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War is a violent and destructive phenomenon which entails severe repercussions for those who

are directly or passively involved. First and foremost, war can negatively affect a nation's and
society's economic progression. Since the presence of potent weapons should deal grave damage
to both the infrastructure and housing of the residents, not least the casualties and injuries of
humans themselves, an extensive amount of money must be earmarked by the government for
the rehabilitation of the country. Furthermore, war also means the disruption of the
manufacturing industry, which leaves multiple citizens unemployed, consequently instigating
poverty, debt, and inflation nationwide. Secondly, the psychological trauma that remains
subsequent to the war is considerable to overcome. Although war might have ended, those who
previously witnessed the terrifying sight of war will proceed to undergo stress, anxiety,
depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder. The ghost of bloodshed will inflict grief and
agony on people who lost their loved ones to war, forever continuing to haunt them until the end
of their very lives. Last but not least, the break out of war potentially culminates in social unrest
and causes a stir in the management of the political system. To exemplify, social displacement,
migration, refugees, human rights violations, and loss of culture and identity are tremendous
threats that can potentially put the nation’s fate in jeopardy. Additionally, the responsibilities
thrust upon the governments’ shoulders would be immense for them to simultaneously operate
and restore the implications post-war at the same time. To conclude, war can have lasting and
devastating effects on individuals, communities, nations, and the world so it is crucial for us to
fight against the crimes of war.

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