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Title: Mastering the Art of Crafting a Comprehensive War On Drugs Literature Review

Crafting a literature review on the War On Drugs is not a task for the faint-hearted. It requires
extensive research, critical analysis, and an intricate understanding of the subject matter. As one
delves into the vast array of scholarly articles, books, and reports, the complexity of the topic
becomes increasingly apparent. From historical perspectives to contemporary debates, navigating
through the labyrinth of information can be overwhelming.

One of the primary challenges in writing a literature review on the War On Drugs is the sheer volume
of literature available. The topic spans decades of policies, societal impacts, and scholarly discourse.
Distilling this vast body of knowledge into a coherent narrative requires meticulous planning and

Moreover, the multidisciplinary nature of the War On Drugs further complicates the task. Scholars
from various fields, including sociology, political science, criminology, public health, and economics,
have contributed valuable insights. Synthesizing these diverse perspectives while maintaining
academic rigor is no small feat.

Another hurdle is the constantly evolving nature of the War On Drugs. New research findings, policy
developments, and societal trends continually reshape our understanding of the issue. As such,
keeping abreast of the latest literature and incorporating recent developments into the review is

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Because The War on Drugs has become so dangerous for police officers, many do not prefer to work
the midnights in the Eastern. The government has legislative power and thus they have incorporated
it in to the war against drugs by making the use, trafficking and production of specific substances a
criminal offence. Moreover, using drugs while pregnant can cause birth defects or result in a drug
addicted child (Brux 2008, p. 37). These social and health concerns, according to proponents of the
war on drugs’ social welfare policy necessitate the approach taken by the war on drugs. Analytically,
the existing literature of both the Philippine case and Indonesian case about War on Drugs are
scrutinized based on the context which depicts the severity of the drug problem; the strategies
undertaken; the political figures of the Indonesian and Philippine Drug Wars, Joko Widodo and
Rodrigo Duterte; and lastly, the criticisms surrounding the drug campaigns. Cases of kidnapping and
assassination increased in the States. Methamphetamine is typically inhaled, but may also be
ingested orally or injected. Around the mid-seventies the “enemy” image became to change, the
enemy was now cocaine, and it was readily available from the country of Columbia. Therefore
delivery of satisfactory social welfare services is adversely impacted. For instance they can reallocate
the funds,as since 1980 two third of federal anti drug funds have been allocated to law and
reinforcement and one third towards its prevention and treatment explained by Marc Mauer and
Ryan S. King(2007).This will result in more focus and proactive strategy. Other information such as
dealing with drugs in your life, in social situations and helping others increase their awareness are
also greatly supported by harm minimization. The implications of the war on drugs have raised
concerns. The fear that legalizing illicit drugs will only exacerbate the drug problem did not actually
happen. The war on drugs has been said to have a racial bias. The project’s goals are to expand
capacity, support client. Also known as, superagency considered of officers from the ODALE,
Customs and CIA. This paper analyses the social welfare policy considerations guiding the war on
drugs and argues that the war on drugs in misguided. Growing numbers of problematic drug users
remain locked into a cycle of chronic drug relapse. These social problems are the link with drug-
related crimes such as prostitution, possession of weapons, theft and the drug wars between gangs
(Brux 2008, p. 37). Other social problems include abuse on the part of youths and juvenile
delinquency, poorer academic performance and dropping out of school (Brux 2008, p. 37). Mendoza
(2010) states that there also hidden costs to the war on drugs, including a justice system which is
overburdened, a health care system that is also taxed, and environmental destruction. Focusing on
Asia's two largest democracies, the Philippines and Indonesia, and as populist leadership grows in
the region, we ask: How are presidents using their formal constitutional and informal partisan powers
to reshape executive-legislative relations. Drug abuse has severe emotional and financial strain on
families in addition to other reported domestic abuses. Drugs and other narcotics have influenced
human life in the modern world to such an extent that decisive measures to curb its infiltration into
society and the social web have proven to be a failure. Once the demand for illicit drugs decreases,
drug producers and distributors would have no choice but to decrease the supply of illicit drugs. It
aims to remove any sense of glamour but leaves the decision up to the individual. It is therefore
hardly surprising that the DEA would advocate that both the war on drugs and the war on terrorism
be combined. Therefore, as a measure of drug control, a thirteen-nation international conference on
narcotic drugs was held in China in 1909. As will be demonstrated in the final part of this paper,
there are ways to address addiction short of legalizing drug use and abandoning the war on drugs.
