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Globalisation has a significant impact on the environment in various ways:

1. Human Health: Globalisation can lead to improved health through the spread of medical
knowledge and technology. However, it can also contribute to the spread of diseases and
pollution-related health issues.

2. Biodiversity: Globalisation can lead to habitat destruction and species extinction due to
increased demand for land and resources. However, it can also promote conservation
efforts through international cooperation.

3. Soil Health and Agriculture: Globalisation can lead to soil degradation due to intensive
farming practices. However, it can also spread sustainable farming practices and

4. Climate Change: Globalisation contributes to climate change through increased

greenhouse gas emissions from international trade and travel. However, it also facilitates
the spread of renewable energy technologies and climate change mitigation strategies.

5. Global Warming: Globalisation contributes to global warming through increased

industrialisation and deforestation. However, international cooperation can lead to
effective global warming mitigation strategies.

6. Sustainable Development: Globalisation can both hinder and help sustainable

development. On one hand, it can lead to overexploitation of resources, but on the other
hand, it can spread sustainable technologies and practices.

In conclusion, while globalisation has some negative impacts on the environment, it also
provides opportunities for international cooperation to address these challenges.

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