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Estefanía Montoya 9A

5 stars out of 6

In our life, there are always going to come some risky decisions. At the
moment we don’t have any idea how our reaction will be. We can take risky
decisions or safe decisions. Such decisions are not necessary to be a big situation;
it can be the minimum decision that we have to take. In my case, I was invited to
two party 15s. At this moment I don’t have any idea which I was going to attend. At
this point I had no idea which one I was going to attend. This was a very risky
decision since I didn't know that my friendship with any of them would depend on
whether I go to their birthday or not. I finally decided to go to one of them.

We all know that our birthday is an important day for us. Since it’s the
celebration of our life it's clear that one of my friends may get angry, as the
meaning of the birthday is too important. I try to talk with her, to make her
understand why I missed her birthday. But it’s impossible for her to hear me. I
decided to wait for her to get over her anger so I could talk again and fix things.
This was a great decision since after a while I can fix things with her.

Forgiveness is something essential in our lives, since without forgiveness

the world would be in chaos. We must bear in mind that everything has
consequences, if a problem happens to us we must assume the consequences but
we also have the right to forgiveness. With the problem I had with one of my
friends I had to assume the consequences of her getting upset with me, she
stopped talking to me, ignored me and looked at me ugly.

In life things are not easily achieved, you have to fight for them. If we need
to fix a situation, you have to try until you do, things don't necessarily have to work
out right there. Things can be given in the short or long term. In my situation I
talked to her and explained everything, she didn't want to hear me but I kept
insisting and in the end we apologized.

My own view of this is that not only do we have to dedicate time to one
person; we can tell it to several. If we have someone in our life and we consider
them as our friend we have to take into account that we have to make space for
each one because if we focus on one person we end up being alone and when we
need support and company at the time we need this unfortunately no one will be
Juanita Tobón 9A
5 stars out of 6

Life is like a roller coaster. It's unexpected and changeable. Sometimes it's
hard and forces us to make decisions in a fast way. When we help someone who is
going through a difficult situation in some way we are building a road for our future.
Among all the difficult situations we are faced with, there are a few that leave us
marks. In my case, the decision to love myself has been a difficult situation for me
to take; however, it’s been a hard process for me. It has helped me to build new
relationships, shape my character and bring security when making decisions.

To have healthy personal relationships, firstly you need to understand

yourself. People would treat you as they see how you treat yourself. Also, when
you can identify your value you are not going to let others go through over you. As
well as you demonstrate confidence and you identify your qualities and your
default. It's easier to establish a relationship.

Character is what differentiates you from others. The way you act and how
you interact are some of the things that belong to your character. However,
sometimes several people in a specific moment need to start building their
character. Empathy is the key to building your character. The capacity to
understand those that are around is one of the most powerful qualities a person
can have. The first step for building your character is to identify your qualities and
love them.

We have all at some point been afraid of failure and in a big part; it's
because we care too much about what people may think. And it's common, that is
part of life. We learn from our failures and our mistakes make us stronger. If we
start building confidence in ourselves, it will become easier to make decisions.

Loving ourselves doesn’t mean that we are going to achieve “perfection”. It

means that it’s a process of acceptance, change and confidence. And when we
start making this, we are going to have a big and good change for ourselves.
Laura Gomez 9B
6 stars out of 6

In life decisions must be made to make our way so that we can build a
future. These decisions may have consequences according to which option you
take and affect your life and maybe others. I mostly prefer to consult my options
before taking them with someone who can help me because of their experience
and wisdom. Once I had the opportunity to travel to another country and study for a
while there, so I had to choose between taking the risk and having a great
experience or staying home with my family.

At the beginning it was difficult to think about it and having a conversation

with my parents to check the possibility of doing this experience, especially with my
dad. For a long time I tried to convince my dad that I could take care of myself, I
was already mature enough and responsible, my mom was also trying to help me
with him and we finally made it. With my parents' help and permission we started
planning my trip. Traveling and studying in a foreign country had many advantages
as well as many disadvantages, for example I could practice English with native
speakers but also I was going to be so far away from my family, especially my
parents. I took the opportunity to go because my aunt lived there and I could stay
with her during the time of my trip, so my parents were quieter.

When I took the risk I wasn’t sure of what could happen but I wanted to
discover it by myself, my dad went with me and stayed for two weeks while I was
adapting to the new school, then he was gone. No matter that I was living with
members of my family I already knew, I missed my parents, family, friends and
school. It went really hard for me, as I saw my aunt with her little children, taking
care of them and loving them so much. I felt lonely and I wanted my mom to be
with me; the relationship with my aunt was fine, however, we fought sometimes
and I cried a lot. The outcome of my choice was a great experience I’ll never
forget, although I had a lot of bad feelings and lost my friendships.

If someone asked me if I took the opportunity to go and study abroad again

and meet different cultures and people I would take it, however I would have a
different preparation and support due to my growth during past years and the
multiple experiences I have had. This way I can tell that I’m ready for anything that
comes my way and I would take any experience since I have the possibility to,
because in life you have to take risks to make up your future and help you grow
while learning.

