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LITERAR' Vol. 12, No. 1, January 2017 Ralf pete Ee, oo CONTENTS The Passport and Romanian History An Appr Geeta M Path 5S Ghavan 7 Quest for Dreams. A Study of Stembeck’s OF Mit: and ter Elangbam Hemanta Singh 16 Father-Son Relationship: An Appraisal of Al! My Son and Death of a Salesmar K. K. Vishwakarma 24 The New Woman in Anita Nair's Ladies Coupe An Overview Vandana Rajoniya wh Electra Complex and Kamala Das Poems: APerspective Anupama Srivastava 4 The God and Self: AReading of Select Poems of Yeats, Tagore and Iqbal Jauwad Ahmad 46 Voice of Protest and Self Assertion: A Reading of The Binding Vine Sanjay Prasad Sharma we 56 ® 17 Ra “ Literary Perspectives Vol. 12, No. 1, January 2017 Be A fs OO GE The New Women in Anita Nair's Ladios Cc An Overview “Oupo Vamnlana Rayottyea Everybody is weaning a mask Hsin the hletatare p, can be found [ls under the mask oFfichion thet your can trata eae Angi, The Guardian 2008) Tat erates rsa patient the socity tsa fact that has been widely acknowledged: [igen indeed reflects the society and keeping thes in tind when yea nn analyse the contemporary Indian felon and the representanc, Women init, we find marked changes nil We find init the etre, of what is how being referred fo as the ‘New Women tig omen’ ts different from the traditional notions. of the 46 caied (womanhood in India, She ts no more the weak and subrassive sata, nor the tireless and self-sacrificing mother who in the process of motherhood has forgotten to live, neither the dutiful daughter nor sister who has no vorce of her own, rather, we find her to be an acti ye female of realistic disposition, we find her to be a woman who strange and fascinating, powerful and attractive, who 1s not good or evil personified but is very much hfe like with her own individual follies and frivolities, virtues and specialities. While she has a taste of what selfless love means she 1s also aware of her individual needs and desires, fancies and ambitions. She 1s not the one who looks forward to the others to be her providers rather she becomes one. She is the one who aspires to be a valuable contributor towards the progress of the family and not only the family but the nation as well, but at the same time, she is unwilling to Compromise that which is her due — her share of life. She is the Indian face of the extraordinary spectacle of women’s liberation movement going on in the world in the contemporary society with a taste for freedom, a desire to live the life to the fullest and the earnestness to explore her full potentials craving to tread the new and unknown territories. Anita Nair is one of the notable writers of India She always focuses on the problems of woman in our society. Ladies Court (2001) is anovel about women in South Asia. But it talks about universal factors in the man-woman relationship. It explores themes of alienation. loneliness and lost opportunities, It delves into subjugation an¢ probably be terme re i on Mon of dominance within the portals of marriage. It could > as a novel of protest since it seeks to analyze the emotions of ce Literary Perspectives Vol 12, No. 1, January 2017 aes a aa oe . The New Women in, but most of the characters of Ladies Coupe like Janaki, Prabha Devi, Margaret Shanti and Marikolanthu share the same story. Most of the characters of Ladies Coupe, Akhila, Janaki, Prabha Devi, Margaret Shanti with the exception of Marikolanthu come from well to do families and already have the so called comforts of life which had been thought or believed to be enough to keep a woman happy for centuries when the novel Opens. But most of us know that the truth is otherwise so when we find these characters to be dissatisfied with their respective lives; yearning for true freedom, for individual name and recognition, we understand their urge, their grief, their Struggle very well. Anita Nair by contrasting the lives of Janaki and Prabha Devi, Akhila and Margaret Shanti and others cover well enough the important sections of the Indian society where this ‘women's liberation movement’ is now manifesting itself explicitly — the working ladies from the middle class families represented by Akhila and Margaret, house wives from well to do families in the form of Janaki and Prabha Devi, the weaker sections of the society being represented by Marikolanthu. It is important here to note that although all these women come from different sections of the society, although their Challenges and struggles are on different planes; but the reason why they are all dissatisfied with their respective lives, the reason why they are unhappy is almost the same, i.e. the absence of freedom, identity, recognition and meaningful existence. Through their lives, Anita very well brings about the fact that true happiness can never be achieved in life by the so-called comforts but by getting a irseson ie © one’s own self and acceptance and recognition for the same in life Uterary Perspectives Vol. 12, No, 1, January 2017 aalf Attestey A— \ a

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