Drugs consumption is mostly relevant among teenagers and adults ranging from age 11 to 29 years
of age. Case Study 2 - Holland - Don't Say 'No', Say 'Know': In Holland, there is no war on drugs.
Policy frameworks should attempt to take into account the unintended consequences of a particular
policy or program (p. 27).
However it was made illegal in 1937 due to the pressure from oil and chemical companies due to
feared competition. To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please
take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. The government's approach of viewing drugs as a
criminal offence in the society. According to the Department of Justice, the illegal drug market in US
is dominated by 900,000 criminally active gang members affiliated with 20,000 street gangs who
have their setup in more than 2500 cities of US as explained in Law Enforcement against Prohibition
(2011). At the other end of the war on drugs, is the treatment for the addiction. Affects people of all
ages Disproportionately involves the very young and very old Involves the more affluent and well
insured Costs in the billions. Moreover, a number of families are torn apart and once the drug
offender is returned to the family and the community, the problem is not resolved as drugs remain
liberally available and the recently released drug addict soon returns to the problem behaviour that
warranted punishment to begin with. By comparison only 241 percent of white women suffered the
same fate (Banks 2005, p. 115). Drugs affect the brain, which makes drug users addicted to this thing
after a period of positive for What. Even consumption of narcotic drugs is an offence under the Act
with punishment ranging from 6 months to 1 year. Since 1980, persons incarcerated for drug offences
increased to 1,100 per cent. Drug use and drug-related offenses have not diminished as a result of
the punishment strategies and community members therefore question whether or not the criminal
justice system is capable of adequately dealing with the drug problem and any other social problem.
This illegal drug market affected countless US communities, as it was fought in US streets with law
and enforcement agencies who imprisoned many US citizens. A more humane approach in the drug
war is called for. Also, while making drug use illegal will stop law-abiding citizens from a pursuit of
illegal drugs it in turn interests a whole new rebellious audience. The War on Drugs is a complete
failure because the government indirectly encourages and supports the agencies responsible for the
supply of drugs. Also, there are great differences among individuals in how they react to these
substances and no one can predict how he or she will react. However, the war on drugs policy,
appears to ignore this casualty and instead treats the drug user as an enabler and therefore seeks to
punish drug users. Drugs lead to drug dependency that results in complete psychological seizure and
creates a compulsion to use a drug to experience hallucinogenic effects. Drug abuse is also highly
associated with criminal activities and violence that poses a significant security threat to the society.
Drug abuse involves compulsive and excessive intake of drugs over a period of time. Long and Short
Essays on War on Drugs for Students and Kids in English We provide students with essay samples
on a long essay of 500 words and a short essay of 150 words on War On Drugs for reference. The
US war on terrorism is predicted on an urgent need to defend and protect the US, “the American
people, and their livelihoods”. The US has been largely criticized for racially molding The War on
Drugs. Users experience medical problems when a drug causes direct physical or mental harm. It also
relies heavily on people being self motivated enough to care about the effects of the drugs where as
the war on drugs has legislation behind it making it a legal obligation to follow it's intentions.
RELATED PAPERS Journal of Democracy, 30, no. 4 (October), 149-157: “Southeast Asia’s
Troubling Elections: Is there a Silver Lining? You can also find more Essay Writing articles on
events, persons, sports, technology and many more. He also officially announced the creation of the
Special Action Office for Drug Abuse Prevention. There are strong evidence that the war America is
fighting in her own country against drugs has failed.
