cost. A Literature Review of the Childhood
Epidemic in the United States. The first example of a literature review would be a general outline.
Trends of obesity in children There are a number of research findings that relate key variables among
children to the tendency of becoming obese. People have paid too much attention to their jobs and
have forgotten about their health. Adobe InDesign Design pixel-perfect content like flyers,
magazines and more with Adobe InDesign. Economic Impact of Obesity Introduction Obesity has
become a common social problem in not only the United States, but also all around the world. The
socioecological model, and the health behaviors initiative. Three case. Other information was
gathered as well, such as perspective, study time frame, sample size, target group, inclusion of cost
items, and discount rate. Economic Burden of Obesity: A Systematic Literature Review. By contrast,
the study from Canada used RR data from a previously conducted literature review on studies of the
general population of Western countries. Embed Host your publication on your website or blog with
just a few clicks. California State University Fresno, teamed with the Central California Public
Health. Theyalsoexpectthatthe core elementsof the parentgroup. The two studies from Germany used
relative risks (RR) data from studies conducted in the USA to calculate the PAF. Multiple requests
from the same IP address are counted as one view. Author Contributions Maximilian Tremmel and
Sanjib Saha conceived and designed the systematic literature search; Maximilian Tremmel performed
the systematic literature search; Sanjib Saha contributed to the search strategy, and the selection and
extraction of literature; Maximilian Tremmel analysed and extracted the literature; Maximilian
Tremmel wrote the first draft; Sanjib Saha, Ulf-G Gerdtham and Peter M. Due to the large amount of
weight our client had to lose, her. Some of her exercise consisted of parking at the far end of parking
lots and walking through. The evaluation team included, Dr. Robert C. from University. The cause
and effects of childhood obesity essay sample. Urine Bisphenol A (BPA) level in relation to obseity
and overweight ins schoo. A flow chart of the study selection procedure is presented in Figure 1.
Such individuals are the ones who end up dragging the country behind and bring about poverty for
their families. States, 2011-2012. Retrieved February, 5, 2015. However, the research
agreement among specialists in the discipline and those accountable for education is that the
importance of breakfast in the physical and cognitive capacity of children cannot be taken for
granted or undervalued.
Kuwait(NATTO):projectdesignandresultsof arandomised controlledtrial of agood practice.
Productivity costs, although not completely direct also examine the way obesity may pose an
economic burden to the resources of a country. Policies that designate safe routes for cycling or
sidewalks for walking to and. Initially, it was not seen as a threat but it was still noted to be a factor
that needed to be addressed. Schuurman (2013), determined that there is a direct negative
relationship between. Adobe Express Go from Adobe Express creation to Issuu publication.
Nutritional Status of School Age Children in Private Elementary Schools: Basi. Spears-
Lanoix,E.C.,McKyer, E. L. J.,Evans, A.,McIntosh,W. A.,Ory, M., Whittlesey,L.Warren,J. L. At the
workplaces, it was easy for the employers to give out the details of problems they were facing from
obese workers. Disability insurance premiums and inactivity constitutes part of indirect costs. County
Fresno Kern Kings Madera Merced San Joaquin Stanislauss Tulare. The prevalence of childhood
According to the BHF (2012), at least 33% of girls and 25% of boys aged 2-19 years in the UK are
obese. This is also where you discuss the themes, intentions and drawing your own conclusion to the
story. Nutritional Status of School Age Children in Private Elementary Schools: Basi. Available
online: (accessed on 14 November 2012). Vigo, D.; Thornicroft, G.; Atun, R. Estimating the true
global burden of mental illness. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 70(1), 145-148. The HEAC
initiative was independently evaluated at the midpoint and the. Programs intended to increase
physical activity in children are often focused in. Consequently, a large number of the young people
in the United States form the largest segment of the population suffering from obesity. We use
cookies on our website to ensure you get the best experience. Task Force on Childhood Obesity
claims that obesity is a national health crisis. For the. Thesis paper-FOOD HABITS AND
this study is to examine the role of parents in childhood obesity in the UK. The Study to Assess the
Effectiveness of Kangaroo Mother Care on Physiologica. 1Rough Draft Quantitative Research
Critique And Ethical Consider.docx 1Rough Draft Quantitative Research Critique And Ethical
Consider.docx A Comparison of Three Educational Interventions on Breast Self-Examination Kn.
By contrast, the study from Canada used RR data from a previously conducted literature review on
studies of the general population of Western countries. The second case study examined in this report
is the Central California Regional. In order to be human-readable, please install an RSS reader. This
particular paper by Hamond and Levine (pp. 285-294) also examined the transportation costs,
associated with obesity. Flores, G. (2005). Factors predicting severe childhood obesity in
kindergarteners. Any use of the work that does not include an appropriate citation is banned.
It has been said that the parent is the legal owner of the child and so should have absolute control
over certain key events in the life of the child that act as risk factors (Daniels, 2006). Journal of
Manufacturing and Materials Processing (JMMP). Programs intended to increase physical activity in
children are often focused in. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research
(JTAER). This problem focuses much on the productivity lost due to obesity in the labor market.