In conclusion, life puts lots of obstacles on your way but you have to keep
going and getting to know yourself. I would like to do a lot of things before being an
adult and getting a permanent job. I'd like to meet the world and get to know me
better. With my parents, family and friends, I’ll have a nice experience during my
Isabela Arcila 9B
6 stars out of 6

Video games are a lot of fun, and a great way to spend your free time. Video
games can also help you improve your real life skills. Plus, they aren't just a silly
activity; there are many careers that have to do with video games. Perhaps the
making of video games, or testing, and maybe jobs that just need the skills video
games provide. I believe that video games can actually benefit your life by
improving your hand-eye coordination and quick thinking.

To begin with, video games can benefit your hand-eye coordination. Playing
video games necessitates rapid and precise reactions to events happening on the
screen. Your brain needs to process what's happening on screen and find a quick
solution and strategy within seconds. You can improve this skill by playing a lot of
games, the more you practice the better you get. This skill and practice can also
help with day to day situations and problems.

Furthermore, video games help a lot with quick thinking. As mentioned

before, they need to be able to think quickly and understand what's happening
around them to reach victory. People practice a lot just to get better at these
games. Video games can also help the brain to improve strategic thinking. They
can also assist in the development of mental agility.

In conclusion, video games can actually benefit your life by improving your
hand-eye coordination and quick thinking. Both these skills take a big part in your
everyday life. When it comes to picking an outfit to cooking, activities as simple as
these are still important. In my opinion there's no way more entertaining to improve
skills than video games, you get to have fun learning. Video games are actually
important and a great way to practice personal skills
Isabella González 9C
6 stars out of 6
A new school offer

Around the world, there are many opportunities, and one of them is being
accepted into one of the most famous universities. There are many universities
such as Harvard, Yale, and British Columbia that offer great opportunities for
students who stand out by being the best. There are some themes to be
considered when entering a new school or university, such as learning how to be
the best student, how to learn more easily, and how to organize your time properly.
Last year I was offered a great opportunity to improve my learning. I, I was very
excited. Since then I have applied some routines that have helped me in becoming
better every day.

Being the best student doesn’t mean that you are the most intelligent in
your group, but you can learn a lot of things from it. If you want to improve your
responsibility and concentration you should follow some methods. It requires time
as all things in life; I started learning how to be the best student in 8th grade. It was
a great year, full of opportunities. For being the best student you have to think like
it, you have to believe that you are one of the best, remember that this doesn't
mean you have to be conceited, you just have your own methodology.

I improved my learning by studying when I got home. This, this method is

one of the best because it helps you to memorize and learn the topic that you are
studying. Also, you can try to do different things when you get home, such as
playing an instrument. I think that music stimulates my mental health, that’s why I
try to play a different song 2 times a week. You can also improve learning by
watching YouTube videos that talk about general culture; it helps a lot, especially
with your social studies classes. There are many methods to stimulate your brain;
each person has a different way of learning new things.

Organizing your time is something that will help you in your daily life. I
started organizing my time when I understood that It helped me to be more
productive. You can create a handmade calendar or a virtual calendar, it depends
on the person. In my opinion, I think it is better to have a handmade calendar
because it would help you remember all the things you have to get done before the
day ends. According to calendar management is the process of
organizing your tasks, events, and meetings to maximize your time.

If you want to become a better person and a better student, you should
follow these steps. Each person has their own strategies, but these were the ones
that worked out for me more. Remember that being calm doesn't mean that you
have to be irresponsible and idle; you have to think with a good mentality and
believe in yourself. To be one of the best students you don’t have to study all the
time, you can also have moments in which you read, exercise and do fun things
that you like. I think that this university offer really changed my way of thinking and
my life. Since then I have been more aware of what happens in my life.
Daniel Ospina 9C

5 Stars out of 6

Hard decisions are one of the most important things to realize who you are.
Everyone has taken a hard decision in their lives and probably they regret their
own decisions. However, I also had a very hard decision in my life. It happened
when I was 8 years old, I was an asthmatic kid, and this disease evolved into
bronchopneumonia. I was hospitalized and the doctors told me to make a decision.
I could leave that hospital and put my life at risk, stay hospitalized and live that hell,
or be semi-hospitalized at home with drugs. I decided to leave that hospital and
that changed my life forever.

Leaving the hospital while being sick is very dangerous. However the
damage that makes staying at the hospital is even harder. On the other hand,
leaving the hospital is one of the most important things I did in my life. Although I
was at risk and almost dying in my home I decided to stay at home suffering the
consequences. However, that was one of the best decisions I took in my life, and
this decision made me who I am.

Staying at the hospital is a hard decision while being a kid. However, staying
at the hospital was probably the most safe decision that I could take. Although that
decision has many benefits while being sick I think it wasn’t my way. On the other
hand being hospitalized causes many stress and mental diseases. However I think
that being hospitalized would have been a good option too.

Semi-hospitalization is one of the most common ways of recovering from a

disease. However all the mental and physical problems that are caused by being
hospitalized at home are dangerous. Although drugs protect you from dying you’re
almost dying alive. On the other hand, being at home lets you be ok with your
friends and family. However I never took this decision because I hate the drugs
that they sent to me.

In conclusion, decisions change lives forever, such as mine. However you

need to take good care of your decisions to have a good life. On the other hand,
decisions can kill you or make you a person you never desired to be. Although
normally decisions aren’t that important there are always hard decisions in your
life. For that reason you should always prepare yourself for decisions to make
yourself a better person for the future.

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