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Globalization: An Analysis of its Cultural, Economic, The internet can be an arena for alternative media, where independent

and Political Impacts media centers, such as the Independent Media Center, disseminate

information to facilitate global participation of activists.

In our previous discussion, we explored various definitions
Heterogeneity, in contrast, pertains to the creation of various
and metaphors of globalization, as well as its origins and

history. Now, we will analyze globalization from cultural,

cultural practices, new economies, and political groups,

resulting from the interaction of elements from different

so cieties.
economic, and political perspectives, and examine how it

contributes to homogeneity or heterogeneity.

Homogeneity vs. Heterogeneity
Cultural hybridization: R o lan d R o b ertso n 's co n cep t o f

'glocalization', where global forces interact with local factors

 Homogeneity refers to the increasing sameness in the world,

to p ro d u ce a u n iq u e o u tco m e.
as cultural inputs, economic factors, and political

Economic heterogeneity: The commodification of cultures and global

orientations of societies expand to create common practices,

same economies, and similar forms of government.

m ark ets, lead in g to d ifferen tiatio n in eco n o m ies.
Political heterogeneity: The rise of nationalismand political groups
Cultural imperialism: The dominant religion in the Philippines is
that intensify political differences.
Christianity, brought by the Spaniards in 1521.
Heterogeneity can coexist with homogeneity in a globalized
Koreanization: The proliferation of Korean culture, such as K-
w o rld , as d ifferen t so cieties ex p erien ce g lo b alizatio n in
d ram a, K -p o p , an d d an ce, w h ich in flu en ces th e y o u th
u n iq u e w ay s.
w o rld w id e.

Economic globalization: Rich countries have an advantage in the global

Theories of Globalization

eco n o m y , lead in g to in creased in eq u ality am o n g n atio n s.

Three Perspectives on Global Cultural Flows

Media imperialism: Global media flows are dominated by a According to the video, there are three perspectives on

sm all n u m b er o f larg e co rp o ratio n s, w h ich u n d erm in es th e global cultural flows:

ex isten ce o f altern ativ e g lo b al m ed ia.

1. Cultural Differentialism: This perspective regards cultures as
Critics argue that cultural imperialism denies the agency of viewers, yet
distinct and unique, and while there may be global flow,
people often interpret the same mediumin significantly different
cultural influences don't fundamentally change core
Samuel P. Huntington' s clash of civilizations theory is an

ex am p le o f th is v iew . Globalization is a complex and multifaceted

phenomenon that refers to the growing
2. Cultural Hybridization: This perspective contends that cultures interconnectedness and interdependence of people,
organizations, and governments across the world. It
can be characterized as increasing both
are mutually transformed and integrated through interaction, homogeneity . and heterogeneity, depending on the

lead in g to th e creatio n o f n ew , h y b rid fo rm s.

specific context.
Homogeneity refers to uniformity and similarity, while heterogeneity

Examples of cultural hybridization include the global spread of hip-

refers to diversity and variation. Homogeneity implies cohesion and
stability but can limit diversity and change. Heterogeneity fosters
innovation and adaptability but can lead to conflicts and coordination

h o p m u sic an d fash io n , w h ich are ad ap ted in v ario u s w ay s in d ifferen t

challenges. The implications of both concepts depend on the context.

cu ltu res.
Homogeneity in globalization refers to the increasing
sameness in the world, as cultural inputs, economic
factors, and political orientations of societies
expand to create common practices, same
Another concept that captures this perspective is Roland Robertson' s economies, and similar forms of government.
Examples: of this include the spread of Christianity,
'glocalization', which refers to the process of local cultures the Koreanization of culture, and the global
economic crisis caused by neoliberalism ( free
adapting and transforming global influences in their own markets) and capitalism (private ownership).

ways. It leads to a certain level of uniformity or similarity. Promoting a common set of

beliefs, values, and practices among its followers. This can result in a sense of unity

Cultural Convergence: This perspective highlights the

and shared identity within Christian communities.. influence and spread of Korean
cultural elements globally. Influencing the tastes, preferences, and consumption
patterns of people in different countries, potentially resulting in a homogenization of
global popular culture… In the 2008 financial crisis, Governments and international
institutions often implemented similar policies ex. (fiscal policies, such as tax cuts and
dominance of a single cultural model, often resulting in the increased government spending, to stimulate economic growth and create jobs and .

suppression of other cultural forms.

measures to stabilize the economy, across different countries. However, this
homogeneity can limit diversity and worsen systemic risks in the economy. Why?bc It
reduces the presence of alternative perspectives, makes economies vulnerable to
shocks, and restricts the ability to address unique challenges. Striking a balance
between unity and stability while preserving diversity is crucial for a robust and
resilient economy.
This perspective can lead to the notion of cultural imperialism,
On the other hand, heterogeneity in globalization
where a more powerful culture imposes its practices and values onrefers
a to the creation of various cultural practices,

less powerful culture.

