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Writing a literature review, especially on a complex topic like plant growth, is no small feat.

requires a deep dive into existing research, the ability to critically analyze studies, and synthesize
information from various sources to create a coherent overview of what's known and what gaps
remain in the field. This task is made even more challenging by the need to stay updated with the
latest studies and trends, which can change rapidly.

The process of crafting a literature review involves several steps, starting from identifying relevant
research to understanding the nuances of each study, evaluating their methodologies, and drawing
connections between them. One must be well-versed in the scientific language used in these studies,
which can be a significant barrier for those not specialized in the field. Moreover, the sheer volume
of literature available on plant growth, encompassing genetics, environmental factors, soil
composition, and agricultural practices, to name a few, makes it difficult to cover all bases

Given these challenges, it's understandable why many might seek assistance in writing a literature
review on plant growth. Professional help can significantly ease the burden, ensuring that the review
is not only thorough but also adheres to academic standards. This is where services like ⇒ ⇔ come into play, offering expert guidance and support in navigating the complex
landscape of academic writing. With a team of professionals who specialize in a wide range of
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task of writing a literature review on plant growth.
Despite the growing interest in the technology, its full potential has not yet been achieved and
utilization still seems to be in infancy. Current and future initiatives are anticipated to improve the
uptake of biofertilizers in Africa ( Raimi et al., 2021 ). However, more efforts are needed to boost the
consumption of these microbial products and promote the sustainability of global food production
systems ( Aloo et al., 2021 ). Various approaches and strategies adopted to overcome drought stress
on plants have included agronomic practices, genetic engineering and use of beneficial microbes. In
order to be human-readable, please install an RSS reader. Therefore, they appear to compete more
efficiently against many other microorganisms present in the rhizosoil. Available at: (Accessed July 3, 2022). Despite the growing literature, research concerning
their application as biofertilizers is still limited and generally inconsistent. Hydroxymates are the
most common types of siderophores. One reason for this gap may reside in the difficulty of
preparing a commercial product formulation with one or more streptomycetes as an active substance.
Global fresh water shortages demand that serious efforts be made to improve crop production in dry,
arid and drought prone areas by adopting novel agronomic and biotechnological approaches. Applied
and Environmental Microbiology 55: 2431- 2436. In India, Goteti et al. (2013) bacterized potted
maize seeds with Zn-solubilizing Pseudomonas that significantly enhanced Zn uptake and
concentration. Abstract Water scarcity is one of the major global issues brought about by climate
change. From the industrial point of view, the selection and choice of prospective Streptomyces spp.
The endophytic colonization of streptomycetes connected with their influence on plant nutrition is
poorly studied so far. Print and post this poster when discussing growing healthy plants. Micro-
encapsulation is one viable approach but most experiments in this regard have been restricted to
laboratories and the standardization of this technology for industrial and field applications should be
pursued. Among them, a few contain streptomycetes and other Actinomycetales. Free living bacteria
release certain proteins (glycoproteins) and have special organs (pili) which help them to attach to
plant roots (colonization) (Steenhoudt and Vanderleyden, 2000). Feature papers represent the most
advanced research with significant potential for high impact in the field. A Feature. The complete
opening of the bud can take up to 7 days, and proceeds from the outside toward the middle of the
sunflower. Survival mechanism Reference Rhizobium trifolii T 19C Enhanced CAT activity Goyal et
al. (1986) Rhizobium meliloti strain 31 Modification in cell morphology Busse and Bottomley (1989)
Rhizobium meliloti 102F34 Osmolyte accumulation (trehalose, glutamate) Smith and Smith (1989) E.
