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Body-on-frame SUVs and unibody SUVs are two different types of vehicles that have

their own advantages and disadvantages. The first advantage of unibody SUSv is lighter
weight and smaller engine power so good fuel economy while heavy weight is the
disadvantage of Body-on-frame SUSv because it can also lead to reduced performance
fuel. The Second, in terms of manufacturing and repair, body-on-frame SUVs are easier to
build and repair due to their separate body and frame structures. On the other hand,
unibody SUVs have a more integrated structure, making repairs more difficult and
expensive.The next ,when it comes to space, body-on-frame SUVs have less interior
space than unibody models. Unibody SUVs offer more interior space due to their design,
providing greater passenger comfort and greater cargo capacity.The finally, the choice
between body-on-frame and unibody SUVs depends on personal preferences, finances
and some objective requirements such as the ability to save materials, the car's interior
color, etc. ....

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