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Table III.—Wilcoxon Signed Rank test for the dominant and the Table IV.—Wilcoxon Signed Rank test for the right and the left
non-dominant leg. leg.
Variable z P r Variable z P r
Relative average power -3.850a 0.000 0.210* Relative average power -7.185a 0.000 0.392**
Relative average power/kg -3.730a 0.000 0.204* Relative average power/kg -7.146a 0.000 0.400**
Max. power average -2.034a 0.042 0.111* Max. power average -5.385a 0.000 0.294*
Max. power average/kg -1.969a 0.049 0.107* Max. power average/kg -5.423a 0.000 0.296*
Peak power -1.793a 0.073 0.098 Peak power -3.820a 0.000 0.208*
Peak power/kg -1.804a 0.071 0.098 Peak power/kg -3.882a 0.000 0.212*
Fat mass (FM) -2.912b 0.004 0.159* Fat mass (FM) -3.111b 0.002 0.170*
Muscle mass (MM) -5.566a 0.000 0.304** Muscle mass (MM) -11.229a 0.000 0.613***
The results of the WSRt are shown as dominant-non-dominant. The results of the WSRt are shown as left-right.
aBased on the positive ranks; bbased on the negative ranks; *- 0.1= small effect; aBased on the positive ranks; bbased on the negative ranks; *- 0.1 =small effect;
**0.3= medium effect. **0.3= medium effect; ***- 0.5= large effect.

limbs in all the cases. The preference was for the right leg Table VI shows bivariate correlation matrix using di-
in muscle mass, average power, average power/kg, and mensionless variables of the calculation of the non-dom-
max. power average, max. power average/kg, peak power, inant leg % from the dominant leg (ND-D%). The WAnT
peak power/kg, and for the left leg in fat mass. Those re- variables (RAP, MPA, and PP) per kg are not shown in
sults can be seen in Table IV. the table, as the results are the same for the absolute. The
table indicates if there is a correlation between differences
Correlation Matrix of lower extremities in different variables. Meaning that,
if there is a different between dominant and non-dominant
Table V shows a bivariate correlation matrix of rela- leg in muscle mass that there is also difference between
tions between lower extremity composition variables and
WAnT performance. The WAnT variables (MP, MP/kg,
RAP, RAP/kg, M5sP, M5sP/kg, C) highly correlated with Table VI.—Bivariate correlation matrix of the non-dominant leg
% from the dominant leg (ND-D%).
each other. The only not statistically significant correlation RAP MPA PP FM MM
was between cadence and maximal power and between ca- RAP
dence and maximal 5 s power. Lower extremities muscle MPA 0.741**
mass positively correlated with maximal power, relative PP 0.588** 0.682**
average power, and maximal 5 s power. Weight positively FM -0.155* -0.210** -0.134
MM 0.401** 0.390** 0.242** -0.533**
correlated with MP, and M5sP. Additionally, weight nega-
RAP: relative average power; MPA: maximal power average; PP: peak power;
tively correlated with RAP, RAP/kg, and C. TBFM nega- FM: fat mass; MM: muscle mass.
tively correlated with MP/kg, RAP/kg, M5sP/kg, and C. *P<0.05; **P<0.01.

Table V.—Bivariate correlation matrix.

MP MP/kg RAP RAP/kg M5sP M5sP/kg C Weight Height Age TBW TBFM TBMM LEMM
MP/kg 0.800**
RAP 0.759** 0.437**
RAP/kg 0.376** 0.671** 0.396**
M5sP 0.949** 0.813** 0.766** 0.454**
M5sP/kg 0.700** 0.946** 0.370** 0.707** 0.775**
C 0.048 0.352** 0.167* 0.756** 0.140 0.410**
Weight 0.499** -0.016 -0.686** -0.298** 0.444** -0.131 -0.354**
Height 0.348** 0.089 0.477** 0.072 0.345** -0.007 0.020 0.399**
Age 0.323** 0.013 0.291** -0.331** 0.273** -0.014 -0.365** 0.583** 0.025
TBW -0.019 0.178* -0.053 0.364** 0.001 0.194* 0.449** -0.255** 0.170* -0.081
TBFM 0.004 -0.200** 0.031* -0.378** -0.021 -0.212* -0.456** 0.239** -0.180* 0.083 -0.991**
TBMM -0.010 0.189* -0.038 0.377** 0.015 0.212* 0.446** -0.245** 0.135 -0.079 0.962** -0.960**
LEMM 0.497** 0.036 0.691** -0.137 0.444** -0.060 -0.182* 0.852** 0.500** 0.500** 0.129 -0.147 0.126
MP: maximal power; RAP: relative average power; M5sP: maximal 5 s power; C: cadence; TBW: total body water; TBFM: total body fat mass; TBMM: total body
muscle mass; LEMM: lower extremities muscle mass.
*P<0.05; **P<0.01.