Indian Journal of Experimental Biology 38: 56-62. DFID. 2001. “Strategy for Research on
Renewable Natural Resources”, Technical Report for the DFID’s Natural Resources Systems
Programme-Semi Arid Systems. Dimkpa, C., T. Weinand and F. Asch. 2009. Plant- rhizobacteria
interactions alleviate abiotic stress conditions. Any product that may be evaluated in this article, or
claim that may be made by its manufacturer, is not guaranteed or endorsed by the publisher. Herein,
we evaluate the history of PGPR biofertilizers, assess their present utilization status from a global
perspective, and critically propound on their future in sustainable crop production. Next Article in
Journal Antioxidative Effect of Quetiapine on Acute Ultraviolet-B-Induced Skin and HaCaT Cell
Damage. This review is structured in a way that first describes each rhizosphere process briefly and
then reports on the specific growth chamber systems designed to facilitate experiments for answering
related research questions. We use cookies on our website to ensure you get the best experience. It
was determined that inoculation resulted in a substantial increase in plant survival; up to 80%,
through the induction of stress-protein genes including CaPR-10, sHSP, Cadhn and VA as compared
to non-inoculated stressed plants which died after 15 days of drought stress. ISPRS International
Journal of Geo-Information (IJGI).
Plant Growth Promoting and Biocontrol Activity of Streptomyces spp. The use, distribution or
reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) and the copyright owner(s)
are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted
academic practice. The motto on the front door: NO SHOOTING, NO SMOKING, NO MOONING
THE MANAGEMENT. Microbiological Research 158: 243- 248. Sharp, R.E. and M.E. Le Noble.
2002. ABA, ethylene and the control of shoot and root growth under water stress. One reason for
this gap may reside in the difficulty of preparing a commercial product formulation with one or more
streptomycetes as an active substance. Biofertilizer market by form (liquid, carrier-based), mode of
application (soil treatment, seed treatment), crop type, type (nitrogen-fixing, phosphates solubilizing
and mobilizing, potash solubilizing and mobilizing), region-global forecast to 2025, 2019.
McWilliams, D., 2003. Drought Strategies for Cotton, Cooperative Extension Service Circular 582,
College of Agriculture and Home Economics, New Mexico State University, USA. Moens, S., K.
Michiels, V. Keijers, F. Van Leuven and J. Vanderleyden. 1995. Cloning, sequencing, and phenotypic
analysis of laf1, encoding the flagellin of the lateral flagella of Azospirillum brasilense Sp7. Please
note that many of the page functionalities won't work as expected without javascript enabled.
Acknowledgement The authors would like to thank Dr. John Machell (Visiting Researcher,
University of Sheffield, UK.) for editing and improving the English of this manuscript. As a single
example among many, we mention the production of polyoxin B and D by Streptomyces cacaoi var.
Failure to fulfill the food, feed, fiber, and fuel demands of the increasing population will result in
increasing problematic socio-economic crises; especially in developing countries. World Journal of
Microbiology and Biotechnology 27: 197-205. Asghar, H.N., Z.A. Zahir, M.A. Akram, H.T. Ahmad
and M.B. Hussain. 2015. Isolation and screening of beneficial bacteria to ameliorate drought stress in
wheat. Due to its abundance and importance, the bacterial community in the rhizosphere is perhaps
the most widely studied among other microbial members in the rhizosphere ecosystem. Steenhoudt,
O. and D. J. Vanderleyden. 2000. Azospirillum, a free-living nitrogen-fixing bacterium
closelyassociated with grasses: Genetic, biochemical and ecological aspects. Rodriguez et al. (2004)
investigated P-solubilization by Azospirillum sp. (A. lipoferum JA4 and A. Rhizobia, for example,
are well known for atmospheric N2-fixation in legume plants through a symbiotic relationship, but
rhizobia also enhance the growth of non-legumes through root colonization under normal as well as
stress conditions (Alami et al. 2000). Bacteria can fix nitrogen in either free or symbiotic
relationships in which they entrap atmospheric nitrogen into NH3 to be utilized by the plants. The
stem and head begin to dry out and eventually all of the seeds are loosened and fall out. These
microbial products hold massive potential as sustainable crop production tools, especially in the wake
of climate change that is partly fueled by artificial fertilizers. The dimension of the channel depends
on the type and age of the plant. Journal of Plant Physiology 174: 87-96. Oya, T., A.L.