new economies, and political groups due to the
interaction of elements from different societies. This can
be seen in the concept of cultural hybridization,
Critics argue that cultural imperialism denies viewer agency, as
where local and global cultures integrate to create
unique outcomes in different geographical areas.
p eo p le o ften in terp ret th e sam e m ed iu m in d ifferen t w ay s.
Example: In the Philippines, heterogeneity is evident in the
diverse ethnic groups and indigenous communities across
the country. The Philippines is home to numerous
The internet can be an arena for alternative media, allowing for more
indigenous peoples, each with their own distinct languages,

diverse cultural expression.

traditions, and cultural practices.

There are several theories of globalization, including

Concluding Thoughts
(1)world systems theory, (2)modernization theory,
and (3)evolutionary theory.

1 World systems theory, associated with Immanuel

Globalization presents both opportunities and challenges for Wallerstein, views the world as a single, integrated

d ifferen t so cieties. B y co n sid erin g th e cu ltu ral, eco n o m ic,

economic system, divided into core, periphery, and
semi-periphery. This theory focuses on the dynamics

an d p o litical asp ects o f g lo b alizatio n , w e can b etter

of the capitalist world economy and the unequal
relationships between countries. It highlights the

u n d erstan d its d iv erse im p acts an d co n seq u en ces.

dominance of global forces and the power hierarchy
between the core and periphery, where the core
countries dominate and exploit the periphery countries.
Ex. Imagine a group of friends playing a game where some Cultural Convergence: This is about how some big
friends have more resources and power, while others have things can become so popular that they start to
fewer resources. The friends with more resources may
influence the game’s rules and outcomes, affecting
be everywhere, and other things might not be
everyone’s experiences. This is similar to how in the world, seen as much. It’s like when one game becomes
some countries have a lot of money and power, and they so popular that everyone wants to play it, and
can make decisions that affect other countries. other games are not played as much.

2 Modernization theory, developed by Talcott

Parsons, sees globalization as a process of
modernization and westernization, where
traditional societies become more like modern,
Western societies through processes of economic
growth and social change. This theory highlights
the diffusion of modern values, technology, and
institutions from the West to the rest of the world.
Modernization Theory: It’s like a town that used to have
small farms and simple tools. Then new machines and
technologies came, making the farms bigger and changing The Global Economy
how the town works.

3 Evolutionary theory, also known as historical

materialism, explains the rise and fall of ancient The global economy, also known as the world economy,
empires and the emergence of the contemporary
global village in evolutionary terms. It argues that refers to the international exchange of goods and
humanity is inevitably moving towards a world
state. services, as well as the free movement of goods, capital,

services, technology, and information. It is concerned

Evolutionary Theory: It’s like how a caterpillar changes
into a butterfly. Societies also change and adapt to new
things, just like the caterpillar changes into a butterfly.
Societies go through changes to become better and with the globalization of production, finance markets,
different. example, people in a society might learn new
ways of doing things, like using new tools or building
technology, organizational regimes, institutions,
new homes, to make their lives better. This is similar to

corporations, and labor. The term "global economy"

how societies change when new things are introduced,
like new machines and tools that help people do things
better and differently.
highlights the interdependence of nations, where the
There are three perspectives on global cultural
flows: differentialism, hybridization, and actions of one nation can have significant effects on other


Differentialism emphasizes the fact that cultures

are essentially different, stressing the autonomy of
local cultures and the need for cultural diversity. Globalization and the Advance of Communication
Cultural Differentialism: This is about how each
culture is different and special. It says that even and Technology
if cultures learn from each other, they still keep
their own important things. It’s like how different
colors make a rainbow, and each color is unique Globalization has three subcategories: economic, cultural,

and political . The economic aspect of globalization has

and beautiful on its own.

Cultural Hybridization: This is like when different

ingredients mix together to make a new and expanded since the emergence of transnational trade and
yummy dish. It’s about how cultures can mix and
make something new and special, like when has increased exponentially due to the increased rate of
people from different places come together and
communication and technology. The advent of the
create something fun and exciting.

internet has particularly changed many basic features of

the global economy, making it relevant for many international law. The owners or shareholders are

businesses, both large and small . generally national governments, although other

international institutions and organizations occasionally

orld Trade Organization (W

W TO) figure as shareholders. The most prominent IFIs include

onetary Fund (IM

F), the W
The World Trade Organization (WTO) is the only
the International M orld Bank

Group (WBG), the African Development Bank (AfDB), the Asian

Development Bank (ADB), the Inter-American

international organization dealing with the global rules of

trade. Its main function is to ensure that trade flows as

Development Bank (IDB), and the European Bank for
smoothly, predictably, and freely as possible. The WTO
Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).
has helped limit trade barriers, which are restrictions on

international trade imposed by the government. Global corporations have arisen due to the process of

