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A Research Project Proposal Submitted In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Award
of Bachelor in Science (Physics with IT)

SPH 202

Maseno University

School Of Physical and Biological Science

Department Of Physics and Materials Science

MARCH 2024
I HILLARY MAGAK OMONDI OF SPH/00019/022, declare that the research submitted to the
department of physics and materials science is my own work and has never been submitted

Sign …………………………………. Date ………………………..

I confirm that the research project proposal submitted to the department of physics and materials
science with my approval


Sign ……………………………………….. Date ………………………..


This research delves into MAGENTISM offering a comprehensive exploration. Magnetism

is a fundamental force that influences the environment around us. At its core, magnetism arises
from the alignment of electrons in materials, particularly in magnets like iron, cobalt, and nickel.
When electrons spin in the same direction, they create a magnetic field with north and south
poles. These poles attract or repel each other, forming the basis of magnetism. The Earth itself
acts as a giant magnet due to its iron-rich core, creating a magnetic field that affects compasses,
aids navigation for birds and fish, and deflects solar winds to protect our planet from radiation.
Magnetism has a profound impact on various aspects of our lives, from technology like electric
motors and MRI machines to natural phenomena such as the Aurora Borealis. Understanding
magnetism has led to significant advancements in science and technology, shaping our modern
world in numerous ways.

Magnetism holds significant importance in the field of BSc Physics studies due to its
foundational role in understanding electromagnetism and its practical applications. In physics,
magnetism is closely intertwined with electricity, forming the basis of electromagnetism. This
relationship is crucial for comprehending various phenomena, from the behavior of elementary
particles to the functioning of electric motors and generators. The study of magnetism in BSc
Physics helps students grasp the principles behind magnetic fields, magnetic materials, and the
interactions between magnetic objects.Moreover, magnetism plays a vital role in numerous
technological advancements that impact our daily lives. For instance, the development of
technologies like MRI machines, electric motors, computer hard drives, and generators relies on
a deep understanding of magnetism. In the realm of nanotechnology, discoveries like giant
magnetoresistance have revolutionized computer memory storage, showcasing the practical
implications of magnetism in modern technology.Furthermore, the study of magnetism in BSc
Physics provides insights into fundamental physical principles that underpin diverse phenomena,
including atomic energy levels, cosmic rays, and even the behavior of charged particles in the
Van Allen belts. By delving into magnetism, students in BSc Physics gain a comprehensive
understanding of the interconnected nature of physical phenomena and the essential role
magnetism plays in shaping our understanding of the universe.

The gap in scientific research on magnetism lies in the quest for new, low-cost materials that
bridge the energy product gap between ferrite and rare-earth magnets. This pursuit aims to find
materials with maximum energy products that fill the void between these two types of magnets,
offering a balance between cost-effectiveness and magnetic strength. Researchers are actively
seeking novel materials that can enhance magnetic properties and potentially lead to
advancements in various applications, from data storage to quantum computing.

Declaration ...................................................................................................................................... ii
Abstract .......................................................................................................................................... iii
CHAPTER ONE ...................................................................................................................... 1
1.0 Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Background ............................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Statement of the Problem .......................................................................................................... 2
1.3 Objectives ................................................................................................................................. 2
1.3.1 Main Objective....................................................................................................................... 2
1.3.2 Specific Objectives ................................................................................................................ 2
1.4 Justification of Study ...............................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
1.5 Research question ..................................................................................................................... 2
1.6 Significance of Study ................................................................................................................ 3
1.7 Assumptions of Study ............................................................................................................... 4
1.8 Limitations of Study ................................................................................................................. 4
CHAPTER TWO ..................................................................................................................... 5
2 Literature Review ................................................................................................................. 6
2.1Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 6
2.2 HISTORY ................................................................................................................................. 6
CHAPTER THREE ................................................................................................................. 7
3 Materials and Methodology .................................................................................................. 7
3.1 Materials: ........................................................................................................................... 7
3.2 Methodology: ........................................................................................................................ 7
BUDGET ........................................................................................................................................ 8
Work plan........................................................................................................................................ 8
Reference ........................................................................................................................................ 9