Banks, C. (2005) Punishment in America: A Reference Handbook. Draining the System The United
States only makes up 5% of the world’s population, but it houses 25% of all the prisoners in the
world, which is a direct effect of the drug war and criminalizing drug users. An essential feature of
the drug trafficking problem is its internationalism. Failing to stop drug trafficking was not his fault,
however, because it cannot be done and, as this discussion will argue, should not be attempted. By
taking this approach, an anti-drug policy would be more beneficial to individual drug users and the
community as whole and the cost of accomplishing a lower demand for drugs would be less costly.
Anything waged against a shapeless, intangible noun can never truly. According to the mentioned
authors, the war on drugs has failed. One of the crucial reasons the war on drugs is still on is because
of the cost; the war on drugs is very expensive, and thus the federal governments have spent on this
never-ending war. There are strong evidence that the war America is fighting in her own country
against drugs has failed. This illegal drug market affected countless US communities, as it was
fought in US streets with law and enforcement agencies who imprisoned many US citizens. We use
cookies to create the best experience for you. I never paid any attention to it; I went on about my
day as if everything was fine. According to the survey conducted by Substance Abuse and Mental
Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), it was found that drug abusers who remained under the
treatment are less likely to resume their prior drug habits. Graph below shows the comparison
between the percentages of drug treatment in state prison. Drugs lead to drug dependency that
results in complete psychological seizure and creates a compulsion to use a drug to experience
hallucinogenic effects. Focusing on Asia's two largest democracies, the Philippines and Indonesia,
and as populist leadership grows in the region, we ask: How are presidents using their formal
constitutional and informal partisan powers to reshape executive-legislative relations. Affects people
of all ages Disproportionately involves the very young and very old Involves the more affluent and
well insured Costs in the billions. And studies suggest that club drugs found in party settings are
often adulterated or impure and thus even more dangerous. Cooper, E. (2002) The Emergence of
Crack Cocaine Abuse. Policy frameworks should attempt to take into account the unintended
consequences of a particular policy or program (p. 27). Essentially, possession of over five grams of
crack cocaine carried a compulsory custodial sentence of five years minimum. The community in
which my agency serves has had to cope with community members who have little or no confidence
in the criminal justice system. Moreover, it is cheaper and highly addictive, which makes it far more
likely to create a drug addiction epidemic (Cooper 2002, p. 95). This accounts for the emphasis on
crack cocaine over powder cocaine under the anti-drugs policies created under the war on drugs. In
the paper ” Is the War on Drugs Effective?” the author analyses illicit drugs casualties, which are
more liberally spread among young persons. A Brief History In 1971, President Richard Nixon
declares drugs “Public Enemy number 1”. America's war against recreational drugs is an example of
good intentions gone terribly wrong. The strange thing about rabidly banning drugs with draconian
measure is that countries which prohibits it such as United States has the highest rates of cocaine and
marijuana abuse compared to countries which has a liberal drug laws such as E.U. and Portugal
which has the lowest. For example the Drug Free Communities Support Program is a federally
funded program which partners with private companies for preventing and treating drug abuse (Drug
Free Communities Support Program, 2011). Methamphetamine is typically inhaled, but may also be
ingested orally or injected. The reason for the cost being so high is because there are so many
different agencies and programmes that need higher financial aim.
A more holistic approach should be taken to anti-drug policies. Almost all the communities of US
were of the view that government itself is involved in smuggling of drugs and manipulating market
prices. According to the Department of Justice, the illegal drug market in US is dominated by
900,000 criminally active gang members affiliated with 20,000 street gangs who have their setup in
more than 2500 cities of US as explained in Law Enforcement against Prohibition (2011).
