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Instructor: Dr. M Umer Khan

Date: 04-03-24

Group Members Registeration Number

Muhammad Bilal Tanveer FA23-BCE-063
Zainab Atta FA23-BCE-113
Title: Developing a Weather Application Using Object-
Oriented Programming Concepts

Our project aims to develop a weather application using the concepts of object oriented
Object-Oriented Design:
OOP allows us to encapsulate weather-related data and functionalities into classes, making our
code organized and easier to manage.
We will use weather APIs to gather weather data from external sources. The collected data will
be handled and saved within our app.
Encapsulation in the weather app will be utilized to group related data and functions within
classes by organizing them into self-contained units. Each class in the weather app will
represent a specific entity or concept, such as weather data, forecasts and locations.
Inheritance will enable us to create specialized weather components derived from common
templates. For instance, we can have different types of forecasts (e.g., daily, hourly) derived
from a base forecast class, inheriting common attributes and methods while adding specialized
Polymorphism in the weather app lets us use different classes interchangeably, making the
code flexible. For instance, we can encapsulate various weather data sources into separate
classes with a common interface. Also, polymorphism can be used in UI components such as
buttons, dropdown menus, or input fields.
Data Extraction through API:
We will utilize weather APIs to extract weather data from external sources. The extracted data
will be processed and stored within our application, allowing users to access real-time weather
forecasts directly from the app. We will implement error handling and data validation
mechanisms to ensure the reliability and accuracy of the extracted weather data.
In conclusion, our project aims to deliver a user-friendly weather application by leveraging OOP
principles in both the backend design and UI development.By incorporating weather APIs for
data extraction, we ensure that users receive accurate and up-to-date weather forecasts within
our application.

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