Obese children and teens are at a higher risk for developing serious illnesses. The HCA measures lost
production, in terms of lost earnings of a patient. The physical suffering and chronic diseases that
obese children are likely to. Available online: (accessed on 6 September 2016). Saha, S.; Gerdtham,
U.G. Cost of illness studies on reproductive, maternal, newborn, and child health: A systematic
literature review. Obesity and thyroid cancer risk among US men and women: A pooled analysis of
five prospective studies. Results: The included twenty three studies reported a substantial economic
burden of obesity in both developed and developing countries. Gap Program, Health Policy Center,
Institute for Health Research and Policy. The availability of local grocery stores may contribute to a
healthier diet and. Economic costs of obesity in Thailand: A retrospective cost-of-illness study. The
example templates and the checklist will help you reach that solution. Conflicts of Interest The
authors declare no conflict of interest. Another characteristic of studies included in this review was
the limited time frame of the analyses. We use cookies on our website to ensure you get the best
experience. CCROPP became self-sustaining after the funding and the initiative ended and. Good
book review about ella cara delorias waterlily. Their results are limited by the lack of country-
specific incidence and, e.g., cancer mortality data, as they used data from the USA, which has led to
an overestimation of costs because Brazilian per capita health care spending is nearly eight times
lower compared with the USA. For a complex disease such as obesity, this approach may
underestimate or overestimate the costs derived from co-morbidities. The reported costs due to
cancers need to be interpreted with the knowledge that different types of cancer were included in the
different studies, which may have led to over- or underestimation of costs. Steiner, E., Collins, R.,
2014. Public Health and Nutrition, DOI. In 2010, when the Healthy Eating Active Communities and
the Central California. Paper should be a substantial original Article that involves several techniques
or approaches, provides an outlook for. Researchersfoundthatcomparedtothe average QOL of 74.28
at the firstvisitforall youth. This is particularly effective because children from. It will be difficult to
outre a trend that has been going on and it has been incorporated into people’s lives as a part of it.
Thus, the thesis statement for this study is to examine the role of parents in childhood obesity in the
Issuu turns PDFs and other files into interactive flipbooks and engaging content for every channel.
All articles published by MDPI are made immediately available worldwide under an open access
license. No special. Gap Program, Health Policy Center, Institute for Health Research and Policy.
They further argue that schools have an opportunity of creating policies that could prevent obesity
through promoting a healthy eating and physical activity environment, which could lead to a
reduction of obesity cases in the country. An assessment of its costs may be useful in providing
recommendations for policy and decision makers. It's like a masterclass to be explored at your own
pace. Consequently, excluding depression and other mental disorders from the obesity-related
diseases may lead to an underestimation of costs. Thus, the thesis statement for this study is to
examine the role of parents in childhood obesity in the UK. The program is to tackle with this
excessive weight or deal with this excessive weight in the world as it is now. The next article we will
probe delves a little deeper into genes and how. Next steps in obesity Prevention: Altering early life
systems to support he. Social Posts Create on-brand social posts and Articles in minutes. Pharmacist
Interventions and Medication Reviews at Care Homes - Improving Med. Their analysis concludes
that if by 2030, the United. Such individuals are the ones who end up dragging the country behind
and bring about poverty for their families. Olshansky, J., Passaro, D., Hershow, R. Layden, J., Carnes,
B., Brody, J., Hayflick. Moreover, international consensus is required on standardized methods to
calculate the cost of obesity to improve homogeneity and comparability. Steiner, E., Collins, R.,
2014. Public Health and Nutrition, DOI. Let us write or edit the research paper on your topic. There
are, however, some researchers who have sounded caution on the use of parents as the key
facilitators of change (Crawford et al., 2001). According to researchers with this school of thought,
the management of obesity should be approached from a professional perspective where dieticians,
doctors, and physical trainers will be involved. Charitable Trust, the California Endowment, the
Center for Collaborative Solutions, and. This aspect should also be considered when including
obesity-related diseases. That notwithstanding, it is projected that the prevalence of childhood
obesity will be around 10. The items that were included in the estimation of the patient-level data
included drug medication in all twelve studies, but the other items, e.g., hospitalization costs,
physician visit costs, inpatient and outpatient costs, varied across all studies. Physical exercise as a
management principle Physical exercise has been said to be a very useful management principle in
the control of obesity in children. Prevalence of Early Childhood Caries and its Association with
Body Mass Index. CCROPP operated in eight counties within the San Joaquin Valley that had high
rates of. Microsimulation models can predict the future cost and can incorporate data from other
countries, if data are missing in a specific case or if data from another country are known to be valid
and sufficiently reliable to be incorporated. Routes National Center for Safe Routes to School has
programs throughout the United. Studies also varied in terms of inclusion of direct costs and indirect
costs, i.e., in terms of perspective of analysis ( Table 1 ).

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