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When I was a child I remember playing with spaceships, my imagination took me

to space. (6)He (I) was fascinated by space and wanted to learn more about it. I

had books about the planets and they were one of the few things that interested

me as a child. Thanks to that I wanted to be an astronaut, that was my dream, an

almost impossible dream. I will introduce how the nasa went to the moon .A

space race developed between the US and the then Soviet Union.

The Apollo 11 mission occurred 8 (3)(eight) years after President John F.

Kennedy (1917-1963) announced a national goal of landing a man on the moon

by the end (4)(the top) of the 1960s.

After 5 (3) five years of work (4)(of labor) by an international team of scientists

and engineers, NASA carried out the first unmanned Apollo mission ,testing (5)

(mission . Testing) the structural integrity of the proposed launch vehicle and

spacecraft combination(History).

Apollo 8 took three astronauts to the far side of the moon and back, and in March

1969 Apollo 9 tested the lunar module for the first time while in Earth orbit. That

May, the three astronauts of Apollo 10 took the first complete Apollo spacecraft

around the moon in a dry run for the scheduled July landing mission. (History)

(1) Apollo 11 was a milestone in history. It absolutely was the primary ever time

a person walked on the moon.This mission couldn't have been done if it wasn't
for Apollo 10 Apollo 10 just orbited the moon, it didn't (1) simply land on the

moon.”(Bob Allen)

Apollo 11 entered into a lunar orbit on July 19. The Apollo program was a costly

and labor-intensive endeavor, involving an estimated 400,000 engineers,

technicians and scientists, and costing $24 billion (History) .

Close to $100 billion in today's dollars .The expense was justified by Kennedy's

1961 mandate to beat the Soviets to the moon, and after the feat was

accomplished, ongoing missions lost their viability (7)(History).

The effort to send astronauts to the moon. It was 1966 ,It was an era-defining

moment and almost everyone who had a TV set was glued to the latest from

Nasa.The Moon landings inspired a generation of scientists and engineers and a

cultural outpouring - from songs like Space Oddity and Rocket Man.(7)(Judith


The idea of exploring how the Moon landings touched every aspect of culture ;

from cinema to art, literature and music, with people born later also asked how
they too have gleaned artistic inspiration or have been encouraged (inspired )

into science and engineering careers(Judith Burns).

The two men slept that night on the moon, and at 1:54 p.m. the Eagle began its

ascent back to the command module among (5)(module. Among) the items left

on the surface of the moon was a sign that read: "Here men from the planet Earth

first set foot on the moon July 1969 A.D.—We came in peace for all


The crewmates splashed down off Hawaii on July 24. Kennedy's challenge has

been met. Men from Earth have walked on the moon and returned safely home.


Over the following three and a half years, .10 astronauts will follow in their

footsteps. Gene Cernan, commander of the last Apollo mission . leaves the lunar

surface with these words: "We leave as we came and, God willing, as we shall

return, with peace, and hope for all mankind."(NASA)

Conclusion (2) NASA has continued to explore space. Discovering things about

the moon and things about space and other planets. Today NASA is working on

sending humans to another planet: Mars. Thanks to the Apollo 11 moon landing,

nasa ,,,, is hopeful about its chances.

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