Nepomucemo, N. Neumaier, J.R.B. Farias, S. Tobita and O. Ito. 2004. Drought tolerance
characteristics of Brazilian soybean cultivars: evaluation and characterization of drought tolerance of
various Brazilian soybean cultivars in the field. Journal of Bacteriology 188: 3219-3227. Yang, J.,
J.W. Kloepper and C.M. Ryu. 2009. Rhizosphere bacteria help plants tolerate abiotic stress. About
38% land is currently classified as susceptible to drought stress, and this percentage is expected to
increase due to climate change. Auxin production was first discovered in hyperplasia-inducing-
bacteria suspected of their role in plant development including Pseudomonas savastanoi,
Agrobacterium rhizogenes, Agrobacterium tumefaciens and Erwinia herbicola (Morris, 1995;
Lambrecht et al. 2000). Auxins produced by PGPR i.e. Azospirillum sp. enhanced the water status of
plants under osmotic stress because auxins stimulate shoot growth by improving apical and basal
segments of coleoptiles. For more information on the journal statistics, click here. This bacteria has
shown excellent growth-promoting activity not only on groundnut but also on a number of other
crops. The table has been prepared according to the information given on the labels of the respective
products. Abscisic acid (ABA), which is a stress hormone, plays vital role in the induction of drought
tolerance in mesophytes. This scenario demonstrates the importance of N 2 -fixing rhizobacteria as
biofertilizers. The efficacy of biocontrol agents, among them streptomycetes, is affected by soil
organic matter, pH, nutrient levels, and moisture level. Nature 529: 84-87. Lim, J.H. and S.D. Kim.
2013. Induction of drought stress resistance by multifunctional PGPR Bacillus licheniformis K11 in
Destructive sampling may result in the loss of three-dimensional (3D) spatial information on
rhizosphere processes over time, which is increasingly being recognized as a critical parameter. A
rhizotron fitted with water-tight gasket seals has also been used successfully to investigate the RSA
of plants under water-logged conditions ( Busch et al., 2006 ). The microorganisms grow on plants
as a resource of nutrients or habitat niche. Indeed, the BCB Manual of Biocontrol Agents, 5th
Edition, lists over 120 microorganisms with potential use in agriculture, 54 of which have been
approved in the EU for use in plant protection; however, only a few are commercially available.
PGPR, which are capable of producing or modulating ABA concentration, can stimulate plant
growth by conserving water loss under drought stress (Cohen et al. 2009). Vargas et al. (2014) also
elucidated the mitigation of water deficit stress by the activation of drought-responsive genes
through ABA-dependent signaling pathways by using Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus PAL5
inoculation in sugarcane. As the ground gets warmer and the roots give the plant nutrients, a spout
shoots toward the top of the soil. There is a need to shed light on the past, current, and future
prospects of biofertilizers to increase their understanding and utility. These ROS not only affect the
cell membrane, but also other constituents and processes. Feature papers are submitted upon
individual invitation or recommendation by the scientific editors and must receive. Microbial
Ecology 67: 410-420. Arshad, M., B. Shaharoona and T. Mahmood. 2008. Inoculation with
Pseudomonas spp. Journal of Plant Physiology 174: 87-96. Oya, T., A.L. Nepomucemo, N.
Neumaier, J.R.B. Farias, S. Tobita and O. Ito. 2004. Drought tolerance characteristics of Brazilian
soybean cultivars: evaluation and characterization of drought tolerance of various Brazilian soybean
cultivars in the field. These specialized systems often have a visible rhizosphere which enables
coupling with other technologies thereby increasing the breadth of experimental techniques applicable
to the rhizosphere system. If any manner it violates the law or has any issues then kindly contact us
for this Link Removal. The inoculant industry is faced with various challenges in making
formulations with prolonged shelf lives. Arzanesh, M.H., H.A. Alikhani, K. Khavazi, H.A. Rahimian
and M. Miransari. 2011. Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) growth enhancement by Azospirillum sp.
