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Navigating the complexities of writing a literature review on Avian Influenza can be a daunting task

for many. It requires a thorough understanding of the subject matter, extensive research, and the
ability to critically analyze existing literature. The sheer volume of information available on this topic
can be overwhelming, making it challenging to sift through relevant sources and synthesize key

A literature review serves as a comprehensive summary and evaluation of existing research and
scholarly articles related to Avian Influenza. It involves identifying gaps in current knowledge,
assessing the quality and credibility of sources, and presenting a coherent narrative that contributes
to the existing body of literature.

One of the biggest challenges in writing a literature review is ensuring that the content is both
comprehensive and concise. It requires striking a balance between providing sufficient detail to
support your arguments and avoiding unnecessary repetition or tangents.

Moreover, organizing the vast amount of information into a logical structure can be challenging. A
well-structured literature review should flow seamlessly from one idea to the next, guiding the
reader through the evolution of research on Avian Influenza and highlighting significant findings
along the way.

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After two doses of an adjuvanted vaccine (regardless of the type of vaccine, with the exception of
the VLP vaccine mentioned above), seroprotection and seroconversion rates against the vaccine
antigen were above 50 per cent in almost all cases ( Figure 3 ). In this study, the immunological
endpoints were determined using the two vaccine strains, as well as six additional heterologous
strains. Outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza (H5N2) in Italy during October 1997 to
January 1998. Origin and molecular changes associated with emergence of a highly pathogenic
H5N2 influenza virus in Mexico. Journal of Low Power Electronics and Applications (JLPEA).
Epidemiology and ecology of H3N8 canine influenza viruses in US shelter dogs. The IgG responses
obtained were highest against the virus used in the primary vaccination, followed by antigenically
similar viruses. Scientific literature was used to estimate input parameters when required. The index
patient’s son in law also provided bedside care for the index patient in the mornings and nights
between 11 and 13 March without any personal protective equipment. The following data were
extracted: first author, country of origin, type of study, inclusion period, the definition of case and
control, age group and sex of cases and controls, and the total number of controls and cases, type of
intervention, and outcomes. Highly Pathogenic Influenza A(H5Nx) Viruses with Altered H5
Receptor-Binding Specificity. The main types of contact for patients were physical examination and
various medical services. Free-range chicken meat production in Australia was regarded as a “cottage
industry” in 2006 and now accounts for at least 15% of the total market ( 7 ). Data on persistence of
the immune response was excluded. ( A ) Percentage seroprotected subjects measured by HI assay; (
B ) percentage of seroconverted subjects measured by HI assay; ( C ) Log2 of the geometric mean
HI titer; ( D ) percentage of seroprotected subjects measured by MN assay; ( E ) percentage of
seroconverted subjects measured by MN assay; ( F ) Log2 of the geometric mean MN titer. The
search terms used to investigate the reported databases were “avian influenza AND outbreak”,
“avian influenza AND cases”, “avian influenza AND case”, “avian flu AND case” and “avian flu
AND cases”, published from 2010 to 2016. SD is a post-doctoral research fellow funded by the
Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (FWO), Flanders, Belgium. During the outbreak, a veterinarian
who treated the animals also became infected with feline H7N2 influenza virus and experienced
respiratory symptoms ( 17 ). Humans seemed to be more susceptible to the H7N9 virus than the
H5N1 virus. 12 It is therefore vital to establish whether the novel virus can transmit from person to
person because of the potential threat of a pandemic if it possesses sustainable transmissibility
between humans. 13 14 We report a family cluster of two patients with novel avian H7N9 virus
infection. Article types Author guidelines Editor guidelines Publishing fees Submission checklist
Contact editorial office Frontiers in Public Health. Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease
(TropicalMed). She was transferred to intensive care on 28 March because of persistent
hyperpyrexia, respiratory failure, and acute respiratory distress syndrome. The year 2010 was the
fifth year when measures and surveillance programmes were imposed by proper directives, and
legislation was enforced by all proper authorities. Systematic surveillance and prevention
programmes shall continue to be enhanced in “risky” countries (e.g. China, Viet Nam), while auditing
should be imposed in wet and live bird markets in order to ensure safe and appropriate animal
practices. While influenza epidemics pose a threat to canine and feline health, the risks to humans
are largely unknown. From 14 March, her father had abundant expectoration. At the same time,
MBCS or extended cleavage motif presence does not guarantee increased HA cleavability. This may
be attributed to various factors, such as sample heterogeneity, variety of statistical analyses followed
and others. Educational sessions and reminders were the most common interventions. In summary,
epizootics caused by HPAI in wild bird populations are seldom, and were mostly documented for
virus strains that had previously been associated with poultry farming ( 6 ). Subscribe to receive issue
release notifications and newsletters from MDPI journals.
