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**Universal Declaration Against Pedophilia**


Recognizing the inherent dignity and the inalienable rights of all children and
adolescents as members of the human family, which form the foundation of freedom,
justice, and peace in the world;

Affirming that every child and adolescent has the right to grow up in an environment
that ensures their safety, well-being, and development in conditions of freedom and

Deeply concerned by the prevalence of pedophilia and the sexual exploitation and
abuse of children and adolescents, which represent a grave and intolerable violation
of their rights;

Understanding the crucial need for a concerted global effort to prevent, combat, and
eradicate all forms of sexual exploitation and abuse of children and adolescents;

Emphasizing the importance of international cooperation, legal action, and societal

commitment to protect every child and adolescent from sexual exploitation and

The peoples of the world hereby proclaim the **Universal Declaration Against
Pedophilia** as a common standard of achievement for all nations and all people, to
ensure the protection, dignity, and well-being of every child and adolescent.

**Article 1: Right to Protection**

Every child and adolescent has the right to be protected from all forms of sexual
exploitation and abuse, including pedophilia, regardless of their race, religion,
nationality, gender identity, or any other status.

**Article 2: Right to Safety and Security**

Every child and adolescent has the right to grow up in a safe and secure
environment, free from the threat of sexual exploitation and abuse.

**Article 3: Right to Information and Education**

Children and adolescents, along with their guardians, have the right to access
information and education regarding their rights, personal safety, and the dangers of
sexual exploitation and abuse.
**Article 4: Right to Legal Protection and Justice**

Children and adolescents who are victims of sexual exploitation and abuse have the
right to access justice, including legal representation and protective measures that
respect their best interests and privacy.

**Article 5: Duty of States and Societies**

States, societies, and all stakeholders have the duty to implement effective
measures to prevent sexual exploitation and abuse of children and adolescents, to
prosecute offenders, and to support victims in their recovery and reintegration.


This Universal Declaration Against Pedophilia establishes the fundamental principles

for the protection of children and adolescents from sexual exploitation and abuse. It
calls upon all nations and peoples to uphold these principles, to work diligently for
their realization, and to ensure that the rights and dignity of every child and
adolescent are respected and protected.

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