Reinarman, C. and Levine, H. (1997) Crack in America: Demon Drugs and Social Justice. The
dependence on a drug becomes destructive when: it limits the individual in self-realization; has a
negative impact on relations between people; destroys the family budget; creates conflicts between
the individual and society; leads to a permanent increase in a dose of a drug; causes psychological
and physiological dependence. The rise in drug usage began around the time American soldiers came
back home from the Vietnam War addicted to heroin. The money should not be spent on enforcing
drug laws but funding a variety of treatment options for drug addicts. Violence becomes a natural
consequence of a prohibitive policy because it creates black markets where the law cannot supervise
but would become otherwise if the industry is legalized. There has never been a recorded death due
to marijuana at any time in US history. There are people who do not believe this to be true, but the
numbers don’t lie. Therefore expenditure on the drug treatment can help in reducing the number of
addicts in US. These campaigns efficiently work with the aim of reducing drug maltreatment
through effective media advertising. It also means there is no official body that can assess drug
quality and purity leading to a host of problems that we hear so much about in the news. Looking for
an essay related to Free Drug Abuse Essay, with Outline. The user is more likely to develop certain
cancers such as breast, kidney, liver, stomach, esophageal, and pancreatic cancers, the immune
system can become severely hampered by use, in addition to damage to the brain, memory loss, and
nutritional deficits among many more potentially life-threatening conditions. This method forces
drugs to become a black market operation meaning illegal elements control access to drugs. Keep on
browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. Table of Contents. A Brief
history of The War on Drugs Victims of The Drug War Racial Inequality Draining the System
Prohibition: A Failed Social Experiment Decriminalization Works. Despite of intense crack the
border remained closed for only twenty days. Moreover, it is cheaper and highly addictive, which
makes it far more likely to create a drug addiction epidemic (Cooper 2002, p. 95). This accounts for
the emphasis on crack cocaine over powder cocaine under the anti-drugs policies created under the
war on drugs. Users experience medical problems when a drug causes direct physical or mental harm.
Get a custom essay written according to your requirements. One of the crucial reasons the war on
drugs is still on is because of the cost; the war on drugs is very expensive, and thus the federal
governments have spent on this never-ending war. More than 75% of the population believes that the
US War on Drugs is a failure. Because The War on Drugs has become so dangerous for police
officers, many do not prefer to work the midnights in the Eastern. Download Free PDF View PDF
APSPA Book Series II (ISSP BOOK).pdf Rafyoga J Pratama Irsadanar Irsadanar, R. (2017). Japan
New Security Policy of 2015: The Reasons Behind and Impact toward Japan Domestic Politics. The
United States Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano believes that the war on drugs is a
success. Drug Wars both cause and encompass all forms of deviance: street crime, addicts,
prostitutes to organized crime, political and organizational corruption, government assassination plots
and corporate profiteering. The aftermath of having fun often leads to destruction and death. A Brief
History In 1971, President Richard Nixon declares drugs “Public Enemy number 1”.
Drug Wars both cause and encompass all forms of deviance: street crime, addicts, prostitutes to
organized crime, political and organizational corruption, government assassination plots and
corporate profiteering. They should realize that the current drug control method is failing, and find a
solution that would help the drug problem. Mendoza (2010) states that there also hidden costs to the
war on drugs, including a justice system which is overburdened, a health care system that is also
taxed, and environmental destruction. As of 1991, persons who are drug addicts are not likely to
receive treatment for drug addiction while incarcerated. Observers noted the war against drugs is
addressed by incarceration, rehabilitation. The most common reason for drug consumption is to
escape from reality. This can be achieved only through coordinating and developing policies and
passing strict laws with neighboring countries. With the downfall of our economic system, we can no
longer afford to pump billions of dollars into a war that is being fought against our loved ones. Keep
on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. The project’s goals are to
expand capacity, support client. Also it will affect mood, change system of values and lead to
depression. The war on drugs are the government's policies against illegal drug use, trafficking and
production. How should the United States allocate its priorities and resources, for example, between
the worst kind of threat the nation faces and the most likely. The purpose is to enforce the controlled
substances laws and regulations of illicit substances and bring to the criminal and civil justice system
of competent jurisdiction, those organizations and principal members of organizations, involved in
the growing, manufacture, or distribution of controlled substances appearing in or destined for illicit
traffic1. If overdosed, drugs can cause severe health issues, in the worst case, even death. Parrillo, V.