Abbreviations used: Influenza A virus, IAV; Influenza B virus, IBV; Influenza C virus, ICV;
Influenza D virus, IDV. Conclusions Avian influenza virus has been proved to be able to
contaminate all types of avian species, including commercial poultry farms, wild birds, backyard
domestic animals, live poultry, game birds and mixed poultry. Study selection The study selection
process is summarised in a flow diagram (Fig. 1 ). As mentioned, the search provided initially 7023
citations. An increased number of doses also improved the immunogenicity and cross-reactivity of
vector-based vaccines. Influenza viral vectors, particularly of subtypes H5N1 and H1N1 were used
for veterinary vaccine applications. Download citation Received: 05 October 2012 Accepted: 25
April 2013 Published: 01 May 2013 DOI: Share this article Anyone you share the following link with
will be able to read this content: Get shareable link Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available
for this article. The need of further research in AI virus properties, particularly in an Australian
context is also highlighted. Article types Author guidelines Editor guidelines Publishing fees
Submission checklist Contact editorial office Submit your research Search Download article. We
place a strong emphasis on providing you with tools and techniques that will. However, confirmed
cases of human infection from several subtypes of avian influenza infection have been reported since
1997. The size of the circle indicates the number of vaccine doses (one to four) used before the serum
sample was obtained as indicated on the right side of the figure. Influenza A, WSN strain caused
fuzzy plaques on the chicken embryo fibroblasts but clear plaque morphology when grown in MDBK
cells. It has been proven to be difficult to achieve the ideal balance between sensitivity and
specificity, as time, keywords and resource constraints are set in this paper. Article types Author
guidelines Editor guidelines Publishing fees Submission checklist Contact editorial office Submit
your research Search Download article. The keywords set in our search strategy were “avian
influenza” and “avian influenza virus” and “avian flu” and “outbreak” and concerned the article title,
abstract or keywords. Evolution of highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 viruses in Egypt
indicating progressive adaptation. Due to its importance, the endpoint of low and high pathogenicity
is analyzed more often compared to HA cleavability directly and the experimental test of low or high
pathogenicity as reported in the literature is hence used in this work as indirect evidence for
increased cleavability of the observed motifs. Moonee Ponds, VIC: Scolexia Animal and Avian
Health Consultancy (2009). Next, the inserts were searched against the NCBI non-redundant
database limited to chicken taxid for the best hit. As a result, he often visited convenience stores and
occasionally live markets. The continent of Australia was affected four times with only H7 LP to HP
conversions during this period (1976 and 1985 H7N7, 1992 and 1994 H7N3). At the beginning of
each session, rewards were given to the trainees who shared what they had learned from the previous
session with their peers. The inserts were also searched against the non-redundant database limited to
bird taxid and mammal taxid, and against influenza viruses. This study assessed the influence of
flock size on the overall probability by considering the number of sheds on the property and
demonstrated that more sheds on a property lead to greater probabilities of exposure. Please take
time to read the NFU’s Privacy Policy if you require further information. Risk factors for the
introduction of high pathogenicity avian influenza virus into poultry farms during the epidemic in the
Netherlands in 2003. Guidelines for critical review form: Qualitative studies (Version 2.0).