Nevertheless, the commercialization of Rhizobium formulations continued in the 19th century (
Fages, 1992 ), and extended globally thereafter ( Deaker et al., 2004 ). A lot of biofertilizers have
since been formulated and marketed worldwide attempts have also been made to formulate bacterial
soil-fertilizing preparations for non-legume crops. KMITL Science and Technology Journal 8: 18-23.
Chandra, D., R. Srivastava, B.R. Glick and A.K. Sharma. 2018. Drought-tolerant Pseudomonas spp.
Among such actinobacterial communities, a few Streptomyces spp. Author Contributions Sai Shiva
Krishna Prasad Vurukonda, Davide Giovanardi, Emilio Stefani contributed equally to the
manuscript. This review discusses the currently available lab-based systems ranging from widely
known rhizotrons to other emerging devices designed to allow continuous monitoring and non-
destructive sampling of the rhizosphere ecosystems in real-time throughout the developmental stages
of a plant. You can download the paper by clicking the button above. However, these studies also
highlight the importance of continuing research on this subject, especially focusing on
actinomycetes, which up to now have been little used as inoculants to enhance agricultural
production and ensuring food security, despite the excellent potential shown in a large number of
scientific publications so far. Markets and markets, biofertilizer market by form (liquid, carrier-
based), mode of application (soil treatment, seed treatment), crop type, type (nitrogen-fixing,
phosphates solubilizing and mobilizing, potash solubilizing and mobilizing), region-global forecast to
2026. Canadian Journal of Microbiology 31: 26-31. Hussain, M.B., Z.A. Zahir, H.N. Asghar and M.
Asghar. 2014. Can catalase and exopolysaccharides producing rhizobia ameliorate drought stress in
wheat. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution License (CC BY). More research in this regard will promote their application and
utilization as bioinoculants in the future. Microfluidic platforms with its fast prototyping capabilities
can be helpful in creating growth chambers designed to stimulate these redox changes. Nitrogen-
fixing biofertilizers comprise bacteria that carry out biological N 2 fixation (BNF) and boost soil N
supply to crops. Industrial exploitation of research results is not necessarily easy. This is when all the
main growth occurs with the stem thickening and growing taller, and producing leaves at regular
intervals on the stem.
Cognizant of this, sustainability researchers and environmentalists have increased their focus on other
crop fertilization mechanisms. Biofertilizers are microbial formulations constituted of indigenous
plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) that directly or indirectly promote plant growth
through the solubilization of soil nutrients, and the production of plant growth-stimulating hormones
and iron-sequestering metabolites called siderophores. Herein, we adopt the definition of
biofertilizers as active microbial agents that stimulate plant growth by improving nutrient availability
in plant rhizosphere(s). Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestery 31: 189-199. Microbial consortia
offer multiple PGP traits for producing novel biofertilizer formulations as substitutes for artificial
inputs ( Singh et al., 2020; Cakmaksi et al., 2021; Vaishnav and Singh, 2021 ). Streptomyces spp.
include many saprophytes, some of them becoming beneficial plant endosymbionts, but also include
a few plant pathogens. These mechanisms are very helpful in maintaining cell turgidity (Bartels et al.
2005). Especially, the phytohormones (auxins, gibberillin, and abscisic acid) play a vital role in the
growth and development of crop plants under stress, as well as normal conditions. For instance, a
minirhizotron, consisting of a camera mounted in a glass tube submerged in the soil which provides
non-destructive root imaging over time ( Taylor et al., 1990 ) will not be discussed as it is out of the
scope of this review. Nevertheless, the major components of biofertilizers are PGPR whose activities
generally contribute to the overall increment, concentration, and accessibility of plant nutrients in
plant rhizospheres. Streptomycetes produce various lytic enzymes during their metabolic processes.
