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Name--------------------------------------------Afia Noor

Roll No-----------------------------------------BS-CS-21101

Subject------------------------------------------Web Engineering

Submitted to------------------------------------Ms.Zianab Asif

Topic--------------------------------------------Facebook Clone

Facebook cloning is a scam in which the attacker copies the profile picture of an
authorized user, creates a new account using that person’s name and sends friend
requests to people on the user’s list. The exploit is often successful because many
unsuspecting friends just accept the scammer’s requests, assuming that the actual
user has created a new account for some reason or forgetting that they are already
friends with that person.

Create a platform where users can search for people according to their interests and
can create an online network of friends/study groups. No longer using one to one
interaction to facilitate communication. We can also engage students in college to
attend the lecture in social manner.
UI images:

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