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Sample Question Paper (Detailed Answers) Physical Education Class 12th (a) Parvatasana 2. (c) Committee for Officials . (6) B9 4. (a) endurance - (a) Both (@) and (b) 5. 6. (©) Gomuknasana 7. (8) Arm Curl Tost 8. (a) Niacin 9. (&) Both Aand Rare tr, but Ris not the correct explanation of A 10. (©) Round shouldors 11. (© Executve 12. (@) environmental 13. (a) Pars 14. (d) Alofthe above 15. (0) Senath c) Ais tu, but Ris false 17. (a) A-2,B-1,6-3,0-4 18. (a) as 19. The Fullerton functional fitness test assesses the key elements of ph aerobic capacity, flexbilty, agility and balan lo the risk of injuries. ive behaviour al fines, muscle endurance, t does not expose the patient 20. For someone suffering from scoliosis, | would suggest practicing the following yoga asanas + Cat-Cow Pose (Marjariasana) This asana helps improve spinal fexibilty and promotes balance in the spine. * Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana) It stenat curvature caused by scoliosis. the back muscles and stretches the spine, reducing the 21. Special seeding refers to a technique used in agricultural practices, specifically in the cultivation of crops, It involves sowing or planting seeds in a carefuly planned and controlled manner to achieve specific objectives. 22. Paco run is a training technique in athetcs that involves running at a consistont speed. It helps improve endurance and speed by challenging the body's aerobic capacity. The goal isto maintain a steady pace throughout the un, without slowing down or speeding up. 23. ambiverts possess quale of both extroverts and intover's, displaying a balanced mix of social and soltary tendencies. They adapt their behaviour based on the situation Introverss, on the cther hand, tond to recharge in solitude, find social interactions draining and preter introspection over external stimulation 24, Maximum strength refers to the highest amount of force a muscle or muscle group can generate

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