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Assignment 3 Example & Guide (Fundamental Basics)

Note: You must not copy the wording of this document; it is to be used as a guide. Copied work will result in a plagiarism warning.
Remember, paraphrasing is a form of plagiarism, so ensure your assignment is written in your own words only.
Assignment 3 Example & Guide (Fundamental Basics)

Note: You must not copy the wording of this document; it is to be used as a guide. Copied work will result in a plagiarism warning.
Remember, paraphrasing is a form of plagiarism, so ensure your assignment is written in your own words only.
Assignment 3 Example & Guide (Fundamental Basics)

Note: You must not copy the wording of this document; it is to be used as a guide. Copied work will result in a plagiarism warning.
Remember, paraphrasing is a form of plagiarism, so ensure your assignment is written in your own words only.
Assignment 3 Example & Guide (Fundamental Basics)

Note: You must not copy the wording of this document; it is to be used as a guide. Copied work will result in a plagiarism warning.
Remember, paraphrasing is a form of plagiarism, so ensure your assignment is written in your own words only.
Assignment 3 Example & Guide (Fundamental Basics)

Note: You must not copy the wording of this document; it is to be used as a guide. Copied work will result in a plagiarism warning.
Remember, paraphrasing is a form of plagiarism, so ensure your assignment is written in your own words only.
Assignment 3 Example & Guide (Fundamental Basics)

Note: You must not copy the wording of this document; it is to be used as a guide. Copied work will result in a plagiarism warning.
Remember, paraphrasing is a form of plagiarism, so ensure your assignment is written in your own words only.
Assignment 3 Example & Guide (Fundamental Basics)

Rationale (700-1000 words): to meet the criteria in your rationale, you need to cover the following:

 Why was the lesson structured this way?

This structure is different to PPP and TTT. You are now following either a Reading or Listening structure (depending on which one you have
chosen), so explain how the structure used helps to develop the skill you are focusing on in the lesson.

 How does each activity contribute towards the aims and how it will be achieved?
Look back at your lesson aim and write about how each stage of your lesson contributes to and helps achieve that aim. Cover all stages
and all activities ensuring they all contribute – in some way – to achieving that overall lesson aim.

 What will happen if one or more of your activities do not go to plan?

In lesson planning, you always need a contingency plan. Pick one or two of your activities and decide what you would do if they didn’t go to

 What other activities did you consider using before settling on the ones you have? Why didn’t you use them?
Your tutor will want to see your thought processes when you were planning your lesson, so this is where you need to write about an idea or
two that you had but decided not to use.

Note: You must not copy the wording of this document; it is to be used as a guide. Copied work will result in a plagiarism warning.
Remember, paraphrasing is a form of plagiarism, so ensure your assignment is written in your own words only.
Assignment 3 Example & Guide (Fundamental Basics)

Note: You must not copy the wording of this document; it is to be used as a guide. Copied work will result in a plagiarism warning.
Remember, paraphrasing is a form of plagiarism, so ensure your assignment is written in your own words only.
Assignment 3 Example & Guide (Fundamental Basics)

Note: You must not copy the wording of this document; it is to be used as a guide. Copied work will result in a plagiarism warning.
Remember, paraphrasing is a form of plagiarism, so ensure your assignment is written in your own words only.
Assignment 3 Example & Guide (Fundamental Basics)

Note: You must not copy the wording of this document; it is to be used as a guide. Copied work will result in a plagiarism warning.
Remember, paraphrasing is a form of plagiarism, so ensure your assignment is written in your own words only.
Assignment 3 Example & Guide (Fundamental Basics)

Note: You must not copy the wording of this document; it is to be used as a guide. Copied work will result in a plagiarism warning.
Remember, paraphrasing is a form of plagiarism, so ensure your assignment is written in your own words only.

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