(2008) Encyclopedia of Social Problems, Vol. 2. Thousand Oaks, Ca.: SAGE Publications, Inc. The
campaign mainly focused on TV commercials and public advertisements. Abuse and addiction
negatively effects the addict along with humanity. Not only are the number of blacks criminalized
and imprisoned for drug possession far greater than the number of whites, the cost of incarceration
for the larger community is also problematic. Even consumption of narcotic drugs is an offence under
the Act with punishment ranging from 6 months to 1 year. The use of drugs have led to addiction
and even police corruption. Colombian military personnel also took training from US military and
other law and enforcement agencies. The core of this research rest upon the imperative role of public
support to the furtherance of the enforcement of contentious policies such as the War on Drugs This
study is theoretically anchored from the Theory of Planned Behavior of Icek Ajzen which links
Attitude, Subjective norm, and Perceived Behavioral Control to intention - the intention to support
the War on Drugs of Jokowi’s administration. The Meridian Drug Cartel was mainly responsible for
these violent actions. So What Can Be Done About It Research Paper”, n.d. If the war of drugs
focused its efforts and resources more realistically on curtailing drug use in a more holistic way, the
demand for illicit drugs in the US would decrease. The US war on terrorism is predicted on an
urgent need to defend and protect the US, “the American people, and their livelihoods”. War on
Drugs War on Drugs has been fought improperly costing countless lives, treating many addicts as
criminals rather than patients and wasting billions of taxpayer dollars. The “Just Say No” campaign
was founded by Nancy Reagen and soon became the centrepiece of the Reagen Administration’s
anti-drug campaign.
Drugs and other narcotics have influenced human life in the modern world to such an extent that
decisive measures to curb its infiltration into society and the social web have proven to be a failure.
In 1982, President Ronald Reagan would again declare another war on drugs, (Banks 2005, p. 113).
This war on drugs had a number of objectives. Most of the teenagers that are involved in drug abuse
have either, broken families, parents that are drug abusers, a unstable environment where they are
constantly moving from place to place, or there parents aren't exactly making a lot of money and
they are never around because they are trying to make enough money for them to s. Keep on
browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. Some club drugs (such as
Ecstasy and speed) work on the same brain mechanisms as alcohol and, therefore, can dangerously
boost the effects of both substances. Ordinarily screaming into a pillow or getting away from the
situation, Andrea and Amanda are finding ways to cope with the pain and stress of her everyday
life. However not everybody sees the war on drugs to be the correct way to handle drug use in
society. The government's approach of viewing drugs as a criminal offence in the society. I never
paid any attention to it; I went on about my day as if everything was fine. In 2005 there were 29%
of women and 19% of men and two third of children under age of 18 who had convicted drug
offense. There are people who do not believe this to be true, but the numbers don’t lie. The war on
drugs has had its greatest impact on the criminal justice system and this spills over to American
communities in general (See Appendix). Poor parenting, unemployment, influence from the
entertainment industry, curiosity, availability of drugs, and peer pressure are some of the factors that
contribute to this social problem. Mendoza (2010) states that there also hidden costs to the war on
drugs, including a justice system which is overburdened, a health care system that is also taxed, and
environmental destruction. If instead of making drugs ill legal an attempt was made to regulate them
there would not be the emergence of profitable black market in US. Lindsay Chard Jackie Wheel
Allegra Green Eric Rothman. Drug related arrests, sentencing and imprisonment have increased
“substantially” (Mosher and Atkins 2007, p. 202). Despite “hundreds of billions of dollars” spent in
the criminal justice system pursuant to these policies, there are serious doubts as to whether or not
the policies falling under the war on drugs are effective. Vietnam - the effects of the war on Vietnam
and on the USA. The US war on terrorism is predicted on an urgent need to defend and protect the
US, “the American people, and their livelihoods”. The strange thing about rabidly banning drugs
with draconian measure is that countries which prohibits it such as United States has the highest
rates of cocaine and marijuana abuse compared to countries which has a liberal drug laws such as
E.U. and Portugal which has the lowest. According to the survey conducted by Substance Abuse and
Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), it was found that drug abusers who remained
under the treatment are less likely to resume their prior drug habits. The crime families also no longer
operate individually, but they have joined to form international crime networks that allow for easier
shipment of drugs between countries. The dependence on a drug becomes destructive when: it limits
the individual in self-realization; has a negative impact on relations between people; destroys the
family budget; creates conflicts between the individual and society; leads to a permanent increase in
a dose of a drug; causes psychological and physiological dependence. There are public clinics
established by the state for drug addicts, which provides clean needles for injection and
supervisation by nurses. The user is more likely to develop certain cancers such as breast, kidney,
liver, stomach, esophageal, and pancreatic cancers, the immune system can become severely
hampered by use, in addition to damage to the brain, memory loss, and nutritional deficits among
many more potentially life-threatening conditions. In Social and Political Issues in Asia:In The
Context of Global Changes (pp. 49-66). Yogyakarta: Buku Litera Yogyakarta. Essentially, possession
of over five grams of crack cocaine carried a compulsory custodial sentence of five years minimum.