Vol. 63 - No. 10 The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness 1047

the power (RAP, MPA, and PP) of lower extremities and physical training and strengthening as it was previously
it correlates with each other. A statistically significant cor- theorized.42 The non-dominant/right leg had greater mus-
relation was observed between all variables, except for the cle mass values and lower fat values than the dominant/left
correlation between FM and PP. leg. Additionally, the ND/R leg had greater values of every
side-dependence variable (relative average power, relative
Discussion average power/kg, max. power average, max. power av-
erage/kg, peak power, peak power/kg) of the WAnT test.
To evaluate the relation between body composition and These results are in line with the findings of Bahenský et
anaerobic power of lower extremities with inter-limb dif- al.34 and based on them we can accept hypothesis 1 and 2.
ference dependence, this cross-sectional study measured The not side dependence variables (MP, MP/kg, RAP,
168 Czech elite ice hockey players. Body composition was RAP/kg, M5sP, M5sP/kg, C) highly correlated with each
measured, and the 30-s WAnT was performed. In order to other. The only not statistically significant correlation was
evaluate the difference between lower limbs, a Wilcoxon between cadence and maximal power and between ca-
Signed Rank (WSRt) was performed. The WSRt showed dence and maximal 5 s power. Based on the knowledge
that the non-dominant leg had greater values in all cases that these variables correlated with each other, it may be
(muscle mass, average power, average power/kg, max. unnecessary to examine all of them in applied settings.
power average, max. power average/kg, peak power, peak Regarding the correlation of the lower extremities muscle
power/kg) except for fat mass. Additionally, the WSRt for mass (LEMM), LEMM positively correlated with maximal
right and left leg showed very similar results. The differ- power (MP), relative average power (RAP), and maximal
ence between the right and left leg was greater than the 5 s power (M5sP). LEMM negatively correlated with and
difference between the dominant (D) and non-dominant cadence (C). Additionally, TBFM negatively correlated
(ND) leg. with MP/kg, RAP/kg, M5sP/kg, and C. Total body muscle
Many studies on asymmetry in ice hockey have been mass (TBMM) positively correlated with MP/kg, RAP/
conducted. The studies were focused on both anthropo- kg, MP5sP/kg, and C. Moreover, total body water (TBW)
metric and functional asymmetry. Zemková, Poor, and Jel- positively correlated with MP/kg, RAP, M5sP/kg, and C.
en41 published a study focusing on peak power, and mean Therefore, we might suggest that more TBMM, LEMM,
power in the acceleration phase of trunk rotations was sig- and TBW and less TBFM is better for WAnT. These find-
nificantly higher on the dominant than the non-dominant ings are not surprising in view of general physiology and
side. For ice hockey players, the D/ND ratio was in ice- the fact that a large amount of water is contained in the
hockey players (1.18, 1.19). Resta et al.25 published body muscles. Regarding the TBFM, Potteiger et al.22 found that
composition asymmetries in university ice hockey players first length skate-average and TLS-average skating times
and their implications for lower back pain and leg injury. were moderately correlated to TBFM ([r=0.53; P=0.013]
Their findings revealed significant side-to-side asymme- and [r=0.57; P=0.007]) such that a greater TBFM was re-
try in the arm and total bone mass in females, with higher lated to slower skating speeds. TBFM (P=0.007; r=0.55)
values on the right side. Both males and females also had also significantly correlated with total skate time in men
significantly greater trunk lean body mass on the left side. and significantly correlated with the change of direction
Arboix-Alio et al.33 showed a significant relationship be- (P=0.022; r=0.54) and total skate times (P=0.016; r=0.56)
tween asymmetry in the SLCJ-H test, 30-m sprint (r=0.63, in women.28 In the study of Gilenstam et al.32 for wom-
P<0.01), and CMJ performances (r=-0.52, P<0.05). Addi- en, BW was positively correlated (P<0.05) with ice skat-
tionally, asymmetry in the SLCJ-V showed a significant ing performance and acceleration test. They also found a
relation with CMJ performance (r=-0.46, P<0.05). These negative correlation between the ice skating speed test and
findings suggest that training programs should aim to re- muscle body mass. Nevertheless, for men, they did not find
duce the inter-limb asymmetries in rink hockey players to a significant correlation between tests and BW and muscle
improve their performance. This is precisely in-line with body mass. Delisle-Houde et al.31 studied on-ice metrics
the results of the presented study. The lower extremities in correlation with seasonal body composition changes
difference was greater when comparing the right and left and off-ice preseason testing. The TBFM% change corre-
leg and lower when comparing the dominant and non- lated with shot differential (P<0.05), average shift length
dominant side. This suggests that the potential asymme- (P<0.001), and average power play time (P<0.01). Body
try caused by the unilateral load may be compensated by weight correlated only with average shift length (P<0.05).

1048 The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness October 2023

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