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Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person

Name: Date:
Strand and Year: Teacher:

Global Initiatives

Explain your answer using five or more sentences.

A recent environmental issue came to the attention of many Filipinos in the light of the dumping of toxic waste from
Canada shipped into the Philippines in 50 container vans that started arriving since June 2013 until these were seized by
the Bureau of Customs last February 2014. How is this connected to the Basel Convention? How do we prevent other
countries, especially developed ones from dumping their toxic wastes in developing countries like the Philippines?
Explain your answer.

It is linked to the Basel Convention in the sense that it occurred between Haiti and Philadelphia, USA, where a ship from
the United States dumped toxic wastes on the Haitian coast. We can personally prevent this from happening to our
country if we can also be a developing country. If the Philippines is classified as a developing country, other nations will
look up to us and refrain from dumping harmful trash along our coast. Making acquaintances with people from various
nations might also be beneficial. The people of the country are the ones who have the power to make a significant
difference in the country's development. It is possible to make a difference by being responsible and disciplined. Second,
get rid of all the corrupt politicians and start electing people who are qualified for the positions they are competing for.
Wonderful leadership, good people, and a good country. What exactly do these mean? They're all connected in some
way. People can have a major impact on good governance because they can influence it; people can say things like "our
government is excellent, so should we."

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