Paper should be a substantial original Article that involves several techniques or approaches, provides
an outlook for. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 97: 9155-9164. Lobell, D.B., W. Schlenker
and J. Costa-Roberts. 2011. Climate trends and global crop production since 1980. Mechanism of
drought tolerance in rhizobacteria and genes responsible for these mechanisms could be further
research prospects. However, multi character bacteria, or genetic manipulation used to develop
strains of bacteria with multiple characteristics, could be a more effective future approach. Once this
happens, the sunflower starts to perform heliotropism, which means the leaves and bud move to
follow the course of the sun throughout the day. A rhizotron fitted with water-tight gasket seals has
also been used successfully to investigate the RSA of plants under water-logged conditions ( Busch
et al., 2006 ). It is also used as a reference to prepare the questions for mid-term and final exams.
The topics are explained in a very easy language along with examples and diagrams. Also, ideal for
comprehensive and thorough learning to develop a clear concept. This interplay between the different
rhizosphere components is affected by spatio-temporal processes, which culminates in dynamic
feedback loops that maintain the complex rhizosphere environment with physical, chemical and
biological gradients that are distinct from the bulk soil ( Six et al., 2004; Koebernick et al., 2017 ).
Understanding these intricate rhizosphere relationships is vital in devising strategies to increase plant
productivity and comprehend localized biogeochemical processes. Biofertilizers have continually
been studied, recommended, and even successfully adopted for the production of many crops in the
world. Escherichia sp. generated siderophores are catecholate type and are known as enterobactin
(Earhart, 1996), while Pseudomonas produce catecholate as well as hydroxymate siderophores
(Leong and Neilands, 1982). Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences 5: 331-337. Jha, C.K. and M.
Saraf. 2015. Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR): A review. This is when all the main
growth occurs with the stem thickening and growing taller, and producing leaves at regular intervals
on the stem. One reason for this gap may reside in the difficulty of preparing a commercial product
formulation with one or more streptomycetes as an active substance. Global biofertilizers market to
witness a CAGR growth of 10.9% market is projected to worth of USD 4448.97 million by 2028
key players change the view of the global face of industry. If issues linked to regulation, policy
development, and social acceptability of biofertilizer products can simultaneously be addressed,
these bio-based tools can potentially and significantly contribute to sustainable agricultural
productivity. Since the economically-mineable P deposits are limited ( Cordell et al., 2009; Vassilev
et al., 2015 ), it is doubtless that phosphatic biofertilizers can significantly enhance crop yields, and
that the use of P solubilizing biofertilizers (PSB) as bioinoculants can open up a new horizon for
sustaining soil P levels and by large, sustainable crop production ( Rizvi et al., 2021a ). The inoculant
industry is faced with various challenges in making formulations with prolonged shelf lives. The
microscale of the channels limits the applications of these devices to young seedlings. Regardless, the
impact of such techniques relies partly on our exudate sampling techniques. Journal of Bacteriology
188: 3219-3227. Yang, J., J.W. Kloepper and C.M. Ryu. 2009. Rhizosphere bacteria help plants
tolerate abiotic stress. In addition, technical challenges such as operating the micro-valves and
microfabrication present a barrier to device design and construction for non-specialists.
Reinhold, B., T. Hurek, and I. Fendrik. 1985. Strain-specificc chemotaxis of Azospirillum spp.
Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 80: 199-209. From the industrial point of view, the
selection and choice of prospective Streptomyces spp. Except for Azospiriullum, other species which
are able to solubilize the inorganic and insoluble phosphate compounds include Pseudomonas,
Aereobacter, Rhizobium, Erwinia, Achromobacter, Agrobacterium, Bacillus, Burkholderia,
Microccocus and Flavobacterium. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 23: 3984-3999.
Sahin, F.C. ?I.R. Akmakc and F. Kantar. 2004. Sugar beet and barley yields inrelation to inoculation
with N2-fixing and phosphate solubilizing bacteria. Biology and Fertility of Soils 35: 231- 237.