McMaster University Occupational Therapy Evidence-Based Practice Research Group. 2007. Law
M, Stewart D, Letts L, Pollock N, Bosch J, Westmorland M. The size of the circles indicates the
number of vaccine doses (one to four) used before the serum sample was obtained according to the
legend. ( A ) Percentage of seroprotected subjects measured by HI assay; ( B ) percentage of
seroconverted subjects measured by HI assay; ( C ) Log2 of the geometric mean HI titer; ( D )
percentage of seroprotected subjects measured by MN assay; ( E ) percentage of seroconverted
subjects measured by MN assay, ( F ) Log2 geometric of the mean MN titer. Concerning commercial
poultry farms, 73.1% were HPAI, 21.7% LPAI and 5.2% were not mentioned. Table 2 Data sheet
extracted from articles and records included in this systematic review Full size table Assessment of
risk of bias in included studies As with all research studies, the whole format of design and conduct
of reviews may introduce biases that may affect the systematic review findings.
Paper should be a substantial original Article that involves several techniques or approaches, provides
an outlook for. Receptor binding and transmission studies of H5N1 influenza virus in mammals.
While the 1971 insertion was only observed in a lab strain, it is noteworthy that the 2012 Mexican
H7N3 acquisition of the extended cleavage site from host 28S rRNA appeared to have been the first
observation of natural recombination of this kind. Hence, the calculation of the attack rate is likely to
vary by study due to methodological differences. We, therefore, believe and suggest that future
reviews should follow a more comprehensive search strategy and approach. Although vaccines are
the first line of defence, when a pandemic arises there will be an anticipated, seemingly inevitable
lag in production and supply as manufacturers hasten to formulate the vaccine and increase
production capacity. To date, only viruses carrying HAs of the H1, H2 and H3 subtypes and NAs of
the N1 or N2 subtypes are known to have caused influenza A virus pandemics. Correa et al. ( 31 )
conducted a parallel RCT study on school children in which the researchers provided alcohol-based
hand rubs and training on proper use for intervention group with 30-minute monthly sessions for 9
months. The searches were conducted with and without specifying the dates and the results retrieved
were nearly the same. On free-range farms (Figures 5 A,B), waterfowl on the range was the third
most influential parameter. We hope this provides you with the answers you need to feel comfortable
with our pheasants and our rearing practices. Generally, the economic consequences of AIV in
poultry are severe, since not only the production of eggs is affected, but also the quality of the egg
influenced. The highest immunological endpoints were obtained using a total of three to four vaccine
doses and AS03 adjuvanted split inactivated vaccines. Visit our dedicated information section to
learn more about MDPI. Serologic evidence of pandemic (H1N1) 2009 infection in dogs, Italy. So
far, no evidence of reassortment with other subtypes has been reported. Seroprevalence and risk
factors for canine H3N8 influenza virus exposure in household dogs in Colorado. A comparative
analysis of host responses to avian influenza infection in ducks and chickens highlights a role for the
interferon-induced transmembrane proteins in viral resistance. The time between the administration
of the vaccine doses varied from seven days to a year. Altogether since its introduction into the
canine population, evolution dynamics studies of CIV-H3N8 suggested that it evolved and diverged
into multiple lineages ( 81 ). ProMED mail had an additional 198 records fitting our research strategy
criteria. There was overall a good correspondence between the immunological endpoints against the
primary and secondary vaccine antigen ( Figure 4 ). During this outbreak, it was estimated that
3,987,160 birds from commercial poultry species were infected by HPAI H7N3. Fig. 2 Avian
influenza virus subtypes upon country Full size image Fig. 3 Global distribution of avian influenza
virus outbreaks Full size image AIV cases The studies and records (ProMED mail) included a total
of 58,709,463 individual birds. Firstly, clinical data showed that the index patient did not develop
diarrhoea during course of disease. Noteworthy, no CIV-H3N8 infection has been reported since
2016. Introduction of HPAI of the H5 subtype to Southeast Asia took place around year 2000,
which was followed by the regular isolation of multiple reassortant genotypes and subtypes. Bovine
lactoferrins were also known for its anti-infective, anti-cancer, and anti-inflammatory effects.