Although illicit drugs claim fewer lives than legal drugs such as alcohol and tobacco, one dose of an
illicit drug can claim a life whereas one dose of legal drugs will not be the direct cause of death.
They believe this is a social problem, not a criminal one. Observers noted the war against drugs is
addressed by incarceration, rehabilitation.
Obviously, there is a recognition that drug use is a casualty of the distribution and production of
illicit drugs. Long Essay on War on Drugs 500 Words in English Long Essay on War on Drugs is
usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10. This illegal drug market affected countless US communities,
as it was fought in US streets with law and enforcement agencies who imprisoned many US citizens.
If this policy was applied as a replacement to the war against drugs a lot of time and money could
be saved, and many problems solved. They believe this is a social problem, not a criminal one. He
stated drugs to be a public enemy, being number one in the United States. Their effective education
produces revolutionized impacts upon the public mindset. Let us write or edit the literature review
on your topic. The aftermath of having fun often leads to destruction and death. If the war of drugs
focused its efforts and resources more realistically on curtailing drug use in a more holistic way, the
demand for illicit drugs in the US would decrease. This was due to anti drug abuse act of 1986
which created serious minimum sentencing laws for drug abuse. Estrada in 2001). Yet, Philippine
presidents have usually dominated other branches of government. Although the issue of what to do
about dangerous, possibly addicting drugs such as heroin and cocaine have long been issues within
many countries, the approaches taken to stem the tide have had widely varying results. Liberal
arguments take the position that the war on drugs contravenes human rights, particularly unlawful
searches and seizures and unequal treatment of persons. Harm minimisation revolves around
educating the drug user about all areas of drugs. Plan Colombia was an effort on behalf of US
government to combat against war on drugs. It has moved far beyond the confines of national
defense against military threats from other nation states, incorporating threats ranging from
transnational criminality, through cyber attack, international terrorism, and aggression from rogue
and other hostile states. Each period left its legacies, and paradoxes, for cocaine's progressive
definition as a global, illicit, and menacing drug. Drug users can test their drugs to find out what
substances they are sold but this method isn't perfectly reliable in displaying all the chemicals
contained. Violence becomes a natural consequence of a prohibitive policy because it creates black
markets where the law cannot supervise but would become otherwise if the industry is legalized.
Substantial studies and research has shown injustice and inefficiencies in drug policies which has
become the cause of the failure of the war. The article explores social and political discourses in
support of state reliance on harsh penal sanctions to tackle complex drug-related problems. It shows
that these discourses are frequently exploited and distorted for political motives. However it was
made illegal in 1937 due to the pressure from oil and chemical companies due to feared competition.
The relevant agencies should focus on the need to have economic relations with the sources of
finance on The War on Drugs. This created another challenge for the people when they return back to
the society especially for women. It also started passing laws like the Comprehensive Drug Abuse
Prevention and Central Act in 1970. In fact, its objectives which are to curtail production and
distribution have not been met. The same year the European Drug Monitoring Center found 40 per
cent of British children the same age had tried cannabis, and one in 50 had used heroin. This focus is
tied to distribution and production policies. According to Miron (2004), it consumes millions of
dollars annually trying to maintain the war on drugs.

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