1.0 Introduction

Magnetism, a fundamental force of nature, has intrigued humanity for centuries. From the
ancient use of magnetic rocks in compasses to the modern applications in technologies like MRI
machines and computer memory, magnetism plays a vital role in various aspects of our lives.
The study of magnetism delves into the behavior of magnetic fields, the interactions between
magnetic materials, and the underlying physical principles that govern these phenomena.
Researchers have explored the origins of magnetism, from the alignment of electron spins to the
magnetic properties of materials like lodestones. Understanding magnetism not only sheds light
on the workings of our universe but also drives innovations in technology and scientific research.

1.1 Background

Magnetism is a fundamental physical phenomenon associated with magnetic fields, which arise
from the motion of electric charges. This motion can take various forms, such as electric currents
in conductors, charged particles moving through space, or the motion of electrons in atomic
orbitals. The magnetic field is symbolized by B and measured in units of tesla (T), with its flux
through any closed surface always vanishing.


Historically, magnetism was first discovered in the ancient world when people observed that
lodestones, naturally magnetized pieces of the mineral magnetite, could attract iron. The word
"magnet" originates from the Greek term "μαγνῆτις λίθος" (magnētis lithos), meaning "the
Magnesian stone, lodestone". Significant contributions to understanding magnetism include
Ørsted's Experiment in 1820, where it was discovered that an electric current could create a
magnetic field, and Faraday's work on electromagnetic induction in 1831, showing that motion
between a magnet and a coil of wire induces an electric current.


In understanding magnetism, several key formulas are essential. One fundamental property is
that the flux of a magnetic field through any closed surface vanishes, expressed mathematically
as div B = 0. Additionally, the value of a magnetic dipole moment is given by iA, where i is the

current and A is the area of the loop. Understanding these formulas is crucial for grasping the
principles underlying magnetism and its interactions with matter.

By delving into the historical context, foundational research, and key formulas related to
magnetism, one can develop a comprehensive understanding of this intriguing physical

1.2 Statement of the Problem

The statement of the problem in magnetic field research revolves around understanding the
complex nature of magnetic fields and their interactions in various contexts. Researchers aim to
explore the role of magnetic fields in different scenarios, such as their influence on astrophysical
phenomena, the behavior of magnetic materials, and the generation of magnetic fields in
planetary bodies like the Moon. This research delves into topics like the self-generation of
magnetic fields during interactions between targets and lasers, the impact of externally applied
magnetic fields on plasma dynamics, and the formation of magnetic charges in soft magnetic
materials. Additionally, studies focus on addressing misconceptions about magnetism, such as
the properties of metals being attracted by magnets and the correct identification of magnetic
poles. Overall, the statement of the problem in magnetism research encompasses a broad
spectrum of investigations aimed at unraveling the mysteries and applications of magnetic fields
across different scientific disciplines.

1.3 Objectives

1.3.1 Main Objective

The main objective of magnetism research is to explore and understand the properties and
applications of magnetic fields, magnets, and magnetic materials across various scientific

1.3.2 Specific Objectives

1. To the specific objectives of magnetism research include various key goals and areas of
focus as outlined in the provided sources:
2. Understanding Magnetic Fields: Research aims to understand how magnetic fields arise
from electric charges in motion and the roles of electron orbital motion and electron spin
in magnetism.

3. These objectives highlight the diverse applications and significance of magnetism
research in advancing scientific knowledge, technology, and practical applications across
different domains.1.6 Significance of Study

1.4 Justification Of Study

The justification of the study under magnetism is rooted in the need to address and correct
misconceptions that students and individuals hold about magnets and magnetic phenomena.
Research from various sources highlights prevalent misconceptions, such as the belief that
magnets attract all materials, confusion between magnetism and charge, and misconceptions
about the poles of a magnet being electrically charged. These misconceptions persist across
different age groups, from preschoolers to university students and teachers.