Businesses that import and export goods and services g lo b alizatio n an d th e in creasin g scale o f p ro d u ctio n .

face these barriers, but the WTO has helped reduce them T ran sn atio n al co rp o ratio n s are n o w co m m o n in th e w o rld ,

by promoting free trade. an d th eir in flu en ce h as ex p an d ed b ey o n d th eir h o m e

co u n tries. T h ey are k ey p lay ers in th e g lo b al eco n o m y

Market Integration an d m an ag e th eir o p eratio n s acro ss v ario u s co u n tries an d

reg io n s.
arket integration is an indicator of howmuch different

m ark ets are related to each o th er in to d ay 's g lo b al

eco n o m y . W h en p rices am o n g d ifferen t lo catio n s o r

International Trade and Development

related g o o d s fo llo w th e sam e p attern o v er a lo n g p erio d International trade is essential to development, and it has

o f tim e, m ark et in teg ratio n ex ists. M ark et in teg ratio n is h elp ed lift m illio n s o f p eo p le o u t o f p o v erty . D ev elo p in g

ev id en t w h en g ro u p s o f p rices o ften m o v e p ro p o rtio n ally co u n tries h av e b en efited sig n ifican tly fro m th e g lo b al

to each o th er, an d th is relatio n is v ery clear am o n g eco n o m y , as p ro d u ctio n an d ex p o rt activ ities h av e

d ifferen t m ark ets. in creased th eir eco n o m ic g ro w th . T h e in tern atio n al

eco n o m y h as h elp ed ex p an d th e g lo b al eco n o m y , b u t it

International Financial Institutions (IFIs) h as also led to a d iv id e b etw een th e rich an d th e p o o r

n atio n s.
International financial institutions (IFIs) are chartered by

more than one country and are therefore subject to

The global economy is like a big marketplace where
The global economy is a complex and interconnected
people from different countries can trade goods and
services with each other.
system that requires the cooperation of many nations to

ensure its smooth functioning. It has made it easier for

This can be helpful because it allows people to get things
they need or want, even if their own country doesn't
have them. For example, a country that doesn't have any
countries to trade and exchange goods and services, but it bananas can still enjoy bananas by trading something
they have a lot of, like corn, for bananas from another
has also led to the emergence of challenges such as country.
income inequality and trade protectionism. The global When people from different countries share their ideas
and learn from each other, it's called globalization. This
economy will continue to evolve and change as nations can be a good thing because it can help people find new

continue to work together to address these challenges.

ways of doing things, or make things that are better or

For example, a country that has a special way of making

shoes might teach other countries how to make shoes
that way. This can help more people get good shoes, and
it can also create new jobs for people in the shoe-making
However, globalization can also be tricky. Sometimes, if
one country has a problem, it can affect other countries
The global economy means people from different too.
countries can trade and share things like toys, food, and
ideas. This can help countries and people grow and For example, if a country that makes computer chips has
develop. a problem, like a fire at their factory, then other countries
Sometimes, people have different ways of doing things, that need those chips might have a problem too.
like how they make or sell things.
This is because they might not be able to make their
Globalization happens when people learn from each computers or electronics without the chips.
other and share their ideas. This can be good because it To help make trade easier and fairer, there is a group
can help more people get what they need, but it can also called the World Trade Organization (WTO).
be tricky because if one country has a problem, it can
affect other countries too. The WTO helps people agree on rules that can make
trading easier and more fair.
To help make trade easier, there is a group called the
World Trade Organization (WTO) that helps people agree This can help countries work together and make sure that
on rules that can make trading easier and fairer. everyone is playing by the same rules.

There are also other big groups, like the International There are also other big groups, like the International
Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank, that help Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank, that help
countries work together and share money to build things countries work together and share money to build
like roads and schools. things like roads and schools. This can help countries
grow and develop, and it can also create new jobs.
Some big companies also work in many countries, and
they are called global corporations. They can make and There are also big companies that work in many
sell things in many different places. countries, called global corporations. These companies
can make and sell things in many different places. This
Trading can help countries grow and get better, but it can can be a good thing because it can help people get what
also cause some problems. For example, some people they need or want, even if their own country doesn't
might not have as much money as others. But, if people have it.
work together, they can find solutions and make trading
better for everyone. However, globalization and the global economy can also
cause problems. For example, some people might not
have as much money as others, which can make it hard
for them to get the things they need or want. This is
called income inequality. But, if people work together
and find solutions, they can make trading better for
everyone. This might involve finding ways to share
resources more fairly, or creating new opportunities for
people in all countries.

Overall, the global economy is a complex and

interconnected system that can bring people and
countries together, but it also requires cooperation and
hard work to make sure that everyone benefits.

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