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The assumptions are:

January 1 = Hammer 1 (the first day of the FR calendar)

Gregorian leap years = FR leap years
1999 = 1371 Dalereckoning
Here is a short rundown of the FR calendar (known as the Calendar of Harptos),
summarized from the FR boxed set:

Each year has a name, for example 1371 DR is the Year of the Unstrung Harp, and
1372 DR is the Year of Wild Magic. There are a number of other numbering schemes
besides Dalereckoning, depending on your geographic location, but the naming
scheme, called the Roll of Years is somewhat universal. This list of names was set
down by the sages Augathra the Mad and Alaundo. (No, I don't know anything about
them either.)

Name Colloquial Name Gregorian month equivalent

Hammer Deepwinter January
Alturiak The Claw of Winter February
Ches Claws of the Sunsets March
Tarsakh Claws of the Storms April
Mirtul The Melting May
Kythorn The Time of Flowers June
Flamerule Summertide July
Shieldmeet (every fourth year)
Eleasias Highsun August
Eleint The Fading September
Marpenoth Leafall October
Uktar The Rotting November
The Feast of the Moon
Nightal The Drawing Down December

Each month is 30 days, and each feast day is (surprisingly) one day. Each month is
divided into 3 "tendays" or "rides" of ten days each. The individual days do not
have names other than "the first day of the ride", etc.

Typical month
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

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