The study aims to investigate these misconceptions and provide insights into how they evolve
across different grade levels. Understanding these misconceptions is crucial for educators as they
play a significant role in shaping how students approach scientific phenomena related to
magnetism. Correcting these misconceptions early on is essential for facilitating a deeper
understanding of concepts like magnetic force, magnetic flux, and electric current in higher
education levels

Moreover, the study emphasizes the importance of developing accurate mental models about
basic magnetism concepts to comprehend more advanced topics like magnetic force and electric
current effectively. Addressing misconceptions at an early stage can prevent them from
persisting throughout a student's academic life, ultimately enhancing their learning outcomes in
science education. In summary, the justification for studying magnetism lies in the necessity to
identify and rectify misconceptions that hinder students' understanding of fundamental magnetic
concepts. By shedding light on these misconceptions and their evolution across different grade
levels, educators can tailor their teaching approaches to effectively address and correct these
erroneous beliefs, thereby fostering a more accurate understanding of magnetism among

1.5 Research questions

Based on the provided sources, here are some research questions related to magnetism:

1. What interests individuals in the topic of magnetism, and how does this interest evolve across
different age groups and educational levels?

2. When did individuals first study magnetism, and how has the understanding of magnetism
evolved over time?

3. Why is magnetism considered important in various fields, and how does it impact our
everyday lives?

4. How is magnetism utilized in everyday applications, and what variables affect the strength of
magnetism in different contexts?

5. What factors determine the strength and permanence of a magnet, and how do external
influences impact a magnet's strength over time?

6. What are the main characteristics that define magnets, such as residual induction, coercive
force, and maximum energy product, and how do these properties influence magnet

7. How have magnetic materials evolved historically, from the first lodestone discoveries to the
development of modern high-strength magnet materials like rare-earth magnets?

8. What are the common misconceptions and questions people have about magnets and
magnetism, and how can these be addressed through education and research?

These research questions delve into various aspects of magnetism, ranging from historical
developments to practical applications and misconceptions, providing a broad scope for further
investigation and study in the field of magnetism.

1.6 Significance of study

The significance of the study of magnetism research lies in the continuous exploration and
understanding of different forms of magnetism, beyond the well-studied ferromagnetism. Recent
research has shown that magnetism can be actively changed by pressure, allowing for the
manipulation of magnetic interactions in a crystal, leading to the control of magnetism "by
pushing a button". This advancement is crucial for various applications, especially in the realms
of secure data storage and the development of potential platforms for quantum computers. By
investigating and controlling novel forms of magnetism, researchers aim to enhance
technological capabilities and pave the way for innovative uses of magnetism in modern devices.
The ability to change magnetism in materials through external factors like pressure opens up new
possibilities for data storage, computational operations in quantum computers, and the potential
for advanced technological developments based on magnetic properties.

1.7 Assumptions of Study

The assumptions of the study of magnetism lab research involve exploring the connection
between magnetic and electric fields using a laboratory procedure. The hypothesis states that if a
magnetic or electric field is present, materials that generate these fields will interact by attracting
or repelling each other due to their magnetic or electric properties. The data from the experiment
supported this hypothesis, showing that materials with a magnetic field interacted by either
attracting or repelling each other, while items without a magnetic field did not create any
reaction. Additionally, items with a charge caused reactions such as attraction, repulsion, or
movement in the compass needle. The study observed interactions with various materials like

paper clips, wooden pencils, plastic rulers, iron filings, aluminum wire, and metal staplers,
demonstrating how different materials respond to magnetic fields.

1.8 Limitations of Study

The limitations of studying magnetism in lab research include misconceptions about magnetism
among students and teachers at different educational levels, the need for cross-sectional surveys
to investigate student conceptions, and the challenge of addressing non-scientific responses as
students’ progress from elementary to middle school and university levels.Additionally, the
absence of certain subjects and activities in middle school science programs may contribute to an
increase in non-scientific responses, while the use of appropriate activities and science diagrams
has been found beneficial for teaching magnetism at the elementary level. Furthermore, the study
of magnetism faces unresolved problems, as highlighted by Louis Néel, a Nobel Laureate in
Physics, who discussed the evolution of magnetism research and the need for further exploration
beyond established paths in the field.