Ashraf, M., S. Hasnain and O. Berge. 2006. Effect of exo- polysaccharides producing bacterial
inoculation on growth of roots of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) plants grown in a salt-affected soil.
PloS One 9e114744. Verma, P., R. Saxena and Tomar. 2016. Rhizobacteria: A promising tool for
drought tolerance in crop plants. Plant Growth Regulation 73: 121-131. Naylor, D. and D. Coleman-
Derr. 2018. Drought stress and root-associated bacterial communities. As the ground gets warmer
and the roots give the plant nutrients, a spout shoots toward the top of the soil. We categorize them
based on the major rhizosphere processes it addresses and identify their unique challenges as well as
advantages. MBR-52, that accelerates emergence and elongation of plant adventitious roots. The
research on PGPR has been on rise for the past few decades and several products containing PGPR
have been commercialized for their use in agriculture. This is quite challenging but continued
research in this area will eventually pave the way for this ( Figure 5 ). FD17 and Burkholderia
phytofirmans PsJN) efficiently induced drought resilience in maize by colonizing internal portions of
root, shoot and leaves (Naveed et al. 2014a). Page 5. Mantelin, S. and B. Touraine. 2004. Plant
growth-promoting rhizobacteria and nitrate availability: impacts on root development and nitrate
uptake. Although both crude and purified chitinases have great potential for cell wall lysis of fungal
pathogens, in common agricultural systems the use of selected streptomycetes as microbial
biocontrol agents targeting important phytopathogens appears to be a more effective strategy.
Mechanism of drought tolerance in rhizobacteria and genes responsible for these mechanisms could
be further research prospects. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 37: 1016-1024. Tilya, F.F.
and M.S. Mhita. 2006. Frequency of Wet and Dry Spells in Tanzania, a paper presented at the
International Workshop on Climate and Land Degradation, Lamgando Conference Hall, Impala
Hotel, ARUSHA, Tanzania UNFCCC (2008). Over 90% of chitinolytic microorganisms are
actinomycetes. Planta 175: 532-538. Bais, P.H., L.T. Weir and L.G. Perry. 2006. The role of root
exudates in rhizosphere interactions with plants and other organisms. Annual Reviews of Plant
Biology 57: 233- 266. Barak, R., I. Nur and Y. Okon. 1983. Detection of chemotaxis in Azospirillum
brasilense. Cereal Research Communications 24: 101-107. Amellal, N., G. Burtin, F. Bartoli and T.
Heulin. 1998. Colonization of wheat rhizosphere by EPS producing Pantoea agglomerans and its
effect on soil aggregation. A complex regulatory landscape must be navigated by applicants applying
for authorization to release a biocontrol agent. These phytohormones interact through
phosphorylation cascade or activating a secondary messenger which leads to the regulation of genes
affecting hormone biosynthesis and developmental process in plants ( Khan et al., 2020 ). Even for
culturable isolates, the process of isolation introduces selective pressure and disturbance to the
community with inevitable loss of information on spatial interactions. Nature 529: 84-87. Lim, J.H.
and S.D. Kim. 2013. Induction of drought stress resistance by multifunctional PGPR Bacillus
licheniformis K11 in pepper. Inoculation of these strains increased drought resilience of maize crop
by increasing APX activity (60%) while lowering the electrolyte leakage (65%) as compared to
untreated control plants (Table 3). Streptomyces lydicus WYEC 108 Soilborne fungi, powdery
mildews, gray moulds Soil drench, transplants root dipping, foliar sprays, bulb soaking. This
hardening process impairs many plant functions such as triggering ABA synthesis to close stomata
and cell wall extensibility of growing plants. Biological Control 86: 221-224. Welsh, D.T. 2000.
Ecological significance of compatible solute accumulation by micro-organisms: From single cells to
global climate. The complete opening of the bud can take up to 7 days, and proceeds from the
outside toward the middle of the sunflower.

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