However, underlying immune mechanisms of potential increased breadth upon heterologous prime-
boost vaccination remain to be elucidated. SM, DMC, SVD, GD, PL and MG interpreted the results,
wrote and revised the manuscript. Previous Article in Journal Establishment of a Cell Culture Model
of Persistent Flaviviral Infection: Usutu Virus Shows Sustained Replication during Passages and
Resistance to Extinction by Antiviral Nucleosides.
In addition, vehicles used to transport live poultry where the birds are brought together from
multiple premises (so called many-to-one or many-to-many activities) are also considered gatherings.
Moonee Ponds, VIC: Scolexia Animal and Avian Health Consultancy (2009). Juveniles and migrants
as drivers for seasonal epizootics of avian influenza virus. It was found during on-farm surveys that
non-free-range meat chicken farms were usually older farms with relatively poorer biosecurity
compared to free-range meat chicken farms ( 12 ). Both H1N1 and H3N2 strains were isolated from
cattle later. Immunogenicity of trivalent subunit and split influenza vaccines (1989-90 winter season)
in volunteers of different groups of age. At MacFarlane Pheasants, Inc., we pride ourselves on strict
biosecurity practices at all times. These vaccine types were used without adjuvant or with one of the
adjuvants previously discussed. The present study investigates the effectiveness of educational
interventions to prevent influenza. Find support for a specific problem in the support section of our
website. All authors read and approved the final manuscript. This is an open-access article
distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). References for
Table S1. (ZIP 230 kb) Rights and permissions. Also, there were outbreaks referring to a number of
flocks within a region, where it was likely that several ages were involved, i.e. one outbreak
involving 20 farms in the same region each with birds of a certain age. JY-M conceived the idea of
the review and helped to revise the manuscript. A synthetic analog for this compound, called SF-10
is available to avoid the risk of Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE). A chronological list of
studies pertaining to the seroprevalence of IAV in ruminants is shown in Table 2. Bovine respiratory
disease (BRD) is a multifactorial disease caused due to a single or combination of factors such as
environmental, host, managemental, and infectious factors, posing significant economic burden
affecting the cattle industry in North America. In order to estimate the evolutionary relationships
between the selected H5 and H7 sequences associated with conversions and reassortment events, we
used the discrete phylogeographic approach implemented in BEAST 1.8.4 ( 20 ). This Bayesian
phylogenetic diffusion model allows inferrering ancestral times and spatial locations at the internal
and root nodes of time-calibrated phylogenetic trees ( 21 ). The distributions assume that all wild
birds are independent, have the same probability of being infected, and those infected are always
infective. In one study, higher immunological endpoints against the homologous antigens (HI, MN)
and a heterologous antigen (MN) were obtained by adding AS03 to the secondary vaccine rather
than to the primary vaccine. In only 138 outbreaks (21.3%), a vaccination programme was
mentioned; however, no access to more precise information was feasible concerning the subtypes
covered, the doses received, etc. The subtype (HxNx) involved in the conversion and reassortment
event was recorded along with the host species and type of poultry farming system (backyard
poultry, commercial poultry and wild birds) of the first isolation of the novel HPAI subtype. The
publications citing these novel emergences were reviewed to classify the report into a conversion or
reassortment event based on the documented evidence. These major threats to human health may
have devastating socio-economic consequences, as observed currently with the COVID-19
pandemic, caused by a member of the coronavirus family. The pig as a mixing vessel for influenza
viruses: human and veterinary implications. However, these cattle influenza A viruses failed to adapt
and establish their niche for a sustained transmission and evolution due to stringent transmission
bottlenecks. As well as good biosecurity, breeder chicken farms tend to also have close flock health
monitoring, as the LPAI detections that occurred were during outbreak investigation related to a
drop in production performance ( 29 ). Any contacts who became ill had samples tested for avian
H7N9 by rRT-PCR. The amount of HA per dose varied from 1.9 to 90 ?g in these vaccines, with 3.75
?g HA being the most frequently used.

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