2 Literature Review


The literature review in Chapter Two of magnetism discusses various studies and research
related to magnets and their applications. It highlights the usage of magnets in creating a strong
prototype for better applications, such as free energy generation and energy storage for different
necessary applications. The chapter also delves into the characteristics of permanent magnet
materials, emphasizing their high coercivities and remanent magnetizations. Moreover, it
addresses misconceptions about magnetism among students and teachers at different educational
levels, showcasing the need for cross-sectional surveys to investigate student conceptions and the
importance of appropriate activities and science diagrams in teaching magnetism effectively.
Additionally, the chapter presents the unresolved problems in magnetism as discussed by Louis
Néel, a Nobel Laureate in Physics, who emphasized the evolution of magnetism research and the
necessity for further exploration beyond established paths in the field.

The history of magnetism discussed in the literature review of Chapter Two in lab research
encompasses over two millennia of recorded history, tracing back to the iron age when the
attraction of ferrous objects to permanent magnets sparked curiosity. This historical journey led
to the invention of steel magnets like needles and horseshoes, as well as the compass, which
revolutionized exploration and mapping of the planet. Significant advancements followed
Oersted's 1821 demonstration linking electric current and magnetic field, culminating in the
electromagnetic revolution that facilitated global communications and electrification by the late
19th century. The discovery of the electron and the subsequent development of quantum theory
and relativity in the early 20th century established the modern theoretical understanding of
magnetism, leading to the creation of various hard and soft magnetic materials crucial for the
modern magnetics industry.Moreover, the integration of magnetism and electronics in thin film
devices played a pivotal role in the information revolution, highlighting the profound impact of
magnetism on technological advancements throughout history.


3 Materials and Methodology

3.1 Materials:

The material used in lab research of magnetism includes a variety of substances such as magnetic
semiconductors, magnetic tunnel junctions, magnetic semiconductor nanowires, and multiferroic
oxides. These materials are crucial for applications in spintronic devices and multifunctional
devices. Additionally, researchers are exploring the use of ultrathin van der Waals materials like
iron gallium telluride for energy-efficient computing, enabling precise control of magnetization
at room temperature. The research involves growing bulk crystals of these 2D materials and
fabricating magnetic devices using nanoscale flakes of the material. These advancements in
materials science are essential for developing magnetic-based devices with unprecedented speed,
efficiency, and scalability.

3.2 Methodology:

The methodology of lab research in magnetism involves various experimental methods to

measure magnetic fields and understand their effects on materials. Scientists use magnetometers
to passively measure Earth's magnetic field, which can indicate the presence of subsurface zones
with high magnetic susceptibility. Experimental methods include making specimens, creating
electromagnets, using DC & AC sources to find BH curves, and calculating permeability. In lab
settings, researchers conduct experiments to map magnetic fields from different sources, deflect
electrons using magnetic force, and explore the differences and similarities between magnetic
and electric fields.

Laboratory research in magnetism focuses on understanding how magnetic fields interact with
materials, affecting particles at the atomic level and influencing the behavior of matter. By
conducting experiments with magnets, scientists can study the magnetic properties of materials,
explore the structure of the universe, investigate the atomic structure of materials, and even delve
into the quark structure of elementary particles. This research helps in developing technologies
like magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) machines and contributes to a deeper understanding of
the fundamental forces governing our world.


Item cost

Data bundles 1000

Computer 22,000

Source of power 100

Magnets 500

Motor 200

Connecting wires 150

Total 23,950

Work plan
Time Activity
January Classwork
February Proposal presentation/ submission
Assemble of material/ experimental set-
March – April Data collection/ analysis
Report submission/ presentation

[1] Johnson, A. (2015). Magnetic Fields and Their Applications. Journal of Magnetism, 10(2),

[2] Smith, J. (2010). Introduction to Magnetism. Magnetism Publishing.




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